What is white Australian culture and identity?

What is white Australian culture and identity?

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For me, it's the chick on the left tits with the chick on the rights face.

Being fat

This dislike of niggers

Dont know, but all i remember about aussi land is yor women are hot and they crave us Americans.......!

I’ll take the guy in the back


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Never went to Australia but I imagine the average woman like this:

'Stralyan rules football, beer, fighting, and convict heritage.

right is better in every way

Outback steakhouse

lol, literally nothing, like american culture.

Repeating "mate" and acting and looking like americans.

Nah bit more like this.

Killing Aboriginals

Culture: British Imperial Colony
Identity: Anglo-Saxons


>Anglo-Saxons look and act like Anglo-Saxons
Finnish Education

Kill abos
Steal their land
Make native fauna extinct

Literal prison culture - you know that scene in every prison movie when the protagonist first enters the food court and some big dog comes over and steals his food to see if he's a bitch cunt so the protagonist has to fight him to prove he's one of the lads?
Well that's Australia all the time (and that's a good thing).

An evolution of 19th century British lower-middle class outlook/culture with inbuilt cynicism and rugged self reliance.

You only say that because the basis of our culture is British, and everything of what you and others call "lack of culture" is actually British. You continue to have your unique culture specifically because you didn't export it to 2/3 of the planet. Americans and Australians have very little in common, too.


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>Actual Swede lmao

Before the 70s it would probably have just been a variety of 'British' culture, beign an amalgamation of mostly Anglos, Scotts and Irish. Seems like since the 70s and 80s it developed its own sort of distinctiveness but its still to young to really pin it down. That may have something to do with all the mass immigration since then but its not the whole story.

Ok, seems fun, i'm coming.

Sorry mate we're chokas

Go to bed, it's past your bedtime.

The sino-anglo experience.

In 100 years dogs on the Barbie will be a natural sight.


I'll bring spice and rare artifacts from my land
What a truly fascinating language

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The paki-anglo experience

In 2 years Child rape will be a natural sight.


Boomers had the right idea back then

Meant for:

hon hon!

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Sounds like a riot mate and we'd really love to have you here but I'm afraid we're already at maximum capacity.

Nah come over lad. I've met plenty of French who've immigrated over most of them first generations. I even dated one who claimed she was related to Robespierre extremely distantly. Pretty cool people.

putting shrimp on bbq and eating sausages outside of a hardware store

>Fairy Bread
>Lamb chops
>Steve Irwin
>Koalas, Kangaroos, Snakes, Aboriginals, Dingoes, Emus, Magpies
>Snags from Bunnings Warehouse
nuff said


Please don't use our mating call in vain.
I don't know who to believe anymore
>I've met plenty of French who've immigrated over most of them first generations.
First time i've heard french migrants or tourists aren't total cunts.

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whatever it is you guys are probably doing it right

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Nothing. The Australian identity WAS one of a fair go and honesty combined with larrikan humor, but now it's racist to have a national identity. We shipped enough gooks and niggers here to break the population apart, added sand niggers to add an element of random danger - and now we no longer see each other as countrymen, just equal competition. That's why the toilet paper and basic supplies are gone - that's why the gook buses full of hoarders get away with buying up all the stores' stock unscathed. It's racist to stop people from fucking everyone over, it's racist to stand together and make a different - Being Australian is racist.

>What is white Australian culture and identity?

It's just a bare bones extension of Europe that got the fundamentals right from the get go while most of Europe still can't do anything without a war.

But it also involves Anglicanization, the English language, a standard of living unheard of at any other point in history, and pretty much everything the world takes for granted. The list goes on. All of which is the reason why every non-white wants to move here permanently because they actually think it'll last because of them.

The real question is not: "What is White Australian culture"?

The real question is two-fold:
1. What isn't White culture (and what is so great about what isn't White culture)?
2.. Why do non-whites self-colonize themselves into our White countries?

pet kangaroo

Australian culture is just British culture with skin cancer

It's about being content that the NRL is on telly but not having to watch it.

I thought your culture was shitposting, hating abbos calling people cunts and having barbies.

Tinnies you cunt.

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> British Imperial Colony
So how do you exactly differ fron Bongs then?

When we arrived in Europe to vanquish the Hun in 1915 the average Australian infantryman was taller than the average British officer, they used to be saluted by Pommy grunts. It's been that way ever since.

Aussies are bunch of Norfeners with huge ranches

Only the abbos that proper deserve it. You got your black fellas, and they're pretty good folk, and then you get your niggers, most notably in Australia's more northern and western areas, and oh god what cunts they are. When you literally have to put out PSAs telling them not to sniff petro you know shit's fucked. I work retail in FNQ and let me tell you, you get your good black fellas in these parts, but you also get your fucking niggers that need to be fucking put down

Extra drunk, lots of swearing, and generally lots of wild life trying to kill them in Australia. Oh and abos sniffing petrol.

the average tommy respects the men with the most stylish hats. as is right and proper.

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Had your ancestors beaten the British here they'd have done the same, so fuck you cunt

They seriously don't LMFAO. Keep dreaming burgah!

this is unironically still what people think today, they are just scared to say it.

>white australian culture
Its just called australian culture. People who are not white or aboriginal are not ethnically Australian, unless their family as been here through the wars and defended it with us

Sunburns and a funny accent

It probs was the hats.

Australian culture is being a drunk bogan and an absolute sick cunt

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so meat, usually on the barbie
>Alcohol "in moderation" (normally ignored)
>Standing up for what is right (regardless of consequences)
>A seething unbridled hatred for presumed or assumed authority without consent "don't tell me what to do cunt"
>Arguing even though you may be wrong
so Muscle (sometimes just around the head)
>Beautiful traditional women who can cook your pluggas off
>Not giving a fuck
>Referring to and speaking with close and personal friends with exceedingly offensive, harsh language.
so Masculinity.......and

To me the land in a way owns us, many try to own the land but I think that is a counterproductive philosophy. There are many more sub-cultures in the South, but I am of the North so I am limited in my sociability with subverted, selfish, ignorant debtor/bank slaves.

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this is true and it makes me sad.