Would Yas Forums support a independent Transylvania?
Would Yas Forums support a independent Transylvania?
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No. I'm against trans rights.
very funny,never heard that joke before
It doesn't matter if Transilvania will secede or not. The Hungarians who live there already live there, the Romanians already live there and so do the Germans. Even if they stay part of Romania they will be more loyal to their nation, not to their passport nationality.
the germans left. there are no more germans.
and that's a good thing.
Why does the Romanian part of Romania go poo poo outside?
Transylvania was it's own unique country in the past, it was always multicultural and it worked out somehow.
Everyone with a bathroom may come use mine.
The romanians that live there are mostly migrants that arrived in the 20th century under the communist regime to shift the balance in Hungarian majority cities. They cannot trace their lineage further than their grandparents to Transylvania. Meanwhile the cemeteries of Hungarians go by hundreds and hundreds of years.
Satu Mare 1920: 15.2% Romanians, 63.6% Hungarians
Oradea 1910: 5.6% Romanians, 91% Hungarians
Targu Mures 1910: 6.7% Romanians, 89.3% Hungarians
Cluj 1910: 14.2% Romanians, 81.6% Hungarians
they are more rural and dont have acces to proper sewage , while Transylvania was part of a empire and developed more
show you flag gypsy
Damnit without*
It worked out because the kings and feudals kept everyone as their bitches. Every multiculturalism works when the government has the people by its balls.
>"Fényes Elek, a 19th-century Hungarian statistician, estimated in 1842 that in the population of Transylvania for the years 1830-1840 the majority were 62.3% Romanians and 23.3% Hungarians."
Weak bait. Not even Hungarians could deny we were majority.
Fuck that, need to keep the vampires in check
>nationalism based on pooing in loo
That is his only argument
Ok transplant.
>In the case of emigration and immigration, additional factors came into play. The majority of immigrants originated in Wallachia and Moldavia, while a smaller number came — or, for the most part, came back — from Hungary (including the Banat, which was then under separate administration). There has been much debate about the scale of immigration from the two Romanian principalities. Benedek Jancsó estimated that 500,000 Romanians arrived in Hungary and Transylvania, while Zoltán Dávid put their number at 350,000–400,000; these estimates will be evaluated further on. Historians attribute this movement mainly to the new burdens imposed on peasants in the period that Wallachia and Moldavia were ruled by Phanariotes (Greeks from Constantinople), and the attraction of a safer and more developed Transylvania.
1595: 28% Romanians, 52% Hungarians, 20% Germans
>kings and feudals
No it worked cuz the hungarians and germans kept the rumanian majority in check and stopped them from chimping out
An independent transylvania is impossible because of the several million Romanians who were moved from the lowlands to the uplands after the conquest of transylvania 100 years ago to change the demographics heavily in favor of Romanians, as well as the expulsion of jews and germans. Most of the Romanians there are not native to the area, but the descendants of someone strategically placed in sparsely populated highlands to serve as a buffer against hungarian expansion.
Transylvania can fuck off. Bunch of faggots who think they're so much better. They've literally contributed nothing to this country.
Most everyone of importance in Romanian history comes from Moldova.
No sane person in Romania would want an independent Transylvania, unless they're Hungarian.
How about you give it back to Hungary?
Yes, please. I don't want progressive transilvanians in my country that were literally fucking sheep 102 years ago and being used as slaves by hungarians until we gave them rights.
Nice meme source. Truth is there were no censuses before the 19th century that took into consideration the ethnicity of people in the region.
>"Official censuses with information on Transylvania's population have been conducted since the 18th century. On May 1, 1784 the Emperor Joseph II called for the first official census of the Habsburg Empire, including Transylvania. The data was published in 1787, and this census showed only the overall population (1,440,986 inhabitants)."
>moved 100 years ago
Explain this then:
Erdély Magyarország
Transylvania was Habsburg territory
Hungarian revisionist propaganda
Moldova also lost a lot when they joined Bucharest, you low iq monkey
No one likes you, Szekely scum.
Could you stop being secessionist faggots for 5 fucking seconds. We love the Romanian for being Romanian, not for being Oltenian, Moldovan or Transylvanian.
How about you suck a fat nigger cock
Only if they help more with kebab removal
>things that hurt my feelings are propaganda
Your country and people don't even have a point to exist except purely to try and cuck Hungary, fail when no great power is around to help you and then seethe that Bulgaria/Ukraine/Hungary/Moldova have "your" land while your government robs you blind and fails in basic tasks like developing the large share of natural oil and uranium that make Romania a pile of wasted potential.
Who gives a shit
Greater romania was a mistake.
We are shit. Romanians are shit. If germans inhabited this country it would be the richest in Europe. Romanian patriotism was made up by Ceausescu, we got nothing to be proud of, besides some great leaders.
I want to move to Switzerland, change my name and leave all of you gypsies behind until Rromania is no longer inhabited by rromanians.
thats where vampires, aka ancient undead jews live OP
Let me give you a reality check.
I won't happen, period.
Yas Forums can't change that.
Romanian army it's twice as big as hungary.
There are way more Romanians in Transilvania then hungarians, germans etc.
Keep dreaming.
How about they go back to Mongolia and we get Hungary as well.
You still don't have a response to this:If we were moved into the region 100 years ago, how come we were majority by Hungarian 19th century statistics?
Go home to India gypsy.
No one cares about your autism, Tg Jiu.
That picture is a fucking joke.
The purple areas are mountains, agricultural fields, lakes and some villages.
Do you see Romania as a whole big city? Go back to your country fucking retard.
Wait, they at least have out houses, I am assuming?
>Thanks, Doc
You are delusional if you think that your pic related map is possible
It's the truth you stupid idiot. For some reason the dumb romanians think we are the center of the Universe but in reality, we are a barbarian country, full of drunktards, corrupt politicians, thieves, gypsies, whores, "bombardieri" etc. We deserve our fate because we were, we are and we will always be shit. What do you expect from a nation of mongrels? Don't you see that literally no country likes or gives a shit about us? Vai de pula ta
>government robs you blind and fails in basic tasks
This is the reason I want a independent country
>tg jiu
>I am scum, please kick my teeth in and fuck my face
What the fuck man?
If that's your only argument then i'm convinced you are a braindead idiot who can't even hold a conversation.I knew you ardeleans have a big delay when it comes to speaking but I didn't know you are also that stupid.
I'm only projecting the truth that these idiots will never admit.
Eat shit and die you spineless cuck
The purple are rural regions inhabited by farmers, shepherd, beekeepers, vineyards etc. and as such have separate out houses. Both my grandpas built their own houses with their own hands and installing a modern plumbing system wasn't exactly their expertise, so they both chose to built separate out houses.
Am from Oltenia, that's why I can laugh at you, faggot
>Tg Jiu
Dumbest and poorest Romanians
Explains your situation.
>Tg Jiu
lol in every country they only have wild guesses but in Romania it's exact
If I were in your position, I wouldn't talk, Istvan.
Sure... why the hell not?