This is New York City right now


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Other urls found in this thread:

Well..Where there are niggers there must be authority.

And where there is authority there will be niggers. The existence of the state guarantees a nigrified population.

>what is china
>what is the soviet union
>what is every nation outside of North America and Europe

It would actually be more prudent to say, where there are whites, there will be nigs.

The second my city tries this I'm going inawoods. Fuck being rounder up like cattle.

u ain't doing shit u fat manlet vidya gayming cuck
all of u polcucks are all bark 0 action thats why u niggers never went anywhere


Attached: nyc.png (497x290, 226.17K)

lol yeah right. Young New Yorkers will go out as a form of protest or something, idk

Gotham literally turning into a Batman movie.

So where the fuck is Batman? We need you motherfucker.

Attached: Batman.jpg (280x180, 12.51K)

INB4 people start massive building fires to preoccupy emergency services

First Video was made in 2014

>retards waving at them and recording
>not realizing what's going to happen next when they don't comply

How are American citizens ready for Coronachan.?

Hey fellow Americans? How much $ do you have spare on your medical treatment? Heard that hospital costs above 35k USD.

Will it be rather heavy for your home budget, or is it easy money?

Fuck the government

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I don’t know anyone that can easily afford that and I’m middle class basically

Fun Fact: NYC holds the most number of NG and Reserved component of infantry forces.

Source is someone who works for army retention

>Instathot @ 1:30 in the first video

JFC we are so fucked.

Attached: 1581386354762.jpg (898x1204, 465.52K)

It's simple. We, uh, EAT the Batman.


Old video.

Fake and gay. OP is a faggot.


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No worries about money. Just speak Spanish.

>4 people die of sniffles
>Jew York Shitty shuts down

>not realizing what's going to happen next when they don't comply

Literally nothing. These guys aren't even carrying.

I'm in Maine. I'm wondering if they just skip national guard deployment in my state: "Nah, they'll behave"

getting tied up and thrown in a holding cell while everyone is too busy to care for you afterwards might still be bad for you

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Original video seems to be from 2014.

t. boomer moron who doesn't understand how exponential growth works

I pray the guard does not loss it's cool and start massacring our greatest allies by the thousands in the street. DO YOU HEAR ME NATIONAL GUARD? Do not, I repeat - DO NOT curb stomp every chosen one you can find!

Attached: 2020-02-19_7-54-39a.jpg (532x447, 30.01K)

My guess is they'll have unmarked cars posted outside the homes of anyone they deem high-risk. Had one yesterday, live in middle of nowhere. Nothing yet this morning.

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What is the next step of you master plan?

I worry about Jewish community of Brooklyn. They will not be able to congregate with all this quarantine. On the plus side, it's Shabbat seven days a week now.

m blacc yall mufuh is crazy fo real do

does anyone have that schizo pic connected to Jade Helm operation, with people shot on the street and soldier walking by?

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No. They won't.

They'll kneel.

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it's funny that they only have the national guard deployed where there's a large black population. I'm here in Seattle and there's no military anywhere. really activates the almonds.

Check. Criminally Underrated post

I left Illinois yesterday and am now in the Smokey Mountains.

Stay outta my woods. I’ll shoot your fat sweaty ass

Imagine coughing and getting shot by the military.
God bless the US.

Post moar kitties

Friendly reminder that conservatives do not need bailout money from the Government. They should have had money saved in the bank for difficult times like this, and if they don't then they should suffer, which will only bring them closer to their real master, God.
A socialist policy of giving free money to Americans every time the sniffles gets passed around sets a very dangerous precedent, much like food stamps and other gibs have helped facilitate the ruin of Africans in America.
Join the millions of other Conservatives all across the nation by burning your Trump bucks and letting the controlled-opposition jew know that we see through the facade, and that socialism and martial law in America WILL NOT STAND!

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>implying China didn’t have its entire population negrified through ‘cultural revolution’
>implying the Soviet Union didn’t go through the same thing

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you scare mongering piece of shit

Isn't this right outside Grand Central?


Attached: download.png (194x259, 7.19K)

There's none left over 6 million of them died in a single day to Coronachan.

Thanks desu

Murkan fear of UN is really funny
Their population have no idea how absolutely dysfunctional UN is thanks to both us and murkans having veto powers

At least he was wearing his seat belt

must be comfy riding around in those big vehicles with your bros, laughing at all the wagies as you yell at them to get back in their houses.

Big true

i hope schizo americans begin a civil war for their rights to get plagued by niggers who lick ice cream in supermarkets


A gift

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Cutie at 1:32

It's not NEW York city, but JEW York City.

They anticipate riots after the announcement they're going to make on Sunday's finally going to happen boys, buckle up.

t. Upstate Jew Yorker

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Yup. City is hemorrhaging money, therefore it cannot sustain the welfare programs, snap, ebt etc etc. All of these government handouts are going to be suspended indefinitely.


Oh. Boring. I thought Martial Law, actual state shut down. Like no actual “essential jobs” open. Sucks to be a nigger.

True, can only imagine how many people would join military if we weren't out 'liberating' desert countries and fighting oil wars on behalf of oligarchs. I'd love it, but refuse to on a moral basis.

But Im from Uttica and Ive never heard anyone using "Steam hams".

>has a seatbelt
>Loses his head


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t. beta fag who can't deal with a little sniffle


>lungs turning into a mush
>little sniffle

Alabamian education.

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mantits protruding, very disrespectful.

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