no redditors welcome. we have been raided by redditors in the last 2 general threads and their leftist opinions
>normies on suicide watch >all they can scream is muh dictataroship by janze janša cause they cant go whore around in nightclubs, and wants to put army on streets becuase retards cant stay in home for 1 week >all the propaganda news (rtvslo/24kur) are writing articles about muh pay increase, while pay was also increased to anyone working for anyone who is in public sector and works more >everyone self employed just wants free gibs now lmao, while they work without receipts, and always asign themselves minimal pay to avoid taxes >articles galore like this incoming to support leftist goverment from before which was even worse:
i just hope the happening lasts as long as possible lads. this quarantene is pretty good.
Meh everything sucks. We wont have a real country until we get our own currency and tie it to gold.
As far as I'm concerned everyone here is just a different shade of leftist.
Josiah Robinson
lmao same shit here Normies cant stay at home for 1 week because they need to whore in night clubs Id allow it and let them die
Mason Kelly
yeah i agree mostly. janša larps as right wing but he realy isnt. here we dont have even 1 real right wing party (SNS is degenerate shit who signed agreement for taxpayers to pay for migrantes)
i just hope this lasts long as possible and after it for everything to fall apart
Caleb Robinson
Kak ma lahko človek tak enostranski pogled da misli da so vsi levičarji ki niso za janšo... >idiotizem
You will have a country at least. All of ex-Yugoslavia+Albania have signed an agreement with the EU that they will settle 6 million “refugees” here. Albania is preparing to settle 30k of them for now, while there are evidence of mosques being built in non muslim areas in Serbia. You Slovenians always avoid bad shit like this.
Brody Hughes
evo sploh nemore razložit svoje stališče, se vidi da si tak prizadet da misliš samo v eno stran
tu sem, povej mi kaj želiš dear user
William Cruz
wtf realy ? i thought u people were less jewed than us. any links ?
Jose Reyes
This is just propaganda, you know the rapefugees will make a run for it. All major cities are ex-yu here now. And soon those rapefugees will be considered ex-yu. We're all fugged.
Xavier White
my ukranian roomate keeps calling me slave-venian, what do?
Ian Moore
Man Hungary isn’t gonna let anybody cross the border, only 1 of these a day. Neither is Austria and I don’t think you guys are gonna let them in. Government is collecting money to purchase abandoned homes for these refugees to settle in.
Nathaniel Peterson
>refugees you mean illegals
Julian Barnes
tell him hes a russian off-brand copy
Ethan Ward
Gotovo si že slišal za šarcizem. Ta izjava se sliši podobno. Pripopaj Šarčev obraz in prevedi besedilo v slo. "Če dobimo korono, pač dobimo korono. Ob koncu dneva nas to ne bo ustavilo"
Ian Hall
Bro our prime minister is a lesbian and our president is best buddies with Soros. Pic related is the mosque being built in Sopot, which is just south of Belgrade.
A croatian lesb no less, how is his fucking possible in SERBIA!? What event has cucked you?
Jaxson Miller
ja mu govorim da bo kmalu mogu rect da je iz ''former'' ukraine
Jose Reed
yeah i never thought of serbs as jewed. but now that i think of it, serbian major of ljubljana janković was the one who built the mosque here. and still he keeps getting in cause all the serbs vote for him.
we are all dead it seems. jewed every day more and more, soon we will be like murica.
When we got rid of crypto commies in 2000. we got the classic neoliberal cancer that you see all over Europe. Mental castration of Serbs began in 1941. when commies started murdering intelectuals and priests and later in 1944/5 when they killed at least 45k political enemies, aka nationalists.
Heh, they’re scared as shit, the same day they told people not to buy too much supplies, some officials were seen hoarding tens of kilos of flour and a dozen liters of water.
Carter Garcia
Hes larping. Hes Baited on drumpfag propaganda. Not a single shitskin wants to stay here. Every single time u put their asses into rapefugee camps they leave them overnight towards hungary or croatia.
Samuel Peterson
Man I really am sorry for Ljubljana, I visited it the first time in 2015 and the last time in 2019, you could walk for 5 minutes and not see a shitskin.
Robert Murphy
Ofc they don’t wanna stay, haven’t you heard that the EU will send them back to the first country they were registered in. Guess which one is it. Stop being passive until it’s gonna be too late.
Colton White
couldn’t *
Dominic Allen
Officials keep repeating that food won't run out here. Extreme measures have been taken. 5 customers per smaller stores, mandatory desinfection, gloves and facemasks. Same shit will happen there. I hope you stocked up serbbro.
Carter Clark
So what? They will just keep going back towards g*rmany every single time.
Levi Collins
Sporočam vsem desnim aktivnostom - ko navalijo levičarji v množicah na mainstream medijih, se ne spuščajte z njimi v razumsko debato, niti ne zapadajte v histerijo. Preprosto zabijajte z enostavčnimi vprašanji oz. dejstvi.
Jim kmalu zmanjka zagona, ko vidijo opozicijo.
>Prokleti svečkarji, v enem tednu ste dokazali popolno nesposobnost, nategnili so vas za maske, dajmo končno vlado nekomu sposobnemu, Aleksander Čeferin je dokazal da je pravi mož, ne pa vas Janoš nesposobni... Itd.
Odgovor: Zakaj je prejšnja vlada ne samo pustila prazna skladišča, celo dopustila izvoz mask v kritičnih trenutkih?
> Pizda vam materina, prokleti gnoji fašistični si dvigujejo plače, medtem ko naši medicinski delavci stradajo....
Odgovor: Zakaj si je Serpentinškova vlada ob odstopu izplačala tako visoke odškodnine? Zakaj so zaposlili toliko svojih ljudi v nenavadno hitrih procesih?
Samo trdno naprej, samo zabijati z preprostimi stavki.
Xavier Carter
Most "Serbs" here are lower class families from the Bosnian RS, not Serbia proper though. They want public gibs in the form of Parks etc.
Janša is a neoliberal globalist who called in Troika. We do not have a right wing, it died with Rupnik.
Charles Bennett
Don’t worry man, I have food for days. I hope we slavniggers survive this somehow.
Gabriel Martinez
ta narod je šel u pizdo popolnoma. sam da se serje po JJ pa je vse vredo. mislim saj ni nevem kaj, kot sem že reku zgoraj kar se mene tiče je sam še ena barva židovske lutke. sam kolko ga folk sovraži v primerjavi z ostalimi, kot da je pol miljona ljudi postrelil
Josiah Garcia
>days I hope you mean months.
Matthew Young
Pathetic, can't wait to leave this shithole next year.
Wyatt Perez
odlično. nisem debil ki more it pet po balkonih in na instagram postat ker ne morem vsak dan na kavico v bar, pa v restavracijo pa pol zvecer pit po klubih. naj ostane karantena, upam da bo čiveč časa, tudi v poletje. samo se bojim da bo vreme rešlo
Ryan Lee
Weaks more likely, I’m preparing to plant tomatoes, carrots and peppers for now. I need to put together a rainwater collector and buy some more meat and I’ll be fine.
Nolan White
A si zihr? Sem iz LJ pa se mi vseeno zdi da folk vsaj mal zaupa v njegove operativne sposobnosti.
Nicholas Allen
Stvar je zapletena. Kapljice ostanejo več ur v zraku. Noben v mestih ni varen.
Ethan Barnes
sam bejz na 24cuck alpa rtvslo pa beri komentarje. vsi se slinijo po višjih plačah pa kak da gremo v diktaturo
Christian Green
Moraš se zavedati da obstaja vokalna manjšina. Dokler bomo tiho bodo cvilili.