Explain yourselves, Polecucks
Poland doesn't want to pay GIBS D:<
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Never forget.
More like based poles. Kill yourself, Shill.
Yeah why won't you pay 300 billion to make a holocaust happen?
>not paying them $300 Billion in lead.
Why the fuck would Poland have to pay it when poland was under German governance during WWII?
It happened on the land they live on today. Rightful Jewish claims
I have a crush on Poland
That's only the racist, antisemitic fraction of our society taking issue with this obvious act of empathy and historic justice that needs to be done. We love Jewish people and will gladly fulfill their every demand because this is what the 6 million Jewish people incinerated in the terrifying flames of Auschwitz's ovens would want us to do.
Well in that case I want Israel to pay us 3000 trillion in reparations for the jews participating in the COMMUNIST HOLOCAUST that destroyed our industry and purged a million of our finest minds and also destroyed all of Eastern Europe economically and killed well over 30 million people post ww2 in eastern europe alone
I hope their spymaster is really good.
Israel didn't even exist during WWII. That would be like me making claims for things that happened before I was born. Guess Israel is the nigger of nations.
>May 23, 2019
fag op
We never forget, please forgive us for our antisemitism.
Where are the bomes, show forensic evidence
Israel should just get the money from Germany since Germany never finished paying Poland reparations
The GDP per capita PPP is higher in Israel than in Poland, why would you pay people wealthier than you reparations?
pay up fucktard
>Most accounts of the total Soviet death toll exceed 33 million, and some estimates are twice that… Alexander Yakovlev, a high-level Soviet official who became one of Mikhail Gorbachev’s chief reformers and in the 1990s was given the official task of trying to tabulate the victims of Soviet Communism, estimates that Stalin alone ‘annihilated… 60 to 70 million people’…
you did this in good conscience
The Holohoax never happened
there were no gas chambers
>never forget
the old testament tells story after story of the hebrews going from place to place and massacring people.
why doesn't israel pay denbts to those people?
>that shit happened in the past!
>none of us were alive when any of that happened.
Once you pay Russians for Gulaks, and skin your rabbis for circumcision, your suffering can then be taken seriously. Not a day before.
Based Poles. Eat shit kikes
ALso you cocksuckers better refer to what happened after ww2 up to 1989 as the COMMUNIST HOLOCAUST or you can fuck right off with your meager 6 pissllion
If anyone is feeling optimistic about this... I'm so sorry but they will end up paying more than $300 billion in the end.
Don't believe me?
Research what happened to Switzerland when Israelis demanded they pay millions of dollars of "Nazi gold" back to Jewish families with tenuous links to the Holocaust in the first place. The entire world, especially American media, went on a literal ethnic smear campaign over the "traitorous" Swiss and enforced economic punishments on the entirety of the Swiss people over Swiss Bank Accounts.
In the end, the Swiss paid more money than they were asked for and far FAR more money than could actually be traced to honest-to-God Nazi gold Swiss bank accounts.
>Germany never finished paying Poland reparations
Germany never started paying poland. Unlike poles lives, this time something with real value was lost.
hell, even jews that weren't in any concentration camp but were in nazi occupied territory, entitled to reparations.
should wipe the kikes off the map for that bullshit
we'll hold some ceremony have some transgender faggot girls sing some jewish song and then everyone will say FUCKING KIKES GOOD RIDDANCE
>It happened
I’m convinced the disturbed retards from 10 years ago never left, they’re still here and this is what they’ve degenerated to. Forced Pepe’s and “jokingly” shilling for Israel.
The heroism of our gallant neighbours the poles?
Stop lying you Jew.
Imagine making up a story like the "holocaust". You Jews ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
this is so evil and funny at the same time fuck you kikes
that poster is funny and based, and youre just cringe. go to the ptg thread now.
don't worry, Trump already paid that for you
heres a better idea. poland pays me $300billion and il remove israel from the map, along with every kike fucker who dares speak about the holocaust again
Fuck you antisemite
Jews should’ve been dealt with long ago. It makes me happy to know they will soon be. The white man was the only people that half way tolerated them but they fucked that up. RIP jews
>The heroism of our gallant neighbours the Russians*
based as hell, though I am still nervous about how jewed up the pis party is
Poland? Reparations to Israel?
I guess we're next in line to pay reparations.
Good thing we have no moni
hell ya bro im planning on posting sad frogs in my moms basement until they finally give in too
We can play the ww2 victim card
I sense your fear. You know the entire world hates you and the one group of people that tolerated you is fed up. Enjoy extinction
Clean shit Mariuszczsz
It's because you fucking subhumans are the slaves of jews. America is the most powerful jewish tool.
Just pay to the master to make you great again.
Left to own devices you are shit, you turn shit anything you touch.
Gib German clay back
and who's fault is that?
shame on Poland
keep in mind they waged wars against 3 of their neighbours in less than 20 years before Hitler finally ended their dystopian regime
I am very disappointed with poland
That was a wonderful execution. Fuck polish scum.
I assume you are speaking from experience
post-anglo world will be better, go get your herd immunity you retarded inbred
and we will not pay any kind of reparations to poland either, you can fuck off pooland!
Based to oblivion
The claim doesn't even make sense as polish people were slaves to Germans and massacred just as bad as Jews .
Shut up kike
The Holohoax never happened
but it should happen again
If only they'd gotten them all
Does Poland has the nuke?
>sourceless file
>no greentext
>no link
you are a faggot
a cumdrunk dicksucking faggot.
Auschwitz was built to kill polish people, only later the decided to kill jews there.
>die saving the lives of jews
>years later be stabbed in the back by jews
hahaha schlomo dabs on paweł