Why doesn't Donald Trump take his job as president seriously? Why is everything just a game to him?
Why doesn't Donald Trump take his job as president seriously? Why is everything just a game to him?
He's pretty much doing what I expected him to do when I voted for him.
What was that?
Except the thousands of things he promised to do but never did kek
He is doing his job. Which is why all the idiots out there are mad. The picture you posted is projection. Soifags are sitting at home, playing their games while hes getting shit done.
Shitpost, give no fucks, piss off the left, rag on China, be patriotic as hell, and be entertaining.
Like what?
Why are you such a fucking tool?
Saged for yet another retarded "DRRUMMMPPPHHH" thread. After three years of your constant whining I literally wish you would all die a horrible death. And I am a nice guy normally. Seriously KYS.
Well for starters how about the wall?
You are not even american, shut the fuck up with you MSM bovine grass propaganda. Dude has work more than 3 generations of your whole family. Fucking low bait troll from hell.
And for my fag cousins from the north I'm not only a westerner, but also a american, from south america. so everybody suck on it and go cough some corona virus.
Literally being built. How do you not know this?
Mexicans are running to Mexico at the moment en masse. The wall is being built, it can't randomly be spawned like in a game.
Go back to your hospital bed Biden
He ignored the spread of the virus that is now going to kill millions of the people who he supposedly governs because of his inaction. It's indefensible unless you're a troll. Everybody gangsta until somebody they know gets it, or gets it themselves.
There's no wall being built, you guys are lying shills. Only thing he's doing is putting up a preexisting fence from the Bush/Obama era.
>Mexicans are running to Mexico at the moment en masse.
Trumpfags learn lying best from their president. What happened to all those millions of illegals Trump was supposed to deport but instead more illegal coming to the country.
tv news people need to realize that we can't possibly take them seriously
confirmed shill, ignore and forget.
There was literally news about the wall not too long ago. You're illiterate.
Because life is a game.
Because he realizes his limitations as a man, and doesn't feel more responsible for any situation that occurs than he should, because he's not in control of the fucking universe. He doesn't cow to the shsming and whining of the mediocre masses he presides over, which is a strength that few have, and just as few appreciate.
Because everything IS a game.
Basically this. You can view life as a game if you so wish
Kys /ptg/ trump shills, there's no wall being built. Show me a wall made out of concrete that stretches all over the Mexican American borderr?
>Implying anyone thinks you get 100% of what you want when you vote for a Presidential candidate
I guess you wouldn't know this, since Croatia has only had democracy for a couple of decades.
Dude lying will not get you anywhere: trumpwall.construction
There are 136 miles built.
Why you fucking lying?
A pre-existing fence from the Obama/Bush era is not a wall but try harder Trump shills. Show me a wall made out of concrete that stretches all over the Mexican American borderr?
You've gotta be pretending to be retarded.
Except if you're president Obama? You get a booming economy, gay marriage, obamacare....more liberal policies...etc....but nice try Trumpshill keep crying
It's in those kind of threads that you realize how retarded most of Yas Forums is.
Obama's economy sure is working out well for us right now!
The fence is being reinforced with a wall. And it's not as simple as Trump simply declaring "A wall shall be built!". Local judges can and have filed injunctions halting construction in some areas, eminent domain cases have to be settled, etc.
Of course, you know all this already shill.
A pre-existing fence from the Obama/Bush era? Where's the new wall made out of concrete Trumpshill? Israel has one, the real Trump wall Trump made for Israel from the American tax payer haha
See this post, since they already explained it for me:
But why do you want shitpost president?
Obama saved the economy from a retarded republican like Bush only to have another retarded republican orange buffoon fuck it all up.
A fence from when Obama and Bush were president isn't a wall.
How many Nintendo Switches do you even own? Me? Myself? Ha ha, listen here buddy, I've got a tech repair certificate from Community college and I graduated at the top of my class. While you're sitting there, collecting your allowance, Im out here hustling. I have grit. Something you lack. Example. I just bought 23 broke Nintendo Switches off ebay and repaired all of them except 20.
Im going to resell for a tidy profit and use the rest for parts.
That's what it takes to make it in life champ. Hard pill to swallow, put the first step, is looking in the mirror and taking control of your life. Now Im married and fix Nintendo Switches for a living. I have a baby on the way and me and my wife each have our own Nintendo Switches, we bought brand new.
Try life sometime.
>A fence
Fences don't have foundations, walls do. This is what the Obama era fence looked like, notice the wall behind it which is an entirely separate structure.
See these posts
For the bantz.
>The 1,954 miles (3,145 km) border between the United States and Mexico traverses a variety of terrains, including urban areas and deserts.
>A pre-existing fence from the Obama/Bush era only 100 miles rebuilt
One term president Trump is such a failure as president haha
Backpedaling already, are we? You shills usually put up a better fight than this. See you tomorrow.
Feels good to win, you Trumpshills lost again. Try harder next time. I know you learnt lying from the best lair of them all Donald Trump.
Thats being built right now, its not preexisting. Also whats with this concrete nonsense you're pushing? You're just moving goalposts and lying left and right.
All Presidents are useless kike puppets anyways. Why not trigger some libs and enjoy some bantz in the meantime?
>Also whats with this concrete nonsense you're pushing?
You mean the one that Trump promised. All you Trumpshills do is lie.
>Lose argument
>Proclaim victory
Top kek, every time with you faggots. Please keep making these threads, you accomplish the exact opposite of your goal by showing how dumb you are.
Typical, can't even spell. Tsk tsk.
Because having fun is important in anything you do otherwise you burn out.
that's a lot of cope
>Imagine being foreign born but obsessing so hard over the US
It's sad.
why are shills out in full force tonight?
I won the argument. You showed me a pre-existing fence built during the Obama/Bush era not a wall, Trump promised a wall made out of concrete like the one Israel has. All these years as president Trump only rebuilt 100 mile fence while the Mexican-American border is 1,954 miles long. Try harder next time Trump shill and please don't criticize my spelling. The average dumb Americans speaks only one language while in Europe it's normal for a single person to know 3 languages.
Wall built, jobs restored, China BTFO, deportations ongoing, immigration curtailed.
Only lock her up not achieved, but we expected that in the second term.
Competent leadership. as a Croat you have no idea what it looks like.
Feels good to btfo Trumpshills
P-please stop making fun of m-my Trumparino God Emperorino. T-this isn't a political board where you discuss politics, t-this is my Trump save space.
>elect meme president for fun
>ends up killing everybody because he wasn't meant to be a serious president
>not so fun anymore
Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of your bicycle gears grinding as you pedal backwards at a furious pace.
>Wall built
Mexican American border 1,954 miles
>Fence built
100 miles
Good fucking job Trump, you'll build that wall in a hundred years.
>this croat shilling again
take a memeflag
Talk about coping, you lost the argument. Now you're backpedaling. Thank God Trump is only a one term president. He losing both bidding and polls against Biden and his approval rating keeps going down.
Maybe don't get your info from opposition political cartoons, you stupid kosovar.
Oh, how I wish we could bet 1,000,000 dollars on it; but we can't, so I'll just say: eat my shit, pig kosovar lefty retard.
I am, it's called a proxy newfag.
This. Trump cut my taxes giving me more pocket money. That's just a fucking fact.
Either theres no wall being built or the the government is destroying cultural land. Get your stories straight before you come here
>people are still being baited by that one asshurt albanian guy in croatia
He’s getting a second term. No way Dems will vote for Biden after they see him debate Trump, yesterday he had to be pulled away from the cameras after his speech by his wife because he was just standing there. He’s a physical puppet.
President Trump has made more promises than any other President in American history, you dumbass shill.
>No way Dems will vote for Biden after they see him debate Trump
One would imagine them to have already decided that after seeing the "joe to 303303" and "lying dog faced pony soldier" or "we're in vermont" or "wanna take it outside" episodes
He didn't make a concrete wall because it's designed to keep out random people, not gunfire. Border Patrol specifically told him they'd prefer something they can see through to tell if people are on the other side as they drive on patrol. So really metal slats is the only option that fits the criteria.