David Spade Comms About Tom Hanks

So in light of Ellen and other celebs on Twitter, here's David Spade.

>It could be worse.
>Would you take THIS or Godzilla stomping thru the country?
>Right off the bat, I would say Godzilla. You know why?
>Because if he misses you, you live. But if he steps on you, you die and it's over;
>but this is, like, milked out.
>And I don't like that. I like to know what's happening. And with Godzilla you know where you stand.
>Also, it depends on where he would walk thru America, you know, i don't want the edges… it sounds rude but if he would just sort of stay in the middle…
>If I could make the MAP and no one would know, you'd be very happy with it
>Or what if Godzilla just tiptoed? Without a map? But he tiptoed?
>I would take that.

>This all rides on Tom Hanks.
>Tom Hanks is a National Treasure. I love him, we did SNL together, and he's a fuckin stud.
>He's down in Australia like Quentin Quarantino. And I don't like the fact that
>Forget Will Smith
>Let's get Tom Hanx in a clear box and watch him.
>Because if Tom Hanks pulls thru, we are gonna be so stoked. It's all riding on Tom Hanks, you guys.
>If anything happens to Tom Hanks, fuck, that shit's over dude.
>I'm just gonna be like, "chk-chk," on my roof. "bye"

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everyone who has a twitter account and uses it to post what they think, should fucking die

pic related is 10/10 in bongland

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I hope Tom Hanks dies just so this fucking faggot kills himself.

Godzilla can also claw/tail swipe/knock over buildings, and he's got fire breath.

It's not just 'getting stepped on'. Do you even Hollywood anymore DS?

I'm not sure what I just read. Too early

contrary to popular myth Godzilla hardly ever used its tail or fire breath. its goto method of killing was to prance around stomping on people

A lot seems to be weighing on Hanks getting out of his little situation....

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These parasites only parrrot what their Jewish overlords and masters want to hear.

someone translate this plz

You have the same

Jesus christ this incoherent rambling sounds like someone from a insane asylum.
Even the celebs on Tiktok are starting to lose their mind. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

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They are terrified....

so much bong sex appeal

the adreno pedos are dying fuck yes fuck hollywood and is actors let them burn in hell like the trash they are

This user gets it


Retards ahoy

Remember when his brother put a rat mask to grieve his wife. So there is that to remember.

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This is code

nobody that drinks murdered child brain fear juice for highs so the demon that lives inside them can be happy should be allowed to live

Withdrawal from harder drugs than we can afford?

It's too late for these people, they did it to themselves

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Based and redpilled

Now we know why they get paid the big bucks. That was pure improve gold.

So I'm guessing they've all been doing these messages to let the others know that they aren't compromised yet. Once one stops posting, they all assume he's been caught. It seems as of now they're worried Tom hanks has been caught as he hasn't posted anything in a few days. David seems to be implying that if Tom hanks is assumed incarcerated, he will kill himself. Maybe they're all on house arrest and doing this to let the others know they still aren't snitching. This shit gets weirder every fucking day.

Regarding the Godzilla stuff I'd say it's marketing for the Godzilla vs King Kong movie later this year. Same thing with Eminem's song Godzilla.
Then again these could all be linked in some nefarious way but I'm betting on cross promotion

Why are they trying to get you to care so much about Hollywood actors so badly? Fuck these celebrities and the clowns that shill for them.

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English is clearly all yours 2nd language so please...….kys niggers

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>good trigger disipline

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this video ... so spade is a homosexual. outed with his own twitter ... this is why he is so fake and canned ... hiding behind a beard ....

wtf is with him praying with hands then doing the devil symbol with his right hand at 3:44 to 3:46 talking about loving tom hanks.

>English is clearly all yours 2nd language
>all yours
brainlet detected

So they are banking on Hanks to find a way to survive? It matches with Chloroquine being stolen in France but why Hanks though? He's a literal nobody in secret society hierarchy.

how does one man put so much time and effort into being that unfunny and still call himself a comedian

>fire breath
Even worse, its nuclear

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Based and andrenochromepilled

Yes, and mainly they're terrified of lawlessness breaking out because they're prime targets.

we cannot afford to lavish these celebs in luxury anymore

corona has crippled us and all celebs must be defunded to fuel the recovery

i dont mean take their money or theft or anything illegal

just saying we cant afford to keep heaping cash on to the celebrity lifestyles

Sikh trigger discipline

I hope they both die.

Why do sikhs always have shriveled up scrotum faces?



those are proper slags but can you imagine the smell

The hollywood elite are breaking down. Tom Hanks is in military confinement and wants someone else to break down his tweets are just as cryptic they are trying desperately to send messages outside of their confinement. He's not in the box. If tom hanks is captured suicide week begins. The hollywood elite all fear what is about to be exposed. Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>If anything happens to Tom Hanks, fuck, that shit's over dude.
>>I'm just gonna be like, "chk-chk," on my roof. "bye"
Yes because it means you're all getting hanged for raping babies and shooting their paingasmsauce. Twisted bottomfeeders, listen to how retarded he sounds. Why do people in Hollywood intentionally try to sound like know-nothing douchebags?

Seeing them all make quarantine videos is pure cringe. Posers. Hucksters. Literal cocksucking reprobates. To think I once admired some of these people, and that some people still do.

Forgive us for being so blind, O Lord.

Yet another goddamn nigger tier non-political spam thread

Oh that's freaking ballin', I forgot how Savage that bad boy is. And worse yet, that glowing nuclear breath ruins your shit for generations to come.

only made it half way through because I didn't find it funny. still, I'm not going to complain about free content.

Idols will speak and move about

Its only after a decade that I appreciate its existence. I never had a real account but getting to see these powerful retards write stupid shit for years thinking it didnt matter has been quite fun

Celebrity gossip isn't politics.

This was when I started really paying attention

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Map = semen

I'm waiting for Enoch and Elijah to come back and preach against the beast, and the livestream of them dead and when they rise.

>milked out.
whhhhhhhhhhhhT >!>!>!>!>!
