Why is Africa so IMMUNE to covid-19?

Why is Africa so IMMUNE to covid-19?

Seriously, the only death in Africa was a WHITE guy visiting Egypt. I guess it's true, the superior melanin levels make them immune, it's over for us whites, they will take Europe after we are all gone.

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wakanda put an invisible power shield over africa

BBC hahaha please fuck my wife lololol/thread

Not even Covid wants to be in Africa

Niggers from CHAD will fuck what's left of our white women

It's not real.

Honest reason is climate.
Second reason is the types of people in sub Saharan African aren't really traveling internationally.
Which is why Ebola and Zika didn't really get to the US.

Answer is partially in the question. Man was a white guy with enough money to get a test. Nigger are either too poor or too stupid to get tested and counted as Coronavirus victims.

Because this virus has been created by (((deepstate))) against whites people

That's a cope post though and a pretty pathetic one really. The real reason is the fact most countries there have poor testing facilities, hence not many cases have come up.

I think the Virus doesn't like hot, humid climate and UV light.

Nobody wants to travel to war torn shitlord Africsn nations? "Oh man canrmt wait for a nice family getaway to the DRC, it's so nice this time of year."

Shouldnt they start seeing tons of deaths then? If it's spread so far and wide in Africa where are the deaths?

stop provoking the insecure incels

give it time op, I am praying

Maybe that's a good thing? Tourism has fucked up lots of countries and costal zones.

Africa is mostly a incoherent network of villages. People die from some disease, they get buried, and people don't think to even report it. Most people don't understand what a mess Africa is.

The average lifespan in Africa is 15 minutes so its hard to tell


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they die before from other illnesses

Maybe what they said about them becoming future scientists was right!


theres noone in africa over 50

We only have 6 deaths. Does it mean Yas Forums is right when it calls us niggers?

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People die from other things more severe there. Also like said, they have a short lifespan there. It gets worse as your age increases.

Because most regularly take malaria meds

They surely got millions of test kits in their 3 hospitals... Million shitskins die there every day. They'll just say those ppl starved or something. No need to test em if they dead. Just loot em

So it's not superior Melamine levels?

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>Why is Africa so IMMUNE to covid-19?
Superior genetics.

Superior genetics unmixed with Neandarthals like wh*tes and asians. Our forebears literally fucked non-human cavemen.

I visit south africa quite often.
The deaths there aren't counted and neither are the births. The only cases counted will be the wealthy people with enough money to afford a test. Everyone else is probably going to try to tank it solo.

Type O blood types are less susceptible

Africa is a shit show, they don't have the capability to test for cases on a large scale. Id say there are a lot of cases of it that have just gone un noticed

because Africa - get this - is ridiculously bad at reporting any kind of statistic, the only people who are worse are india. Why do you think South Africa has such a disproportionately large HIV rate? They don't the other countries just can't report because they don't have white people left.

Because nobody fucking goes to Africa. Do you think there are masses of chinks going on vacation to Zimbabwe? Do you think every African country has 10 airports?

If a coon dies in africa why would anyone question how he died?

Despite the rigorous testing in sub Saharan African countries

They likely have the same mortality rates as the rest of the world. There's just a lack of information coming from that part of the world. Besides, dengue fever is more deadly in Africa than covid-19.

>immune to covid
They have no testing and a few thousand extra deaths a month go unnoticed.

The only country that is proving to be inmune so far is North Korea. The chubster has told his health minister that if he sees a single infected case he will be eaten by wild dogs.

Turns out a 9mm bullet is a great cure for the common cough.

There are masses of chinks going everywhere in Africa to deplete their natural resources and indenture the indigenous fauna into locating/mining said resources. Somehow this isn't colonialist behavior, and they're better than the Europeans who left entire functional cities in their wake.

You wouldn't know if they did because half of Africa has AIDS anyway which makes you die of pneumonia

They all have HIV and are on HIV anti viral medication that kills the corona virus.

Unironically, Their high prevalence of HIV is literally creating a form of herd immunity.

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Based kraut knows the black bvll secret:
No tests, no problems
>pro-tip: after muh dick stage they'll go full das racis white devils blaming
Tiresome, but predictable

We have 137


afrika ist just late to the party
3 days ago most afrikan countrys had no cases of corona



No testing,
but also - massive sun = massive vitamin D = less infections.

because they don't need it to affect Africa atm.
Pay more attention to whats actually happening

>old people exist in Africa

you might be on to something. The worlds supply of malaria medicine is over there...

>There are masses of chinks going everywhere in Africa
Not masses. Yes, they are chinks working in Africa, but their number is small compared to the general population and they do not tend to travel much, even less internationally.

Most people who died were sick or over the age of 70.
There are very few deaths in Africa because Africans are not people.

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South Africa is an exception and you know it

They have no infatstructure so don't test.
Also nigger would die in Europe come first winter.

Nice try tho.

Nope, is because they probably got hit by something similar who knows how many years back. IF a disease din't came from Asia, is definitely came from Africa.
And you are a shitstain nigger lover, the caveman are the niggers, you got all mix up, junior. Go back to Africa to study your stone age cousins in their shitty build mud-huts.
And don't comeback, go get your ebola+HIV dose and die like your cousins.

maybe they did it to punish china for colonialism, but it spread to europe because we all know the true colonists are the european ngos

Yes, this was the point I'm trying to make.

This, and also low standards.
Africans die all the time, a few more isn't a shock. The West is going back to 1920s mortality rates and getting culture shock.

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>not having the resources or expertise to test and diagnose = immunity
shit dude they're practically immortal

no one can die from corona if you don't have the tests

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The areas in green on this pic are ideal for Corona spread, look where Kangland is. The only cases these countries are getting are dickheads bringing it from abroad.

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No healthcare system if any real sophistication, value of life is as cheap as it gets, thousands die of medieval diseases every day - Oh, they have Coronavirus alright.

>Duffy antigen
90% of West Africans (68% of African Americans) are Duffy negative . It gives them some natural immunity to Malaria. It also makes them more susceptible to haemorrhagic fevers and HIV.

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So you're a chink, noted. There are tens of thousands of mining operations in China, all of which are owned by Chinese, all of which benefit only Chinese people, all of which exploit the indigenous people, but give them nothing in return.

It only affects humans

>It's not real.

dude, Africa ...

when someguy arrives in an african hospital with a broken arm, while there is a woman giving birth AND some other guy needs treatment because he got macheted the day before, the hospital is overwhelmed
and as their drugs (for any condition) are too little and too few, the patients just walk outside to see mumbotu the medicine-man and ask him to crush the two pills he got and put them into a talisman with feathers, beasties bones, some poop of something and several magic rocks because this way the wypipo drug will last longer

there are just as many coronavirus cases as there are possibilities to test for them

today Africa has an unknown number of cases, from 10k to 1 million
we will know in a few months, by estimating the number of deads

>I visit south africa quite often.
The deaths there aren't counted and neither are the births.
Complete bullshit

All of them have AIDS
so they die before they can spread it

the death gets blamed on the AIDS

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Isn't the average age in central and subsaharan Africa like 10? They're safe from the boomer remover. How many black people are there in Africa over the age of 80, like a dozen?

Map of Duffy allele frequency

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I call bullshit, the temperature fucking changes throughout the year

reminder that its a bullshit psyop

which is why Russia, Brazil and India didnt catch it

How do you expect negroid to cout past 10 with their 59 IQ?

Well, the populace there uses a shit ton of anti-malarial drugs. Like chloroquinine.

Just saying, maybe there's a connection.

Sickle cell, obviously. It makes them immune to malaria, and we're now using malaria drugs to treat Corona. It doesn't take a big brain to make the connection.

Covid is going to kill africa in the way of whites not feeding them anymore soon XD

Pay attention to them in the coming weeks. They’re about to get fucked harder than any other continent on the globe. Most of Africa’s countries are barely a step above being a failed state. Combine that with extreme poverty and the worst medical systems in the world, and you’re in for an even bigger shit sandwich than the rest of us are gonna eat.

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> why don't blacks pass tests


Then why is it affecting MY country?

This is also true, which may be why there's more of it in North America than in South America. I mean, I know that South America is poorer hence less international traveling; and also less testing. But it's also probably the climate.

the fuck are you mutts talking about? we've had this shit in february

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