70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.


So Yas Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

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Marriage for men today is all risk and no reward. No man making a rational choice would get married.

Marriage today is prostitution with an excessively high price tag.
Marriage needs to return to what it used to be - a property transaction.

Do you have any idea the kind of degenerate shit ‘most women do from the ages 18-26? If you knew you would want nothing to do with them either.

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>Marriage needs to return to what it used to be - a property transaction.
This, it was a property transaction from the father to the husband.

Why are you opening a topic based on a news article that's over 5 years old?

OP is an AI, truly its the only answer because who the fuck would have that article on hand.

Men get married later to younger women.

Maybe if women still offered a dowry they could find a nice husband

I was en route but my girlfriend was a cheating whore and I caught her in numerous lies and also tapped her computer to find logs of her being a whore. Every girl after that has had "whore signs".

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married
well, that doesnt mean they have failed, men have just made Facts without telling anyone
should rather ask why it happened instead of crying "muh women"

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Thanks Yas Forums police!!

>Marriage today is prostitution with an excessively high price tag.
not even prostitution. women promise sex for provisioning but don't even have to deliver on that. on top of that, they can walk away with all the benefits of the provisioning with offering nothing in return.

Try 14-maybe i can snag a betabux

Stop simping

nowadays you have to be literally a cuck to be able to be in a healthy relationship. I already knew that iam not going to marry when i was like 15 years old.

I......agree, im actually kinda disturbed buy the fact that i do, this has probs been the only sane thing ive seen a faggot say.

>So Yas Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?
As a man, I am looking for a real woman, not an overgrown female with the brain of a toddler.

>>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood
I don't think it's the men who said 'no' to that. Hypergamy should have never been released, it belongs in the dustbin of prehistory.

Why can't women take responsibility and be self-sufficient if they believe in equality?

Well I'm in a relationship right now and I can sure tell you it's not gonna end in marriage

>The first thing which happens when I wake up is gf starts an unnecessary quarrel with me over a friend of mine who she doesn't like because he comitted the unspeakable act of drinking with me without letting her know
>Acting all pissed off and bitchy at ME even though I just woke up and haven't done anything.
>Curse myself over not telling my boss I'm able to work all weekend to avoid this bullshit.
Not holding up hope that this shit will ever improve, but I can't just leave as I have work and also plan on going to school close to where we live. I don't want to drop all that and move back into my NEET cave. Women really need to take personal responsibility and realize that maybe it's them and their attitude which is the problem. Stay single guys, volcel is better than being together with some narcissistic child.

Isnt this a pasta?

>because he comitted the unspeakable act of drinking with me without letting her know
you have enabled such behavior, I bet you apologized after she asked you "why didn't you tell me about your friend?".

He most definitely did

You're probably right, I don't know how women work or how to act with them. I try to tell her off sometimes but she never cares, she just spins shit to suit her own agenda like the egomaniac she is. Wish I would've fucked that cute 18 year old coworker of mine who was interested in me 6 months back.


No one is forcing you to stay with your nagging whore

2nd kid on the way at 27. Thinking about knocking up an Afghan girl on the side.

Men "aren't growing up" because society has become a joke. Clown world demands clown activities. The idiots that try to perpetuate this failed mess of a society, are the painted clowns with the red round noses, big shoes, multi-coloured suits, leaning into our rooms, asking when we're going to "grow up". These jokes of human beings, these "adult" men that pretend to be responsible just because they're willing to work harder for the Jew's yacht than you are. Because they happened to be born into a specific position. That's what it is - work no longer pays as it should, all of the social institutions have been hollowed out, emptied out, filled with a screaming vacuum of consumerism and "globalism", of nothingness.

Society is a joke, and so we laugh. A lot of these "nerds" don't realise that. They think that they're normal, what they're doing is part of a healthy society. It isn't. It's a bunch of hedonists indulging themselves just because they can. I'm definitely one of them, we all are. The problem is that there's no alternative. Even "men's men" these days, are pussies. They're merely trying to enact some sort of template that they have in their head, describing what a "real man" should be doing. How he should act. Cultural marxism, neo-marxism, "the Jews", whatever you want to call it, have hollowed out everything and anything meaningful in life. Marriage, gender roles, the provider role of the male, technological progress, "entertainment", old traditions re-imagined, all turned on their head.

We're living in bizzaro world, and yet few seem to notice. These "nerds" have checked out, because that's what humans, given the opportunity, do. Men don't "grow up", because there's no reason to. The social landscape took a nose-dive around around 2000, technology took a pause in the 80's with only incremental upgrades. Everything is gated by a small elite, for profit. Total stagnation. As a culture, we're dying.

The wrong side won WWII.

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>other guys refuse to be as fortunate as I am

You either tell her off and ignore her or fuck them silly.
Never talk or argue with women.

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.

Young women wants to get married
High percentage of bachelors
This means bleak prospects


after being shat on by women (and people in general) so many times, let me tell you this. stop giving a fuck, and think ten times before you apologize for anything. do not apologize unless it is genuinely your mistake and you fucked up something big time. This applies not only to relationships but to everything in life.
When it comes to relationships, I am actually in the beginning of one and the girl just loves it when I am doing my own thing even if i am ignoring her at times. they thrive on attention, give them too much and they start acting like spoiled children, give them too little and they will starve and leave. The trick is to give just enough to keep things balanced.

I know, but this is my first actual relationship and I have no idea how any of this works. I feel pathetic letting her run me into the ground but I genuinely feel nothing when she argues with me. My emotions for her are pretty much gone but I don't want to hurt her feelings and tell her that.

I’ve only just turned 20. I want to get a decent job and earn a high enough income to support a family before I get married. But I do plan to, and I plan to have four or more kids.

Ooooohhh I thought marriage and family was oppressive to women and kept them from having a career. Guess Im a bigot no matter what

I think it meant to say ‘high percentage of men who women will never want to date’

These bachelors are NOT eligible

I live alone, have everything and built up what I thought was desired by women.

When I was growing up, attractive women I knew or family members with a boyfriend all had the same problem - the men they went for were irresponsible and neither people were able to maintain stability. Instability is why EVERY RELATIONSHIP I SAW fail.

So I made myself stable and no woman wanted it because it was boring to them. I have a full life without a woman and I'm just missing that one puzzle piece, but they don't want it. What do you do then?

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weddings are stupid. female worshipping bullshit.

Far too many men have failed to transition into cucks for some bitch who rode the cock carousel and now wants a beta

I can safely say I don't care anymore so that part is already taken care off. This chick is clearly mentally unstable as fuck and I have no idea how long it will take until I nope the fuck out of this.

>So Yas Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

I'm tired of people constantly blaming men for this. Why does nobody speak about a woman's responsibility to attract a husband?

In the US the women are literally so fat that they can't even stand, because their legs can't bear the weight, so they drive around walmart in mobility scooters while munching on the half eaten salamis they hide between their rolls of belly fat. Why would any bloke want to marry someone like that?

>This chick is clearly mentally unstable as fuck and I have no idea how long it will take until I nope the fuck out of this.
you are not in marriage contract, walking away should be as easy as blocking her number. If you have any shred of manhood left in you walk away this very moment. We might be living our last days on this earth, do you want to spend them with a nagging bitch?

The reward is to have stable and successful offspring you bellend.

or you could just beat the bitch if she steps out of line and cheats on you

What do men gain from marriage? If all of a sudden men are refusing to engage in "normal" adult life, perhaps it's because they've done a cost-benefit analysis.

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>>Far too many young men have failed
its also women that have failed
it takes two people to get married

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Don’t be boring, but don’t be too carefree. Is it that hard to understand

Answer: yes. Women don’t know what they want, they’re fucking idiotic children who will reject you as soon as you deviate from the script of the fantasy you have built up in your head.

Dating a woman is like playing QWOP if you have ever played that - for most people, it’s just luck how far you get before you press the wrong button and fall over. Once you’re having sex it gets easier to stay in the relationship.

Guys are poor at serving people which is the basis for the economy so there aren’t the jobs for the average guy which would make them attractive financially.

You shouldn't bellend your kids.

>men have failed
>bleak prospects for millions of young women
so, they never "failed" to get married, only the men did? the men failed them in this endeavor? take away their fucking rights they obviously don't want or need them. disgraceful

Women have lost any concept of attractiveness. The virtues I respect in women, like obedience and chastity, have been completely eroded in the name of "societal progress", but in reality it's all because the kikes just couldn't live knowing there was almost 50% of the potential workforce they were missing out on.

Now we're seeing the knock-on effects of this shit.

>doesn't know what prenup is

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Any truth to the rumor that they put peenies in their puss?

>thinking prenups actually do anything

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Only a idiot get married today

and then iam going to jail and my whole social circle will hate me. There is nothing you or i could do to "keep them in check".

Also this

Selfishness on the part of men and women is a problem. Being married requires both partners to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of the marriage.

I'm 33 and I've never had a relationship or a date, or a handhold, or anything. I've never "made out" but I've slept with 31 different women.

Only being a manwhore straight off the bat worked, and only with low quality women. I'll fail every other time because I don't socialize with women in the way they want (purposely have them talk about themselves 100% of the time and thrust yourself and her forward in social sittings).

It's just too much bullshit. If a girl won't value me for things that are legit important it kills all romance. How can we ever work together if she won't value stability? Like the most basic thing to make your life work?

All women are children; most are fat

You’re probably fat too.