Hollywood is shitting its pants edition:
Tom Hanks Speech:
Many threads have said this speech was riddled with coded language warning of trouble. Anons have said there are many worried and sad faces.
Ellen Degeneres does fake magic trick where she calls out the 4 of hearts three times. "The four of hearts symbolizes a possible danger and a prejudice..." The cards she shows adds up to 17. Which is the letter Q. This may be a reference to Qanon predictions.
To see her video scroll down.
In the next video Ellen is saying she wishes she had some kids because she is bored.
This one is of Madonna singing about having no pasta. That is Pedo code for young boys. Is she warning others?
Start of Archive List:
It seems arrests have been made.
Ellen is warning Tom Hanks to run.
Run Forrest is spelled out
These sites don't tell you what they think they are telling you. Or rather, what you're trying to tell other people. That's why you aren't -- and won't -- posting the paid results.
This symbol can be confirmed to be similar to pedophile code.
I dont buy it, all this Q shit is constantly wrong. Sounds crazy.
Fucking obligatory.
I uh don’t get it. What are you pointing out here?
The Adrenochrome connection has to do with satanic ritual, rape, torture and murder of children.
Adrenochrome is shot into the eye and causes bruising.
The Blood Stone Connection
Will the white wizard finally be free? This seems like a time to release the big one we've waited for all these years.
>The WikiLeaks Grand Jury running 10+ years has been disbanded. Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond have been released from its coercive machinations. Now drop all charges against #julianassange and release him.
.org? fake news.
Frazzled Rip refers to the torture and murder of a little girl by Hillary Clinton and her lover Huma Abedin. This recording was in the possession of the NYPD. Since then 12 police officers have been Arkensided. This can be verified on a search. This snuff film broke out on the deep web but since has been scrubbed. Here is a video on the subject.
This is to scare the child in order to create Adrenochrome during a sadistic satanic ritual.
Debian is da paedophile??!?!?!!?!?!!11
until one of you faggots explain where they source this info its brainlet tier
In Frazzled Rip. Hillary and Huma cut the face of the litte girl off and wear it. Ellen seems to maybe concure with this evil.
Just a partial list of Epstiens flight log. How many more names should we be looking for the arrest records?
How many are going down?
Thanks anons
WTF is Oprah doing in Detroit??? What business could she possibly have in that shithole?
If you run across any other threads with similar info. Collect it and dump it here. Thanks.
4 of hearts is us.
Also pic related from Madonna.
What's with all the typo's?
I thought I should include the name Isaac Kappy who made a video about the pedophilia in Hollywood then supposedly jumped off a bridge and killed himself.
Video of John Podesta torturing a child for its Adrenochrome. The evil is off the charts. If you see this man IRL....well I can't say it...but you know what to do.
It says rain forest you fucking retard.
Stop muddying the waters with this bullshit, we have enough real things to chase. Do you really think she had a fucking jumper made for her with a cryptic phrase on it the specifically tells Tom hanks to run? And all of this whilst under quarantine/arrest herself? Does she have a fucking loom and print screening equipment in her house?
A white sweatshirt and a magic marker. Not too hard.
Doesn't change the fact they are all getting arrested.
Don’t talk shit. It’s a fully designed and manufactured sweater.
No but it makes you look stupid
All of this shit can be easily debunked
But we should keep it going because it’s getting to the celebrities lol
Feel free to post source user.
Why are you trying to make this about me? That is super stupid on your part.
Bye bye faggot celebrities, you're all dead meat
Actions have consequences
>it’s getting to the celebrities lol
They have seemed pretty 'gotten to' as of posting their videos, well before any speculation. Ellen in particular is a fucking mess.
Please report in using a new tab
Yeah I’m on the fence on all of this, but they are acting super fucking weird.
I don’t know about the hardcore child torture shit, but it seems like Hanks knows something and they are all worried he will flip
you have mental illness
Nice thread, user (y)
My source is not being a retard and being able to distinguish between a sweater that has been drawn on with marker and a fully printed design.
Because your trying to defend obvious stupid shit. It’s nothing personal. It makes you look stupid to anyone on the outside who is trying to look at it objectively and it makes the whole investigation look stupid in turn. Stop taking it to heart so much and forget the run forest bullshit. There’s a point to be made about her choosing a sweater that has a pedo symbol on it, fair enough, but the rest is crap.
Madonna seems like she went off the deep end. NO PASTA? WTF? Are they even trying to hide it anymore or are the Adrenochrome shakes getting to them? Must have more baby fear blood!!!!!
This is my only ray of hope shining through all the red flags I have seen since Corona started. This is the only thing that keep me from 100% thinking that the NWO is being created with the outbreak as an excuse. Please God, be true.
Absolutely nothing
>NWO is being created with the outbreak as an excuse
This, which is not incompatible with "my only ray of hope shining...
I think they will purge some branches, so blue beam is more bright and stuff after such twist plot. All ways lead to Rome.
so what now?
would hanks be smart enough to crack the code tho?
Sorry for the harsh words anyway. This is Yas Forums after all. I don’t want you to be disheartened so keep up the research.
one you open your eye you will see
the whole of the established order are mental fucks, because, the system is ran by maniacs with a mental illness
this whole thing is a show, a carnival but it's only here to fuck you over. join them if you want out, that's their offer
it's all going to burn
they are literally trained to do so, the answer is yes.
Trust me bro
Maybe she wore the shirt because it was close enough to a hidden message. Maybe she told Tom using some code and he read the shirt and it was close enough to run forest. Look...goddamn it. She looks like she is wearing an ankle monitor, says she wants kids, looks like shit and a websites that seems legit...says she has been arrested. Along with a bunch of others. Why don't you look up some names and try to be useful? Or maybe try to cross confirm with another site? Instead of picking at me...you guys should be digging. Why aren't you digging??!!!!
Ellen could have set up a pre-arrainged message. Tom might have seen this sweatshirt before. They could have even laughed about how he thought it said run forrest. She he may get the message very easily. You guys act like these people don't socialize with each other. For fucks sake, they kill children with each other. I should think they have time to get to know each other on a deeper level.
Lol imagine not knowing who Virgil abloh is
I agree with you on a lot of points just not the sweater. Chasing that will lead you no where. And if Hanks is under arrest as well where is he going to run?
One question.... why wouldn’t she just text whoever instead of printing a shirt?
you absolute schizo those aren't arrest records, I can find my dad on there lol. check the fine print RETARD
I just want you guys to keep your eyes open and see what happens. I plugged several other names into that California database and they did not come up. I should think if the site was a grift then names like Stallone would be in it as well. But some big names were not there. But fucking Jared Leto?? What is wierd though, is most of the Golden Globe actors in the audience during Hanks' speech are in that arrest database. I find that really odd.
He cracked da vinci... amirite?
fake and gay
reminder that this is spam from an arrest records website that wants you to sign up
Most celebrities don’t have austism
But we do. We shall wield the power of autism and uncover this secret supervillain canal of baby murdering vampires.
Autists Assemble!
Yeah I get that but you have to be careful because disinfo is as powerful as real info.
Look into the red onyx rings, there was a good thread earlier that was conveniently moved to /bant/
I'm thinking all these actors had their arrests managed by lawyers in which it was done quietly. Each was given a tracking monitor. I'm sure the police or FBI knows exactly where Hanks is right now. Maybe they are all being give the opportunity to commit suicde and blame it on the virus? I believe McCain was give this way out because of his treason by dealing with ISIS. They all may be given the option of saving their names. So we shall see what happens.