I have no words to describe my hate towerds this shithole this shithole needs to be nucked and forget that this...

I have no words to describe my hate towerds this shithole this shithole needs to be nucked and forget that this shithole ever existed

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ok boomer


Based China

Whiteys are scared China Chad gonna be the new Super power of the world and its literally inevitable.


look whos talking

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okie dokie boomer

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As soon as the war with starts after this is over, i'll be the first motherfucker to sign up.

So what? Not having a very good economy doesn't make you a shithole. a country is considered shithole when they constantly spread diseases around the world like chinks and Africans do

I believe you meant to put the us flag as your image.

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China will pay when this is all done and over with. Thr entire world will be seeking to destroy them.

The arrogance displayed by the Western powers is beyond disgraceful and only shows the real condition of the Western nations blindly adhering to the nonsensical leftist notions of human rights without sufficiently accentuating human sacrifice and the necessity to collectivize so as to truly arrive at the societal prosperity. The West is perpetually immersed in the miasma of hedonistic stupor and instead of trying to lift its own populations from the mire of degeneracy and senseless consumerism, the Western administrations eagerly encourage rampant consumerism with a view to perpetuating their own tenuous rule. The fact that people of the West find the conduct of the Chinese administration problematic is most ironic given Western democracies' absolute lack of regard for their own native populations whose real condition is concealed under a flimsy guise of human rights and consumerist rights.

I believe firm action has to be taken

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fuck China.

I can't wait to start killing little Chinese kids when this is over. I'd be saving the world from a fucking generational threat trying to repeat itself into the world. Your time is coming to an end and no one is going to save you.

I agree with nuking china only if we hit Israel on the way.

theyve already calibrated their nukes true story

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>pic related Beijing

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so develop some nukes, oh wait, you are useless gipsy who can only work as a prostitute in shitaly



you are a shithole, you spread deseases over the europe gipsy, stope lying, tuberculosis cunt


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New Zealand has been fucked over by the Chinese. They're fucking everywhere. They steal our water, they interfere with our democracy, they take our homes, they litter the streets with their cigarette butts,its fucking terrible. They've plagued our streets.

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All overseas Chinese should be deported

>Romania thinking they can call anywhere a shithole

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Tom Nuck


what the fuck is your problem? viruses happen. H1N1 for example started in the USA. it doesnt matter where they start.

>they interfere with our democracy

>he thinks Western countries are really democracies

Steve Irwin died for this

Did those viruses have HIV fucking spliced into them?


>so develop some nukes
If only it was that easy.

ok chang

everybody knows what you are

fuck off chang

CIA has given the order for its home staying assets to make these threads trying to manufacture some astroturfed consesus

if you see posts that contain
1) nuke China
2) China must pay
3) world should unite against China

that means that thread was made by the CIA nigger and they have a discord server where they coordinate these fake copypasted posts.
Also, when you point that out - CIA created thread dies in 5 minutes and they try to make a new thread without the message exposing them.

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Nah, your post on the other hand is Chicom shilling

oops, i killed your thread, need to make a new one niggers. But i will post it there too. How does it feel that just one man can ruin your entire fucking operation? Fucking imbeciles.

Shut the fuck up joN

It's insane how China's putting mudslimes in camps and yet liberals are still sucking their dick.

Any country that's anathema to yours must be great.

shill confirmed

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Good job proving him right.

Nobody but you guys believes liberals side with saber-rattling theistic zealots.

Death to Europe. Long live China

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Lol it’s too obvious

Their only comeback is to call you Chinese, just like when they were doing the vatnik/50 rubles thing

People are literally praising for the military to take control this shit is crazy this virus makes people wanting to live in dystopian dictatorship that is more dangerous than the virus

Fuck china
Fuck commies
And fuck jannies

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Call me a glow nigger then motherfucker, I don't give a fuck. China's streets will be fucking drenched in blood if I have any say in it. The tension between the rest of the world versus the Chinese is only escalating and after this is all over, China will know suffering beyond mere words

Very true

Yesterday my cousin got all of his cables stolen at his farm, they cached the retard and turns out he was a Rumanian without papers. Your kind are very well know to be pieces of shit. Your country is Nigeria 2.0, admit it Alexandru


What is this, cable news inspired death metal lyrics?


i agree china needs to pay in some way. and i'm a NEET

>The tension between the rest of the world versus the Chinese is only escalating and after this is all over
Aside from edgy 12 year olds and astroturfing glow niggers, literally who are you talking about?
Everyone in Europe respects and appreciates China's help, and the last thing we would do is end humanity for your sake.
Keep seething, kike.


We are being flooded by China's .50 cent army on a daily basis, news publications around the world are being bought by them. Our enemy is not the people of china, but the party that currently (at least until it's now inevitable collapse) rules it.
Prove to me that y'all arent a bunch of faggots sucking chinese dick by running around in circles being idiots and do something about it.

We are masters of creativity of a form the world has never in it's history seen before. use that fucking power: create memes, create art, educate the masses.
Do not be a low-brow nigger and attack them by the means of their race, attack them with truth: anyone shilling for china is complying with evil, Anyone trying to spread the bullshit pretense that this is not from Wuhan, is complying with evil.
Deep down, even the most insectoid chink knows that they are being pawns of forces of evil. The future of the country is finished: no one will trade with them and the nation will collapse.

SHOW ME THAT YOU CAN FIGHT FOR JUSTICE, use whatever means you have, but be creative, use your god-given creativity and fight back with it. meme the truth about these communist demons for what they trully are, make it so that even their pawns can see and understand the evil they are colluding with. actually DO SOMETHING.

I'm tired of seeing millions of people worth of creative memetic genius go to waste running around in a circle shocking cooming down their own throats and seemingly not giving a damn.

Prove to me that you arent a faggot and actually do something productive - the world is watching us. specially chinese shills.

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memeflaggots are so embarassing. they are 90% leftist faggots

The United States must reaffirm our commitment to hold China accountable for their repeated and grave abuses of human rights, for murdering all who would dare to speak up in the struggle for freedom, for seeking to brutally impose their will on the world through new and deadly weaponry, and for subjugating vast swaths of ocean under their iron fist of brutality. China's expansionist ambitions are nothing new, and neither is their brazen callousness to brag about their own recovery while the world is suffering from their inseapkable crimes against humanity by unleashing the virus.

Today we must ensure blame is placed where responsibility clearly lays: upon the CCP who is currently seeking to undermine the narrative in online spaces and jail those who fall within its authoritarian grasp. As Americans, and global citizens of all nations, we must not allow the malign narratives of bad actors who oppose the rules-based international order, to make us question clear facts from unbiased sources. Just saying.

It's a promise that will only be bolstered by every infected and dying person this affects. You tried to protect your optics over admitting how bad it was to the world. Everyone that survives this will remember it, forever.

>Saving face for china like a good obedient, submissive little boy bitch.
Nothing I could say that would embarrass you further.

Nice larp.

Not an argument, bitch.
Tell me, who is going to go to war with China for you?

>Be Romanian
Isn’t your country all Gypsies?

Chinese people are fine , US did this

So has Australia, mothership landed a while back now. Any other anons know what other countries have been taken over??

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I'll do everything I fucking possibly can to jumpstart the war between the rest of the world versus china. I'll post dead families and loved ones and children torn apart by the pandemic to every normie I could find and remind them who did this to them, who caused this much suffering and pain and despair, and when they can't hold in their rage anymore, we'll finally make our move.


United states did this.
YOU will pay for this!

based, we need a new asian co prosperity sphere.

whitoid btfo

South Korea once again bowing to its chink master.

Seeth more retard

I have always wanted to see a country get nuked, and they deserve it to be fair.

They were more civilized than fucking Byzantine Empire, they are more civilized than you now, and by chimping out and defending democracy you're just proving their superiority.