Brexiteers BTFO

This was one of their star campaigners.
>Alice Grant
She spent a year pretending to be a "Christian" "Conservative" & "Patriot" campaigning for BREXIT.

Then outs herself as a slag & a whore, craving random foreigner dick.
Suck shit you LEAVE incels.
She played you all.
Your entire movement is a joke.

Also for everyone in the UK get infected. English "patriot" indeed lel

Bets on how long until this cum dumpster does porn?

Attached: slag alice.png (720x1434, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

show up at her door with the thickest fucking indian accent
>show me your fucking tit you stupid bastard

No one on Yas Forums actually cares.
She's part of the Sargoy crowd.

fake, nice try op

no its confirmed from her own Instagram.

you mad

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i love it.
i hope all the leavers are seething tho

Lol I there is an Ulster Loyalist Cuck youtuber with this chick as his thumbnail. He writes long and angry rants against the Irish on every youtube video related to Ireland. I want to send him this.

>english patriot
Anyone with a brain knew what this whore was about

roasties gonna roast


That was a weird little tangent. Are you Irish diaspora?

I’m ready to defile this whore.
The brits crave the italian BVLL cock.

Do you have a link to that photo?

Fuck man, if you couldn’t get laid at University you were doing it wrong.

Ya like 1/3 Irish, I’m subscribed to his channel he’s got like 1000 subs and he makes a bunch of videos worshiping this girl.

Based and keked

What's the channel? I must judge if this man is a cuck.

Straight White British Protestant

He’s very into this chick, just put a link yo the photo on one of his videos about her

How much of a loser can you be op?

I'm subbed to him too, weird

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland. bongs le btfo

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why.... Why do British women ALWAYS look like they are playing dress up no matter what they are wearing?

I'm not evening trying to be an ass, American women come off as a prostitute at a brothel.

Ya I find him to be oddly entertaining. Unironic hatred towards the Irish in modern times is always interesting to read. And he makes some funny videos.

All English women are slags.
French women have always been superior.

Lol ya the girls are usually pretty ugly there


Why assume the foreigner is non-white?

Obviously she's not going to SAY that ''whites only!'' but she wants a Chad NORD.

ulster? he's a self hating mick

Mans a prod cuck. Funny how many kiwis seem to know the channel though.

>She spent a year pretending to be a "Christian" "Conservative" & "Patriot"
She did? I just thought she campaigned for Brexit

this isn't even a meme. I lived in england and the bar for girls being "fit" is so fucking low it's incredible. Men left and right are drooling over 4/10s layered in pounds of makeup.

I forget, what was the result again?

>I just thought she campaigned for Brexit
She did. Although she comes from a posh family, the rest was all user's projection.

>Men left and right are drooling over 4/10s layered in pounds of makeup.
the truth behind this statement hurts me too deeply to describe

Attached: fukuuuuuu.gif (240x240, 1.63M)

You're telling me a woman is a whore? What a shock. If only there was a pre-establisbed trend of all women being whores I wouldn't have been so surprised.
Oh wait...

Attached: Brexit article from Nick Griffin Resistance Radio.png (840x8573, 1.25M)

I’m actually American, I’m hiding here as the world ends.

Why would all leavers be upset over a roastie. there's literally millions of them

Why do you keep posting this? General data collection over time? No idea.

ten link it. Preferably next time in OP, moron

Her nudes leaked

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Da fuq has her being a roasty toasty got to do with breggsit? Mate just stop shitposting or i gunna get my Norf FC mates on ya. You hear me? Now go and get a Breggsit sosij woll speshal at Greggs. Be grateful for what you got. Be kind and all that shit.

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Also how do we know these are legit and not an edit?

the truth is most guys see these UK girls as practice girls. they are ugly enough to not have to put much effort into attaining them whilst completely sexualising themselves coupled with a low self esteem.

they are seen as ugly but attractive enough for a no effort fuck and Chuck.

here you go simp
and you only have to go through a few of her tweets to see she's a pseudo conservative.pandering to her nazi brexiteer followers

Attached: alice twitter bio.png (304x349, 100.37K)


>fuck and Chuck.
all that english slags are good for lel

Is Beatrice making the same offer?

All women are whores. It is a fundamental law of this world.
They don't care about left vs right anymore than black vs white, or literally anything else.
They have no morals, no values, they only think about fulfilling their most primal urges all day.
For this reason there are no /ourgirl/'s, and any man who still thinks so is deluded.

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She's not even white, why should I care?

Very based

>nazi brexiteer followers
this is why leftists get laughed at

A lot of her fans do have Mosley stuff on their profiles

Mosley wasn’t a Nazi

Fascism =/= national socialism

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It's called a sense of humour memefag

>star campaigner
>a literal who

Fair, but i think he has a solid facist/ethno nash following

Its real it was on her story a couple of days ago

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Minor character. She was just using Brexit as a way to pose and pretend to be different despite being an obvious whore. If people couldn’t see through that you’re fucking deluded.

They're definitely in the wrong movement then.

>pretending to be a "Christian" "Conservative" & "Patriot"
>Then outs herself as a slag & a whore
many such cases

What I find funny as fuck is how much effort they put in to hide their ghastly, sickly looking grey bodies, instead of maybe put in a tiny effort each day to do some basic exercise and eat well. Its funny as hell how much pommy blokes come down here try to play up the accent and get mad yanks pull with ease - fit, outdoorsy (especially) southerners seem to be lost cousins of ours.

Plenty of wog chicks go for the poms but rarely locals. Me missus mates always chased visiting yanks over poms. "English " women learn hard and fast here if they bother to come at all - that we have plenty of porkies ourselves. They at least have a tan and don't have godawful shit tier accents to our ears.

A mate of mine from years ago was a hardcore chubby chaser from Scotland. Was a fit, decent enough fella himself but he was fucked in the head when it came to chicks. He chose to come here to chase fatties for the above reason. Fucking cunt got by just on his fucked accent that when he was drunk or pining you couldn't understand him AT ALL. Parents were loaded though. I gathered over the years he was sent here cause he embarrassed them due to his fetish or something.

wtf is a brexit

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you fuck me I fuck you
bloody bastard