I don't want this happening anymore

I don't want this happening anymore

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me neither, it fucking sucks.

It's too late to stop it now.

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this is necessary user

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someone pls help

Death was coming either way, at least globalism dies first.

Shut up faggots

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Don't touch your eyes bro

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Y'all better buckle up!!! The fun just started!

Estonia for Ruskies!!!111

Why would you do this.

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You were never one of us.
Hurry and die, NPC.

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Heh nothing personnel fren

It will all be over soon.

your a fucking pussy this is literally the only semi interesting shit that's happened in decades go be a bitch somewhere else ya faggot

I didn't either, but now I'm changing my mind. Time for the world which has tormented me for so long to finally receive justice.

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I'd agree, but these things are unavoidable. I hope you stay safe and stay in good shape. nothing churns my stomach more than unwarranted human misery.

I've been a virgin hermit for almost a decade. I was built for this.

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yeah i'm kinda tired of it and it's just the start

The Virus was the Intro.
The Plot is something else.

Sorry the happenings store doesn’t take returns

No one realizes that the faggot media literally obliterated our countries economy over the span of a week.


Ancient Chinese Curse: "May you live in interesting times" i[spoiler][/spoiler]

bretty gud

>user has got no toiltet paper and is forced to use sand paper.
>No more, I yeild!
The happening hasn't truly begun!

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Nah, it's kind of neat actually. Everything's gonna change from now on. Pandemics clear things up, refocus priorities and replace the old with the new. The Boomer age is finally over. The age of economies built on air with make believe stock markets has crumbled. Brrrring money doesn't work anymore. Billionaires are loosing big. Everywhere people are mad at globalism and liberalism that allowed this virus to spread so widely. Trump is really the last US president. I hope the virus mutates and cause hemorrhagic fever, then you'll really see genuine panic all over the world.

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>I want to get off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride!

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Suck it up Buttercup! This is here, this is now. You better wrap your head around it! When you are burying the rotting corpses and the stench makes you dry heave all day long you will look back at this time with envy. Now shape up maggot!

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On the contrary I love this Happening so much. For the first time ever, Doom Paul is not just relevant but barely an exaggeration.

It’s like Yas Forums is finally achieving its intended purpose.

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It will make you strong user. I know it sucks, but you will be stronger for it and society will be red pilled about CHI COMS.

Meme fag gets it

Chinks killed a lot of Germans. We need to go for the 1 billion chink holocaust.

It has only begun.

I can't see any sick or dead people, while a worldwide pandemic is active.

But i can see Tanks rolling out in San diego.

So what i should believe?

theres a cure
happening cancelled

This is a scary thought


Dude, dude. You haven’t seen ANYTHING yet. ANYTHING.

Consider what happened to the markets last week and then consider that the outbreak isn’t remotely close to peaking. And then think about what that will do to the economy

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I'm in San Diego, it's so much worse than that, they even brought in an aircraft carrier and parked it right next to down town.

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>tfw just after rumor has it one of the coworkers sent home for coughing is deathly sick a memo goes out saying you must come to work even if coworkers catch corona
just fuck my shit up senpai wish i was a neet and not an essentialfag literally gonna be working 12 hour days with no break even if i get sick until this simmers down

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What the fuck do they need it for?

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can't sieze power without stirring up a storm

the neets shall inherit the earth

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Don’t be shy what do you do?

A World War.

I was finally happy, user. After years of struggling, working hard while shaking off leeches and thieves, I, at 40, have a good career, a house, stable income, and nothing holding me down. I start dating a girl 15 years younger than me and she makes me happy. For the first time everything is okay.

And yet I still hope this virus wipes out 95% of us. If that includes me, fine, so long as I know it will get the job done.

All I want are my trumpbux

i want to be a neet on my own I don’t want to be forced

Nobody can stop it now

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kek speed to all

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Idk about 95%, but this eternal population growth is insane; we are an insane species. Really the only way to stop us from destroying every inch of land and killing every animal on Earth is to have some deadly virus that kills a bunch of people. There's literally no other effective way to stop overpopulation

There won’t be a mr bones’ wild ride when this is all over.

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Thats the midway, ww2 era floating museum.

I too am in san diego, i have seen the tank trains before, but the timing is, well, interesting to say the least.

And in baltimore those are the normal stadium hummers im sure.

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Yeah me neither. Less antsy about the virus than the shit going on around it (mandatory vaccines, Bill Gay's ID chip, using the lockdown to covertly erect 5g towers)

not trying to dox myself

deploying B2s to nuke Shanghai.

Why what's happening? Nothing that's what!
The businesses are shut down. Everyone is at home reading their bibles and singing hymns.
There's no degeneracy. No stupid ass NBA games or niggerball of any kind. No fucking bars open at night. Nobody spreading STDs at random in the middle of filthy nightclubs.
They're so desperate all they can do is get on airplanes and take pictures of themsleves licking toilet seats. OOOOOO look at me be raunch!
Yea there's nothing happening. It's like 1965 or something. I fucking love it. I haven't gone outside in years but I might now.

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Like I said, they needed it for a World War.
But Newsom said the National Guard was being rolled out, so the tanks don't bug me. The military is prepping for a worst case scenario, but that doesn't mean shit is going down. Everyone I know is just chilling at home.

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After all this time shilling that the nwo was in charge of literally everything did you really think that this one was going to work out for the little guy
I’m with OP, seriously running low on mana here

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yeah, but you might die so it's ok

maybe you happooners will learn not to wish for harm on innocent people and we can get back to normal shit posting

Pathetic. You fags talking about race wars and collapse. Yet you can't stay home for 2 weeks. Sacrifice is necessary if you want achive anything. Real storm would much harder.

The Die is cast.

>wish for harm on innocent people
They should have thought for themselves instead of letting (((them))) do it for them. They're not innocent. They make their kids trans. Kids they borrowed. Kids they probably didn't give birth to.

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Maybe you will find you can be happier when this is all through.

is there a specific prayer I can do to speed this up I’m ready to repent

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This is some demon crap.

Hiding under a bridge so Satellites can't see?

MOOOOODS. He killed him. He killed fren. Somebody do something.

Get out their and secure your resources now!
I have a crew of 7 other men I trust, we have flatbed truck and we have been WATCHING. We were able to get some ham equipment tonight and got some shelf stable food items at a 2nd location. We have resources, GET YOURS. We're gonna do this until the guard gets deployed and the hole up at the furtherest place we can get it. For us it's my guys ranch in the desert. Take what you need, no one will be there to help you soon.

You are weak and cowardly. Embrace the happening.

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been drinking quite a bit of these lately

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You fags would be pissing your pants in 1939

Too bad. You probably have drank up food carts worth of the stuff. It'll be quite valuable once all the liquor stores close down which they have in Cali and probably will in Colorado soon.
Much more once society collapses outright.
That even has medicinal uses you know. Well too bad for you bitch. Instead you only gave yourself increased toxins for the plague to juice on.

Have you seen 12 monkeys?
We are living it. This virus is a serious threat against humanity.

Fren will be back someday I am sure.