the 'tolerent' LGBT community when they hear the name of Jesus
Demons are real
anyone with a bullhorn on a public street should be hung from their nuts.
Yeah we know, nothing new here fags are demons
Imagine being mad at someone telling you to get out of your house which is on fire, and save yourself.
i dont even
then the same can be done to you
Why doesn't anyone every break these faggots necks?
Found the pillow biter
Real good look leafs
He's an actual Christian who is showing love and tolerance. Dorre Love is a black dude who could BTFO of any one of these degenerates real quick. He's a man of God trying to spread the Gospel. Shuts down Tranny story times, etc. Pray for him if you're a Christian.
Wtf is up with capcha?
Ahaha the annoying dyke got laid out
I had no problem with gays a few years ago, but I've come to hate the whole movement.
No kidding I'm getting 15 different ones just to post every 5 monutes
the digits confirm
I'm not even religious and this made me believe these people are either possessed or are demons in disguise.
>Demons are real
We prefer the term "user".
yeah they act like such an oppressed group of people but almost all of them are weird sexual predators, pedophiles, foot fetishists, scat fetishists and are willing to prostitute themselves over nothing in an instant. they are quite literally the garbage of humanity and they all need extermination or rehabilitation. doesn't help that they get gibs and other benefits just for being degenerates. fuck the whole lot of them.
I am a Christian and love Christ and the lord with all my heart. But, have always been divided about homosexuality being a sin. Jesus never address it himself, and the mentions in the old testament are kind of vague. Especially since Jesus had many criticisms of the old testament and the ways and rules of the Jewish temple.
Can someone please, please make this crystal clear to me as to why homosexuality is a sin and did Jesus address this?
>a black dude
Now it makes sense, they fear gettinng called racists. If it was a white preacher they would have abused the shit out of hin
Demons are a figurative representation of "error". In reality there is nothing but God and God is a nutcase.
It goes against life, it smells like poopoo, it involves prolapsed anuses
They lash out because deep down they know he is right.
Classic cognitive dissonance.
But demons are anime girls and girls can't be gay.
Personal rhetoric aside: what does Jesus or the bible objectively declare about it?
Demons are just retarded angels.
Degenerate LGBTQPEDOPHILERAPISTNIGGERS need to be culled. They are absolute fucking trash & live for hating God & lusting for the flesh.
Its not personal rhetoric, its the objective reality of sodomy. The act itself tells you its foul, just like rotten foods smell, shape/colour and taste tells you its foul.
Jesus and the bible say going against life is an insult to God, sodomy is punished a few times by God, and lust itself is a capital sin.
That's assault. Why not just walk past? Why do they go out of their way to fight some random dude on the street talking about god?
That would be nice, but that's not the case. It's one dirty ape shouting at other dirty apes for being ugly dirty apes.
Authoritarian personality
lmaoing at this display of peak colonialism, muh queen muh cherry tree
What get's me is that I had a literal conversation with literal satanists at a bar once and they had a great chat about beliefs and God with me.
So this shit is beyond satan 2bh.
This is more retarded apeisms.
Probably has nothing to do with some freak screaming in their face, take your meds schizo
r u a demon?
that pic makes me wonder
my dog bit my ear recently and there's no way u could know that
People who call themselves satanists are not satanists, at most they sre luciferian if not outright autistic liberals.
If you wanna see satanism look into the carteles and some maras. San la muerte stuff, death worship. The trinity they have is fear death and pain.
But we will change that.
Homosexuality goes against nature in that it prevents the reproduction of the species, propogates disease, destroys natural human masculinity/femininity as we're seeing now and brings with it a plethora of societal cancers which propogate further degeneracy. I have no problem with people who love each other making love in private but these people doing things infront of children propogates he problem, LGBTQ conditions are all environmental, what happens when more and more of the population decides they prefer the same sex and doesn't want to reproduce anymore, when the men become effeminate therefore making the nation and it's people vulnerable to hostile attack from those who maintained touch with nature in this regard. This sort of thing has happened many times throughout history in great civilizations and like Babylon, Greece and Rome and they all were destroyed soon after. Not necesarily for allowing homosexuality but because of the social state they were in that allows homosexuality, pedophilia, gluttony and all other kinds of debauchery.
The saying "Like the last days of Rome" exists for a reason user.
Once again this phenomenon that ancient scholars warned us about by creating a religion is happening again.
[trip faggots detected]
The LGBT community is deeply into voodoo shit. Black magic for men includes sodomy. Neoafrican cults and Santeria, as well as Judaism, has children sacrifices.
Everything decays & dies at some point, user. Something new will rise from the ashes of the western world. So has it always been.
What is Santeria exactly? Is it like satanism? I know it has something to do with black magic, but is it also a religion in and of itself?
Lol I seen paddy today, dude looked lost lmao
We don't have to, why undo thousands of years of progress? We don't have tim, last great collapse we were in a dark age for 2000 years give or take. We should be a multi planet species right now. We have the resources, tech and manpower. We just don't have the spirit. That must change before it's too late.
Yeah theres is lot of larping in the sexclub scene, but its just that, larping. After all the spooky sigils and the black mass orgy they go home to watch netflix.
What the carteles/maras do is another ballgame, they do cannibalistic ritusls for strength, flay their enemies, its all highly ritualistic violence.
Satanism used to be freedom. Now it seems to be no longer about freedom, but more about religious hysteria and ritualistic madness.
Source: my ass
Lord lowercase
>Everything we need to know
A lot of satanists are just rational egoists with an aesthetic coat of occult paint.
Bretty good, faggot ass bitch got his shit stolen.
I bet he went home and told his boyfriend all about it.
Tranny begone
The Canaanites, one of Israel tribes, made its way to what know we call Subsaharian Africa. This ancient branch of Jews made children sacrifices regularly for whatever reasons: power, money, health... The did black magic and sorcery. If you look into satanic rituals, Santeria rituals, Moloch sacrifices, and Santa Muerte (is actually the same as Santeria, just a minor figure that got adepts in Mexican crime), they have many symbols and elements in common: bloody animal sacrifices, dismembering, beheaded animals and skulls in their altars, bright colors, food, A PAIR OF HORNS, feather of killed winged animals. Niggers believe is part of their heritage and that slaves brought their beliefs with them, but the flourishing of Santeria is actually somewhat new, it took place in the 70's, when Cubans fleed to Miami. The common root of all of these cults, is the worshiping of satan, adivination through the realm of death, spirit possession, sodomy, and spells. Jews basically worship satan, black magic spells are in the Torah. Oh, and Santeria cults also use the star of david, and curse Jesus.
LaVeys shit was just luciferianism, and luciferianism is the same as being a neoliberal topdog or a yippie cause nietzsches shit is very based on prometheus
Actual satanism is stuff like promising a head to death if it doesnt kill you during a heist or dangerous situation.
Christcucks are fucking cringe. If hope they all die so they can go suck off their beloved Jewsus. I hate christcucks so god damn much.
LGBT Satanist consumes witchcrafts, which are made with sacrifices, often have bones, blood, and little animal corpses.
>zionist preacher
fuck off kike
Ugh, sorry about the misspellings.
Satanism is literally a manifestation of error.
Some people confuse that with free will, but you can use free will for good things that are not what people consider "error". Error is both a subjective and objective term. You impute it from whatever collective goal you or society has and how an action hinders or progresses it.
notice the faggots scurry away when it's a huge group of religious nuts.
one man preaching and they jump in like niggers though
I am an atheist and I find this disgusting. Gender is biological and nothing can change that. But here is the problem, gender dysphoria is a disorder. There are several reasons for it. One would be estrogen intake. Many men have disorders such as klinefelter, in which they have feminine bodies, very sensitive, and are infertile A group of scientists did a study in 2010, which show disorders like klinefelter have a correlation with homosexuality. Another would be molestation from another man. This harms a man's mentality. Another would be brain damage. Now why would a God create such things like this?
Jewish people *hate christians and get into a murderous rage just from hearing Jesus' name*
Christians: *worship jews*
Jesus had absolutely NO criticisms of the old testament. This is common misconception. Christ spoke out against the teachings of man, I.E. the Talmud and Kaballah.
Leviticus 18:22|View whole chapter|See verse in context
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as withwomankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13|View whole chapter|See verse in context
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with awoman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Finally my copy pasta board of verses is coming in handy.
That's very interesting, thanks man!
Christians do not worship Jews. They are all going to burn in hell. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ.
>kikes and their brainless golem hate jesus
You just figured that out?