Evening lads.

>Four cruise ships given special permission to dock in Australia despite 30-day coronavirus ban

>Australia surges past 1,000 coronavirus cases as infections rise again in NSW

>Coronavirus Australia live updates: PM considers suburb lockdowns as Bondi Beach closes

>Australia will 'shut down overnight' if coronavirus hits truckies

>Australian expats left jobless by the coronavirus crisis

>Bondi Beach closed over crowds amid coronavirus pandemic

>From 4:00pm on Tuesday, anyone arriving from interstate or overseas into the Northern Territory will have to self-isolate for 14 days due to new strict border controls.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck chinks

Will we ever get suburb by suburb breakdown? How do we know whether to go about our lives locally or to lock down

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I have no idea how to crosspost so I hope that works.
Anyway, most of my views are left aligned therefore I'm a leftist.

Praise him


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Daily reminder, you MUST herd yourself if you live in Anglosphere, this is the law, no excuse:

They can still spread it. Or whether they’re not getting infected. The former is probably more likely. But, in a way, if they are getting infected and they’re perfectly well, whilst they might spread it, it also creates a herd immunity. So there is lots of complex questions about schools.

>Social distancing now 4m

Just do a fucking lockdown already you inept cowardly fucking imbecile. Nobody follows this shit.

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Most of them would be in areas with aged care facilities and middle eastern people.

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Or schools.

Bros I've been eating my stash at like 2 days per day rate, maybe I should have budgeted higher than 1000 calories per day.

tried to do some shopping today, way more empty shelves than a few days ago, guess im gonna have to live off ordered food

and the whole mall was fucking packed, saw lots of old people just chilling in the crowded food court like nothings even happening

why are sydney cunts so stupid

How do i stop cooming?

Based Schizos

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Fuckin wh*te dogs

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>1000 calories per day.
Huge deficit. On the good side, you'll be shredded for Stereos this year

Lucky there are a couple of thousand US marines in the north part of Australia then. They can blow them up first.

I did based off 2000 calories per day and I’m doing okay estimate wise. But i also planned all the meals i would eat, and made an excel spreadsheet of stock on hand in calories etc.
Don’t be like “have you prepared for the collapse” user that bugged out a month ago, ate all his preps and is now back in the city and in the same boat as everyone else battling supermarket hoards to try get toilet paper and food.

Sir, step back from the TP

Only one packet allowed per customer

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lol dude you should have done it for 1500 if you're fat for a month or two then a base 2000 cals for the duration of the lockdown lel

If you are a fat cunt just eat every second or third day. You'll be fine.

ohh me chinee no engrish

LOL that guy was a retard

thanks brother

Australia isn't going to run out of food :)

How long till our assigned ASIO officers start committing false flags so that they can justify not being laid off in the coming recession?
I think it'll be pretty soon desu

Breaking: NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has tested positive to CoVID-19:

He was non-stop coughing in the news conference earlier today.

The world has run out of food.
The coronachan lockdown is cover for a global famine
You will be rationing this year.
>swine flu in Asia
>locust swarms across africa and the middle east
>floods wiped out US corn production and dry stores
>early winter in the midwest killed about half of what little got planted
>australia about to experience an 85% reduction in harvest yield from our 2013 peak and 66% fall from last year

what are farms going to do without all the backpackers to pick crops below minimum wage?
genuinely curious

WOMEN are at the centre of the HOARDING behavior. They are using the "i have kids" line every 5 seconds. Going into the supermarket 3 times with the trolley, saying to the worker "this one is for my auntie, this one is for my sister" fucking women are jews its that simple

ok schizoid

I weigh 53kg so I'm not fat, I just didn't want to spend a fuck ton of money and with supermarkets empty, I can't add more for now.
Yeah but supermarkets will.

You’d think he’d be in here all day cause this scenario is his wet dream considering he posted
>are you ready for to collapse
for months on end. Radio silence except for when he popped up and said “I ate all my preps fuck my life I can’t get anything at all shelves are cleared”. He even posted verification pic of his setup so it was definitely him. Top fucking kek. His assigned ASIO agent must be howling. I wonder if they all laugh at him in the break room.

>more schizo claims
lmao how much are they paying you to spread fear and make people panic buy for muh economy?

take your meds

2000 is still a deficit for most people. You would have to be extremely sedative for 2k calories per day to be maintenance.

We're about to run out of rice and pasta

I should add that I have a huge stock of instant noodles but I fucking hate them and they're only for the worst-case scenario, at like 400 calories per pack it's not so bad though but again, yuck.

good question, surprisingly hasn't been asked much

user You are scaring me stop it

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Its the same here in Canberra. I drove past two shopping centres today. Carparks full, loads of people out and not one wearing a mask.

It's enough to run out of drivers

You schizos are a plague.

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lol i missed it got link?

First 5 minutes of that video for the gnarly coofs. I was the one screeching in the thread that he was COOFING as it unfolded live.

It's actually 4 square metres of space per person in a room. Current recommend distance is 1.5 metres between people. Completely unenforceable though

Has he posted since or his he lurking like an embarrassed little faggot now that his smug has vanished with his food? Being too early is the same as being wrong.

Africa will become depopulated

They rot off the vine, while The people in the cities die While they explored what does get picked up because Australian money worthless
It’s the Australian potato famine


>boomervirus update
>boomervirus update
>boomervirus update

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I work in Seymour and drive past puckapunyal every day and I havent seen anything out of the ordinary

Here you go user. Seems quite fitting for Schizo/pol/

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This chart is terrible

>d-don't run on the bank goys

>1 post by this ID

he must be lurking. I don’t have the screenshot of when he turned up and announced he had no food. Wish i screenshotted. It was probably 5 days ago if archive anons wanna search. He was sleeping on the floor of his off grid shed in a sleeping bag with his jerry cans. Was a good laugh. Everyone in the thread laughed at him and he didn’t come back, but i suppose he is busy battling the toilet paper boomers and pasta hoarders

it was a long march from cadets

Perfect. Thanks fren

>chart 2 days out of date

that just shows australia didn't get the memo kek, hence why they deleted my post to save face

Based and famine pilled. Its going to be interesting. I suggest learning to hunt.

this is why you don't prematurely bugout kek

Ease up Briggs ya fat dog

Yeah he bugged out at least a month ago now. I’d say close to 6 weeks ago. Which means he only had a month or so worth of food anyway. People even said mate you’ve bugged out way too early.
t. I have autistic level memory


Corned beef tins is a good survival food. They cost $2.50 and are about 700 calories with 20% fat.

maybe all the unemployed city cunts will move to the countryside to work the farms

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I was in that thread. He was in a garage if I recall.

700cal for how many grams total weight?

my neighbours kid is in year 6 and he’s smoking a ciggie down the road. Anyone else live in /low income area/