/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2347 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 276,532 (+975) ► Died: 11,418 (+38)


China instructions to spread misinformation on the internet leaked

China "lost" 15 million phone users since 2020 started

57 year old Manhattan lawyer dies after saying he was improving

Nurse in Italy: "We no longer count the dead"

Illinois to enter "shelter in place" lockdown, 12 million people

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

In Netherlands, half in intensive care under 50 years old

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

CDC refused to test infected man

China only testing people with Hubei travel history

15 million to die worldwide

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

06:07: 89 new cases in Thailand.
05:24: 72 new cases in Brazil.
05:18: 178 new cases in Norway.
05:16: 2 new deaths in South Korea.
05:12: 4 new deaths in Austria.
05:08: 208 new cases in Switzerland.
04:30: 8 new deaths in Germany.



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I've decided to start prepping next month what should I prioritize when I go shopping bros?

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absolute must
>tinned foods shit lasts years bruh cheap also


>knows about it since late November
>actively keeps it secret
>orders testing labs to destroy samples of the virus at the very beginning
>silences medical professionals who try to warn their colleagues about a spread of a new SARS
>covers it up
>has the largest collective banquet in the world in Wuhan
>covers it up
>spread goes exponential in Wuhan
>forced to admit it and start taking action in January
>silences journalists that try to expose the hellish situation unfolding in Wuhan
>Chinese CDC state that they are 100% sure the virus originated in Wuhan.
>China uses its influence in the WHO to convince the world that its nothing to worry about
>incinerators running 24/7 in Wuhan
>reports of people being sent off to incinerators while still moving
>WHO tells world its nothing to worry about and to not restrict travel to and from China
> China massively under reports the number of infections and deaths, the infected graph looks simulated and Japan confirm that China do not count suspected cases in death numbers
>WHO praises China
>virus starts to spread around the world
>WHO say its not a pandemic just an epidemic in many countries around the world
>becomes a global pandemic the likes of which the world hasnt seen since the Spanish Flu
>China then decide to shift the blame on to the US
>China threatens to cut off US medical supply and "drown them in a sea of coronavirus"
>China claim it's racist to say the virus comes from China

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To late go prep today

Me and my bros walkin out of quarantine like...

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Can't wait to buy a ranch house for 37 cents

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It's a sad sight to behold.


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kenny rogers died, was it corona?

Austria +15 (+1), only 15?? We usually had +300 the past few days on the first of 2 updates a day. what the fuck is going on?

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Guys I’m home alone and scared

Is Lookner going after Drumpfstein?

Argentine, on time, every-time.

New temperature and humidity data.

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Any crazy videos or info coming out of Italy the past few days? Need more WEBMs.
As bad as Italy is, at least they aren't burning their own god-loving citizens in dirt-pits though. I have a feeling religiousness will have a massive come-back in italy, potentially world-wide, after this event.

Batteries and extra fleshlights

We could have a sleep over!

(((Natural causes)))

Woah thought i was on twitter for a moment there.

A theory:

The chinks stole the weapon or were about to develop it themselves.

The US (meaning the US, UK, and Germany) seeing this, releases the vaccine virus (IE the weaker strain) domestically.

The US then (or China does so accidentally) releases the weaponized version in China.

The US has a record "flu" season and unknown coronaviruses are detected across labs in Canada as early as August, if I remember the post correctly. ...while China has literal millions die, are welding their people into their apartments, and are burning people alive.

The US says now "oh we cant test, even though we have tons of tests!" And they allow high profile people to get tested to show how widespread "the disease" is here.

However, the "disease" in the US is actually the vaccine... so the US must hide its true numbers of infected or the chinks will catch on. Imagine if 2 million people were tested in the US were tested and 1.5 million test positive, but there had only been 100 deaths? ...while the chinks have 100 mil infected and 10 million deaths?...the chinks would know...

So, for now, no you don't get tested. This will probably blow over with less than a million US deaths (and those deaths will be either the immunocompromised or the ones who unluckily were never exposed to the vaccine strain) and the US will come out ahead of China in the end.

The lockdowns and shutdowns in the US are just window dressing. Trump himself said this will just disappear... and has had to change his tune so as not to expose the truth.

This also explains the low german and UK death rate....

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you can save 1 (one) person from the virus (not you), who will it be?

As long as it's long-lasting and balances your macronutrients, you'll be fine. Remember to get some multivitamins

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My country, unironically, people are still praying together, the poo leaders are still preaching their false prophet and telling shits, fuck Islam.

We're nearing our limit...

Does anybody have that one old Chinese timeline pic with the Wuhan banquet photo in it? I thought I downloaded it from these threads like a month ago but I can't find it anymore. Have a rare Corona-chan and please help if you know what I'm talking about

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>249321526 #
>>China lies about the existence of the virus back in November and December
China hides it*,just like you hide billions of gygabites worth of information.
>>China lies about human to human transmission
they did not know wether it was transmissible at first. You can hardly count that as a lie,unless you're a shill.
>>China lies about the measures they took
False,the entirety of Yas Forums knew about the measures taken,it was posted in this very sub.
>>China lies about the origin of the virus
It's american. Seethe.
>>China provides obviously fabricated numbers (pic related)
you have NO (0,O,nada) counterproof apart from your schizo rant. Do you expect us to believe you instead of them? retard
>>China disappears people who try and spread info about what's happening on their territory
People tried to spread fake news about it in my country as well and they'll be imprisoned for a looooong time. Nothing bad about it

GALLVIM THREESOME has deployed the National Guard in California


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>China lies about the existence of the virus back in November and December
>China lies about human to human transmission
>China lies about the gravity of the situation in Wuhan until they have to lock down the entire fucking city
>China lies about the measures they took
>China lies about the origin of the virus
>China expels foreign journalists to conceal the truth
>China provides obviously fabricated numbers (pic related)
>China disappears people who try and spread info about what's happening on their territory

These fucking people.

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Maybe I can be your gf tonight.

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Yes ples, but no gay stuff ok ?

My waifu

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You, Egyptian user. :^)

George Soros

Uh oh guys, looks like the town drunk got ahold of someone's cell phone

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And the best part? There are people here who are actually grateful to China for "helping" us in our time of need.
We're literally being buttfucked by yellow microdicks whilst we're forced to scream THANK YOU MASTER

>>China lies about the existence of the virus back in November and December
China hides it*,just like you hide billions of gygabites worth of information.
>>China lies about human to human transmission
they did not know wether it was transmissible at first. You can hardly count that as a lie,unless you're a shill.
>>China lies about the measures they took
False,the entirety of Yas Forums knew about the measures taken,it was posted in this very sub.
>>China lies about the origin of the virus
It's american. Seethe.
>>China provides obviously fabricated numbers (pic related)
you have NO (0,O,nada) counterproof apart from your schizo rant. Do you expect us to believe you instead of them? retard
>>China disappears people who try and spread info about what's happening on their territory
People tried to spread fake news about it in my country as well and they'll be imprisoned for a looooong time. Nothing bad about it. Kys shill

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Stop eating flying rats.

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We've surpassed the point where it is safe to go out, haven't we?

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Myself from the past from the horrible decisions that messed up my present and future

A lot of my churches in my area have cancelled Sunday congregations. Are you guys still treating it like it's any other day?
Don't worry, dude, I've got my own blanket so we don't have to share.

>Do you expect us to believe you instead of them?
yes you chink shill, now get the fuck outta here and collect your social credits

Me too bro

hey guys,looks like someone hasn't taken hia daily 50000 kcalories intake.

>new nichijou never

multivitamins and shit that's compact but high calorie.

Any actual medfags around besides that Spaniard with his VHS therapy?

Its a nothingburger cold
>the sky isn't falling
Its a nothingburger cold
>the skyisn't falling
Its a nothingburger cold
>the sky isn't falling
Its a nothingburger cold
>the skyisn't falling
Its a nothingburger cold
>the sky isn't falling
Its a nothingburger cold
>the skyisn't falling

das cheating

start taking your meds

Digits confirm

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11% mortality?

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It will be over by Christmas stop worrying

waste of digits on a shill who calls others shills.

And chinks keep travelling like nothing happens also.

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I don't know bros, I think I'm ready to just watch societal collapse.

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I don’t have a blanket user and I’m feeling cold, I need human contact to feel warm

cheating is the only way you can survive

This one wants us to believe his retarded memeflagged ass instead of a country with over 1 billion people without presenting any proof . You're the shill here

How fucked Am I bros?

And chinks keep travelling like nothing happens also

We 103 (4) now!

We did it, we joined the 100 club!

I was just about to, here's my midnight snack. You mad yuropoor?

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Calm down Vee, you and i both know a chinky fuckup is more likely than American bioweapon. Take your meds and chill!


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Wait, fleshlights or flashlights? This is important!

Is being tired af a symptom of Corona?
I'm tired af all the time...

>It's american
wumao niggers are not welcome here, go suck Chinese micropenis somewhere else

wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want my BAT SOUP with 3 dipping sauces all delivered by door dash!!!!

GIVE ME MY BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So far we're doing okay at my hospital. We've had multiple rooms in my MICU unit made into makeshift negative pressure rooms utilizing taped down plastic tarp to create a seal (with zippers to get in and out) and a machine in the room itself that sucks the air out of the room utilizing holes that have been cut into the windows (this is three to six stories up in the building depending on which ICU you are talking about. It's not just my unit they are doing this to). The morale in general is grim, but so far we haven't been overwhelmed by patients, just set back by supply shortages. However, they've warned us that we're not projected to peak for another two to three weeks. Already they've made plans to convert the PACU into a COVID unit and utilize voluntary teams (myself among them) to manually prone patients and then teach other nurses these techniques, as it's clear that the beds we usually used to prone patients will quickly be in short supply.
Wish me luck anons
>Houston ICU medfag

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feels like it. virus is too powerful.

>have a park I run at
>usually there’s very few people there and get the runways to myself
>it’s suddenly flooded with people
>some are coofing
>others are breathing heavily as they pass me on the trails
Between this and panic buyers snatching up non-essential things like milk and eggs, I’m ready for this happening to be over. It’s more annoying than scary at this point.

The amazing thing is, liberals are actually falling for and shilling the chinese propaganda. Disgusting.

Fuck off shill. The nerve some of you still have trying to defend this shit

Harro friends! This big nawting burger! You need carm down and stop panic! Rerax!

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just as fucked as me

Does compactness in terms of volume actually matter? Unless you're going to be walking around, I'd say cost per calorie is much more important
At least it got a full 26-episode run

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Anyone got a list of all the names for the wu-flu? feeling like annoying my co-workers

Ok I’ll save you then so we can have Egyptian beenz and lentiles

best meme so far

when you're right, you're right

that's less than a snack. You usually eat this all by yourself before the noon. What's wrong? Muh flu....?

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Stay safe med bro. You're more likely to end up getting TB, but, hang in there!

Sweet n' Sour Sicken

Fine, just don't play footsie with me okaaay?

Who is Vee? Isn't it ironic that you call me names which probably come from your fantasies while claiming that I should take my meds!?

you got the corona my dude

Goodbye user


>he's still trying

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>0 death
I'm starting to smell bullshit

At least we're known for SOMETHING

>0 deaths

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>same age as all the retarded party goers in Florida and Bondi Beach
>they catch Corona-Chan
>all the guys lose their ability to reproduce
>significant population loss
Are my other fellow Zoomers ready for state-mandated waifus and compulsory breeding sessions?

Divine Intervention

I rather believe jew than changs. You failed, 50 cent army.

Unironic predictions for how long things last before going out in public starts to get normal again?
I really don't know how we can expect all of America to quarantine effectively for a few weeks at a time, let alone longer.

Just lying here with nasty swamp ass because someone bought all the fuking TP !!

this general is just a bunch of autistic schizos this time of day isnt it
bunch of hoes

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dont forget low japan and korea death rate... both US allies

>Wu Flu
>Kung Flu
>Justa Flu
>WHO Flu
>Gook Flu
>WuHu Flu
>Red Plague
>Yellow Lung
>Canton Coof
>Xi Jinplague
>Wu-Tang Flu
>Flu Man Chu
>Flu-Tang Clan
>Boomer Remover
>Geezer Wheezer
>Airborne AIDS
>Bat-Man Virus
>Winnie the Flu
>Bat Soup Croup
>Lung Pao Sicken
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Wubonic Plague
>Hong Kong Fluey
>Shanghai Shivers
>Chink Flying AIDS
>Pangolin Pandemic
>Wuhan Coronavirus
>Mandate of Heaving
>The Shaolin Sneeze
>Wet Market Surprise
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Communist Lung Herpes
>China's One Corpse Policy
>SARS-CoV-2: Alveolar Boogaloo
>Experimental Bioweapon CW-19
>The Commie Cold

Digits confirm

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The National guard is patrolling the streets of Jacksonville Florida. Lockdown tomorrow starting at midnight.

Ok but only if we cuddle, no homo though

What is that wall of texts? It's incomprehensible and it has no verbs. Do you need to go back to school? yes,you do. Clasa a Va

>Kung Flu
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Ailment
>Slant-eye Sickness
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Coolie Cough
>Oriental Onset
>Beijing Bug
>Rice Rabies
>Gook Germ
>Mandarin Malady
>Lo Mein Pain
>Dim Sum Diarrhea
>Guangdong Gout
>Confucian Cancer
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Chop Fluey
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Sicken fried rice
>Ow chi lung
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Flu Manchu
>rangoon doom
>egg roll toll
>teriyaki terror
>wonton west nile
>bamboo shoot poops
>rice noodle rickets
>finger trap clap
>pu pu pandemic
>dog meat diphtheria
>gutter oil boils
>Genghis cough
>Hong Kong Fluey

Two weeks and half ago I had flu like symptoms: fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc.
Now only the dry cough remains with a discomfort between the neck and chest...

A-am I fucked anons?

Where's the 250k pic?

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i still have my eyes on you

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Everything is fine, do not panic citizens

Attached: National guard are moving in. Welcome to Michigan - michiga[...].webm (480x608, 774.27K)

>no yellow fever
so close, so many

do you have a shortness of breath?

Summer isn't stopping this, is it? Remember how when this was ramping up in late January, "just a flu bro" etc, people saying summer will stop it lol.

God damn I ate spam with rice for dinner. What a salty piece of shit meat, I hate this, I want my old normal life with fresh milk and fresh meat and fresh fruit and vegetables

Churches don't have mandatory "coming together" to pray so their followers are okay with praying from home, still dumb actually. Islam however forces its followers to pray together in the same room, the more the merrier, and if you ask them most of them will say ONLY ALLAH CAN KILL ME I AM NOT AFRAID OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT VIRUS NOTHING BURGER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I FUCKING HATE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE


bravo, saved


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if he does it every 50k he'll be coming out with them every day

>Wu-Ping Cough

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Two weeks and a half and you still have the coof? Don't get 2nd waved bro.

Only when doing cardio

Cuddling sounds fun, maybe a little spooning. Just no skin contact, hence the forbidden footsies.
no homo of course

by now the supermarkets should be stocked up again, if not now next week. then you can go buy food normally. even in wuhan people are going out to buy food every 2-3 days

>egyptian beans
only fit for bovine and other livestock globally. We only eat it because it is cheap+ we have an iron stomach.

reminder that Xi Jinping is pounded in the asss each night by 5 niggers and he wipes the nigger cum from his torn asshole with the Five Starred Flag

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If any governments cared at all for their people this would’ve been done from the start of the pandemic.

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Have some fresh OC my dudes

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Does the US still use designs like the Elefant/Ferdinand?

>poor ass flyover town
>everyone too poor to travel
coronavirus will never get us

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Oz is so dead in 2 weeks if they don't clamp down on forcing people into quarantine and stopping the community spread.


MUH ITALY ahahahahahahahaahahahaha
Dude you have 40k+ infected,this proves that your country is a shithole,I can't help my tear comming out of my left eye....poor poor Italy...well,at least you have pizzas,right? God,it must be awful watching so many italians dying so painfully...being so helpless....mmmm


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Here's part two then
>Mandate of Sniffles
>Fug Yu Lung
>Spring-fected roll
>Asian Contagion
>Wubonic Plague
>Flu Yung Hai
>Great Cough Forward
>The Yellow Death
>Ping Pong Pandemic
>Year of the Bat
>the Wungaloo
>The yellow flu ching-demic
>Breaking Bat
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Ailment
>Slant-eye Sickness
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Coolie Cough
>Oriental Onset
>Beijing Bug
>Rice Rabies
>Gook Germ
>Mandarin Malady
>Lo Mein Pain
>Dim Sum Diarrhea
>Guangdong Gout
>Confucian Cancer
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Chop Fluey
>Sicken fried rice
>Ow chi lung
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>rangoon doom
>egg roll toll
>teriyaki terror
>wonton west nile
>bamboo shoot poops
>rice noodle rickets
>finger trap clap
>pu pu pandemic
>dog meat diphtheria
>gutter oil boils
>Genghis cough
>Hong Kong Fluey

My mom

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holy areoli

Bronchitis most likely

actual correct response

the CCP are really desperate these days.

I hear it's a common symptom for corona, so the fact you don't have it is a good sign but certainly not definite. I'll pray for you user


vampires,gypsies. 2>1
you're a nobody though
not an argument
Hahahahaha,gypsies are funny

They need those in Detroit for when the niggers decide to chimp out. Seems reasonable in that context

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those are being shipped from a factory. They aren't even armed.

I’ll wear socks don’t worry, however I’m used to sleeping nude and I can’t sleep with clothes on, will that be a problem ?

Thanks burgerbro, I'll pray for you too

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>>Shanghai Shivers

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