You ever wonder what the 322 under the skull and bones means?

You'll find out tomorrow.

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How do you know?

shut up you glownigger LARPer


OP found out about it today and is larping. every grandma and their dog knows about skull and bones

Truly annuda shoah.

Yeah but what does the 322 mean?


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couldn't I have found out a year ago?

Tomorrow is 3/21

I dont fucking care faggot. Fuck you

go away op
sperg lord

Hebrew and the building blocks of the universe, or for skull and bones the building blocks of a new world order.

C=3 V=22 for you nefwags

3 = OP
2 = is
2= a faggot

genesis 3:22

Tomorrow should be interesting

no we wont larper
you arent one of them OP
leave now and never come back


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What 322 means:

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Its referencing Genesis 3:22

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>You'll find out tomorrow.

There's no need to wait -- the 322 stands for both Genesis 3:22 and the year of the death of Democracy in Athens: 322 BCE.

In both senses, the number 322 stands for mankind becoming as God, and then using that status to completely erase all social fairness and equality and achieve total elitist tyranny.

No one with even half a brain doesn't know the truth about this "mystery" number by now -- you talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded

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why was god such a fag?

Get ready the convulsions are getting closer the propulsion toward a biblical explosion will leave the world frozen. I was chosen to shout words gone unspoken and cut curtains closing. Well here's hoping

322 is less than true but that a faggot such as (((You))) already knew. I'm posting this impromptu rhyme out of the blue because I'm sick of the shit you spew. Hide in the mountain you're denied the life fountain seek council but don't be astounded when you find yourself surrounded my sound is grounded. Your fake faith is unfounded.

its primitive and self centred

Ok retard

>You'll find out tomorrow.
Unlike the other 200-ish March 22nd since.


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SOP failed in metal gear and it will fail now

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Read at 3:33. Spoopy

And you will find the meaning of The Nobody.


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>genesis 3:22
[3:22] You are those whose deeds will come to nothing, in this world and in the Hereafter; and you will have no saviors.

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322 was the 420 back in the day.

And Hashem Elohim said, See, HaAdam is become like one of Us, knowing tov v’rah; and now, lest he put forth his yad, and take also of HaEtz HaChayyim, and eat, and chai l’olam (live forever);

Nice idiocracy reference

All the frat boys at Yale go 322 blaze it

Fuck off, Chet. Your trust fund is about to dry up, better get working on that rap career


if they knew why isnt it 3222020?

- 3,2,1

The final countdown

I added that certain je ne sais quoi

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2 4 6 8
You're never too late.
Me and my radio trucking on through the night.
3 5 7 9
Little white line.
Motorway sun coming up with the morning light.


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We're heading to Venus,,,, Venus.
"Sometime on the afternoon of Sunday, (2020-Mar-22 18:49 UTC with 2 hours, 47 minutes uncertainty), Near Earth Object (2020 DP4), between 25 and 57 meters (83 to 186 feet) in size, will pass the Earth at between 3.5 and 3.6 lunar distances (nominally 3.5), traveling at 8.10 kilometers per second (18,130 miles per hour)."
"an asteroid has been identified to pass Earth close enough to cause an "airburst"!

And then nothing happens 3/22 and we get told that 4/14 was the real real real illuminati happening date because satan has 4 cocks and 14 cockrings or some bullshit and then I have to wait for nothing to happen and get told 6/22 is the real real real real real real date because 22 is a mirror of 22 so above so below meaning 22 = 22+22=6 and 6/22 is really 6/6/6 is retard speak and thats when shit really hits the fan.

can it just fucking happen.

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the numbers never lie

3/22 martial law

everybody knows

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Pretty metal.

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genuine keks, user

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GENESIS 3:22, its about how man became as the gods. Those who worship lucifer aren't worshipping a diety, they're worshipping the light of lucifer = wisdom, gnosis.
therefore GENESIS 3:22 is the summary of they're belief.
March 22nd isn't even part of the spring equinox. it's 1 day too late for a significant date.

Don’t you mean the day after tomorrow retard? Real Freemason here, ask me about what’s happening on 3/22

3 terms, 2 scoops, 2 genders

What's occurring nigga?

Seriously, how can any of this get any more strange or terrifying than it already is?


Why are Jewish women so ugly?

How do you get above 33rd rank?

go neck yourself with your LGBT bracelet

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Fucking coon, jew worshipping pedo

It's just a DOTA meme.

You don't. There can be only one system admin.