ITT Yas Forums predicts the finale of this happening

I start
>pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nuclear annihilation of major Chinese cities.

Yours is silly.

The Cabal will be revealed and the great awakening will happen.

Expect a mixture of the energy from after 1776 and Renaissance happening put together for our modern world.

its gonna get interesting

China is fucked up incompetent shithole but will not be nuked. Nuke (singular) goes elsewhere.

The delegates, dahnald....

I told you, the delegates, dahn....

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classic pic, god im gonna miss these when the EMPs hit

Aliens arrive to offer a cure for Coronavirus

((secrets)) will be revealed and we will be on our way to a brighter future.

The hidden enemy is destroyed and prosperity reigns.

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we all get chipped


Because Chinese commies want this to happen?

It takes a few years though

Ilhan Omar arrested for immigration fraud


The theory is that they'll tie it to the vaccination/cure for the virus. The argument from those like Bill Gates - who is actively developing exactly this kind of chipping and vaccination technology - is that for all of us to be responsible citizens in this new interconnected global world, we need to be able to quickly and efficiently prove not only our identity but our status as non-dangerous (non-infected, properly vaccinated, not criminal, authorized to be in X place) people

The idea is to hard-sell it to some people at first using this virus as the excuse, and then slowly ramp up social pressures to the point where the benefits and super-culture of being "chipped" becomes so essential to your ability to function in society that it's practically mandatory

Much like how you "pretty much need" a Smartphone these days to be competitive in the workplace, and even on the low end employers will require you to have an e-mail address, and will also at their discretion ask for social media information

Most people will eventually accept this

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total nothing burger. nobody can even remember what the disease was called by august, most people swear it was just a slightly worse flu season. hillary clinton becomes president (checkem)

rent free

China will attempt to nuke the USA but will fuck it up and accidentally nuke Canada; ironically, 90% of those killed will be of Chinese background. China's government will then blame the miscalculation on the USA.

My prediction is alcohol, smoking and obesity makes this 10x worse and 30% of America ends up dying

Smoking reduces the possibility to catch this (and many more) and alcohol is very old medicine. Just do not smoke your lungs into shit with chemical-laced factory products and do not abuse alcochol. Obesity (not the morbid one) is the reserve your body needs in such times because fasting is what body prescribes - it wants to eat only very specific things to generate immune cells that eradicate the virus and not be bothered with digesting unnecessary burden of digesting stuff just to get energy.

kills millions every year
no cure ever found
merely treatments
maybe in 20 years a natural immunity in humans will evolve

The eagle will rise form the ashes. Stronger and untamed.

Pedophiles Defeated.
Bill Gates jailed.
China Balkanized.
DRACO available worldwide.
Trump wins.

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Global elite dismantled. God Wins.

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>millions start collapsing on the streets
>the second boss after corona (the weather and global warming) create cyclones that kill hundreds of thousands
>russia tries to attack china, gets completely destroyed
>israel tries to blame both china and russia, burgers tell the kikes to stfu and be useful
>china spreads to russia, claiming the territory
>the USA finally implements the UBI after most of the boom booms and nutcase politicians die off and assumes Andrew Yang as leader, no questions asked
>both China and merica (ruled by a chinaman) become the largest and strongest powers

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What do you think is going to happen to all the drug addicts, btw?

Think about it

>with the UBI implemented, burgers finally start reforming their perspective on life and what work is and what it means to live
>they rebuild cities and railways, even building hover cars
>after the legalization of prostitution and any and all sex work, the general woman no longer has any power from gender alone and must now pursue the men instead of the men pursuing them
>after many advancements in cloning and stem cell research, burgers begin to repair and rebuild lost tissue (yes you get your foreskin, frenulum, etc, back)
>after burgers realize how much better sex is, and what the kikes were and are really doing and why, they have a swift purge of the Israeli land, outlawing the practice (genital mutilation) completely and finally put a lid on the abrahamic faiths as the middle east gets for mercy
>with how well off America became, the UBI goes global, soon even spreading to China
>life across the globe is so much better, people start to race mixing and create a race of super humans that have all the wonderful attributes each other breed of human has
>there are still some regions with suffering like NK, so Japan and SK quickly take down Kim's rule and Korea becomes one united country
>after all the suffering on Earth ends, the lyrans finally come back down and integrate humanity into the celestial unity of cosmos
>both the men and women are happy just at the site of the lyrans and finally get to have a sexy spess ket gf(s) and live in eternal harmony in the stars and explore the universe

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There is only one outcome

Global revolution

Digits confirm


We could use a good Spring Cleaning right about now

april 20
nothing happens
except pic related

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Reroll, let me show you bongs how an American does it.

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>lock is gonna be put into effect but many won't follow through.
>looting begins which turn into riots.
>gun grabbing begins immediately.
>ayy lmaos get exposed

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americans used to be bongs



but, yeah, must of you are going to die this time. really. im jussayin global war

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Where are the witness of the nothingburger now? Are they hiding?

I hope we are on this timeline.

bongs used to be goths


It's just not going to happen user

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human extinction of 7 billion people, world government, world currency, lucifer

Nuclear exchange, America loses the south to Mexico

The Samson Option

You’re making us look weak. Reroll

I’ll take it

georgia guidestones are a meme
1,000,000,000 is a much better number

Here take this cutlery, you’ll need it later on when you eat your words.

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Yeah 500 million seems like overkill

it's almost impressive that you've dodged digits for this long


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see look I didn't even try

right, a solid 1 bil is perfectly sustainable for the Earth and has a nice rounded aspect to it
easy to scale things up numerically from 1 in 100 etc.

Entire generations will be red pilled about the Holocaust when crematoriums can’t burn Jews as fast as kikes claimed they did in German concentration camps

op dies from a dragon dildo accident and thats it

based and checked

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For the fence?

Dead corona victims as fast as Jews*

Nothing happens, we all find gfs and have loads of kids and are eternally happy

Spoopy Skull n Bones.

I'm going to go with Rome.

Corporate debt bubble bursts. Taxpayer bailout.
>200K confirmed COVID deaths
>100k newly homeless & unemployed

Can you imagine how savage it would get if the internet, cell phones, the whole digital shebang was taken out in a brilliant flash in the night sky?

Overnight just BOOM, back to 1895. Motherfuckers could not adapt.

For shits and giggles: Atlantis rises.

everything will go back to normal in 1 month and nothing else will happen

It will awaken the sleeping giant from its slumber

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I really don't think people could handle it. And I don't mean that in the sense that it would be uncomfortable for them, I mean they would actually go insane and become feral.
It would be like being blinded, for some of them. Having a sense stripped away.
A complete removal of all communication?
That's inconceivable, even we aren't immune. How many times have you panicked a little inside at the idea that this site might not always be here?

If you rip away the internet entirely from modern society you are getting riots - bad ones.

You first cunt

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>promotes race mixing
>thinks mixing with low iq brown people turns out well
you're not hardcore enough or a slippery shill
or maybe a brown person or hapa trying to get the higher iq white genes

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and hitler leads it

yes, but no

sounds fun, man everyone up a bit too

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I don't think that's what Yellow Stone's Mega Volcano Eruption will actually look like. Doesn't matter. I'm in my bunker for the next 2 years.


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Atlantis was a semi-worldwide mercantile civilization that arose and thrived prior to ~12,000 BC and were largely coastal settlers and traders who backed themselves on Copper and Wood while having a comparatively advanced understanding of astronomy out of necessity because of their sea-faring nature requiring precise navigation by the procession of the stars.

They were mostly wiped out by the cataclysmic events of the 1,000 year younger dryas period, and the remnants became the seeds of what we call the official rise of civilization which can be viewed as a kind of dystopian panspermia where the isolated remains of this civilization did the best they could cut off from each other.

The most notable and influential to our current epoch is the Phoenicians from which almost all "elite" and "illuminati" etc. families claim descent from.

Remember Doggerland

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Trump facing defeat goes Animal, gets Hillary Arrested on murky charges of national security,