Brit/pol/ - Pubs Are a Thing of the Past Edition

>Pubs, clubs and what have you are all shutting shop

>Are NHS nurses can't buy din dins for their kids
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Wake up, you mongs.

I'm quite lucky to live in a student area. They've all gone back home now so there most likely won't be shortages in the local shops.

Wake the fuck up!

>venturing out to the local shops in search of canned goods and pasta
>and more alcohol

I've got 3 shops near me and not one has any toilet roll.

>Have prepped pretty well all round thanks to /cvg/ info in the early days, managed to get a lot of stuff ahead of the big rush
>Still know of a more or less untouched health food shop in the depths of an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere
>Can get fresh veg, canned food and flour, with not a soul to be seen anywhere near it
>Trying out making my own oat milk so I don't have to go near big shops as much
>15k of rice, 5kg of quinoa, 50-60ish cans of stuff scattered around the house
>Girlfriend working from home permanently now
>Comfy as fuck

Bros, I feel happy that I have plenty of things to keep me and my partner safe and fed, but I miss my family, I want to go and see them but they're all high risk and I don't want to accidentally kill them all.

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What are things like further up the supply chain tho?

Pubs will be back. Some will close and as things return to normal others will reopen in their place.

cock piss in the toilet a few times a day

I have like 20 cans, 20kg of pasta & sauces and a few packs of rice.
Hope it's enough.

>Manager Anthony Price closed the doors of the Bedford pub in Tunbridge Wells at 20:00 GMT. Staff took over £500 in their last hour and were forced to turn away dozens of people shortly before closing, he said.

>The owners had considered closing earlier in the week, but had waited to receive the government order to close "because we didn't know whether the insurance companies would cover us".

>"It was pay day for the staff today, so we wanted to make sure they got paid and made sure they were going to be alright for at least a month," he said.

>Mr Price expects the pub to be closed for 12 weeks, but said it was "all up in the air".

>Forcing pubs to close was the wrong decision, he said.

>"I think the public are very resilient, especially the British, we are known for our stiff upper lip. I think, let the public decide what they want to do. If the older generation, the younger generation, they want to go to bars and restaurants, let them. At least give them the option. By me working, that's down to me, that's my risk. If the older generation want to come in for a beer, that's at their risk. I understand why they've done it and hopefully it brings a quicker resolution to the end of the virus, but I just think let people do what they want to do. It's locking people up for a minimum of 12 weeks, it is like prison. What you see on the news in other countries, you don't expect it to happen in England, you don't expect it to happen in Royal Tunbridge Wells."

kek what a fucking moron

Muh pubs


>>Forcing pubs to close was the wrong decision, he said.
muh pubs. that guy is a bongNPC

What sort of normalfag loser retard even cares about dying? I'm mean the death rate is like 0.4% it's literally just a cold and even if it's not who fucking cares, it's such gay bullshit.

The weak fear the strong

Stop Consooming Everything

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>care about dying
I mean there's caring about the process of dying and then caring about being dead, different things.
You're basing that on the idea that we only detect 10% of cases, which doesn't actually have much basis in fact.


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Just found out about this How's it feel to get cucked by your own BREXIT champion.

i wonder if this realisation that everyone is just out for themselves will have a long term effect on the british psyche? people like to talk about how they care and are empathetic/sympathetic to others who need help, but if you are cynical like me and probably most other anons in brit/pol/ you can see through this as just social pleasantries and you think there will less warmth shown to people, like (((asylum-seekers))), (((refugees))) and the homeless etc after this is over? now people have clearly shown that they are self-centred, can the mask be put back on?

R NHS staff get priority at shopping now, there all fat cunts anyway

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Are everyone dead?

Hello, lads.


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they'll be wanting special colored poppies next


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We won't even lose 1000 people to this nothingburger and everyone is shitting their matalan underwear, it's utterly embarrassing

Liquid estrogen drinking faggots!!!!

Close down all pubs and turn them in to Opium dens!

Italy has already lost 4,000 though.

Italy (which has a more a similar health situation to ourselves than China) has lost over 3000 people and the situation is still ongoing (6000 confirmed infections in one day).

Besides, it's obtuse to focus on the death rate, think about the weeks the person spent in hospital before dying, the weeks the survivors spend in hospital, this huge increase in patients and the effect on our health infrastructure.
Imagine it being allowed to spread unstopped, with 20% of the workforce becoming too sick to work at once.



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Now that I can't go out I really want to go out.

Been seeing some army boys driving some big fuck off trucks round the outskirts of town. What are they waiting for lads? Is Gazza gonna firebomb the pub for closing and steal loo roll from Deano down't road?

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no u dont u shut in spastic you're just repeating wit every cunts posting

>Imagine it being allowed to spread unstopped, with 20% of the workforce becoming too sick to work at once.

Name one country where this is the case. Go ahead. I'm waiting.

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whats the discord, lad?

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I would not fare well in a competition of anti racism. Wouldn't know where to start.

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Handshakes and public alcohol consumption BTFO, Sharia intensifies

Why? So your girlfriend can pickpocket me while you try to sell me a rose?

been to tesco this morning, shelves quite empty. there was a security guard stood by the bog roll i am not kidding lol and others walking around. there are NEVER guards in my tesco i live in a high trust high white % town.

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They'll turn up soon, it won't be bad here it's literally just a cold, I know you want to feel smart for stockpiling ring biscuits or whatever but you're dumb and in about two weeks everyone will be bored of this larp and life will go back to normal and you'll have 400 tins of spaghetti shapes to get through lmao what a loser you are


Like this, and remember to bring up the holocaust each and every time Jewish interests are being opposed

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>need to pick up some things for someone who can't go out
>visit asda and get what I can
>stripped but still get some good items
>start hitting up corner shops
>one is fully stocked
>get a few bags of rice and some canned goods
>some guy buying 4 cans of fosters looks at what I am buying and scoffs like he is above it all

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>two weeks
lol no

THIS is how Sharia laws slowly get enacted.
Now they can say closing pubs was done BEFORE the Muslim tide voted out alcohol, so it is not a religious issue but purely a public health issue.

Based CCP shill

I didn't stock up on spaghetti in a can.
I stocked up on foods I eat anyway so that even if nothing happens I can just gradually eat them over the next year like normal.
Fucking retard.

I think this whole fiasco has been a big advertisement for nationalism. It's shown the necessity of enforcing borders and the need for high trust communities. Whether anything actually changes or not, I dunno? Probably not t b h. Will definitely make for an interesting study on human behaviour, if nothing else. Also bog roll banter.

people are the nigger of the world

Sainsburys and adsa have had no lager for a week now. Pubs are shut. Eastenders is cancelled. By my calculations we're getting riots

Italy's data tells us that of the confirmed cases 50% require hospitalisation. That's with lockdowns attempting to slow its spread.

I had it last week, I'm 52 I smoke all kinds of stuff for gears. The cough was annoying but ffs it didn't kill me.
I get it will massacre the sick and old, but nobody else should be so terrified, take precautions and don't pass it on.
If an old fuck like me can make it through you all will be fine.

I have already written the second part of his app.

>prepping since 2007
>bought a farm five years ago
>pigs, sheep, chickens
>a years worth of food in the house
>deer, rabbit and pigeon to shoot on the land
>grow my own veg
>160 pints of home brewed beer and malt to make 120 more
>80 pints of cider and apple juice to make 80 more
>all the tools I need
>job pays £3k a month into bank, even if company goes bust the government are going to pay me £2500 a month
>going to make a load extra selling meat, eggs and veg

Get on my level of comfy lad.

Breakfast of champions, lads.

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Where did you buy the farm?

you are in the stages of lung cancer

Retiree's aren't part of the workforce idiot.

We've been told constantly for years that the NHS is under immense pressure and could collapse under normal circumstances, but now we're supposed to believe it's fully capable of dealing with thousands of new patients a week on top of the normal demand.

arrr enn ayy chess is going to collapse within a couple of weeks at best

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Scared little bitch hiding in his basement eating cold spaghetti hoops, drinking warm uht milk, standing gaurd with his fake victorinox, worried about a cold, believing all the jewish data. Stay scared little bitch, it's literally nothing.

the "virus" is actually a parasite that requires its host to get masses of bog roll as part of its life cycle