People in Beijing start to head outside as the threat of epidemic in country becomes the thing of the past. Western countries should learn from China to replicate its success in fighting COVID-19.
People in Beijing start to head outside as the threat of epidemic in country becomes the thing of the past. Western countries should learn from China to replicate its success in fighting COVID-19.
Fuck off Chang you rat eating goblin
Who the fuck cares who "won" and who "lost?" Why does it even matter? Save the autistic shitfights for later.
China lies
Instead of hard lockdowns like China did - Americans and Europeans are more concerned with human rights and whether they will look bad while protecting their people.
People should understand that the freedom of the individual to do stupid shit during the emergency worth nothing. Because that individual will be dead and will kill other people by infecting them.
inb4 CCP trying to project an image of safety leads to reinfection and secondary epidemic
Does BBC lies too? They have lifted the restrictions, its over.
I'm thinking this is based. Perhaps they will come out on top.
It only took the lives of 14 million people now everyone has herd immunity hahaha based
I was going to doubt you but it looks like Beijing is getting back to work. Wuhan still locked the fuck down.
Mutts law
wait till shizos say that CCP manufactures traffic jams to fool the public
No surprise BBC is now the mouth of the CCP and PLA
Which vpn providers do you chink shills use?
Important section of human rights is the right to life.
Right now Americans and Europeans are more concerned about the VIRUS RIGHT to spread.
We will be renaming this to Freedom Virus when it's all over.
I'm 95% confident we got hit with a CHICOM gay-op in retaliation for the Hong Kong shit. Where are the videos of whites doing the Harlem shake?
Serpentza said it well
>full school closure and town checkpoints/barricades are still in effect
>blaming foreigners is increasing
>there will be a second wave
>second wave will be used to deflect all ccp problems on to foreigners
>you will see white foreigners killed for this.
Ccp are cowards.
Or resurgence after the native population goes back to eating bush-meat. There will be more if this isn't all just some lie made in a lab. How long will it be until we see the real numbers or what they actually did with most of the infected people they yoinked out of buildings.
This is exactly why I think they're telling the truth.
No one here is a chink shill you schizo. The CCP is efficient and cares for their citizens unlike the west.
lmao genocide is approaching chinigger
russia plz nuke china :c
>that flag
Fuck off bug shill
>serpentza said it
holy shit OP btfo
>takes your toilet paper
Is the pay good? I myself are considering shilling for the ccp. I dont take social credit as payment tho, only bitcorns.
Your petty civilization has been around for only 250 years, and you've already become a mongrel satellite state of the international Zionist. The Mandate of Heaven has returned to China in Xi Jinping and the CCP. Your days are numbered, mutt.
They'll have another flare up.
I would insult you, but you already have to wake up everyday as a Chinese. That’s punishment enough.
china is unreal with their propaganda you have to hand it to them
Yes, the reason you have pictures like this saved is precisely because you're not a chink
Tell me perogi. Has your country reopened the border with China? No? Then shut the fuck up. Until the following happens we know a China is lying
1. CCP has their high level meeting they canceled.
2. Wuhan quarantine is lifted
3. Neighboring countries reopen borders with China.
You can point to whatever video or dis info you want but until those three things happens we will keep saying you are full of shit and tell you to kys.
>Cause Pandemic
>Kills thousands
>Lie about it all for over a month
>Force people to die in their apartments with no help
>Virus goes away, become hero
gr8 b8
Italy is in no position or condition to lie, China literally needs to lie.
They quarantined for as long as they could, now they'll just start disappearing people in mass graves for the good of the chink shit general etc.
>USA ~250yrs
>chinaman says haha
>CCP less than 100 yrs
nobody can go outside if everybody is dead
eat your bat soup
One day we will be rid of the Chinese menace
This is when you get the "multiple waves" people keep talking about
>Chinese civilization began with the CCP.
Does this serpent shit still allowed access in China?
lmao I am part Jew, dirty chinks will die
>t. chink
fucking hell at least use a maymay flag or strayas will be mad
you already pissed off enough people with you bioweapon decimating your own population
Chinese bioterror
Seriously who would have thought that going door to door and locking people in there homes while dragging off infected to quarantine camps would be so effective.
This is true, Ivan. Notice every single chinaman has a mask on also. That’s a big deal. We are so fucked.
Chinese civilization died with the CCP bro
Because this moment in history will mark the start of the end of western influence over the world, the east is taking control now.
South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and most other parts of Asia have beat corona-chan, meanwhile the west is all dying and falling into a recession.
Sure bro.
>strayas will be mad
>kicks out foreign press
>"0 new reported cases"
the east can't even control its own bio weapons
Would Mao honestly approve of Western business attire? He'd probably kill this guy. In fact, didn't his caring brethren commies already try to kill him once before?
Crazy. Its the total opposite
inb4 reinfection from asymptomatc carriers
What makes you say that? The fact they have it 95% under control and the west is crumbling?
No they only kicked out american press bc they are evil
Imagine thinking that giving hostile, foreign press a free pass in your country is a good thing.
>the virus starts to gain traction again because people stopped staying in side.
Complete isolation will prevent herd immunity. This means that in the Fall, China will see a massive resurgence in cases while the rest of the world will have moved on.
>May kek destroy you with plague.
they have zero percent under control
still hundreds of millions under we-shoot-you-in-the-face-if-you-go-outside quarantine
what a coinkidink they are now shilling "look how they are outside" now
fucking hell get your shit together chink
you will be the death to everybody
Yea. This is what China rule looks like.
>CCP represents chinese civilization
>a german idea from 1840 represents thousands of years of history in a region of the globe 7000 miles away
did I stutter?
Digits of truth
>The CCP is efficient and cares for their citizens unlike the west.
Then go back, nigger.
whites practice low-key eugenics. We let the weak die. That's why we all so tall, strong, handsome and smart.
>a jewish idea from 1840
>China WON
Based nip
i don't know , they check everyone on the arrival and quarantine them for 14 days. Check the video from airport
Based China. Death to Europe