/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2345 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 276,462 (+905) ► Died: 11,417 (+37)


China "lost" 15 million phone users since 2020 started

California enacts state-wide lockdown, 39 million people

Saudi Arabia shuts down public transport

UK closes bars, restaurants, public places

Illinois to enter "shelter in place" lockdown, 12 million people

Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

Peru under lockdown, 32 million people

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

WHO estimated 284,000 deaths for H1N1 from only 18,000 confirmed

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

05:24: 72 new cases in Brazil.
05:18: 178 new cases in Norway.
05:16: 2 new deaths in South Korea.
05:12: 4 new deaths in Austria.
05:08: 208 new cases in Switzerland.
04:30: 8 new deaths in Germany.
03:50: First 2 deaths in Singapore.



Attached: CVG.png (450x1200, 279.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


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a roll a day?!?! wtf are you doing with it? stuffing it in your ass>

Who /elderlyparents/? I'm really worried about my dad, guys. He's 72. If he gets it, it's over.

Sister fucker please report back

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Would you eat this bat soup for $500? youtube.com/watch?v=MwfF-cYPgHY

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Poland is kill lads. Since today they put state of epidemy.
They might close cities, enforce vaccination, and take over cars, lands if needed for the country

Now that countries have locked down everything essentially, do you think this happening is basically at its peak now? Or is it going to get worse?

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reminder to all wumao in the thread that Xi Jinping likes to suck off black men


Post your quarantine vidya.
>Halo 1 pc online
>Front office football

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Our police are getting infected.

> Two Sheriff’s Deputies Test Positive for COVID-19

> Two Harris County Sheriff’s Office deputies have tested positive for COVID-19. Both deputies, who did not work in the same location, are now quarantined at home, where their symptoms are being monitored.

> One of the deputies is a male in his late 60s, who recently traveled to New York and has not reported for duty since returning from his trip. He last reported for duty on Wednesday, March 11.

> The other is a woman in her late 20s who last reported for duty on Monday, March 16.

>number of threads multiplied by five still greater than number of dead

China +41(+7)USA +390(+19)S. Korea +147(+8)Australia +123Thailand +89Singapore (+2)India +21Philippines +32Mexico +39(+1)Colombia +13Mongolia +4U.S. Virgin Islands +3El Salvador +2Fiji +1Total: 905(37)China +39(+3)Italy +5,986(+627)Spain +3,494(+262)Germany +4,528(+24)Iran +1,237(+149)USA +5,594(+49)France +1,617(+78)S. Korea +87(+3)Switzerland +1,393(+13)UK +714(+33)Netherlands +534(+30)Austria +470Belgium +462(+16)Norway +169Sweden +200(+5)Denmark +104(+3)Canada +214Malaysia +130(+1)Portugal +234(+2)Japan +64(+2)Brazil +330(+4)Australia +172Czechia +139Diamond Princess (+1)Israel +28(+1)Ireland +126Turkey +311(+5)Pakistan +47(+1)Greece +31(+4)Luxembourg +149(+1)Qatar +10Finland +50Chile +92Ecuador +166(+4)Poland +70Iceland +79Singapore +40Indonesia +60(+7)Saudi Arabia +70Slovenia +22Thailand +50Romania +31Bahrain +19Egypt +29(+1)Estonia +16Peru +29(+3)Hong Kong +48Russia +54India +55(+1)Philippines +13(+1)Iraq +16(+4)South Africa +52Panama +63Lebanon +20Mexico +46Kuwait +11Argentina +30San Marino +7Colombia +37UAE (+2)Slovakia +13Armenia +14Taiwan +27(+1)Serbia +32(+1)Croatia +20Bulgaria +20Costa Rica +26(+1)Latvia +25Uruguay +31Algeria +4(+2)Vietnam +6Bosnia and Herzegovina +25Morocco +23(+1)Hungary +12(+3)Jordan +16Faeroe Islands +8Brunei +5North Macedonia +26Andorra +1Cyprus +8Sri Lanka +13Dominican Republic +38Albania +6Lithuania +21(+1)Belarus +18Moldova +17Venezuela +23Malta +11Tunisia +15Kazakhstan +8New Zealand +24Guadeloupe +18(+1)Cambodia +14Palestine +1Senegal +11Georgia +4Ukraine +15Burkina Faso +7Réunion +10Uzbekistan +10Martinique +9Cameroon +14Afghanistan +2Honduras +12Cuba +10Bangladesh +2Jamaica +4DRC +4Paraguay +5Rwanda +6Bolivia +1Ghana +5Guyana +10Guam +2Montenegro +1Puerto Rico +8Guatemala +3Channel Islands +1Mauritius +5Monaco +1French Polynesia +5Ethiopia +2Togo +8Mayotte +3Seychelles +1Barbados +1Kyrgyzstan +3Gabon +1(+1)Bahamas +1Saint Martin +1Suriname +3CAR +2Madagascar +3Bhutan +1Guinea +1Haiti +2Isle of Man +1Nicaragua +1

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It hasn't even begun.

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Tales of Berseria

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>why doesn't the virus magically teleport everywhere all at once

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atelier totori

wait wut did he get convinced to finally give the imouto a bone

God I hope so

how will happeningfags ever recover

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Same ethnicity than 2Pac.

China has overcome the virus. They give us hope.

Can anyone re-host the CAD files from t.me/BellumActaNews/18486 to something like MEGA? Medics in the developed world are going to need 'em and nobody here uses Telegram.

Reminder that if white russian couple decided to make kids in Russia they must pay about 1 mil roubles to tge state.
Meanwhile if chinese BN or muslim couple in Russia gives birth to a child they receive 3 million roubles gibs from state immediately and 250k every year.
Our president BV wants to replace us with chinks.

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China 81,008(3,255) Italy 47,021(4,032) Spain 21,571(1,093) Germany 19,848(68) USA 19,773(275) Iran 19,644(1,433) France 12,612(450) S. Korea 8,799(102) Switzerland 5,615(56) UK 3,983(177) Netherlands 2,994(106) Austria 2,649(6) Belgium 2,257(37) Norway 1,959(7) Sweden 1,639(16) Denmark 1,255(9) Canada 1,087(12) Australia 1,051(7) Malaysia 1,030(3) Portugal 1,020(6) Japan 1,007(35) Brazil 970(11) Czechia 833 Diamond Princess 712(8) Israel 705(1) Ireland 683(3) Turkey 670(9) Pakistan 501(3) Greece 495(10) Luxembourg 484(5) Qatar 470 Finland 450 Chile 434 Ecuador 426(7) Poland 425(5) Thailand 411(1) Iceland 409 Singapore 385(2) Indonesia 369(32) Saudi Arabia 344 Slovenia 341(1) Romania 308 Bahrain 298(1) Egypt 285(8) Estonia 283 India 270(5) Peru 263(4) Philippines 262(18) Hong Kong 256(4) Russia 253(1) Iraq 208(17) Mexico 203(2) South Africa 202 Panama 200(1) Lebanon 177(4) Kuwait 159 Argentina 158(3) Colombia 158 San Marino 151(14) UAE 140(2) Slovakia 137 Armenia 136 Taiwan 135(2) Serbia 135(1) Croatia 130(1) Bulgaria 127(3) Costa Rica 113(2) Latvia 111 Uruguay 110 Algeria 94(11) Vietnam 91 Bosnia and Herzegovina 89 Morocco 86(3) Hungary 85(4) Jordan 85 Faeroe Islands 80 Brunei 78 North Macedonia 76 Andorra 75 Cyprus 75 Sri Lanka 73 Dominican Republic 72(2) Albania 70(2) Lithuania 69(1) Belarus 69 Moldova 66(1) Venezuela 65 Malta 64 Tunisia 54(1) Kazakhstan 52 New Zealand 52 Guadeloupe 51(1) Cambodia 51 Oman 48 Palestine 48 Senegal 47 Azerbaijan 44(1) Georgia 44 Ukraine 41(3) Burkina Faso 40(1) Réunion 38 Uzbekistan 33 Martinique 32(1) Liechtenstein 28 Cameroon 27 Afghanistan 24 Honduras 24 Cuba 21(1) Bangladesh 20(1) Jamaica 19(1) DRC 18 Paraguay 18 Macao 17 Rwanda 17 Bolivia 16 Ghana 16 Guyana 15(1) French Guiana 15 Guam 14 Montenegro 14 Puerto Rico 14 Maldives 13 Guatemala 12(1) Nigeria 12 Channel Islands 12 Mauritius 12 Monaco 11 French Polynesia 11 Gibraltar 10 Mongolia 10 Ivory Coast 9 Ethiopia 9 Togo 9 Trinidad and Tobago 9 Kenya 7 Mayotte 7 Seychelles 7

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Lol get fucked Houston.

8,600,000 x 70% = 6,020,000
6,020,000 x 12% = 722,400 deaths in the next 6 months from Coronavirus alone.

*Additional death will be incurred from the Boogaloo and overall lack of supplies

>3D Link for 3D Printed Respirators made by a Italian Researcher to overrun the current shortage for this pieces
>If you know any Medic or people who works for Ministry of Health of your country, download it and send for them

Attached: photo_2020-03-21_01-54-38.jpg (1280x959, 133.21K)

>take over cars, lands if needed for the country
>muh demogracies respect your rights

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Lol I missed this pasta

New info about pic related?

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we're seriously only at the prologue

this shit is gonna be 8 MONTHS minimum

governments around the world are planning for 18 MONTHS

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if only it were possible

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that's not nice

he went to go "watch a movie" with her

Where's Garys graph

Thanks countbro

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shoo shoo, wumao

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enough with these meme threads
dont you guys know that nothing ever happens?
don't you know we're all in some sort of purgatory/simulation where an uneasy peace where nothing ever changes keeps going on for eternity?
literally nothing happening
its just the flu
this won't cause any major ramifications down the line
your work/school/neetdome probably won't even be mildly interrupted
idc how much it looks like its happening


>license and registration?
>license and registration?
>license and registration?
>license and registration?
>Oh no... I'm gonna... I'm GONNA COOF

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Some countries have sacrificed they economy for their people like Italy others have sacrificed the people like China hoping it passes over. It hasn't passed over yet, the world can't start running until the last country is virus free because that's what being globohomos does to them.

Whenever I see a plane on a setting sun I get sad

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Do yall think North Sentinel Island nibbas have the coronavirus as well?


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This shit happened 9 HOURS ago, how am I only hearing about it now?!
You failed me Yas Forums.

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China + 41...... can these chunks stop lying?

I see you changed up the RP Chang

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Based and redpilled. The team that reverse engineered and 3d-printed those parts should be hailed as heroes. Is there a problem weaponized autism can't fix?

18 might not be enough

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send help

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>0 deaths in USA
I actually agree.
Amerimutts testing their bioweapon on population of 3rd world shitholes isnt news.
Nobody cares ho many chinese, russians, italians or mexicans will die. We aren't white so for the world we don't exist.

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is that some sort of European country that i can't point out on a map?

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Bitches admiring me when they see me carrying my own oxygen.

Get on my level.

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Yes, but there is a character limit and more countries are infected.
Many such cases, sad.

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Stop feeding this schizoid, faggot.

You can also get it from: pastebin.com/raw/S29XMKEr

Thanks for posting it.

If they do they're dead, those guys don't have the immune system to fight the cold.

The recipe is
99.9% Isopropyl alcohol 75% (v/v),
glycerine 1.45% (v/v),
Hydrogen peroxide 0.125% (v/v)
Water 23.425% (v/v)
I bought a 946ml bottle of alcohol and turned it into hand sanitizer.
946ml alcohol
18.29ml glycerine
1.58ml 3% h2o2
295.5ml water

I used syringes to measure the h2o2 and glycerine, and mixed it in an empty gallon jug. Since it's a liquid and not a gel, I put it into little spray bottles like pic related.

Since the recipe is given in percentages, you can make any amount you want.

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>do you think this happening is basically at its peak now?
If H1N1 cisis give us any indication of how this will go, then no, its just starting

>It is estimated that 11–21% of the global population at the time — or around 700 million–1.4 billion people (out of a total of 6.8 billion) — contracted the illness

Releasing a bioweapon on your own source of production is 300 IQ CIA tactics.

its a literal nothingburger dumbasses. Daily new infecteds are flatlining, active cases have been declining for days. The media isn't telling you about it because they get money and clicks from the panicking. In another month or two this will be no more than a vague memory.

And also "coronavirus deaths" are heavily concetrated in old people who have a history of heart disease and/or kidney failure. Also, none of the medical statistics from Wuhan or china in general mean much. They dkn't know whether a given death is virus caused or caused by a pre-existing condition, they have not even diagnosed all the recorded cases, and while there are probably a million or more undetected cases, the fact that it's able to spread invisibly and run its course in people undetected shows that itnos not that dangerous. If you aren't finding piles of dead bodies on the street in beijing, then it doesn't really matter if a bunch of people have coronavirus.

Coronavirus does nothing more than save the collective human race a little money by killing off sick elderly pensioners. The idea that a plague with a 2% total death rate is going to collapse the world is bonkers.

In conclusion it is just a virulent version of a cold. You guys are buying into hysteria.

>Is there a problem weaponized autism can't fix?

Of course no

>Or is it going to get worse?
read more. this is just the trailer to the movie. it's guna be yuuuuggee!!!

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Prove me wrong kike.
>you cant
Also, your puppet govt made the even word "russian" illegal in this non-country.

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Hey man you stole my idea

GALLVIM THREESOME has deployed the National Guard in California


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Please give me your best Hazmat Pepes, Wojacks, Spurdos etc...

>not white


Not yet, but when it spreads across India there's a chance that some retarded fisherman or missionary might spread it to them.

>Daily new infected are flatlining
In what world?

What did I miss. Constantly drunk and autistic

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the time hath come

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This pandemic is the biggest hoax ever. It's just a statistics fuck up where lots of deaths from already ill people are blamed on this novel virus and sane people are being called "asymptomatic carriers" because a very flawed test kit says they have the virus.

It's already crushed world economy with no survivors, so it's definitely something.

I have a sister who used to "mummify" her hand each wipe. As for me, I am more than willing to hold it in till it's time to take a shower; good ol shit and shower. As for when the water turns off, I'm going to turn to my doggies and get them to help me out with that. Truly are man's best friend

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The average American ass is 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. I don't know if you need that in meters or some other fruity foreign hieroglyphics, but here in America we eat meat, and meat makes a mess, so ima take half a damn Amazon to clean this pristine patriotic crapper, it's what Jesus woulda wanted.

Literally security theater since places like LA County are just turning away infected if they don't think a diagnosis will change anything.

Wow it's a ghost town. China said everyone went back to work. Where the fuck are the people?

Can at least confirm Utah. We're still nothingburger mentality waiting to get fucked.

But no one locked anything down during the swine flu. Everyone went full herd immunity.

Fear and hunger
they are billions
dark wood
the void
pathologic 2
lisa the pointless
dark souls 2
spartan total warrior
house of the dead

> I'm not going to change my normal life for a stupid virus

Attached: normie_gotta_go_to_disney_during_plague.jpg (982x814, 331.93K)

So all those people in Italy were just dying anyway? Or they never really died and the coffins are all filled with rocks? What's happening in Italy?

Oh look, it's you and your friends earlier in the day.


Lol no, pick one

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Ask and yee shall receive

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Go hug an infected chink.

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quite frankly if we don't have the manufacturing or political will to triage all cases by then we don't deserve to continue on as a species

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It's been growing exponentially still.

Based and butt-crackity

I wonder if any other rural communities will enter preventative quarantine over the next couple weeks like Dare County, NC.

I hope you understand that Flu gets to 3,000,000,000 and kills 1 billion in 3 months every year; it's just not reported.
But sure, this is quite the world ender; Can't even get to 1 Million in what, 5 months?
Good luck overloading the medical system with that pal.

I live smack dab in the center of NYC.
It's had months to spread and we only just started tested.
By now I would have seen ONE sick person at least. At least one single body drop if that shit were real.

I'm out and around 1000's of people everyday and haven't seen shit. The virus is fake.

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How is Florida this spread out, wasn't it supposed to be the hottest place, where the virus wouldn't survive.

There's gonna be 1000 Chinese investigators on this guy in a day

>post your prepped load!
post your prepped mask load!
>are you prepped bro haha
get prepped!
>are you prepped for the virus?

the virus really exposed Yas Forums. a bunch of faggots prepping their loads and posting pictures. i dream of changes in society as well but not from a flu. you are all a bunch of faggots. also you are being controlled. you have been coerced and manipulated into prepping for this and posting about it non stop on Yas Forums.

this is the most successful any event has been at controlling and influencing Yas Forums. nothing productive is getting done because it’s all pozzed load virus posting.

it’s sad really. worst stay pol has ever been in.

pol has been reduced to a bunch of screaming banshees prepping for a viral load. the irony.

>not even a single death reported
>president forces a full lockdown for 19 days
a bit extreme, isn't it?
I can't imagine the level of poverty and criminality after this bs

He's probably sitting on the side of the bed explains how it never happened to him before, you know, all the stress and all.

How can you explain that countries with most cases are the ones that carried the most extensive testing BUT countries that did nothing aren't already exploding with infected people? This is a curious virus, it appears only to exist if you use the official test kit...

was a happeningfag since the beginning, i want off this wild ride

Thanks! This may help:

//Go to worldometers.info/coronavirus/ and hit F12 in chrome. In the javascript CONSOLE, paste the following two segments one at a time:
// Totals
var totals = '';
$('tr').each(function(i, e) {
const fields = $(e).find('td');
totals += ' ' + fields[0]?.textContent + ' ' + fields[1]?.textContent + '(' + fields[3]?.textContent + ')';
var result = totals.replace(/undefined/g, '').replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ').replace(/\( /g,'(').replace(/ \)/g, ')').replace(/\(\)/g, '');
// New cases
var totals = '';
$('tr').each(function(i, e) {
const fields = $(e).find('td');
if (fields[2]?.textContent || fields[4]?.textContent)
totals += fields[0]?.textContent + ' ' + fields[2]?.textContent;
if (fields[4]?.textContent)
totals += '(' + fields[4]?.textContent + ')';
var result = totals.replace(/undefined/g, '').replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ').replace(/\( /g,'(').replace(/ \)/g, ')').replace(/\(\)/g, '');

Chink gtfo

That doesn't answer the question.

About a million dead over the next 1/2 - 1 year is the common agreed upon estimate, UNLESS.

Keep in mind that thousands of deaths will still happen for even the most rural and backwater states though, UNLESS. It depends totally on the response whether it's barely anything at all in the end vs. society starts to collapse. It's all up to us.

Stock drop, panic, and collapse are not a hoax tho

That graph is total bullshit and not what happened at all.

>never looks at other countries temps
>ignored spring break
>just closed beaches within the last day
>most old people in the fucking country
user... think harder

Same. Shit is heading downhill fast.

>survive cancer, probably crippled immune system
I wanna see the world and live every second in a tourist location

fug i'm jelly af

Imagine losing your shit over Corona-chan memes/drawings

Attached: chin_chon_chan_virus.png (1367x577, 91.27K)

We got Madagascar ya heckin boiorinos!!

I haven't had my fill yet

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>2000 dead 911
>300k about to die in 2 weeks
>just a flu bro lol

americans need shocking imagery to get going

and thats like rly sad

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you know how rides work

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why would he be here? he's probably fucking her right now

Based on official statistics, 99.2% of dead people had serious comorbidities and were 80 years old on average. I personally think that a lot of old and sick people were misdiagnosed with COVID and given a lot of drugs that accelerated their demise.

If only there was some sort of coverage of horrific scenery in a hypothetical starting location of a pandemic

Thanks user, I have something similar. The pastebin will be updated after every new thread, in case you want to copy paste from it into a reply. I stopped doing it for two reasons: character limitation and captcha limitations when I post too much.

Imagine being this stupid. Imagine what it must be like to have a brain that runs this slowly. Must be comfortable.

Unless countries go full china authoritarian I doubt the lock downs will stop it. Here in my city many people are just ignoring the government and going out.

Stock panics are very easy to generate. They tend to be a self fulfilled prophecy.

Anyone else dealing with chinks denying the US offered help in January but were turned down by the CCP?
They carry on like we never offered them help and that's their justification for blaming/being butthurt at us.

Peak isn't for at least another few months for everywhere but places like China and South Korea that worked their asses off 24/7 to stop it at all costs. More like July-August peak.

Iran isn't testing and is exploding all the same. At the same time S.Korea is testing a lot but isn't exploding.

the REAL question here is how Israel is doing. Anyone got any updates?

Can't find Zimbabwe anywhere on that list. How often is it updated?

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he had a pretty serious tantrum which was enjoying to watch unfold. He went full Yas Forums and asked her straight up if she wanted to fuck

It's not even begun, faggot.

This shit is taking too long. This happening is like a slow burn and I don't like it. Go faster corona-chan you lazy asian bitch.

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I meant when he's done. Obviously he won't be back for a while

So you're saying the shitalian crematoriums are overwhelmed because the doctors are killing people on accident?

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Nice VPN

Campbell and Natrona counties in WY got cases today.


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Average russian or finn have 9-10% mongoloid admixture.
For example, average mexican have 6% (yes, amerindians are mongoloids you dumb nigger).
If you do not even count mexicans as white then russians, finns, estonians are nigger-tier in your country.

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Not enough coronachan in this thread
reminder if you listened you would have been able to use at least 2 months wages to prepare, would have end mask with multiple filters, multiple months of dry store goods, tools and kits for the wilderness, understanding of your local vegetation both edible and dangerous, wouldn't be going to work
You listened right user?
New future isn't allowing for the last minute beggars.

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A happening is something that will fuck everything. You ain't getting off that ride, fucko

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Months back the shit leaking out of China should have been broadcast across the world, prime time, for all nations. That might have done something.

Ohh fug

A couple of minutes after every new thread.

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nvm, it's right at the end. I'm a tired idiot, ignore me.

replace first frame with jews telling china telling corona chan to stab
replace 4th frame with jews offering cure

lmao what is this the thot mafia or some shit?

My favorite thing about these faggots is how they demand to be allowed to live their degenerate lives in peace but then immediately after making that demand they start demanding others behave a particular way.

Quit your worrying. Trump checked it out and turns out it's FUCKING NOTHING and that IT WILL go away when the weather warms up. Are you so arrogant you think you have better data and intel on the situation than the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKIN' STATES?

Imagine having no arguments so you just call the person stupid.
Nice rebuttal retard.

She's doing her best. Don't bully.

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>Hey guys im starting my prep list now what should i get

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>Campbell and Natrona counties in WY got cases today.

Thank fuck. This dude from WY was all up in my shit when I told him I was prepping "It can't reach here, its too cold. Its just a flu" I hope his kids die that stupid fuck.

>Mexican dictating "white".
Ola le 24% face.

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Still not answering the question.

Some Italian user here who said that the government forbid funerals and that's why they're overwhelmed.

yidsrael is in the shitter and they god damn know it

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How is your flu doing today, guys?
Still shitting your pants off sitting at home and reading retarded MSM?

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>Is there a problem weaponized autism can't fix?
Getting the CCP to tell the truth and apologize.

Those people are insane autists. How is a cute drawing racist WTF

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I completely agree that this disease is not an immediate heatlh risk for people outside of the elderly and those with pre-existing respiratory illness. However that's not the real fear, dumbass. As of right now, we have no reason to expect the long-term health effects of SARS-CoV-2 survivors to be much different than the SARS-CoV survivors during the 2002-2004 outbreak, that was actually contained.

SARS-CoV-2 is global, unlike SARS-CoV, and even the CCP has admitted to the serious long term health effects as a result of SARS-CoV. Hong Kong's reports on the long term effects is a much bleaker picture

>usa to overtake italy by monday/tuesday
>nation wide martial law soon
>military patrolling the streets
but will it be kino?

How dead is your city user? Here we have traffic webcams so its pretty easy to see how dead it is.

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BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want my BAT SOUP with 3 dipping sauces all delivered by door dash!!!!

GIVE ME MY BAT SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have yet to read a convincing explanation on why Italy was hit so hard and other countries with shitty security measures such as the US are still fine. So I'll go with the mis diagnose.

Imagine the criminality during the lockdown

Is that a pic from the other side of the rapture?


Greenland + Madagascar combo, noice. GG and grats, Corona-chan.

As it the story in so many places we are not testing worth shit right now, you still have to present ALL symptoms and then you might get somebody to use a test kit on you. Or maybe not now unless you are a healthcare worker, the changed guidelines again just in the last couple days.


Fuck off norway no one gives a single fuck about you.

Look at it like this. Over 200000+ confirmed cases. Even if not everyone dies from that, all of them could in theory die. 200000 is a really high number of people. However how many people live on Earth? How many are born every day? How many people die (not just get sick) every day? even every month? If you think of it like that, then 200000+ possible future deaths (not confirmed deaths), don't really seem all that much to take note of. Im fact, we have too many people living on Earth to begin with so we would actually benefit from 2 billion or so people suddenly dying.

So when you take all that into account, people will tune out after awhile unless the virus spreads to their own city.

So what HAS happened? The reported cases have actually slowed down. Does this mean that there are actually less cases? Or that China are hiding he numbers?

Whatever the case is, when media stops reporting on it and when the reports being shown tell us that the spread is slowing down... even if a lot of people don't believe that, they will start tuning out and doing something else. You can't stay hyped/interested in something if what is interesting about it only repeats and grows stale, or if what made it interesting in teh first place stops happening.

In other words, the reports from China, whether true or not, are actually affecting what is being posted here and how much is being posted here.

If nothing new and interesting happens, people will go do something else instead and get lulled into a false sense if security as they forget about the virus.

Look at Ebola. Ebola is still active and spreading in Africa, but because it hasn't mutated again for awhile or spread outside of Africa for a wh8le now, nobody really post about how people still die from Ebola in Africa.

Next follows an accounting of the endtimes of the cities of the whites and the chinks:
"In the early decades of the 21st century the albino freaks grew complacent in their power and, for the most part, completely oblivious to the khazaryan vipers in their midst.
By the time the Israeli made plague hit the so called 'first world', it was already too late. The so called semites had a vaccine ready for themselves, and the virus was carefully engineered to only target whites and asians. This was actually very easy, due to their shared Neanderthal heritage.

Meanwhile, the Negro continued undisturbed troughout the pandemic that lay flat both western and eastern 'civilization'. This was by design, you see, as the khazaryans deemed the negro man the ultimate man-beast goyim slave for their eternal empire. Stronger, bigger and more fertile than their pale predecessors and yet a lot more docile. Or so they thought.

Deprived of their discoloured flesh golem to protect them, the enraged hordes of the negroes very quickly overcoomed the clever but feeble, inbred and insane "semites".
The khazaryan womenfolk most suited for breeding (as judged by the fitness and size of their milking glands) where lobotomized and put in chains, where they would be bred 24/7 by any negro that desired to do so. The elders and staunchest of zionists where also put in chains, right in front of their womenfolk-turned-breeding holes, condemned until the end of their days to watch as their bloodline was slowly bred out of existence by the indisputed might and virility of the blood of Africa, one thrust at a time.
The male half breeds would just be blended into fertilizer for cassava crops, while the females would recieve the same treatment as their mothers.

And so it went on until the last of the zionists died of old age, the last image on his mind being a half breed khazarian woman incoherently moaning as her behind dripped powerful, thick and vibrant African semen."

>discord trannys

> US is still fine
check back on US in 2 weeks

It's too early to know that.

dem digits

anytime i see a discord screenshot my brain immediately filters the content on screen




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now that you mention it i dont hear much morning traffic outside the window :S