How is it possible destiny has btfo another nazi holocaust denier?

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imagine thinking destiny won

he literally had to concede that a death camp with 1.3 million dead jews is now admitted to have none

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I watched a minute or two of this. The 'destiny' guy was definitely high on speed or adderall

literal COPE

>just lying
>Ad hom

imagine my shock

how many of these replies are from the same guy?

I recommend all to watch the debate and actually listen to what Striker was saying. Of course it is hard because the constant interruption, but he brought up good points to which Destiny straight up had no answers and just did personal attacks.

>straight up had no answers and just did personal attacks
can you name 1 (I already know the answer)

where can i find the debate

Kike gatekeeper talking heads are always a waste of time.

destiny thinks he won a debate by talking faster
he's an immense faggot

spotify, dlive, etc...

How are the Corona cremations going sweetie?

Don't look too fast now do they ;;))

That's always how he operates. Gish galloping.


Of course you know I am going to say lobby question so there it is. Then there is the Jew Israel lobby, the immigration, the financial economy. Destiny got very upset when Striker named Jewish donors. For example Destiny keep saying stupid shit like, just let in foreigners then we tax the companies. When looking at what is going on in USA today that seems like fantasy.

It is not he got his ass handed to him

>nazbol eceleb retard debates normie liberal eceleb retard
no one cares, fag

It's from Ralph's Killstream.

reeeeee you dont belong here

>sure we made up this 1.3 million but the other 4.7 million is real in my mind

meanwhile commies actually killed 100,000,000

I don't know if he won or lost the debate, I was just saying... he seemed high on speed. (but in his case probably it's adderall)

Destiny is a literal cuckold. I don't think he's winning anything

does this dude upload it after or what?

fuck you faggot


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my god fucking boomers dont know shit about the alt right post-youtube

Go look at who funds this clown.

>be me
>Check Yas Forumsaviv.
>See anti-striker thread
I'm totally shocked.

Fuck you nigger, I'm not on here every goddamn day watching eceleb bloodsports faggotry. Found it anyway.

Nobody sits around and watches retards yelling incoherently at each other. We do that ourselves here, on Yas Forums. Please go back 2 plebbit.

Destiny is a skilled debater... not saying that he's correct nor he is capable of finding truth; just that whatever platforms he takes he's generally able to weasel his way through discussions with people by trying to take said discussions down narrow paths he's able to work with generally to find the first hole in someone's thinking to "prove" they didn't really think about their stance that much. Also

you dont have to watch but if you dont even know where to look to find it you're out of touch and probably gen x.

why would you ever even give one single thought to this beanpole spastic attention whore psuedo-gnome man child, let alone post about it?

Keep watching it and don't sperg out like autistic people here who cringe if you say "jazz sucks" or something.

jazz jennings?

Everytime another nazi fag gets fucked by destiny you faggots come up with "well, this cuck doesn't represent us and can't debate". All these people lose debates because no smart person holds these views.

i'm 27 and legit had no idea where to find it.
pls help me out so i dont feel like an out of touch boomer

I don't feel like googling, care to share?

destiny looked like he won but striker would have looked like he won if he called out destiny for using rhetorical tricks

i don't know what to call them but he uses them. also striker lost the music argument at the start.

Thank you proper user

the music

I've been a Striker fan for years

>no smart person holds these views

fucking lol my bad live at 7:30 pm cst weeknights

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>i don't know what to call them but he uses them. also striker lost the music argument at the start.

Destiny only debates federal assets or idiots. These people will either purposefully (feds) or accidentally (idiots) do things like exaggerate. Destiny rather than addressing the point of their argument will narrow in on an exaggeration. This is the logical fallacy of "straw manning" which is how he formulates something like 95% of his arguments.

Example. Destiny asks Striker what policies Jews influence contrary to US public desire. Striker says H1B visas and the Iraq war. Destiny knows that PNAC was like 23/25 Jews, so he understands he wants to get away from that. Decision tree branch #1: go to H1B (the weaker argument). Now destiny knows that jews control H1B policy, so we have decision tree branch #2: when you can't debunk directly, start asking questions instead. Destiny begins saying "ok who controls H1B how do you know this?" Striker responds with a single-issue advocacy group in support of H1B visas run by Zuckerberg (a jew) as evidence that jews are pushing H1B program (which destiny knows is not popular with general public). Destiny knows this is good evidence, he can't refute the central point. Decision tree branch #3: start asking for factoids about this group. Eventually he gets down to Striker not knowing the exact dollar amount that Zuckerberg's lobby group spent so right at the point where Striker is saying "I don't know" (some largely irrelevant factoid) Destiny pounces and says "aha! you don't know! exactly!" This is a well-structured straw manning tactic that Destiny does over and over again. The fact that Destiny can walk Striker down this road even once, much less repeatedly, is proof that Striker is a fed because even someone as dumb as him ought not be falling for this level of basic bitch trickery.

LMAO why does destiny talk so fast. Its like he is filled with fear.

Basically just tries to justify the neolib system

>nazi holocaust denier
He denies Dresden? What a faggot.

Everyone is claiming he lost so lmao auck my big White cock I fuck black women and irish whores with it.


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>Watch a manlet cuck debate with destiny
you people have no life

Literally everything besides stomping on nigglet and kike skulls is a waste of time. Yet, here we are.

lose another debate and have your army of 5000 17 year old mystery meat mutts tell you you won lmao

he's literally a cuck

What kind of faggot would watch kill stream?


Take the finance part. Destiny treated that like it was a huge BTFO and he condescended to Striker the entire time, but he missed the point entirely. The real argument is: why not nationalize the industry and provide loans directly? Instead, Destiny -- one you strip away the condescension and adhoms -- literally just made the case for why providing liquidity for them in a time of crisis (or literally bailing them out) is better than simply letting them fail.
He just tried to prove a point that Striker never actually disagreed with.
Other things off the top of my head:
>Borjas says that immigration costs labor x amount per year [Idk the numbers]
>Destiny: ok, but Borjas isn't an immigration restrictionist, and he goes on to talk about how native workers could be compensated.
How the fuck is that not EXTREMELY dishonest? What to do in the face of the evidence is completely a value judgment. You don't need a fucking economist to tell you that we need to restrict immigration. IIRC, Destiny even made a bitchy comment about how all the experts are on his side (which isn't true anyways), which completely contradicted what he said much later on in the debate, when Striker talked about Destiny's obsession with credentials.
Striker got BTFO hard on the music part at the beginning. That was honestly painful to watch. I don't even think he (Striker) was wrong -- culture is dictated by elites. Destiny thought he owned him by pointing to how kings funded music in the past, but that was precisely Striker's point (same with German culture in the 20s vs 30s -- elites changed, and thus the culture changed).

The idea that Americans once saw themselves as Europeans in the New World is a damn near impossible to lose argument, and it's really frustrating that Striker pivoted from that topic to something like music, where he HAS to know that destiny will relativize.

Striker embarrassed himself when he spoke about music, but otherwise he won every other point.
Destiny kept arguing that we need immigrants to afford food and he made no fucking sense. He also dodged the Jewish Question and said that lobbyists and donors have no influence over policies, which is a joke of an opinion that 99% of the people don't believe.

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I'd be willing to actually rewatch this debate and attempt to create the dialogue tree of what destiny does to make it appear like he's winning. clearly destiny "looked" like he won the debate but I just can't pin it.

my gut is telling me that destiny knows what striker is going to say already and instead of addressing strikers main points he'll look for a sub point striker made and nit pick that. When striker tries to explain to destiny why that subpoint is just something that should be assumed because it's obvious destiny will pick nitpick another subpoint striker made AS striker was trying to explain why is initial subpoint was obvious. Destiny keeps repeating this until the conversation gets completely off topic and to the viewer is appears as though striker never made a point.

I don't know if destiny learned how to do this after the metokur debate or metokur was just making such simple arguments that destiny's tricks couldn't work because metokur was the only person who undeniably beat destiny.

nazis are very low IQ, like bottom of the barrel, that's why none of 'em is a mayor of anything or even a deputy carpet cleaning slacked jawed faggot college dropout

Has Destiny ever alluded to why he chooses to use a stripper name?

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all of this damage control

someone give me the real rundown.

I stopped after the 30 minute jazz talk

All of them.

Destiny came out on top rhetorically. I can't believe people let him get away with some of that shit.
I mean, how do you not call that out. How can the wheelchair communist and ranch cat lose so badly to this faggot?

You can be right on every single point, but when your rhetoric talent is lacking and the entire grug audience thinks you've lost, you do a disservice to your own base.

people im getting real fucking tired of

>neoliberal apologists
>alt-right/nazi characters who are well read but socially/functionally retarded and cant debate, and just yell about jews
>paleocons who are basically just trump apologists
>populist lefties who have horrible cult characteristics while not understanding economics or incentive structures at all, and almost all of them are internationalist
>lolbertarians who are dumb as shit on corporate power, trade, and borders, and the incentive structures their ideology creates, and a set of views that are incompatible with a non gold-standard system that has currency manipulation
>"classical liberals" who all mysteriously happen to punch left and support israel and do literally nothing else (lotta money and institutional support behind this particular set of faggots)

it seems like there are MAYBE 8-10 people online who arent basically worthless

is this real lol

yeah, imagine losing to someone like that

must feel almost as bad as berniebros losing to captain alzheimer

Most of these people are feds. Just as the CIA had their agents in every major newspaper 50 years ago, they have agents leading twitch and youtube today. The level of discourse face to face with real people you know versus this nonsense makes it pretty obvious who is a fed.

Skilled debater compared to who? Some mouth breathing, 90 IQ stormfags that have no talking points beside "DA JOOZ" and "LE USS LIBERTY?"

E-celeb Nazis and Commies are the lowest of the low.

Why would someone watch or listen to destiny?

Exterminating human beings is now a liberal position the same equative equity as a Nazi. Abortionist exterminate offspring so to some degree it’s slightly worse. I’d like to see a debate regarding what is life and all things considered with regards to the attachment of value devaluation of choice to justify death in the place of sanctuary and how the mother get to protect herself from harm but the human in the place of sanctuary has none and who will protect it considering this is the guardians parents job to do so. Also the theory of 120(COC) meaning if we killed all clumps of cells over a 120 year time lapse would humans exist or not. At obviously the meaning that this result equates too.

Give me some examples of good debaters

100% honest here. expected much better from Striker. he got raped on every topic, no questions.

Debating is not important.

I hate to say it but this is the most thought provoking I've ever seen a Nazi be while facing Destiny. I think Striker lost slightly, but I'm also interested in reading or hearing more of what his flavor of politics has to say (would appreciate any links to audio, I already found his site).

I've always been a Destiny fan and would consider myself more on the lefty side of things (fiscally) but watching him pretend lobbies and donors don't have influence or that Goldman Sachs are the good guys is fucking cringe. I also work in STEM and I've never seen someone articulate the argument against H1-Bs as good as Striker (and yes, he's 100% right). I was surprised that he wasn't just going out there memeing and was giving social justice sounding solutions without being a transsexual or Shaun King

Watching a destiny debate is a lot like dreaming. It is only when it's over that you realize none of it made sense.

I get that same feeling from watching any conservative content LOL

lol short man have short man complex
short man very in denial about insecurity
short man need uppers to feel big and smart
short man is short, nay, TINY
tiny man in denial about emotional and sexual prowess
tiny man stalls for time, and still loses after being all FACTS AND LOJICK R BESTEST - nobody listen to horseshit from tiny mouth
poor tiny man

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Striker's content used to be a lot more widely available but to my knowledge aside from writing he only consistently goes on Strike and Mike these days, which requires a TRS subscription.

>skilled debater
>not correct
>not capable of being correct
>but he LOOKS correct!
why would you want to watch a non-jew act like a jew? that's what I don't get

seems like 100% of these internet personalities are a waste of time but these threads get thousands of replies a week

he won, too bad he dodge people who arent retarded like ryan faulk on purpose. if you recall correctly, it was him getting btfo by him that 'updated' his stance on deplatforming because he was butthurt