Can and will the government do anything to protect against them?
Are Asians the true Chads?
They could be if they actually worked together, but because of its history it can probably never be the case. Well its pausible for China. Thus so much pushback from Western society. If they were third world nobodies, nobody would be speaking about them. Americans feel threaten.
>are a race of a tiny penis quasi-slaves under 24/7 electronic surveillance who eat bats, rats, and cats the true Chad
Chinks are subhuman trash along with niggers, kikes, and mudslimes
Unironically true. We should more unite in dealing with the rest of the world.
- no muscle mass
- no sex drive
- invisible sex organs
- no sex appeal
- eyes underdeveloped
- weird smell
- short
- asian females are a white man's kimono slave
Mother nature says no chink
They are the true cucks. White women marry interracially the least of ALL groups and Asian women marry interracially the most of ALL groups. White men are the most desired, Asian men are the least. White men have history of which to be proud, Asian men don't.
Yet 60% of the world's population are Asians.
Keep up with mother nature beta.
you confound quality with quantity.
You have no good genetics, but you reproduce like the rats that you eat. Your young men smear their cum all over their mothers to produce incestual kids. You rape underage girls
Disposable drones, they exist to man sewing machines and soldering tables.
*pats on back*
nice mental gymnastic little man.
is that why ur population has been on the decline for centuries? Its projected in the next couple of hundred years Whites will cease too exist.
Nice masculine, alpha qualities everyone wants
Sounds like cope too me kek
If by Asians you mean Asian governments than yes. They aren't allowing themselves to be cucked with immigrants like the rest of us.
-morbidly obese
-smells like gym socks
-excessive body hair due to incomplete evolution from chimp
-menopause at 25 years of age
-invietes bbc into own home
-low iq
-basically just a paler shade of niggers
-pass time is astro turfing and virtue signalling to make himself feel better.
-literally turns into a pig after 5 min under the sun
whitoid will be extinct in about a decade. survival of the fittest i say.
You keep on forgetting the one-child policy in China which lead to a massive one-sided baby boom of only males. A majority of the world is of Asian decent, but the largest population of Asians is crippled by self-destructive breeding habits. It is litterally the reason why they are kidnapping Uyghers.
There are also quintillions of insects. The reason why is each one is worthless, they suck at everything and die all the time. This is why their survival strategy is mass numbers. This is also facilitated by the fact that they are small and dumb.
You just described Western women, and males still line up to fuck them.
awwwww look at the fat burgers making up theories to feel better about themselves.
even dailystormer has a ticker for white males seizing too exist.
keep coping little man. nobody wants u hohoohoh
the future is Asia and its inevitable. Keep clawing back little man we are coming.
kek ur literally being breeded out by negros in ur own home.
It's funny because you're making up bullshit but in reality some Asian ethnicities in the US racemix at over 50% rates (these are the women racemixing of course). Meaning for many Asian men their ethnicity would literally be cucked out of existence without continual immigration
and you were given birth by such degenerat creatures, apples don't fall far from the tree dumb fagget
only negros want to fuck whitoid women
It's the truth. Asians aren't really memorable people, it's like how ants all look the same, no identity, only uniformity.
Chinkfag, I bet you won't have kids no matter how many underage girls you rape in Thailand.
You are so masculine, I bet an 11-year old American girl can beat the gay out of you chink.
Most Asian countries are literally third world even with the white man's technology and outsourced industries. Even Koreans and Japs, the "best" Asians, were mud hut niggers when we found them. The similarities with niggers belong to Asians.
>Didn't actually debunk one-child population crisis
China is the exact opposite of Japan and proves that a population crisis can have a horseshoe effect instead of strictly being a matter of not having enough people
Asian men are the bottom of the barrel. No one wants to fuck them. Rats have bigger penises than them.
All asian women crave white men. No one craves Asian men. They have no worth
You just proved that Western people have sex instead of Asian people. Ching Ching will not breed while mutts breed like rats
>Chinkfag, I bet you won't have kids no matter how many underage girls you rape in Thailand.
Dat projection. Isn't that what mayos are known for?
China is the exact opposite of Japan and proves that a population crisis can have a horseshoe effect instead of strictly being a matter of not having enough people
The asian americans are going to be the death of asians.
They need to pack up and go home, fast.
Tick tock tick tock
Imagine thinking Whites are superior but they're literally getting bred out by everyone.
I love all the coping and mental gymnastics these betas are putting up.
What's it like putting on the white man's clothes and speaking the white man's language every day? Do you feel like a conquered race?
quantity vs quality
just like there is moree hogs and deers than tigers and bears
you are the omegas in the food chain
they will be the first to be raided
>Tick tock
>Tick tock
Say buh bye.
Imagine coping with the idea that hundreds of millions of people will just "get bred out" and then your people will be on top for once. Billions of Asians and for some reason they're not good enough to be number 1 lol
keep xoping
why asians play alpha on internet but are submissive bitch irl ?
they complain about WMAF but do nothing when their sisters bring a white bf to pound her puss
go to back to ilbe fapping to american soldiers fucking your women
Coping? It's already happening. Take a look little man.
LMAO. Asian 'men' simp to Asian women so hard that think white men are raping them. Sorry to tell you Xu, but she is cheating on you and saying rape because Chad is a crayon eating Marine and detrimental to her career
Uh huuuuh is that why your population is dropping?
*Pats on head*
I love the coping mechanism tick tock tick tock whtiey u still have time to fix it
>Tick tock
The exact sound causing the Asian anxiety and inferiority complex that has led them to becoming the world's most literally cucked people. Cucked sexually, intellectually, culturally, and otherwise. No history, no fame, no dignity, no pussy. Nothing for the modern Asian boy. His castration is utter and complete.
>dat projection
its over incel
All you have is numbers, you think like bacteria.
unironically btfo'd
white people being superior won't do shit when we're all gone
Name one thing wrong with my assessment. Asians wear western clothes, do they not? They read about western figures and events in school, do they not? You're speaking English and getting ZERO pussy while your women forsake you for better men. These are facts.
Not that I would fuck them though, your race is beneath me
Why do you think the Chinese will accept you? You do realize that Koreans and Japanese are the minorities when compared to the Chinese, and I don't think they will accept you being Japan's butt-buddy when they raped China in the 20's-40's.
But the white guy with shit stains in his underwear, a gf that’s cheating on him with Tyrone and lets the dog eat peanut butter from his ass is any better.
God I fucking hate White people in Canada. They all smell like wet dog, allow niggers to cuck them, chinks to fuck up their economy and housing market, let Indians run around smelling up the place and won’t shut the fuck up about their fucking problems when you befriends them.
The most unChad people on the planet.
Atomic blackpill.
Whiteys can't handle the real underlying truth unless it shines them in a positive light for them to cope in. The reality is they live off the history of their older generation.
The white soiboy men of today are weak and conquered by others. Thats why you and thousands of lonely white males congregate here.
Soon to be extinct in the next couple hundred years.
And yet even whites in a decadent phase built a society your refugee nigger parents thought superior to their own.
Asians cannot create like whites do, only destroy, like niggers or maggots on a corpse. The insect metaphor for slopes is just perfect.
>everything will be different in a few hundred years, you'll see! when you're gone somehow after hundreds of years, we'll finally get to be top dog!
t. Asians since the times of Ancient Greece
lol double response cope
its over
I have to say, this user has a point.
>doesn't even resist at this point
It's over for Asiancels
Im a mixed Filipino person with a Malay father and Spanish descent on my mother's side and grandparents with blue eyes. I don't get why these Nazi idiots keep alienating us mixed people, If these retards just stop being navel staring pigs we would side with our European ancestors too, but no, they keep being emotionally imbecilic idiots of constantly saying their race is superior. Their racism and self-centered pigheadedness is forcing the vast majority of Mestizos and Hapas like me to be pro-Asian in spirit but of course we are just luckier than them Asians in the flesh sense since we have Caucasian features. But there's much more profit for us to be supporting a large and increasing number of Asians than siding with Whites and I can maintain my mixed looks anyway since there is a large and increasing number of Latinos too. LOL Whites wake up! If you want to win the race war, stop being so shitty and selfish when it comes to other races and stop being selfish pricks yourselves and breed and form families instead of being in Yas Forums all day and jacking off to anime' waifus.
Feel free to fuck off back to China then, Chang
I have white descent myself and this Asian mestizo is disgusted at the racism of these white Nazis who are too damn selifsh they won't even breed the next generation.
True my friend
The real men are Black Men
Lets look at some of their traits
>Alpha Males
>Highest testosterone of all races
>Muscular, powerful, and fast
>Massive dicks
wh*Teoids and asians are the inferior species
>thinks merit is decided by women
ultimate cuckold
no wonder you're dying off.
1 mediocre white man is worth 12 -dozen look-a-like asians on their best days
Why are you only good at propagating disease?
Why do rats have bigger penises than you?
Yes keep on saying that when the computer you type on is made in China and the Mathemathics you use is made in Asia "Hindu-Arabic" numerical system.
Asians (not Jungle asians) are richer, smarter and more stable than any other race
I’m pretty sure Chinese and Koreans have just as exclusive attitude to towards mixed race people, if not more so. Especially in their home countries (Chinese in SE Asia have a more accepting attitude towards SE Asians than Chinese in China itself, which is something they are sometimes made fun of by Chinese in China itself).
Muh dick. Can you please argue with more relevant points instead of talking about.
*Muh dick
they don't even realize it either, just let their simp flag fly lmao
Yes. Asians are our modern slaves - even blacks are above you. You chinks do the manual work while we work in entertainment or sports. You are labor we can exploit. Unfortunately that has led you chinks to eat rats, bats, and anything that moves. You're a breeding ground for disease.
wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Do you even have one? Doesn't the rat you have for dinner have a bigger one than you chink?
>ians (not Jungle asians) are richer, s
My nationality is a jungle Asian (Philippines) but I'm part of Mixed bred Spanish descended elite.
And why as a Singaporean since you live in Jungle Asian territory, would you side with Fancy Asians? That's so idiotic of you since your Malaysian neighbors can simply stop commerce coming to you and you would starve to death, can you eat your godamn money stupid Fancy Asian?
the internet you use is a white man's invention.
The English you use is because we have colonized your strain
You have a shitty birth rate too topkek. You just had a few more centuries to build up zerglings but they are dying out!
>Americans feel threaten
no not at all
We don't want you because you always try to fucking emotionally manipulate us because you're mixed race.
Lower IQ Muricunt, So shameless of you to say that. I don't even look like a Chink you idiot I look like a Mexican Mestizo and I don't do any of that shit.
And if Asians are your modern slaves why are Asians in America richer than your average White?