Nobody here knows old/pol/

>Nobody here knows old/pol/
>Not even the Jannies

How far have we fallen?

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over half the shit on the board tonight is slide women posts, the others are chinks not bad posts.

You forgot your wojack™

>nobody was even here from before basedboy was filtered

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Who here /Gaza2012/?

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Anyone here from /New/? I got here in 2014, but wonder what the old shit was like


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>He doesn't regularly time travel through archives to see what was talked about before Jannies got pozzed
You have much to learn my child

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People posting, RISK games all the time for fun.
People actually learning shit then just pepe and wojack bait threads.

It's like a total chink/jew coomer take over now with all the slide threads
been here since 2006, and this board is blowing up right now cause of newfags

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Holy shit. I think I got here at the very end of comfy risk threads, I was wondering why those disappeared.

The Newfag cutoff was after 2013.

After that, the rest of the faggots were Redditfags

people act like old pol was not a fucking disgusting cesspool. I saw thread where a dude strangled his GF and then got arrested on news next day.

nu pol is basically old pol + reddit faggots + b + tons of shills

((( )))

I still got the map

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Hello jidf
Whatcha doin rabbi?
Blanda upp!!


CIA operative.
This thread might be shut down now

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I've been on Yas Forums since 2007 when I was 12

It's weird to have made this website so significant in my life in retrospect but at the end of the day I am happy.

Heres to another 13 years!

>Nobody here knows old/pol/
I was here before Yas Forums was merged into arcanine for a while, but mostly it was boring nazi shit. /gif/ back then was better, almost no porn in that board, and Yas Forums was pretty good to.

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I first visited Yas Forums in like 2014 or some shit. I still, to this day, have never been on reddit outside of a few links to look and laugh at them.

>Nobody here knows old/pol/

/new/sman here

Never seen so many newfags in my life. It really just keeps getting worse. Instead of realising they're unwanted here they've just become 98% of the user base and have astroturfed this place to the point of being identical to reddit. I wish it was possible to leave.

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I've been on Yas Forums since I was 9, it's very odd having a group of autismos as a surrogate father. I am not normal and I am mentally unwell, but at this point I wouldn't change it.

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>2011 was nine (9) years ago

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2013-14fag here.
I am the OG Newfag.

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It was all stormfront shit.MI still remember the morning of January when I woke up to /new/ being gone and a mix of feelings hit me. I was able to find 4ch()n within a couple of days and made it my home along with other refugees from /new/ and Yas Forums. It was such a great fight knit community. I miss it dearly. I miss you, Tik-Tok, neanderfag, and even nonwhite. Each one of you homos will be in my heart. I miss streaming movies for you assholes.

Been here since Yas Forums day 1, when it was full of /sp/ thinking they were going to root for political sports teams.

I miss her lads

Did risk get banned?

Shut your hole, candyass.

Get fazed out by Jews.

its time to accept that we have passed Yas Forums on to the zoomers and some of the old millennial / genx ways are gone


/g/ > /new/ > Yas Forums > Yas Forums

roodypoo PENIS

Yas Forums was never good

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kek, flan. Topkek. Luggage lad can go fuck himself.l for leaving us for google too. I'm glad he got cucked. What happened to Snacks, man?

I wonder what fagtasm is doin these dazes

RIDF is really shilling Putin hard but we know hes just a Chabad Lubavitcher jew!

New RamzPaul video fuckers! btw

And this shit is now being slid hard by bots.

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the death of Yas Forums was far worse than Yas Forums

nobody really cares about this board tbqh

they prefer to be called zoomers

See for me its the meta surrogate brother I never had who shit all over my dumb ideas so I could start making good ones

Honestly for the time I have spent on here, I have a good career, was married and have a loving partner now and can't see myself giving up on what I value in life.

Its all just opportunity and effort

I found out that that CIA is are leaching onto new boards as well.


sounds like a waste of time


Bitch please I've been here since 2014.

Yas Forums ain't what it used to be but 2019-2020 is a hell of a lot better then 2017-2018 Yas Forums was.

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That was Yas Forums, numbnuts.

>I was able to find 4ch()n


>too new to know anything I just mentioned
>calls me a glownigger
Fuck off.

All pol is now is faggots and boomers making Qfag. I’m really tired of it bros. I know it shouldn’t make time this annoyed but I’m really praying for a boomer and q user shill holocaust. I can’t fucking take it anymore.

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>Bitch please I've been here since 2014.
kys zoomer faggot

I just want to add to this post post because i'm drunk.
>Livestreams of JDAM strikes
>Livestreams of occasional shitty Palestinian rocket barrages
>Nokia ringtones going off so the Israelis could track where streamers were and either kill or spare them
>foxhole bro
>fighter pilot saying hold "hold my beer" immediately before a JDAM strike
>orange ball
>Harry Fear in the middle of it all and giving no shits
Those were truly the best times on Yas Forums

Yas Forums needs a share to facebook button.

This has been gone over ad nauseam. The internet as we knew it was nuked by the iPhone in 2008, giving normies the ability to have internet presence en masse, along with the söyboy devs who make that possible. Clown world began shortly after.

>Zoomers trying to fit in

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Dont forget the cup

Anyone bragging about how long they've been here hasn't been here long enough

Ah yes
We should get back to those days. I've got an itching for blowing up some more terrorist training camps

Damn its I forgot about his ugly mug. I wonder about smiley from time to time. And how did i block jim profit from my mind??!

>OG Newfag.
You’re not old enough to be a newfag, you’re cancer.

kinda strange how Stee sold 4ch()n after a bunch of threads exposing the actors involved in gamergate are a bunch of CIA spooks

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yeah its hilarious to reminisce on people complaining back in God if they only knew how bad the 2010s would end up. 2011 Yas Forums sounds so comfy by comparison

Old/pol/ are still newfags

Good luck, if you say that you will get v& and called a glownigger.

I'm glad you're doing well brother. Yas Forums has it's pros and cons but no matter what I feel you'll get some unfiltered advice or knowledge that you can do as you please with. What happens after is up to you.

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>I wonder about smiley from time to time


>Yas Forums was never good
Yeah but it used to be infinitely more entertaining and productive

No you fucking queer we're all still here we just stopped posting daily Nazi infographics.

>Get a GF
>She starts talking like Yas Forums
>Leave her

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i remember when pol was b and nazis were just a joke

the zimzam trial was the peak and its been all down hill since

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or wtf ever it was.

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wah wah wah. most of us here came from reddit in 2016. we colonized your gas anime site. the weak shall fear the strong.

Syrian Party Girl was the only waifu we needed back then :(

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its all still a joke, the retards just found us and dont get it

CAN'T FLIM FLAM THE ZIM ZAM. Trayvon was such a good boy he dindu nuffin. I enjoyed the Boston bombings and watertown.

You shouldn't had said that.

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nuke th chinks
stir fry know

Over half threads filtered on a good day. This place is a shell of anything it once was, which should let you know exactly how dangerous it is to (((them)))

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There is better pol clones out there where there is better discussion and more intelligent responses. They also seem to be more NatSoc too for some reason. Thankfully Yas Forums pol does it job as a containment board for shills who think they found the super secret nazi communication center and newfags who are literally brainlets from reddit and MAGA idiots. Keeps the trash away. Yas Forums is still fun to pop back in now and again.

>How far have we fallen?
All the fucking way.


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Obongo years were pretty fucking crazy as well with the Norks threatening nukes, lots of good wholesome happenings
And then there was the horrible nightmare op that was Chanology...


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Any cripplechan friends in the building? I browsed Yas Forums from 2013 to when MOOT nuked the board, then jumped to 8, then off imageboards altogether for years.

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2011-2015 was the time to arrive here.
anyone claiming before that has a high chance of being a genuine boy loving faggot and should be fucking quarantined in wuhan, anyone after those years read about pol on msn news and came here with an agenda.
usually a brainlet turbo spaz agenda.

B was where i started.

whenever /s4s/ was created (2013?) was the last hoorah of old Yas Forums imo. and that board got old in about 6 months then the redditors and zoomers showed up and now its like this

>There is better pol clones out there where there is better discussion and more intelligent responses.

like what

Each day over 100 newfags join.
Now females are joining.
Anyone else see this?

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