Veterans of Yas Forums

did the military make you a man?

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borderline alcoholic so yes

they don't take diabetics to army

neither of these sound promising

No. A lot of people who join, (including myself), do so out of an unconscious sense of lack that they believe the military will fix. It doesn’t. It infantilizes them at best and physically/psychologically destroys them at worst.

You wanna be a man, you have to cultivate self-reliance. Having mommy DoD taking care of everything for you won’t help. It’s a good starting point, but that’s it

No, responsibility did.

I was already a man when I joined, but it certainly changed me. Some for the better, some for the worse. I made some of my very best friends in the army. Some of those guys killed themselves, or died in combat. All in all, it was just another blue collar profession that I immersed myself into, and I feel like a better man for it. It certainly made some of my younger friends into men, and good men at that.

I am not a veteran and no
I was a man so I joined to develop the necessary skills to kill

how did it make your younger friends change?

FUCK the troops

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Same outcome here.

spirit de corps really does make some friendships and your tough nigger-tier career courses do toughen you up. as long as you are willing to travel over the hump. we started my DP1 with 51 people, we finished it with 29 people

this 100%

Ive watched people from school who hada shitty life and thought the military would give them a career,college and straighten them out. They come out needing constant direction, ego about their service and not many went to college. Worst guy that came back was violent and crazy and had a kill list of people he hated.

Some people may find what they need in their,but many come out with an inflated ego and a brain not functioning with the rest of our wavelengh.

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When did you go through DP1?

don't join, you will get assraped

I suppose that depends what country your from. I imagine military doctrine is quite different compared to Russia and China, even Iran. I ve never served but i would think leadership is of utmost importance in moral.

Forced them to be responsible for themselves, to the lowest of basic tasks- keeping their rooms clean, making sure they were on time (if you're on time you're late, if you're early, you're on time! and so on), making sure they had everything they needed for the day, staying physically fit. These little fundamentals help set the foundation for being a well-rounded and self sufficient human being. They fucking hated it of course, but it helped them out in the long run, so long as they kept at it.


I worked with some canucks. I have to say, out of all the infantry of other services I worked with, you guys and the aussies were among the best. Really enjoyed training with you guys.

I've been out 14 years this Sept. I accidentally joined on 9/11 (as in, already signed up, waiting to ship to Parris Island). I found the Marine Corps to be idiotic in every sense of the word and to this day still have an overwhelming prejudice against other Marines. I refuse to bring up my time in service to anyone I meet that asks about it. I regret playing a part in the pain and suffering caused to people in Iraq who had nothing to do with any regime or fanatic ideology.

In my regular life, when young men or women tell me they're thinking of joining, I always ask them what it is they want for their own lives. Whatever the answer is, unless it's the desire to psychotically hurt themselves or others, I tell them to choose something else other than the Corps.

that bad huh

yeah bro you really want everyone to check out that link.

Easy there edgelord

Yep. There were good experiences I had while in active duty, but they were not as a result or by-product of the Marine Corps. They were things gleaned and enjoyed outside of those morons, who were so easy to confuse and deceive. What I ultimately learned FROM the Corps is that idiots should not be followed and should be deceived at every opportunity. They should be treated as dangerous morons - who if wise to the ruse - will become irrationally violent... But not any worse than if simply confronted by the truth.

Imagine a large rock in the middle of the field. A colonel tells a captain that tells a lieutenant that the rock needs to go. The sergeant tells the corporal who tells the group to hit the rock with sticks until the rock disappears. I would volunteer to get a shovel to bury the rocks, after convincing the corporal it was the sergeant's idea. I fuck off for twelve hours and come back to find all their sticks are busted. My shovel doesn't change anything and my absence doesn't make the task any more idiotic than it was in the first place. This type of event described my experience in the Marine Corps.


Honestly I really enjoyed my time in the infantry but that description really hits the nail on the head

you will be raped in the asshole by your squad, it will happen don't join. Get assraped, die for isreal

Israel made me a man.

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No it crippled me for life but thanks for the free healthcare and tax-free NEETbucks

Your 'free healthcare' is the VA. Enjoy waiting hours, weeks, and days for a specialist while a boomer on his fifth heart attack cuts you off in his motor chair to get to the burger line in the chow hall.

This is what I learned from the Army. Imagine driving around Iraq with no map because you fear that one of the troops in your convoy could be a spy.

I honestly think experiences like that broke me. I'm the type of person where if I see a problem, I try to find the most efficient solution. And my time in the Marines taught me you can either a.) Waste your time explaining that solution to your next up in the chain of command - so it can either be ignored or stolen and butchered to pieces or b.) Find a way to fool my chain of command into not doing whatever fool's errand they had planned (and make them feel good about it).

Option B happened more towards the end of my enlistment. Option A was soul crushing.

Fucking this

Yes, best friends for life.

Lots of rules and petty shit. Serious power trippers here and there. Sometimes everything was illogical and people irrational. My takeaway was still getting the job done in spite of all that. I don't know if it was purposeful built in stress for acclimation to combat tempo, or occurred naturally. At 19 I was making serious decisions on the flight deck as a troubleshooter fixing last minute malfunctions on jets under pressure. No slacking, no excuses.

i turned into a coward who is afraid to leave his house, so there's that.

No. Retards join "to be made into men" really just they're retards who need parenting. Rest of us joined for many, many other reasons.

Would I recommend it to you, OP? No. And that's not me gatekeeping or because I don't think you can take it, it's because I think you would get more out of life by doing what you would do when you left, now instead. Don't waste your time being surrounded by adult high schoolers and ordered about by assholes who take orders from idiot politicians who want you to do anything, go anywhere, but help the people of your own country.

That being said, with the corona, they can't just send people to the middle east for dumb reasons.

>ego about their service
Oh yeah, you get this when you come out, because civilian life is something else entirely. Especially if you interact with civilian government employees who take years to do the simplest shit and are frustratingly slow to deal with. You can get this grandeur as a civilian, too, but after the army, you have so many things to draw from to prop up a fragile ego, it happens a lot more. You have uniform, the prestige of service, medals, rank and hit, but once you realise you're there's no point to telling people, it's pure cringe.

For a few months after I left, I'd tell fucking everyone, but if you have any decency you get bored of being praised by randoms. What's the point of showing off to strangers if your life hasn't really took off because you've given most of it to the government? I honestly regret it. Years and years for what? Money and experience wrangling dipshits who have less qualifications than teeth? I don't think it's something to look down or make fun of, but if you want to help people, there's better professions, and if you want money, there's better professions, and if you want smoke to be blown up your ass about how much you serve your country, there's better professions.

At forst ues but then I turned into a burned out alcoholic and the Army ended up breaking me. Im embarrassed to admit I ever served.

I was gona join the Legion and restore my honour but thats off the table now.

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>so it can either be ignored or stolen and butchered to pieces
I know how this ens. Then you get blamed for why it didn't work, to preserve the careers of people too dumb to hold rank and make decisions

My dad said the Army had a big role in who he was but he went from child abuse to Ranger LRRP in Vietnam

Frat parties daily

People always love to claim their military would win a war against so and so. Having been in the military and having seen the types of 'solutions' the average NCO or even field grade officer comes up with, I'd say the outcome of any war is just which side has the fewest fuckwits making decisions.

In my experience these days the PTSD folks were crazies before they joined. Had PTSD classmate, he was MP on base and never shot a bullet. He was crazy before the Army, joined thinking they'd do something, and then blamed the Army. Army didn't take crazies 40 years ago but now they don't have a choice but you have to be crazy to join or some generational marine shit.

No. Getting out and trying to make my way outside did

it made me alcoholic, paranoid, angry, and broken

make you gay yes

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It did
Before the military I was a borderline suicidal alcoholic
Now i'm a fully suicidal smack addict (and alcoholic)

>4 years U.S. Navy
>6 Years working under Constellis

All Naval deployments were just port visits

While working for Constellis subsidiaries went to places like Ukraine in 2014, Syria in 2015, Libya and Somalia in 2016, and finished off in Yemen.

Ukraine was the worst fighting I had seen especially during the opening days of the war. I think such experiences made me appreciate what I had and that I should be grateful that I don't live in a lawless country.

Did you americans enjoy servicing our cocks?

Man, you're right on the money with that! Prior to this generation, no soldiers ever left and became reclusive or fell away from society or got violent at inappropriate times in society. Nope. Never happened. There's no evidence anywhere that as a result of service, a person was subjected to trauma to such an extent he or she failed to continue basic functions in society.

...Or, you know, we have accounts from even the Romans this was a thing that happened. Or eighty years of peer reviewed medical research. Or DOJ crime studies. Or any of that, really.

Stale bait my dude

my drill sgt said it best
"Some of your shitty parents come to me at the end of basic training and say 'thank you for making my son a man'
and I say to them
'that wasn't my job, but yours'"

The Army didn't make me a man, even after doing a combat tour in Iraq. My father is a good man who worked hard, but he didn't teach me anything. The military will not make you a man, unfortunately.
I wish it did.
Took me like years to become a true man.

never sit on your laurels.

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I think, for those of us who deployed, it certainly woke many of us up. Why are we in Iraq but our Greatest Ally is nowhere to be found? Why don't we get uparmored Humvees but Israel does? Why are we paying Israel while we're fighting in the outskirts of Fallujah?

Brilliant. How does it feel now that you know this will happen to the next generation too?

Spent 8 years in the Coast Guard.

Boot camp taught me endurance and that my body’s physical limitations were greater than what I thought. Literally learned to go until muscles straight up failed. Also taught me attention to detail. These three things have been a tremendous benefit in everything since.

CG is weird because you don’t get a lot of training right out of boot camp. You’re thrown right into doing an important job and have to learn on the fly and on the job. The responsibility placed on junior members is intense (three weeks out of boot camp and I was doing radio watch standing which is like acting as the 911 dispatcher for a search and rescue station. You fuck up and people die.)

Leadership and followership are huge. Good leaders pay attention, know their people’s strengths, and look out for them. Leaders are useless without good ideas and good followers. Good followers do what’s asked of them, don’t shitbag the job, and aren’t afraid to respectfully offer alternative solutions to problems while respecting the leader’s call.

Unfortunately by the end of the Obama years everything became focused on being PC, promoting faggotry, and combating white privlidge and micro aggressions.


7/10, would do again. Attention to detail, hardcore endurance while knowing my true limits, being a good leader and a good follower all valuable skills taught. Also how to handle high stress situations and shitty people. Post 9/11 GI bill is baller and VA loan is fucking lit. Been out for 4 years and finally buying my first house.

I guess you're just a weak faggot because my dad was a Ranger LRRP in Vietnam, the most difficult job in military history, and wasn't fucked in the head afterwards.

My drill said something similar and added

>if any of you mother fuckers brings your parents over to meet me i'm going to smoke the shit out of you until the day you leave for AIT

I purposely brought my parents over to him to be a dick.
Didn't get smoked.

Basic training was fun, I miss it.

I'm a Buddhist now. I've learned to give up hatred of the Jews and the traitorous US politicians who flush lives down the drain for shekels. Their bad kamma will be theirs to real. I want nothing of that harvest.

Made me hate this life even more

'My daddy'.

Will a veteran tell me why i cant meet a guy thats been in the army or whatever for 5 fucking seconds before he brings it up? I dont give a fuck. If you think its so important you shouldnt have got out, fuck you. And why does every vet seem to be an assassin? Ive met a hundred of you free lunch discount assholes but not one of you was a fucking truck driver or cook on a shitty boat? Yeah

Shut up, cunt. Men are talking.

If you "gave up hate" why the fuck are you here?

They're just looking for your foreskins.

I don't think it makes a man out of anyone. It's basically trading one set of parents for another of a different type. Better than college, though.

Ranger LARP?

Because a lot else gets discussed outside of how evil your people are. I think once we can all admit how vile the Jew is, and how any who aid the Jew are vile, we can move on to more pressing matters.

Ok, for the newfriends:
There are two things going on right now. /ourjews/ here on the board are working non-stop to shift the blame for the corona virus onto China by agitating among their poor white followers. That's the first half of the equation.
The recruitment thread is the second half. Propaganda was legalized in the NDAA. Wake up, stupid.

You will never "admit" all jews are bad because racism is inherently illogical and autistic. And no almost nothing gets discussed other than jew this jew that. I literally come here for jewish news because You always fucking have it.
This place is for hating others. stop acting like you're above it or close tab

Wanted to add that a close friend is a Company Commander (Drill Seargant) for recruits at basic. He told me that training and your time in is like refining gold. The heat is turned up and you try to burn the impurities away. However, not every person that goes in has the same amount of gold in them.

I think he’s right. Some guys, if they have underlying flaws or personality traits that are ingrained and problematic won’t come out of the military much if any better than when they went in. For the most part the experience hardens people. Unfortunately it can harden the bad as much as the good.

Except propaganda actually wasn't legalized if you look into it.

>nothing ever gets discussed except for jew this jew that
>brought jews into the conversation

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