/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2343 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 276,123 (+572) ► Died: 11,404 (+25)


China instructions to spread misinformation on the internet leaked

Illinois to enter "shelter in place" lockdown, 12 million people

China "lost" 15 million phone users since 2020 started

Nurse in Italy: "We no longer count the dead"

57 year old Manhattan lawyer dies after saying he was improving

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

In Netherlands, half in intensive care under 50 years old

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Virus might spread through banknotes

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

Peru under lockdown, 32 million people

DOW tanks 3000 points or 13%, worst day in history

US prepares for 96 million cases and 480,000 deaths

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Ukraine on lockdown, 42 million people

23:55: 58 new cases and 2 new deaths in Louisiana, United States.
23:33: 155 new cases and 4 new deaths in California, United States
23:12: 54 new cases in Russia.
23:11: 77 new cases and 1 new death in British Columbia, Canada.
23:10: 65 new cases and 1 new death in Georgia, United States.
22:30: 131 new cases and 2 new deaths in Florida, United States.
22:23: 496 new cases and 13 new deaths in Switzerland.



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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 11,485
lol, still only 11,485.
How many days has it been stuck at 11,485? Four days? Five days?

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how can we whites compete?

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Based Argie user! How you holding up?You Are a FUCKING MACHINE mang!!
(waiting for updates to clear)

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if youre using the toilet paper you found and not selling it youre doing it wrong

i can wash my ass off in the shower a few weeks in exchange for 100$+ a pack

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> Crematorium running out of space in Italy

They need some of those nazi super ovens that were able to cremate 4756 bodies a day meaning they were incinerating bodies at a rate of one every 30 seconds if they were working non-stop

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The US Military and Pentagon is sitting on Trillions of dollars being used for various classified/black budget programs that could be diverted into stopping the Corona virus in the US.

The MIC(Military Industrial Complex) globally relies on thousands of workers, people seem to forget that. Most military hardware still requires humans in some shape or form. Not everything is automated, droned or robotic yet.

Someone should tell the US Military and US foreign policy that Corona is made of Oil. I'm sure that would get them to actually stop Corona in only a few months and pay attention to it.

All US Troops stationed or deployed in other countries need to return to the US until Corona is stopped. The US is going to need that extra man-power to handle any mass civil unrest and secure vital supply lines of food and/or medicine. US Troops stationed or deployed outside of the US also risk contracting the Corona virus as seen in South Korea.

i mean we have the money for test kits

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Coronavirus is a hoax

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Trumpbux when???

I'm a moderate but if the dems block it I will never EVER vote blue again

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10 hours of peaceful rhythm for these stressful times.youtu.be/MqvQiexh42w

Remember to balance your nutrients, anons:
>daily multivitamin

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Guys I need your help
UK Paramedics are asking about symptoms involving urination. Does anyone have any more detail on what the fuck is going on with kidneys and urination?

Report unusual behavior. Barricade your homes. Avoid all contact with infected individuals. Wait for official instructions.

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I want a bunker bf...

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Friendly reminder that if you actually believe that this virus is of chinese origin, bioweapon or not, you are braindead.
America created Corona-chan to punish China, Italy, Iran and Russia for "Silk Way" project.
I can bet my anal virginity that mutts already have the cure. They will release it as soon as economy of said countries is destroyed.

Friendly reminder that 13 millions of innocent chinese people already died from american bioweapon unleashed on enemies of Israel.

Friendly reminder to shoot your local amerimutts on sight for their crime against humanity. After this event is over, being american will become much worse than being german after WW2. Trump will be remembered for centuries as the worst mass murderer in human history.

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The sanctuary states keep making Corona-chan bigger, right along with the EU! Keep at it and kill yourselves, liberals!

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Does anybody have the survival mega link? Tryna grow some potatoes for my family

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If only we had the original nazi super oven blueprint, we could avoid mass graves

Stop posting this shit. Go to bed.

lads, this is getting out of control.
i'm starting to get worried.



got u covered hermano

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It's got Madagascar boys


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hold my hair back as i cough up blood into the toilet

come one user, don't be a fag. you cannot reproduce with your same-sex.

>trump throwing out helicopter money
leftards can't comprehend

what tha fuck is this timelime?
this all starts to feel like some strange feverdream

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this gave me the shanghai shivers

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Its going to hit 1 or 2million by the summer

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man i want to beat the shit out of that gook nigger

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Illinoisfag here (specifically Chimpcongo), AMA

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kys hapa. no thing as an innocent chink

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>last month 25k leafs applied for unemployment gibs
>this month it's 500k

>t. boyfriendless workless virgin weaboo femcel spic

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>CIA virus seeding operatives intentionally spread a pandemic in the country that we rely on for production and crashed the global economy intentionally
American jews would never sacrifice stonks for bio-warfare

we hit 200k like 4 days ago and we're already almost to 300k

We'll hit 1m by mid april

Homeless situation? Also what’s gonna happen to south side when a lockdown occurrs?

He already did it once before as a WWE angle


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Yeah, let's just take all of our chess pieces off the board, you fucking dolt.

>finally getting my life back on track
>i will now die because of chinese bat aids

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let it kill all the normies

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I don’t think the numbers are in the millions yet in Chin, but they can certainly be nearing 1M soon.

trust me it's better like this, foreigners would've just fucked Japan up good, tons of litter and other shit that you'd just end up complaining about once they're all gone

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I don't want to die. I don't want my gf to die. I work at a supermarket in produce and my coworker was sent home early yesterday because he felt sick. I worked with him all day Wednesday. My company isn't supplying masks. I can opt to stay home but I won't get paid. I have like $325 and a week's worth of food. With next paycheck another 450. So with $575 I guess I could stock up on some more supplies and stay home but I may already be fucked. I'm really scared. Like I'm losing sleep every night. I want to live. I want to wake up and not be terrified for the next day. What do I do guys? I'm not memeing, I'm about to cry. Are there any reports of recovered patients in okay condition? Are asymptomatic carriers totally free of the crippling effects until it leaves their system or are they just asymtopmatic for a portion of their infection? What's the status with the Trumpbux scenerio? Would it be every month we would recieve benefits or just the one time only? Help me. Reposted. I'm sorry.

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I want a gf...

>Homeless situation?
There aren’t that many homeless where I live (north of the river)
>south side
As if it isn’t anarchy already down there

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I hope the Olympics still happen this year, not hopeful though

was especially looking forward to it since they finally stopped giving it to complete meme cities like Rio and Beijing

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Yes, coffee is good for you.

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It's a nothing burger. Cure has been found.

Final update of today's gif. Gonna have to reduce resolution next time.

Attached: Confirmed Coronavirus Cases, 15 March - 20 March.gif (6300x3330, 3.73M)

>crematorium goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr

>Friendly reminder that if you actually believe that this virus is of chinese origin
Nice try chink, we're going to nuke china.


Best Korea fired missiles today. Business as usual for the holy regime.

Kidney cells have the ACE2 receptors the kung flu attacks (as do the balls).
Probably unrelated, you can spread the virus through your urine.

By adding up the deaths and recovered we get a death rate of around 11.3%
However I think we can assume that this number is greatly inflated since the people who die from this virus are a minority and have been dying faster than the average healthy person can recover from the virus

Do we have any info on the overall health of those infected with the virus right now (not dead or recovered yet)
And considering that information what do you guys think will be the final death rate?assuming no crazy mutations show up

>foreigners would've just fucked Japan up good, tons of litter and other shit that you'd just end up complaining about once they're all gone
That’s pretty much what the hordes of Chinese tourists ready do here, except the revenue they bring is insanely profitable so the government encourages it

Quit work, buy food, quit whining. you’ll be alright.

just follow me.

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unironically how did germany kill millions of people when Italy can't even cremate a few hundred people per day?

I stink of soap because of this virus. What should I apply to stop smelling so eye wateringly of soap?

Have any black deaths been reported?

are you armed? will there be a chimpout?

Virus is mutating to become more lethal. Look at Italy. They have a more lethal strain. It's over. We're fucking finished.


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Great for a visual perspective of one day, good job.

You must be horrendous on an incomprehensible scale to not be able to get a bf.



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iowa fag here. when are they enforcing the lockdown? have you seen any panic


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I love you Gary.

Zykon B

Surprisingly enough, yuppies seem to be getting into firearms.

you dumbass we can still see your ID

Me chinese, me do trick!
Me *coof* *coof*, now you sick!

Attached: Confirmed Coronavirus Deaths, 20 March.png (6300x3235, 1.48M)

Chinks are sucking up gigalitres of water out of the mekong river

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Reposting a question
Brainlet tier question
Its my policy to always distruet what the CCP says so I dont trust the numbers, but during the peak of the crisis in Wuhan how did people keep getting infected if they were locked down at home, and we all know how extreme the chinese were at this?
The quarantine lasted over 2 months,I really doubt even the most negative person believes the incubation period to be that high
Did people keep getting infected when going grocery shopping or going to the hospital?
Why didnt the goverment find a method to deliver food directly to the people to stop this?
Why cant they take the coronavirus test at home?

Got this answer: Because at the bare minimum you need people on the ground to keep shit functioning. Food, utilities, etc. Also their desperation in filling up factories again lead to constant reinfection during that time period. The 14% reinfection rate of "cured" individuals also plays a massive role.

Now have new questions

So if one essential workers got another sick then the this one would get his family sick and so on, so somethign like that?
What measures were taken to protect the essential workers?
How many essential workers are their in China?
So if they didnt go grocery shopping there was no way for those locked down at home to get the virus right?
Whats significant about the reinfected, that just means they were cured and got it again its not like they were false negatives ?
What about false negatives, how extreme can those be

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To the llamabros of last thread:
Federal goverment is being an ostrich
After an shameful dispray in federal government last interview.
It was lame then, and now they are doing a strange damage control on public opinion. Believe me, they are too kosher to be "honest".
¿Como se llama la llama?

I'll wipe you ass for $100 a pop.

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so what the gary bot just reposts the current death count as the same for the past 5 days with the same copy pasta?

i dont understand

we should just nuke em for the sake of humanity.

If a lot of people love each other, the world will be a better place to live. You are part of our family and we love you very much, as a friend. But you are sort of like our son too, and we will help you anytime.

Pedospic poster again huh?

Even though what it is constantly shared here may scare you, you have 96%+ chances of having a hellish week of coughs and breathing difficulties if you are between 16yo and 40yo, but after that you will be able to keep living your life normally. Not everything is known about this virus, but you should be fine. Take care user.

China (Russia and Iran) are completely dependent on the US keeping trade lanes open and empires down so the can sell their stuff anywhere in the world. All the US had to do to destroy them is stop doing that and we are starting to do that, this will just accelerate the process.

MIC cuck stuck in a low level civilian role, i feel safe.
don't worry, foreign sales of weapons platforms are still ongoing and will be needed to control your riots, at least the US can withdraw and feel confident a plague is doing their job for them.

im stuck in limbo between believing its happening and not believing.
give it to me straight bros, is the virus really the main problem here? or is it the government overreach that will continue after this virus scare ends?

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>Surprisingly enough, yuppies seem to be getting into firearms.
No shit, they've got means and see a situation where it could genuinely be jeopardized.

Any upper-middle class metro household that didn't have a gun a week ago is too dumb to live, especially if they're bugging in.

25 year old NPC employee died but he had health issues

Are you a Chinese operative?


nah he's just some faaaaaaaaaaag

I literally fucking hate chinks

What does cuck and collect mean? Up on the right.

Chimp outs are starting in Brazil. Roving bands of homeless people are mugging people in Rio. Dude in video only escaped because he was armed.
Rio is only on day 7 of voluntary lockdown, with a possible mandatory one coming soon. Rio is done, Brazil might collapse, and we fucking deserve this.

Attached: RioChimpOuts.webm (544x480, 1.45M)

>shoot your local amerimutts on sight for their crime against humanity

That is fucking rich coming from a Russian.

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Oy vey I tell you they dont make crematoriums like they used to, nazis had 2 ovens that could bake 6 million jews during wartime without any negative weather effects like we are seeing from Wuhan China right now.

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You're real! Much love. Stay healthy leaf bro

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I literally fucking hate amerimutts

I hope that after the pandemic at least 50% of all people would still be alive. Would settle for just couple thousands.
"We don't know how long this will take. There are some promising vaccines being developed all around the world. Maybe just 18 months if we are lucky!"

Click and collect

>give it to me straight bros, is the virus really the main problem here? or is it the government overreach that will continue after this virus scare ends?
Second order effects are going to be worse and stick around longer, but the virus' effects aren't anything to sneeze at either.

If you happened to read your government's white paper about how Germany would fare in a 3-wave SARS epidemic, that's basically what you can expect if Corona goes endemic and can't be controlled in subsequent waves.

I do

You were right the first time.

Lmfao sucks 2 be you

live day by day or you will go nuts

You want some US citizenship?

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>is the virus really the main problem here? or is it the government overreach that will continue after this virus scare ends?
would be different in germany, but here the big problem is people's mortgages aren't going to be paid for months, housing bubble could probably burst with nobody buying/selling for the next 2-3 months

Sometimes the body's immune response is more deadly than the disease. It will either be a costly over-reaction or a deadly lack of preparedness, more likely the former.

>Beaner talking shit on America
Fuck off, without us you retarded spics would be even more poor than you already are.


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>hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol completely sold out since January
>said fuck it and got myself a 4L tank of 99% isopropyl alcohol last month
>diluting it 70 alcohol 30 water with a few drops of essential oils for nice smell
If you can't buy it, just make your own anons. Much cheaper and easier than going around to 15 different stores while exposing yourself

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Yeah ok user

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>boomers try desperately to destroy the economy to save themselves from a gay little flu
wtf is wrong with these sociopaths? I hope they all eat bat soup in hell

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Ok, that makes sense. They are asking about trouble urinating when they come to interview you to decide whether to hospitalize you or not.
My friend there has sudden scarring on the kidneys due to unknown causes and has developed the cough in the last week.

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Very resourceful, samurai. You did your math on the dilution.

How hard is this gonna hit the gypsies?

I just remind them:

Europe is ahead of US on the exponential growth curve. The US screwed up by trusting the Europeans like we did Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

This devastates them because most of them worship European countries, but they're the ones that screwed it all up for us.


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>Nooooo!! we have to wait till chink paid KIKE msm reveals this news

Death to America!

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Just coof over it, the droplets have massive hang-time


>Fuck off, without us you retarded spics would be even more poor than you already are.

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China lying about the deaths and not warning other countries pretty much confirms it's happening.

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By summer? Count is doubling every 3 days or so, it will be on one million infected in a week.

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