Are zoomers the nest "greatest generation"?

WW II came a long, and a generation of men were called to fight, the women even helped out in factories. The whole world pulled together to fight the crisis.

Now, we have coronavirus. Is this the thing that will define the modern-era? Will it transform the zoomers into the next "Great Generation."?

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Zoomers are still too young.
It's going to be Millennials finally standing up to Boomers.

>The whole world pulled together to fight the crisis
No. Not even the USA came together. Look up what niggers were doing during the war

Nothing will happen. Doom eternal launched and New world MMO launches soon. No one gives af

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Short answer:

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There's 10 girls that look exactly like the one in OP's picture in every sorority at every college in america and for eaceh of them probably 50 guys simping over each one. wild.

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I doubt it, but I hope so. It seems like a 50/50 split among Zoomers between based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled.
>t. 2000 zoomer

>Look up what niggers were doing during the war
They were becoming fighter pilots. Ever heard of the Tuskegee Airmen?

Zoomers are anywhere from 23 years old to 10 years old. I'd say that if we are going to get another "greatest generation" in this generation, it is going to be them.

>Will it transform the zoomers into the next "Great Generation."?
lmao, this is the generation that doesn't know how to cook. They're retards.


Millennials have the murderous anger of a thousand fiery suns

Ban chinks, sign now

Bro deadass who tf are you? I know this girl she used to date my boy back in High school Ill post proof too

Did you not see spring break?

They are too self absorbed to become a greatest anything.

If anything, their the next silent generation...the generation that existed after boomers but before gen x.

Basically the great depression generation

I don’t think there are any more ‘Great’ generations on tap. We have mediocre generations rapidly sinking into pathetic, useless, despicable generations. This is the trajectory as far as the eye can see.

Lmao, imagine thinking they're anything but the last American generation

>The baby boom happened before the great depression

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She posted this on her IG thats mad weird to just use her like that

most of them were striking from essential war industries and committing crime. Niggers sabotaged the USA during WW2

Shut the fuck up you autistic whiteknight

silent gen was before boomers. they're the ones that gave us the CRA and Hart-Celler, so they're at least as guilty as the boomers

Yeah...well, ok fuck you too

A random hot girl I found on Instagram? Do you know her?


Everyone is poisoned by fluoride, chlorine and estrogen. Those of us who aren’t became mentally ill due to the Satanic underlying spirit encapsulating humanity. Honestly I cannot even control my physical reactions because I have been awakened to the humans that are the shells of demons surrounding me

Reread what I said once more. I said IF we are going to get a second "Greatest Generation". Emphasis on the IF.

damn that kinda just explains it then, my b bro lol

I seriously just found her on Insta, she is friends with someone I know. Do you by any chance have any pics to back up your claim?

Why do you type like such a fucking nigger? You disgust me. I hope Rachel cucked you and that’s the reason you’re so mad, faggot.

>bullshit theories

Millennials fought in Iraq, Afghanistan, every shithole in Africa, and went through the the "Great Recession" (they don't want to call it the 2nd Great Depression because of the optics". And just like the Greatest Generation, Millenials are the ones clamoring for wealth to be redistributed and restructure society.

Gen Z are going to be the next Silent Generation. They're going to get the aftermath of the recession and live cynical lives in the shadow of millennials who will constantly harp on them that "they didn't do jack shit" for their whole lives.

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>millenials are the hero generation

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zoomers lost, tiktok proved it, they must be reconditioned and taught how to read and write.

Shoo obvious kike.

kek so delusional

>"they didn't do jack shit"

Already started this process

Yeah it's easy when you get a free 800k from Daddy you fucking faggot

>Hero (Civic) generations enter childhood after an Awakening, during an Unraveling, a time of individual pragmatism, self-reliance, and laissez-faire. Heroes grow up as increasingly protected post-Awakening children, come of age as team-oriented young optimists during a Crisis, emerge as energetic, overly-confident midlifers, and age into politically powerful elders attacked by another Awakening

Sad part is that boomers and X hate millineals they gave up on us and are looking for zoomers to step up

Meanwhile we made it through so much shit

No. The worst.

silent generation were the people who were born or grew up around/during ww2, but weren't old enough to go fight in it.

>Completely lost the ability to socialize in any way other than online
>Literally sit with friends and loved ones in bars and restaurants looking at a smartphone rather than talking
>Rampant vanity and narcissism
>Trannies and faggots as far as the eye can see
>Pays strangers for the privilege of watching them play a videogame

Zoomers are the epitome of the modern day loss of community and only care about themselves. That alone make them the definition of the WORST generation. You can't even be considered a generation when you care more about posting a picture of your dinner to Instagram in a desperate desire for validation rather than talking to the person you're enjoying it with.

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GOD DAMN, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sauce on the girl

fuck man!
i love the fact that these new chicks are not being fat fucks anymore.
some of the zoomers are so choice.

lol that was the Ted Bundy sorority

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All of this generational shit is ZOG tier division. zoomers, millennial and x'ers are all in the same boat.

>the level of amerimutt intellectual concepts

>the prophet generation
>the nomad
>the hero

Are these actual sociological terms in US academia? It'd be hillarious if so. It's madam Blavatsky level of conceptualisation,

Kek the look on his face raising girls like that

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No, you all openly hate each other too much to ever pull your shit together long enough

Yes most definitively.

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Same school too. Ive lettered 3 times

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Women helped in the factories? Buddy, that was the beginning of the end. That was when they first made the connection that working have them money which gave them something they thought was better than raising children.

zoomers age like milk

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I know alot of zoomers that want to be woken up. They have hella potential to be based as fuck if given the opportunity

Zoomers seem to have more empathy than other generations. That's actually great for times like this. Boomers tend to be more cold. The only reason boomers care about corona is their risk-level.

Those are not scientific terms in any meaningful way. They sound more like new age zodiac shit.

Blanket classification of an entire generation as heroes is beyond ridiculous, for example.

There's nothing "scientific" about classing generations as boomers, zoomers or millennials but it's useful for behavioural analysis.

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Generation hate is stupid bullshit.
Go cope about your age somewhere else

how old is she

I'm hoping my generation could possibly change the world. But as we know, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” These evil blue pilled zoomers will probably get more and more indoctrinated unless they get redpilled.

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