will you ever forgive the chinese people after the virus is over?
Will you ever forgive the chinese people after the virus is over?
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no because the virus will kill us all
No. Nuke those chinks already. Nobody will miss them.
To forgive is to have accepted
Imagine the crunch
there is no forgiveness without punishment
china number one, always and forever
reminder that picture in OP-post is from a video that was taken in Palau - USA associated territory.
Also - it doesn't matter that the virus originated in China - its like saying that the gun manufacturer has to pay for death caused by his gun because he made the gun.
No, never. Even if the CCP were to dissolve and get their act together, they will still greet you with a smile and an open palm and stab you in the back once your back is turned.
Most countries are glad China is helping them with the virus, only Americans have this fantasy about everyone loving them and hating China.
It's all riding on israel. Last I checked only one death.
>will you ever forgive the chinese people after the virus is over?
> Anonymous (ID: 8cHMcmSf) 03/20/20(Fri)20:56:47 No.249298081▶
> (OP)
>no because the virus will kill us all
It was still a chink.
I don't blame the Canaanites, I blame their ideology. Communism always = epic fail.
ahahahaha, after the virus will destroy your country's economy, you will not be able to punish anyone, you will be weak as a shithole, not even able to afford millitary budget.
While China will have its economy working in full force because they have zero homegrown cases already. You will beg China for help in the end.
the people? yes.
their government? no.
Yes it does matter because if we don't stop it, they'll spread a new virus. No more wet markets and stop eating anything that moves chinks!
Mutt power fantasies at an all time high.
uma derishira
Drop diplomatic relations with Red China and recognize Taiwan's claims as the sole legitimate government of China.
This is a threat.
but the bats are being eaten by every nation on the pacific islands south of Philipines.
Only if they hand over their best breedable insectgirls.
fuck 'em
Not true, memeflags into the trash! (not mine, it has the swastika on it!)
Naturally this will make take a huge toll on China's economy, there will be a huge shift in the West, most people are going to be resented, that's why Jewrnalist are trying to change the topic to "MUH WHITEY RACISTS HATE CHINKY".
Zionists elite was shifting it's alliance to depend on the China monster, China has been massively spending it's capital on buying Western land, mainly in South America because our commie governments made most of the citizens poor so land is "cheap" for them, we've chinks setting military bases down here, I shit you not this is serious shit and coronavirus one way or another has helped to move the Overton Window.
>No more wet markets and stop eating anything that moves chinks!
Have fun letting the 2nd wave of the virus kill you (since your hookers are back to eating rat testes and bats). Or let your government kill you. You chinks are shit out of luck (and have small sex organs)
>China is helping them with something they created
wow what a big deal.
You can literally thank wack ass chinese culture for the china virus. If they didn't think eating endangered species would make their pencil dick bigger we wouldn't be in this mess.
If they send 6 million cans of the best quality bat soup as tribute and reparations I will consider it.
I thought I would never ever hate anything as much as I hate sand niggers.
Chinks are quickly replacing.
No, China has been a time bomb. They have been living like third worlders with third world sanitation, culture, and safety yet the wealth of a first-world nation. It was a recipe for disaster and it was just a matter of time before they doomed the planet.
Having a developed nation is a privilege, so is living in one. And if you aren't going to be a proper citizen with a proper government to keep things safe and respect the environment, you don't deserve a first world standard of living.
They'll be back this weekend. I bet the chink in the OP is already planning on making rat testicles soup for the pham this weekend.
The fuck do you even eat that, it's just a dead animal in a bowl it even still has teeth
>Not true, memeflags into the trash! (not mine, it has the swastika on it!)
Second wave has no chance since everyone flying to China has to pass 14 day quarantine, do testing and do 2 temperature checks per day. Why couldn't your country implement something like that month ago? Maybe because you are a dumb nation of imbeciles? Evolution will erase your stupid pride then, nothing of value will be lost, humanity will become stronger without your dumb kind.
Are they going to stop turning rare animals into dickpills?
I work with a chinese girl. She's not that attractive, but her voice is quite cute. I'm planning on loving her long time when this is all over. Don't want to stick it in her quite yet while the gook flu is still making its rounds.
Time for a punitive strike on Xi. Drop nukes on the graves of his parents and his grandparents.
Dumbest fucking thing I've read today and that's saying a lot.
Nope, I will remember this forever. Also, if this virus killed one your loved ones...I would do something huge in minecraft.
Wet markets were already illegal and no one cared and tried to stop them. CCP's entire government is ass backwards and makes it extremely easy for bad things to happen.
The free association compact is simply the US giving them to and promising to defend them. Palau is not administered in any way by the US
When will China apologize for their inept action allowing this disease to basically destroy civilization?
What is China doing to prevent this in the future?
What reparations can we expect from China?
Until these questions are answered satisfactorily China should be shunned and cut off from civilized nations.
No, you'll get a second wave from a chink hooker like the one in the OP eating rat testicles or whatever you degenerate chinks think will give you testosterone.
>Wet markets were already illegal
No they weren't, show me the law that was forbidding them.
Make Argentina Great Again
Deliver their women to our lonely neets and maybe I'll forgive them.
They weren't. Even a fucking chink says they are unsanitary:
Evolution is punishing the world because of Chinks eating bats.
Did you learn this level of logic from watching teenpop videos on YouTube or something?
Yet if she wants to get back to China - she will have to pass through checkpoint where she will be screened and placed to a quarantine. Some Australian Chinese broke the quarantine and started cursing at local officials saying to her to get back inside - she is now being thrown out from China back to Australia.
I'm guessing you're just trolling. Nobody with even the slightest understanding of policy and economics regarding Asia would says something like this. So why troll? Is it a fetish. Did somebody huut yo wittle feeders at some point?
If our economy breaks, who's gonna keep buying shitty chinese products? China is just a big slave farm, if we can't buy from them they'll be starving on the streets and eatjng the corpses left in a month
my neighbor is a chinese woman. i throw my dogs shit into her yard every time he shits.
The Chinese government is to blame for allowing open air wet markets. There are also the people who buy and sell at those markets. But as far as I know most Chinese have nothing to do with wet markets. There's also the handful of people who tried to flee quarantine and potentially spread the virus.
Overall, I can't blame the Chinese as a whole. Doing so would be stupid. It would be like calling everyone on this board a faggot just because you posted here.
>1. Incubation can be 24 days
>2. There is still land traffic
>3. Temperature measurements mean fuck all of asymptomatic
>4. Asymptomatic carrier could spread to airport crew and security before being quarantined
>5. China still has native transmissions ongoing.
Despite official reports of “non new cases” you can still find people posting photos of announcements of new cases, videos of long lines outside of clinics, and posts about completion of temporary facilities.
You have no excuse to be as gullible as you are being.
There isn't anything to forgive them for. It originated in the US.
your country already was decoupling from China. after quarantine is lifted, the Chinese consumers will start buying shit in record numbers
in the end - China shouldn't be dependent on USA, it should be other way around. China will demand, and you will respond like little bitches. China will punish you if you misbehave. You will be a target of Chinese sanctions and other countries will be isolating YOU because they will not want to lose Chinese markets. This is the future, this is your destiny.
>waiting til your dog shits instead of preemptively reaching up its asshole and pulling out the shits to throw them in the neighbors yard at a faster rate
Nope. I was already angry at them.
Why does he have an erection?? Grooooss...
>Western economy breaks
>No one to buy China's shitty goods anymore.
>China collapses without the West.
Yeah sounds real bright.
Wars have followed depressions in the past and we are headed into one fucking big depression.
China needs to shut down these "wet markets", we had SARS, Bird Flu, now this shit and it's all been in under 20 years.
Wet markets need the same inspectors as nuclear weapons inspectors, they just keep going "but it's our culture! what about the economy!" and everybody else gets fucked by diseases.
Worst fucking logic I have seen on this retard thread in WEEKS. Like do you even think before you spew these retarded things out of your fuck hole of a mouth?
Lol. You're dumb.
Not until they clean up their markets and sanitation. Pick related this is their truck stop bathrooms. There are 10’s of thousands of these
No! Never! China must get Hiroshima'ed but before that give me Ju Jungyi as my wife in compensation for all this suffering!
being thrown out = executed.
That chink is probably already in China. And someone in Chinkland this weekend will make bat soup or rat testes for dinner. You can bet your life on it
Glowing niggers already pushing the narrative on Chinese product boycott in USA so China will anyway have to sell products to its own people and Belt and Road countries.
Never supporting any chinese business again. Not buying chinese products. Throwing out my chinese checkers and go board
I had to Ctrl+ + 10 times but I saw it too
We can live without your forgiveness.
thats fucking foul
bet your life on it and go outside - i bet there is some HIV party somewhere where they exchange gifts, maybe they will put a corona-crown on your head
Kek do you understand how china's economy works?
Check the attributions on the first paper.
Are you fucking retarded, real question? They knew about this for over a month and hid the information. Could have prevented 95% cases worldwide. Also boil animals alive and eat them water and call it soup... absolutely fucking barabarian tier nigger tier habits. Fucking pangolins man, get your head out of your ass shill and kys.
You have no excuse to be as gullible as you are being.
He's a chink and he believes the Chicoms. He can be an idiot all he wants.
I don't hate these chinese people. Just the people that rule over them. They could have been like us
Even if you cut off the world and only sold to yourselves, the Chinese economy would contract to such a point you wouldn't be able to sustain your military, let alone your country.
The last thing China wants is Nationalism. Communism is a global plot.
Even their own chink strains acknowledge their markets are a cesspool:
Yas Forums knows it was jews
Yas Forums knows youre a jew
my only wish in life is to see you exposed and the entire fucking world gets together and eradicates you over this shit
...but not without our trade. The CCP is doomed, and good riddance.
Before I post the following pasta, I'd like to call everyone's attention to the overall tone of 90% of memeflag posts ITT. Shills are real - don't fall for their shit.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
i m ethnically chink , and i cant and wont forgive them, not with that attitude, did something wrong, kill lots of people of other country, and demand apology when themselve are the one who started all this, fuck the chink,
trying to make themselve as 'heroes' who safe the world, when they r the first one who started this.
In China, probably. That place is Earth's cesspool (after India)
>They knew about this for over a month and hid the information.
Who they? Local governors who were just as Trump and thought this is just a flu, there was no evil intent, only dumb mistake. Those local governers are already punished and never will have any postiion in governmet. Thats it. Some incompetence is understandable, because they had no data and thought it will just go away. The severity of this virus was revealed only later - but Trump made his mistakes already later when he had all the information in the world about the severity of this virus.
When I first heard about bat soup, I thought it was just soup made with bat meat. But no, it's this fucking abomination. Fuck's sake, you backwards ching chong fucks. Eat normal food like normal people. Mother of fuck.
It's not the Chinese people that are at fault, it is the Chinese Communist Party, and no. I think their government should be forcibly exterminated by the rest of the world, along with anyone that voices dissent, e.g. people that scream that it's "racist" to call a virus originating from China a Chinese virus. The stupidity and the weaponization of language to fit a political narrative has to stop, and I no longer believe it will stop except at the wrong end of a gun.