Wish for years for a happening

>wish for years for a happening
>finally, its happening
>instantly regret
I just want things to go back to normal bros

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>its happening

Not really.

Just nerves user. You think the guys storming Normandy didn't feel this way as they were pulling up? Be brave.

This isnt a happening. Its everyone panicking that something might happen.

I'm bored with it already tee bee aich.

lol fag

>This isnt a happening
not true. if this continues for 1 or two more weeks, the economy will totally crumble

i agree, if my job shuts down then i can't pay off my credit card and i'll be charged interest for the first time in my life because some slant eyed shmuck wanted to eat a raw animal and post it on instagram.

This is your happening and you regret it? You should be ashamed of yourself and not have children.

>normies scared
>go out and panic buy food and general supplies every day
god they are retarded

fake sense of bravery, so edgy


Don’t get mad. Don’t get sad. Get even.

Yep, we are on the border of an epic collapse of the house of cards. I kind of want to see it happen.

This. Nothing has changed for me

I only hope only fat people die

Its not even begun. The real happening is in a few weeks when hospitals will be overworked and economy will just explode

Kinda same, or at least held off for another 5 years. Getting my life together finally, and now this. Lucky for me I'm on salary and secured in my job no matter what.

Scared stupid mongrel fuck off please

Unless they were at Omaha beach all they had to do is walk up in overwhelming numbers and disarm an unrestrained Eastern Euro static division

stop being a bitch, embrace your death like a human

>muh globohomo is making stay home a few days
>muh happuning
Literally nothing is happening except you falling for the kike media hype

This is how the banks are exposed and slavery is broken

>I been waiting for a long time for this day, user don't ruin this for me.

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Would you rather land on Normandy or what you piece of shit? Would you rather live in London when nazis bombed the shit out of that golden city or what? Think twice bro

the entire globe was living paycheck to paycheck

This is a warning, better catch up the others after the drill or you will regret it.

Buckle up! We've got one hell of a ride ahead of us...

I’m bored with it as well. It’s not that exciting as it was week ago, but this is for sure happening. Kek at his finest. We will have a lot of life changing consequences, but I feel as an animal again, not like the god I used to feel. I have to hide in my home, from something that small. Nothing will be the same anymore.

Maybe it’s better, for all of us. We understood that we have a lot to learn, and we don’t have that much control. It was just the easy circumstances.

You may argue that it is overhyped, but to pretend that nothing is happening is exactly what I would expect from a fucking retard Mohammad.

>because some slant eyed shmuck wanted to eat a raw animal and post it on instagram.
Really puts things in perspective

Its fucking nothing
Wake me up when we reach knee-deep in the dead.

When you have 16yo you are cut off from the major world problems. He will get it in the future, but till then, everyone will be already used to the situation of lost dreamland we had. Survival will be our new reality again, it is time to accept that.

>wishes for a zombie apocalypse
>loses his shit over lungaids
Yas Forums is retard central.

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unironically this. I want it to never be happening again like the good old days

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>Comparing this to actual war
pussy shit

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I am a shut-in so everything is normal lol

It is the happening and it's fucking great.

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No one expected the enemy to be microscopic.

What do the Normandy landings have to do with this?

Man up fag. It’s all a lie

Well, it would actually mean that people have this still under control, which would be a good thing. How did you imagine that people would achieve space realm without supreme control of elites.

But the problem is, that this shit is not under control. If anything, people will be fucking mad exactly after this situation. You cannot control the rough of these who will lose their jobs and money after this thing.

Fucking Noob! This is the Happening of Happenings of our lifetime!!!!!!

The worst part hasn't even begun yet.

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I am absolutely terrified

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No GF and gotta deal with you all's shit? Everyone dies I'M COOOOOFING

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Good. All it has shown is that 90% of the first world has been living on the edge since the collapse in 2008. No savings, shit salaries, no security. Fuck the whole thing. Let it burn

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Big mood

I mean I'm cool with it but having wished it upon mankind so bad and for so long leaves me sour. Oh well.

>not like this

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You see my German friend, there are a lot more niggers in my country. I live in a city. If you were in my situation and you weren't mentally preparing yourself for combat, you may not make it.

Dude chill out its part of the plan. You think happenings are just gonna be one big easy slide to victory? Even the Tedfags know that throwing away all technology is going to get their children killed by simple diseases like cholera and measles and subject them to cyclical famine. But they continue anyways, because victory is better than the status quo.

Sorry, but you just can't turn it off and go back

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The social unrest hasn't even started. Everyone has been having fun and making memes. Shit is about to get real fucking real this week and next week.
We'll probably be having riots before the end of the month. Maybe not. But by next month for sure.

So boomers are Omaha beach then

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>I just want things to go back to normal bros
beta detected kys

>he thinks this is just it

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Ha ha ha, I am immune.
Enjoy your virus!


>wants things to go back to normal
>so much of a faggot that he rejects the opportunity of either: a.) being alive to see the actual end of the world. Or b.) global reset and the chance to birth a new society.

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They don't have a stomach for it. Out of 100 people on this board who have been talking about a habbening on the horizon, 20 were seriously prepping for it and wary of it, and 80 others say these posts and thought it was fun to LARP about. Now that its here those 80 are asking to get off the ride because they were never down to get their hands dirty.

But as you posted, the worst is yet to come - and there are no brakes on this train.

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It's happening? Yes

*Original post deleted due to gross typos


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