Completely Disarmed population. We are defenceless sheep in a collapse scenario. We are FUCKED.
When SHTF we Leafs Can't defend Ourselves
Fuck off memeflag retard. Kys if you're such a scared little bitch.
Invest in crossbows.
Says the city cuck. Ironically I doubt anyone in the country would ever have to use them in self defence.
Our laws are pretty much the best next to the US and maybe some obscure 3rd world nations.
pretty sure leafs can own guns. Knew a canadian who had a bunch
My firearms ban just expired,
Can you buy an ar15 in Canada?
that flag, that commie garbage gun. Faggot detected
Thats what Im sayin...Im in a city and it feels like the WORST place to be. Because SJW retards and pussies have us all disarmed. Literal cucks to government protection
yes just get your RPAL nibba
Everyone seems to own a Remington 597 even though the internet shit talks them. I have one with a volquartsen hammer and extractor and its Gucci.
based and crossbowpilled
Cheapshot broadheads are good alternative if you can't afford to stock up on Toxic broadheads or other quality brands.
u dont need a fucking SCAR with a night vision scope and a drum mag and shit. anything that can put a hole in someone from 50-100 yards away is all you need. a regular bolt action 22 will do just fine against a few niggers. drop one and the rest will run
Dont forget most blacks and poos have guns, illegally. Buddy's sister had to move from Brampton because she had too many bullet holes in her wall, she couldn't keep living there with her kid.
No idea how you can live in a city.
sks is way cheaper and fun
nobody is ever gonna have to use their fucking guns you are all fucking retarded
blowing so much fucking money on shit you'll never fucking use
And the no knock warrant that comes with it? No thanks
yeah fuck that shit entirely, not worth it.
You can get great non restricted weapons. Other than being able to have a hand gun, not worth the hassle.
think they got the man power for that in a pandemic?
How did such a retarded post get such a get
Forgot your meme flag cuck.
Pretty sure you can get lower 80s and the rest of the rifle. Leafbro told you could awhile ago at least.
VZ-58 is more fun than an SKS and is non restricted.
Pandemic aside, it's quite a hassle. You need to have a membership at a specific club, and call in each time, with a specified route, when youre going to shoot. You also loose the last few remaining liberties a man has in this country.
Bring it on gun cucks. I will stop you with my love and tolerance spray can.
They decided that 80% lowers are guns here now.
Fucking gay. I'd mail you one if I knew you.
huh we have more guns than people? you telling me you don't have your PAL? you're fucking dumb dude. We can get norinco $500 akms cheaper than the states.
You niggers have plenty of guns, I’ve seen canucks on /k/ with vz58’s, sks, all kinds of weird chink clones of m1a’s, shut the fuck up
bro I just want to shoot deer and moose, and eat some motherfucking venison.
>dreaming for shit to really hit the fan so I have an excuse to go up to my cabin in northern Ontario and just live off of game
Natives knew what they were doing alright
>no SKS
what kind of unpatriotic arsenal is that?
But you're better off in a non collapse scenario because you don't have to worry about the white kid shooting up the school
That's how you get lyme disease.
Canucks have an easier time getting a goddamn SKS than I do
the fuck
ok then get a vz58, type 81, 97, valmet, x95 or ATRS MS, the list of 7.62/5.56 nr guns is growing all the time.
He has an SKS it’s the green one in a plastic stock, they’re cool to mod like that
An VZ-58 and a Kel Tec RDB, and you're sitting pretty.
Sks is 4th gun down
lol in a disaster like what's coming the cops don't exist.
Where are you? How bad is it now?
>bolt action
>self defense
You might as well use a matchlock
He probably saw an empty aisle in his local NoFrills and is afraid of imminent doom.
You'd probably be okay with an O/U shotgun, if you practiced reloading.
Dude I know man, I'm vz pilled.
Here's a meme for Ameribros that don't understand our pain
Look at California retard, no more arrests for low level crime and they'll probably release prisoners too
I think you either have to have been born there and are used to it, or buy into the lie that it's somehow great in order to get some perceived thing out of it.
Try a 79% then
Get a PAL and a mossberg jesus christ
Can confirm. Gun ownership is pretty high.
Do you know how to operate a boat? If so, fuck Canada go get one in the land of the free
We release a lot of our problem grizzlies up there. I hope you have guns.
All firearms safety course cancelled due to corona.
>tiny gats
absolutely prohibited, nice try officer inderpoo
I'm on the island it's not bad. I even saw TP on the shelf today but we're still two, three weeks behind Italy.
speak for yourself memeflag
How much death did that do?
Canada has acess to weapons not available in America. Stricter magazine laws, but in a boog scenario I imagine adequate magazines Will be found.
about 6 or 7 my dude
1 2 cent rivet is what limits our magazines. I call them honesty rivets.
it just takes some tools and few minutes
high-cap drum mags pinned to 5 rounds are available
LOL, you haven't looked online in a while I take it.
The ITAR restrictions were just lifted, so there would have been a possibility of 50 round mages making their way back into the country. Only problem is the Americans have bought up everything for probably the next six months.
If thats not in 10mm youre doing it wrong
>Only problem is the Americans have bought up everything for probably the next six months.
Not gonna lie, proud to be an American.
This guy fucks
Show flag, retard.
Canadian are one of the most armed peoples in the world... you are just comparing us the the most insanely overarmed powder keg in the history of the planet. Compare use to normal nations and we look like gun nuts.
Where's your SKS you faggot? Get that bubba shit off, rifle is fine.
Ew. It’s not necessarily bad becausee muh bullpups and that it’s chinese, I’m sure the CQ is halfway decent desu, but this entire family of weapons is just fucked up and an objectively bad rifle as any, with a sponge for a trigger and dogshit ergonomics.
Basically true: