Hi, I'm Jewish and am visiting the United States from Israel as a dual citizen to attend AIPAC

Hi, I'm Jewish and am visiting the United States from Israel as a dual citizen to attend AIPAC.
I've encountered so much Antisemitism during my stay here. Let me ask you young lads, why do you hate Jews so much? It just doesn't make sense. We are always helping you guys so much, we want to be a light that brightens your futures.

Attached: we built this state ourselves.jpg (612x408, 46.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



nobody cares

USS Liberty for starters but thats only the tip of the ice(((berg)))

I never thought I'd see a Mexican who hates the Jewish People. Did you watch some White Nazi material? Report it to the FBI, they have Nazi hunters who are supposed to be doing their jobs.

No we didn't do that. That was the Nazis who we didn't get after WW2 they did that to the and then tried to blame it on the Jewish People to make us look bad.

Most of us don't hate you as an individual. We are upset with the powers in your government and how they influence ours

Because blaming an entire group for the actions of a few is the lazy man's way of thinking. And Yas Forums is incredibly lazy.

Your religion is vile, it's only natural to hate those who follow it

Repent to Jesus or will be punished. Dip shit.

Well you are correct we are a part of your government but we only help you guys we don't do anything wrong. There's no reason to hate Jews just because your government has many of them helping your country function every day. Go get some mental help, the FBI may be able to help you find a counselor.
I was talking with some of my friends in the FBI about what we can do to stop the spread of Nazism and Antisemitism in all of it's ugly forms and they did mention they will do what they can to help people find ways to cure themselves.

I think many of Yas Forums's antisemites are really just ethnonationalists who use antisemitism as a front to get all non-whites out of the USA in general.

Don't get me wrong, there are Yas Forumsacks who genuinely want to kill all kikes regardless, but yeah many of them are just white ethnonationalists.

Explain how.

Open Border for thou but not for me

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We are not a religion, we are a race. But you shouldn't hate us regardless of what we are. We are human beings just like you we only help you goyim but you don't like us for no good reason.

Dude fuck off. You're not a Jew, you're an Israeli. And there's no such thing as an Israeli race. Call yourself a Khazar or a JINO if you want but you are not a Jew.

Fuck you OP

Israel is very open borders to any race.


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>Literally call us Goyim
>Why don't you like us?

I can't wait to break your kike necks

You don't help us, you're a parasite
We saved you from the oven and you rats still stabbed us in the back
Your religion is a cancer on this planet and the only way to get rid of cancer is make sure all the tumors get removed

You and all of the other Nazi Shitler lovers in this thread have been reported to FBI. I'm sending screenshots right now.

Ha Ha Ha

We are a race of people, not a religion. You don't even know much about the people that you irrationally spread hate against.

It may not be the entire group but it's much more than a few.

kys JIDF

Your race is a cancer on the planet
We know all about you, why do you think you experience so much anti semitism?

Because you deserve it, you deserve every bit of hate you get and even more

If every one hates you, you are the problem
Reminder it's whites who saved you, we won't do it again and we are pissed your lies killed our grandfathers

No rebuttal coz you're shit at arguing. I hope the triage misses out on you, you subhuman.

No we aren't! We want to preserve our Jewish race so we close our borders in Israel and keep people who aren't Jews out. Netanyahu has done a very good job with this and I am sure that his replacement will do his best to keep us a homogeneous state.

Open borders are for White nations. It's not because we don't like you it's because there's a viscous evil within White people and if we don't do something, then new Hitlers will arise all around the world. So we have to keep White nations mixing with other groups of people so that Whites will tone down this evil within them and become complicit to living in a civilized society and being active members of humanity.

We dislike israel not individuals. No one who is right in the head wants to attacl you for your religion

Being a Jew is not a religious thing. We are a race of people. We DNA test to get into Israel. If you hate Israel, like the Nazi Shitler lover that you are, you sure don't know much about what process we have in place to let people into our country.

>If every one hates you, you are the problem
Straight up bullshit.
>every nigger I met has tried to rob me... NIGGERS are the problem
>every woman I met has rejected me... WOMEN AND KIKE DEGENERACY are the problem
Yas Forums can't even argue properly. Literally nothing but confirmation bias and hypocrisy.

And I'm not even going to touch about how collective blame isn't a thing.

If every one hates you, you are the problem. Now fuck off rat

And you wonder why we hate you?

Are you fucking stupid? You're a Jew, obviously you are

We're going to kill you eh? Whites are pissed and the ones who saved you from the Nazis are the ones who are going to be burning you

LMAO you're a LARPer and should kill yourself immediately. Israel is open borders to any race as long as they are of the Jewish faith. This is official fact. White countries should be ethnostates, you fucking LARPer and Judaism is a religion not a race.

**********List of Jewish Tricks**********

The following list has been compiled by me and details Jewish tricks I've encountered while dealing with Hasidics in my area.

The intense analysis of a text, action, or statement that attempts to reconcile apparent contradictions and/or explain conceptual differences.

The accusation that any resistance or criticism of Jews is discriminatory purely based on race alone regardless of the criticism's merit.
Additionally, 'racism' is an important survival mechanism and is essential to promote philia within a sophisticated society.

Placing blame belonging to one group of people on another by deception, usually false-flagging.
Jews even ritualistically shift blame from themselves in a ritual called "Blood Libel", transferring their sins to livestock (and, allegedly, Christians) and then executing them for those sins.
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

>Grotesque Imagery
Using language to paint a vile and disturbing image in the minds of others in hopes of associating disgust with the subject at hand.

>Divide and Conquer
Creating in-fighting within the ranks of their opposition, usually by pointing out differences among opposing individuals.

Disguising a criminal, subversive, invasive, and/or violent operation as "Art" or "Free Expression".
When confronted, the argument made is usually that the piece in question is simply satire.


You have been reported to FBI for spreading antisemitism. They will eventually stop all of you Shitler lovers.

Attached: follow-your-leader_fb_77754.jpg (300x290, 22.03K)

Being a catholic does not make somebody a race. Being a Jew does not make someone part of a race. You should be able to dislike israel without hating jewish people

i think this is the frenchy who got out debated by an abo last night

**********List of Jewish Tricks**********

Intentionally triggering survivor instincts in native women so that they become submissive to the newly introduced invasive population, resulting in the intentional creation of rootless and unhealthy offspring.
Forcing different races to live together is actually quite cruel to minorities: they have to compete in a hierarchy of attractiveness that is heavily stacked against them. This breeds resentment, racial tension

>Sexual Liberation
Intentionally supporting overwhelming manipulation of dopamine and oxytocin in the brain through excessive sexual stimulation and masturbation.

>Memory Hole
Performing and/or staging a noteworthy action or event on the same day/time that another major national, global, or social conflict happened (one that does not fit the desired narrative) in order to re-associate a given date with the desired event.

To manipulate a person by psychological means into questioning their own sanity

The fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.

>Social Propaganda/Engineering
Paying a person or small group of people to act in a certain way or promote a certain idea that is currently unpopular, subversive to the native society, or is downright destructive.

White when it suits them, Jewish when it doesn't.
"Fellow white people" and other variations appear frequently from Jews in the MSM and on Social Media

Collective blame is very much a thing when the collective earns the blame

>ignores my post
Learn to read or better yet fuck off, Chang.

>how did we lose the U.S to the jews?
World war lies combined with what jews have done throughout their history.
>Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc.
>4.5+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel (created based upon the holohoax) post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
Makes one think.

Some jews died in WW2. Jews were held in camps in WW2. Jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore there prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The full truth about jews and WW2:

Ya-hoo, visiten da united states from israel as a dual citizen to attenden aipac me'm jewish and am. hair
me've encountered so mui antisemitism duren stayen. Mesa asken yousa young lads let, yousa haten jews so mui why do? sense it just doesn't maken. Always helpen yousa guys so mui wesa, a light dat brightens yous futures wesa wanten to besa. Yesa, hrrrm

expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers
youtube.com/watch?v=KxTeQLL2p2c [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=BwC3v49Xxx8 [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=SlJtZ96xCSA [Open]

I thought you knew the answers, rabbi? Why don't you provide them? I'd love to read again about the "final solution"... i.e. their deportation of jews to Palestine and Madagascar.

Peolpe need to do some research into WW1 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany, Germany between the wars).


Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1, among many other things (see above video), and continued their anti-indigenous-German subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power. Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.

After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.

They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese. Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century. The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.

Not all blacks rob people
Not all women are whores

ALL Jews are rats, every single one


No, Jewish people are a race. I should know, I am a Jew anyways. You are not very educated on what being a Jew is all about. We are not a religion, though we do have books of doctrines. It doesn't make us a religion. We are a race.

The Nazis had Shitlers book Mein Kamp which spread Antisemitism around the world. But they weren't a religion, the Nazis were a race of White people.

Nope. Collective blame doesn't exist in any context. You can't blame someone for something they didn't do personally. That's retarded.
>a fucking leaf
Why am I surprised.

I won't engage in pilpul rabbi, but here you go, one camp:

Jews now claim 900,000 jews were gassed AND cremated at Treblinka 2... down from the multi-million claim of the Nuremberg Trial.

Let's see what happens when you apply basic math to the holohoax...


Treblinka was open from July 23, 1942, to October 19, 1943.

That's 453 days... that's 10,872 hours.

900,000/453 = 2,000 jews were gassed AND cremated PER DAY if it was magically running 24 hours a day 7 days a week while Germany was fighting for it's life in a 3-front world war.

4,000 gassings AND cremations if running 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It takes 2-3 hours to cremate a body with ultra-modern crematoriums.


2.5 hours X 900,000 = 2,250,000 hours

A body leaves behind around 7 pounds of ash, the size of a shoe box.

900,000 x 7 pounds = 6,300,000 pounds or 3,150 tons


Roughly the size and weight of 40 Blue Whales

All buried in this tiny corner of the 33 ACRE CAMP.

28,800,000 teeth.

243,000,000 bones to leave ash and fragments.

Never to be found again.

For reference, New York's central Park is 843 acres. The Mall of America is 67 acres.

>Hi, I'm Jewish
I stopped reading there

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>N-no you aren't allowed to blame us for what we all do!

Scared eh? I'm blaming Jews for what Jews do, you're all guilty

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>full of admitted hypocrisy
Pick both.

Jews are a religion first and foremost. Israel should be a meeting pot of Chinese jews, Arab jews, black jews, etc.
Call yourself Khazar if you want. Khazar racial pride why not.

Me won't engage in pilpul rabbi, but hair yousa gos, una campen:
jews now claimen 900,000 jews were gassed and cremated at treblinka 2. neb from da multi-milleon claimen of da nuremberg trial.
let's see what happens when yousa apply basic math tada holohoax.
en. wikipedia. org/wiki/treblinka_extermination_camp#death_count
treblinka was openen from july 23, 1942, to october 19, 1943.
dat's 453 days. dat's 10,872 hours.
900,000/453 = 2,000 jews were gassed and cremated per day if it was magically runnen 24 hours a day 7 days a week while germany was fighten per it's life in a 3-front world war.
4,000 gassings and cremations if runnen 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
it takes 2-3 hours to crematen a body wit ultra-modern crematoriums.
acremateon. com/frequently-asked-questions/#long
2. 5 hours x 900,000 = 2,250,000 hours
a body leaves behind around 7 pounds of ash, da size of a shoe boxen.
900,000 x 7 pounds = 6,300,000 pounds or 3,150 tons
sturmfh. com/34/cremation-services. html
roughly da size and weight of 40 blue whales
all buried in disa tiny corner of da 33 acre campen.
28,800,000 teeth.
243,000,000 bones to leave ash and fragments.
never to besa founden again.
per reference, new york's central parken 843 acres. Da mall of america 67 acres

>what we all do
Prove it LMAO.
Or let's see if you can even prove a majority do it. Fucking leaf.

If only hitler actually did get rid of you, even if they lost the war, things would be infinitely better now.

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Collective blame can exist for the right reasons. It's why we open the borders of White nations to other races of people from around the world. It's not because we hate Whites but we understand from extensive research of the European races that they all have the genetics within them to be Nazis so if we don't mix them in with other races of people we will have more Nazis all over countries that are dominated by White people. This can be called collective blame, but it is for the right reasons. We aren't harming White people, we are helping them to not become Nazis who love Shitler.

Attached: follow leadert2.jpg (477x615, 73.98K)

you cared enough to reply

Jews that rel-diddly-eligeon first and foremost! Israel should besa that meeten pot for chinese jews, araberino jews, blacken jews, etc.
Callen yourself khazar conditionally to yousa wanten. Diddily ding dong do not khazar riddly-racial pride why are. Yes, hrrrm.

No hypocrisy

Blaming all blacks for the actions of some is stupid
Blaming all Jews for what all Jews is smart

what has jew ever done to help anyone but themselves

I don't care to explain, but please, just... just die. Please just fucking die.

>Collective blame can exist for the right reasons
It literally can't for any reason. Name one example where it is morally justified.

>P-prove it!

I don't need to prove anything to you, Jew. We know all about you and your history and you're going to pay

FBI sees your Antisemitic post.

It may the be right caused due to the for confuse for sin. Why are am our borders opened to whiten people and other races the on world? due to our the understood widespread origins for hate whites on europe, this is that condition this everyone should accepted genetics of nazism and don't ran another race the of people our will. More. Whiteness people am dominant the on country. It is say this collect guilt is that valid caused. Our create whiteness people uncomfortabrue and helped them avoidance falling on loved taking sleeping people

>all Jews for what all Jews is smart
And I asked you to prove it and you never did because you can't, you fucking leaf.

>Name one example where it is morally justified.

Blaming Jews

At this point you are just larping
Please log off the internet

So you admit you want to destory us and our race, and wonder why we feel the way we do.

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Are you for real ? Or are you just retarded ?
Lurk more idiot.

Attached: Jewish problem.png (1786x728, 161.18K)

>I asked you to prove it

I don't care about what you asked me, you're a Jew. I care more about the opinions of a rodents.

Though if anyone knows about making statements they are unable to prove it would be Jews, you've been unable to prove the holocaust happened and it's been 70 years

That's a LARPer.

To stop Whites from becoming Nazis (sense it is in their genetics to be that), we can use collective blame to blame Whites for what the Nazis did (as we already do, for good reason - we don't need more Shitlers in this world!). And the punishment we give them (it's already been this way for a long time my friend, for good reasons) is mixing them with other races of people like Africans, Asians and etc. so that the White Nazi genetics are toned down to levels where they won't even becoming full Nazis like what Shitler did to the people of Germany by playing off of these White Nazi genetics that are inherit to all White people.

Read what I said. You must be a Nazi too.


Carry on

>Collective blame can exist for the right reasons. It's why we open the borders of White nations to other races of people from around the world. It's not because we hate Whites but we understand from extensive research of the European races that they all have the genetics within them to be Nazis so if we don't mix them in with other races of people we will have more Nazis all over countries that are dominated by White people. This can be called collective blame, but it is for the right reasons. We aren't harming White people, we are helping them to not become Nazis who love Shitler.
>We aren't harming White people, we are helping them to not become Nazis who love Shitler.

You are either a troll, or one of the most dumbest kike poster I've seen today

Attached: Why the National Socialists have already won..png (2400x3070, 2.11M)

Yes you do need to prove it to justify your idiotic sentiments. Otherwise you're just a madman doing whatever he wants for no reason in society.

Why do you rape children?

Attached: leo-frank-lynching.jpg (1200x800, 255.84K)

As all kikes are.

Reporting you too. Follow your leader SHITLER!

I don't need to justify anything to you, Jew.

>Talmud (specifically Sanhedrin 59a)
>Jews literally control all banking systems in the world except for Iran and Best Korea
>Powerful jewish families and individuals fund leftist parties to bring in boatloads of immigrants to destroy white nations
>Pedo rings
>lied about the Holocaust to get positions in cuck governments after world war II
I can go on and on. And this shit is backed up by facts. However, this doesn't mean much. Not all jews are bad people, and some are even pretty talented/smart/funny etc. But the Jewish religion itself is vile.

Dude i'm literally jewish. You are just larping