Benadryl KILLS CORONA. The discovery was made accidentally by an unnamed man who was experiencing severe Corona infection symptoms in NY City. The man had several symptoms such as runny nose, watery itchy eyes, swollen vulva, fever, lite chills, shortness of breath, sweaty bowel movements, foreskin odor, and more. He checked himself into an urgent care becaus he knew he was infested with the Corona. At first the nurses thought he was having an allergy attack so they administered 100 mg of diphenhydramine (benadryl) & after approximately 30 minutes the man was symptom free. It's a miracle! Life will go back to normal finally!

Attached: Benadryl kills corona .jpg (900x899, 1.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Another fake and gay corona cure. She won't be stopped anytime soon.

Pic related - its LaCorona

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good if true

Good one OP.

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Nigga I'm on Bennies & purple drank right now....and I still got dat mufuggin corona n sheeit

How did you know it was fake? Did the part about the foreskin give it away?

>100 mg of diphenhydramine (benadryl) & after approximately 30 minutes the man was passed the fuck out


>The man
>swollen vulva

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Unfortunately, benadryl significantly raises your risk for contracting alzheimer's. (No joke -- look it up.)

Kek bitch

> Man
> Swollen vulva
> New York

Checks out.

>swolen vulva
im sorry WHAT

If lemons cured corona, irony would evolve to a new level

benadryl is a temporary anti-histamine you stupid ape.

Really? I'm going to fact check you by using a 'search engine' ( yahoo or lycos )

what? I just stocked up on 30 tonic waters

Corona is a histamine fag. Diphenhydramine is an anti-histamine. See the logic?

Attached: Corona pollen.jpg (1024x768, 233.49K)

Didn't even read it to be honest.

I was just about to say RIP this dude

>sweaty bowel movements
Just can't stay away from Brussels sprouts, huh

>swollen vulva

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Yas Forums's cures for the virus updated:
Vitamin C
Green Tea
Chicken Soup broth

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I'm going to guess that cromolyn sodium delivered with nebulizer might be effective also.

I overheard somebody on the street saying drinking adrenochrome filled jewish blood will get the job done.

>swollen vulva
Since when do men have vulva?

None of those are cures, but the advice to have Vitamin C, Green Tea, Lemons/Limes, Zinc/Multivitamins is quite good to get things ready for your immune system to fight anything you might aquire.

histamines are symptoms not the cause.
fucking, moron.


You cant turn off the 5g.
It's like 400 microwaves cooking you on high for 33 minutes.

add chlorine dioxide to that list

Thanks OP, currently boofing 800 mg of benadryl.

>The man had several symptoms such as runny nose, watery itchy eyes, swollen vulva,
heres your (you) jew

>unnamed man
>swollen vulva

You forgot elderberry and forsythia

unironically this, thinking otherwise makes you an uneducated braindead schizo

I took robotussin until i puked(roughly 160ml) and slept for 16 hours and i was cured

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Fucj yet birch /deli/ race masterr hejdkek r barb taco anjs

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it is allergy season

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How does stopping your body's reaction to the virus stop the virus from replicating?

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Did you say foreskin giveaway?

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Oh so he had allergies but thought it was Coronoa?

also gargling with bleach

You look it up again. The only study showing those results was on black men in their 70s. Until they do a comprehensive study and then have comparative studies done those results are meaningless.

that was good. top kek user. (1) internet for you.

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It's true. I had Corona. I took the generic brand of diphenhydramine. All good.


>robotripping is the cure
That would be hilarious.

>at first they thought it was allergy, so they gave him benedryl and the allergies went away, so his symptoms went away
holy shit, what level of retard is this.

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I just checked, 10ml of that cheap stuff cured me = 30mg.

so they administered 100 mg of diphenhydramine (benadryl) & after approximately 30 minutes the man was symptom free.

Sominex dose is 25 mg diphenhydramine. 4 of these and he was NOT awake 30 minutes later.

It literally is bro
Everybody at work got the same thing as me, they've had it for over a week, I was sick for less than 24 hours

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Faggot posting Facebook propaganda on Yas Forums. Stupid bitch.
anons may be confusing allergies with flu.

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This shit isn't memeing and it's not fucking funny.

You are literally encouraging people to mix medications with corona that could KILL them.

Reported this thread to the mods and the FBI.

I don't give it a shit how many small-dicked little frogboys it upsets, the mods will start 404ing these threads or the Feds fucking will.

Hell yea bro take 700mg of that shit, or 300mg benadryl with 300mg dxm

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I'm actually addicted to benadryl. Never thought it would turn out to be good for me.

I take about 900mg of Diphenhydramine each night. It makes my fap better, I have a crazy trip where I talk to girls who doesn't exist, then I fall asleep.

If you aren't already tripping balls on Benadryl every day, now is a good time to start! Just make sure to watch your blood pressure and heart-rate.

I'm in

>be benadryl exec
>see that everyone is panic buying toilet paper, Lysol, and anti malaria drugs
>want a piece of the pie
>post some random bullshit through your shillbots about benadryl stopping the corona virus
>shelves all over the world depleted of benadryl
>people with allergies btfo lmao

Diphenhydramine is the most based drug. Even normie "psychonauts" who take LSD like candy are afraid to take 1 gram of DPH.

If you take 1 gram DPH every day for a year and survive, nothing can scare you anymore. You will have confronted all your fears. Just know that YOUR SUFFERING WILL BE LEGENDARY, even in Hell.

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Go back

benadryl summons guardian spiders and you get to see them fighting the corona demons in 3D

I think I topped out at maybe 150-200 mg before. Shit gets really fucked around there, I can't imagine going even higher.
Have you seen spiders while on it? I vividly remember laying in bed after taking a handful of pills and looking around in the dark and seeing huge spiders (the size of a house cat) just chilling in nets all around me. I'm not really scared of spiders though so it was kinda chill.
Being on high doses makes me anxious too. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep and never wake up.

>the man
>swollen vulva
I'm Canadian so this must be true

I fucking lost it so bad I probably woke up my neighbor good job OP, very stylish.

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Kek'd. Did you mean uvula??
>foreskin smells
Just wash your dick, as Peterson used to say before sudoku'd.

my vulva is inflamed and sweaty as well.
should i be tested?

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Fucking pussy.

Lemme sniff it 1st, if it smells 'not so fresh' then you have the corona!


elderberry is bad news. it increases cytokyne activity and will make symptoms worse

>Did you mean uvula
Yes, and yes I know it's a vagina part.

Dodoododoodo do dooodododooododo
My corona lalalalalalalalala my coronaaaaa


> foreskin odor
I'M sorry what?!


U heard me fag

I used to be a porn addict. As anxious and as horrible as diphenhydramine makes you, I loved how amazing it made sex and porn.

I would see spiders/insects all the time. I'd sometimes have conversations with people that weren't there, but it never got crazy because I always tapered my dose up. Take 600mg to start, then 200mg every hour after (as needed). I had a tolerance and once took 2 grams in a night. I'm now tapering off of it. Diphenhydramine can be amazing in certain situations, though. It's not even always a bad trip. If you take it with an anticonvulsant (to prevent seizures/anxiety), you can actually have an amazing experience.

Falling asleep at high doses isn't the danger, it is seizures. That's why you should have some anticonvulsants. If you can do that, maybe this is the way we beat Coronachan.

Thanks user, been too long.

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False and homosexual


I had similar craziness with motion sickness pills. Talked with people who weren't there, saw actual live looking visuals, it was nuts.