Back to normal

How long will it take?
I'm thinking 2 months

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Something like that

this is the new normal. Welcome to adulthood, kiddo


Yeah, about 2 months, maybe 3.

My thinking is that most shops and restaurants and bars will be forced to reopen by May, under pain of bankruptcy. Even the BIG dogs are losing money from this shutdown. Ralph Lauren's losing money. Marriott's losing money.

We literally cannot keep things shut down for much longer without a total economic collapse. Eventually somebody's going to weigh our odds of social anarchy vs our odds of just letting old people die and bet on the latter.

Corona virus is adulthood?

This whole thing is so stupid. You just know those luciferian fucks released it.

No. Shit getting fucked up and never being the same is.

Well we had pandemics during Obama and Bush and things went back to normal.

Back to normal?

What was normal before this?

>Luciferian fucks

ie a bat near a level 4 biolab in Wuhan who was eaten

lol 18 months til vaccine arrives. Strap in

Yeah they pinpointed the person who ate it in a 1.4 billion population, that's totally how it went.

This is different. This is bigger than 9/11, and that changed everything

Never but the internet will still be around it'll be alright

>back to normal
I'm getting 10-15 matches a day on Tinder now instead of the usual 2-3. Apocalypse thots are thirsty as fuck. I hope it never goes back to normal.

Why are you getting more matches?
Maybe, but I doubt it. China is returning to somewhat normal.

Now I’m curious, what’s the full pic?

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Look up the spanish flu timeline, we are just getting started.

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Depends on how Corona acts during the summer months. The corona thing will not be back to normal until we can get an effective vaccine. The financial thing may take 10 years to recover from.

>Why are you getting more matches?
Because there's nothing else to do? what are you fucking retarded

>what is the term "patient zero"

There is no going back to anything. This will end, but what comes after will be something else—although I Have no idea what that will be.

>China is returning to somewhat normal.
we are not China, zoomer

This nigger still thinks it came from a bat lol Holy shit

We are a year out from it falling out of the news cycle.
Armpits are awesome tho.

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Hoping for NEVER.

Everything is closed and the sluts can't go find some faggot in a club and all the retards are staying off Tinder because of "social distancing" so it's easy pickings right now


But if you're asking when the virus dies down, then a year, minimum.

New normal should take about 400 days.
It's part of the agenda.

Me normal now

>tfw comfy neetchad who never leaves my house
is something not normal?

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All the experts are saying a year but there will be problems so 2 years

you will take id2020 chip and pledge allegiance to the new world and its god emperor (for public relations purposes) bill gates or you starve in the death camps, ultimately being ground up and fed to the low tier workers whose chips will release a deadly grain of carfentanil into their blood if they have an incorrect thought. your children will be vaccinated against wrongthink, i mean corona at birth and chipped. humanity will suffer in bondage for thousands of years.

>I'm thinking 2 months
Sure. Normal-ish will occur once the new cases reported daily start coming down and quarantines are lifted.

We're going to need a lot of deaths first though. Gotta pump up fear for the new rules that you may or may not be around to follow.

September 10, 2001 was the last day of my childhood.

Unironically never

3 months would be worst case recovery time. i think after about a month, people will be back to coughing competitions on public transport

3 months, optimistically.

As long as there's a steady stream of lesbian armpit licking porn, we'll make it out of this okay.

Avoid tinder bro.

The women there are soulless. I’ve slept with 5 girls from tinder and you just feel empty.

18 months

i will?

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Imagine being old enough to remember 9/11 and still posting on a children’s cartoon forum

That’s for your fucked up country. Best hospitals, best schools, we just lock the border for the next year, and I’d say it’s a great summer.

This is what I thought. The shutdown will be called off after a month tops just because the risk of widespread sickness will become more attractive than the consequences of the shutdown itself

It will literally be a case of "we don't care how sick you people become, get back to work"

Things will start to relax in about 1-2 months

then, once everyone's guard is down, the 2nd phase of outbreak will begin with a mutated SARS virus that kills millions

1.5 years for most businesses to re-open.

depends on several factors like how fast will people develop immunity, whether the virus coming back in recovered people rumor is true, how long will it take for a vaccine or a drug to work etc... also keep in mind it must be eradicated everywhere, not only in your country but overseas as well otherwise it will keep coming back in waves, so it is likely social distancing is going to stay for quite some time and most countries might even keep borders shut for a while like china is doing right now, it seems all new cases in chinas are coming from outside

but our best guess would be looking at previous similar pandemics like the 1918 flu which lasted around 3 years

spooky digits

This makes me miss the 90s and early 2000s even more

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What? You’re in Canada! You didn’t live in NYC, no immediate family died. How did your life change from 9/11?

imagine being in a world where the establishment is so untrustworthy that a children's cartoon forum is the most reasonable place to get your news

>you don't have to imagine

eh, I'll take what I can get.

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All zoomers childhoods ended on March 13, 2020.
Things are never going back to the way they were. Most people who lost their jobs have permanently lost their jobs.
All those businesses that closed will stay shuttered permanently after trying to restart after pandemic ends, but no one will have money or disposable income, any money being made will be spent on essentials.
Huge swaths of the populations wont be able to pay rent/mortgages even after this 90 day freeze. Where do you think the money to keep things going will come from?
The market will recover but it will take over a decade to reach where it is today.
Everything has changed, this is the new way of life, you'll think things are getting back to normal after the pandemic but they never will be.

Imagine not realizing there's nowhere left to post.


24 isn't old, pal.

Calling it now, peak will be may. Will settle late june, early july.

Kek, yeah no

Way too much money on the line here. In fact, all of society is on the line here. Like another user ITT said, you can’t shut everything down for more than a month or two without complete economic collapse.

3 to 4 years

>Things will start to relax in about 1-2 months

that's actually when the curve will peak in the US bud

i don't think you fully realize what we're dealing with here pal

>Yas Forums
>reasonable place to get your news

Yes, autistic teenagers have all your answers to the world here

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>armpit hair on women=good thing
This alone is reason for revolution.

Everything will be totally not ok

It wasn't a guess.

I'm sure the government would lets millions of non essential old people die before letting the economy go

The virus is a major problem. But I don’t know how society is supposed to sustain itself on lockdown for the duration of it.

>Yas Forums
>reasonable place to get your news

less biased than most places.

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nonsense. all brick and motor stores will cease. everything will be done online -- traceable, manageable, agile, and easily manipulated/controlled

welcome to matrix

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no going back to normal
just watch yahoo finance on youtube...all the reporters,hosts and correspondents are at home(you can see them in their living rooms)
studio will think why did we have to spend so much money on set design and production.

Clothing retail is dead, 1 month people stuck at home, they still need shit they'll just get so used to shopping exclusively from the net, that said expect plenty of sales

I could see that.

Yang’s UBI would have to be implemented then, along with a tech VAT tax. Way too many people would be out of work.

Did Americans who didn't live or NYC or DC react emotionally to 9/11? Of course they did. We all did, because it forced us all to change the way we saw the world.

You've still not realized what's coming. Far more people will be sick in the next two months than hospitals can handle. Young people will be dying at high rates. And since they were especially reckless and retarded about it, thinking they were safe from the "boomer remover" and partying for spring break and St. Patrick's, they're probably a lot of the sick.

How would they implement mark of the beast? Via Mark of the Beast?