>99% of Americans have never been on a high speed train
Yet they have the gall to call us "europoors"
>99% of Americans have never been on a high speed train
Yet they have the gall to call us "europoors"
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do you drive yourself in a private motorcar? thought so
>public transportation
implying we want to make it easier for niggers and spics to spread across the country.
>Using a train rather than aircraft
This is why you’re called a poor, you fucking Europoor.
you are at this point more of a mutt than European
>high speed train
you guys finally got a high speed train? nice
america is working on high speed trains right now but yeah its long overdue. not sure when or if canada is getting any.
so are you, somali mutt
eat dick and die
Can you carry your ar15 on it?
Well they dont seem to have any problems currently
>Can’t afford private transportation
BTFO europoor
i took it from hamburg to berlin haupbahnhoff
was pretty cool like flying but chiller
we have high speed internet instead
Americans literally would rather spend trillions bombing caves in the ME then spend it developing their own nation
good thing about trains over planes is that you don't need to go through the fucking gestapo checkpoint
Enjoy your shitty air quality
What’s funny is in Europe the buses are 1/3 the train tickets makes no sense also you can’t have 2 trains arriving at the same platform identified by the same number operated by dif companies madness
Even fucking Morocco has a high speed train network.
Why can't America?
>can't have both
Muttly mutt
The US has too many niggers and spics to bother with expensive public transport like high speed rail. Also, the US geography does not work with high speed rail expect in few select locations
>12 dollar a litre gas
cope nigger, you literally have no mountains, negroide
UK has had high speed trains for ages. Even in the 50s we had the Flying Scotsman.
We all have cars already and it works well enough.
95% of policy is decided by inertia.
yeah now they privatized it and all went down the shitters
Is it filled with niggers? Ours would be so not worth making. Plus shit is far apart here...
And you sweat yourself seeing sand niggers with suspicious suitcases freely board the same train.
I'm surprised that I'm still alive after a few hundreds trips on the TGV.
I own a car
Chkm8, peasant
Plane are better and faster than trains. America is fucking huge where planes make more sense.
Fuck off with these threads
All the quicker to spread the virus...
It's ok though, cause your healthcare is somehow better? Yet Europe has larger chink virus numbers out there?
We can afford cars
that's what happens when you adopt multiculturalism. the whites build it, you all pay for it, then your elites sell it off while you're all too concerned with sucking a somali dick to show you're not racist
Come on man you know we have mountains.
This is retardation that has to belong to literal north african nigger.
99% of europoors dont own their own car and they have the gall to even speak to us.
I think you need trains because your all tiny countries so you have tiny transportation kek
America has high speed trains, you retard.
Who the fuck designs ugly trains with boobs?
But we all own personal vehicles?
We don’t go off of anothers schedule always free to go as we please
The europoor fears the samurai Shinkansen.
here each individual state has rights and they can't just be ordered to build something by our fucking king who doesn't exist. it would have to travel through poor states that have no use for it just to get people into cities faster. plus we have planes now. high speed rail is for countries like Japan or England with tiny roads that can barely fit any traffic.
A fast train isn't an amazing innovation.
Fact: Except from the Eurostar that go to/from France, the maximum speed of "high-speed" trains in bongland is around 200 km/h. It's actually the same maximum speed of "slow" Intercités trains here
>Can you carry your ar15 on it?
We can drive from Ohio to Texas with a full carsenal.
Their toy trains are filled with rapefugees!
Shut it swedcuck, dfuck you trying to prove here? Fix your shithole faggot you’re going downhill
bongland is a tiny heavily urbanised inbred island
You really rather live in UK than US? Your economy is far worst and have way less job opportunities.
If it ts due to "denegeracy", or some problem with americans being cuckold, I can assure you that Britain is as bad if not worst, and is way smaller.
>Being this goddamn stupid
Being on a train filled with niggers and spics for hours between major cities is goddamn stupid.
It's called an airport you brainless ape
We call them 'airplanes' over here, europoor
>based black Brasilian
Hell living in Brazil would be better than the UK.
germany really only has one real airport, the rest of them qualify more as airfields
>Even fucking Morocco has a high speed train network.
Simple, after WW2 Eisenhower commissioned the construction of the interstate highway system. American factories that had been busy producing tanks, planes and the like for the war effort switched production to cars.
America was a nation, in the modern period at least, built for the car. Plus, the U.S. is so fucking big a high speed train doesn't even make sense.
Where would you connect it anyways? I could see high speed trains in the US running along the coasts, and maybe one along the pale of settlement along the Rocky Mountains, but if you need to cross the country you might as well fly, a high speed train would just be a waste of time.
100% of brits are faggots.
I like being around white people
Nah aussies are the ones who fly everywhere.
Their continent is basically a few sparse cities on the coast, with nothing but uninhabitable desert in between. So they fly from city to city, like frogs hopping across lilipads
based tgv
we all have multiple cars and roads that go everywhere?
besides that, you're a brit. not a european. you're not a real brit, are you? you're a paki. fuck off, paki.
Not really. In case you weren't aware, the current president ran on ending the wars, and was met with massive applause every time he mentioned it at rallies.
Maybe not the case soon
I guess a train is okay if you'reopoor to buy a car.
Fair enough, considering they really aren't allowed to make planes due to the war. God I miss Messerschmitt
Nigger, a high speed train across the USA would be extremely useful. The flight is 5 hours, on a train maybe 9 hours but for half the cost and you could actually sleep. A high speed train would be nice but the US's infrastructure for trains is for cargo trains not passenger trains and therefore is unsuitable so you would have to build new railroads which is cost prohibitive.
wtf the timestamp doesn't even work!
dumb niggers don't know what a catalytic converter is.
>Using trains for people instead of freight
The absolute state of europoors.
Pls send nukes
I've been on the Eurostar and the Shinkansen (3 kinds) and it's OK, somewhere between a normal train and a plane. It's annoying because they stop every 20 minutes or so.
Out here most routes would be totally empty most of the time.
I know what it feels like to shoot a m60 machine gun out of a helicopter at explosive targets. My dick was hard the whole fuckin time, the vibration from the blades above helped with that a little.
The difference is that you get to ride a train, but I get 5k extra per year for not having state income tax.
Our country sucks because the daily life of white people is so strongly focused on avoiding niggers
>No public transit
>Suburbs far from everything, reliance on driving everywhere
>No downtown open air markets
>No social cohesion
Imagine every single city in your country is full of radioactive waste. That's basically the American lifestyle.
Because we spend all our money on 11 fucking aircraft carrier battle groups to run the global trade system that is the sole reason your nation isn't farming dirt right now. It's a matter of priorities.
We have plenty of trains in this country where they make sense. A select few lines like the LIRR and DC to NYC corridor are profitable. Most people don't commute far enough for them to demand sooper dooper fast rail. And when we recreationally travel in this country we go hundreds or thousands of miles by plane because the place is fucking huge. Plus niggers.
Trainfags are the worst and ask this question all the time while refusing to make even the most basics attempt to look into it.
You have fellow Germans to build cool stuff, all we have is Mexicans.
>My mobile urinal goes 100MPH
Good for you, Muhammed, I'm sure you're never late for a gang rape.
Because we can afford cars lol
I mean, I'm a US wagey and have a surplus running vehicle so fuck your diseased mass transit.