Do you support military action against China?

Life as we knew it just one month ago is over with and it's never coming back.
This isn't going to go away. "Stay at home" orders are just the beginning.
One to two weeks from now, the United States, Canada, the UK, Germany, and many others will be ordered basically at gunpoint, enforced by the military, to stay in our homes. All because of the fucking Chinks who probably did this on purpose.
Our hopes, our futures.....have been taken from us.
The relative economic stability that many of us enjoyed is probably gone.
The Chinese Menace must pay.
I propose that every single country with a standing military on earth join forces to perform a ground invasion of the People's Republic of China.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A few well placed shots from an orbital beam weapon is all I’m asking for. Just alpha a few missile silos and airfields in quick succession. Remind the chinks that slaves should know their place and not get uppity.

Man you guys are really trying hard to pin everyone's attention on China eh?

I won't be satisfied with anything short of total nuclear war

If China is able to release the Corona Virus during a Trade War, what do you think they would do if they were actually attacked by a superior force?

How the fuck would invading China prevent this from happening again? You'd just cause them to all go run and live in the jungles like Vietnam and eat even weirder things and ferment even more terrible plagues

Only against Xi and CCP.

It'd doesn't matter if you want war or not, your politicians don't have the balls and your armed forces don't have the force.
It'd the just like in 1953, but on US soil.

They’d watch their weapon stores turn to slag. Anything China can do in terms of war, I guarantee we can do 1000 times better.

Left on its own, humanity will be forever subjected to disease and pestilence brought into existence from the east whether accidental or on purpose. Something must be done


It's not worth letting them affect any more Americans. It might be painful at first for the market, but we should ultimately embargo them and criminally prosecute anyone attempting to do business with them.

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Let Japan handle them

Erryone in this thread owes me 100 commie gook scalps

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You'd have US without industry, farms or mines, just banks and walmarts, while China has all the real economy.

This. And certain factions of the PLA.

Delete it. The world has no need for chinks!

Shame. We need to shame them. They're a shame based culture. Don't bother attacking them. It won't work. Get on social media and just post all the videos you can of those disgusting wet markets. Spin it as an environmental/animal abuse thing if you want to avoid shitting off normies. Don't start raving about soulless bugmen or shit like that. Talk about the poor puppers and the adorable pangolins.

sorry buddy. the military world olympics theory is FAR more convincing than Canadian (!) bioweapon. so no. also there is a small chance the virus is actally a natural disaster.

Then we bite the bullet and start rebuilding. Every penny the eternal chink receives comes back to bite us in the ass one way or another.

China is more divided than the US. It's like if the US fringe left of 15% controlled the US. We could fuck them up before they would ever know. Trump doesn't look worried. He is the tell. This is all theater. China could be toppled fr within. And with the last 4 weeks of media shit down they might be doing that as we speak.

end all trade with china. fuck em. Let them sink back into oblivion where they belong


Why on earth should we be mad at China? They literally gave us a bioweapon that has crippled the post WW2 Jewish world order. This is literally a dream come true for the Far right. Think about it logically. I for one thank the based Chinkoids for giving us this opportunity.

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They’re brainwashed into thinking they did no wrong. Shame won’t work on them. Talking will no longer work. They must be reminded of their proper place.

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Agreed,we shoulda left them to die like any other commie country that still existed after the collapse of ussr,but no,we had to enable them with all this trade.And now were under their economic thumb

You should start now, stop using a computer made on China, and go produce something, show me americans can do something other than mindless consuming.

>the military world olympics theory
Quick rundown?

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Meant to reply to

>ignores Russia and Iran will back China
Is this a Jew seething for war? He wants the goyim to solve his problems. We all know its an Israeli virus.

>military action

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No embargo, blockade

No, the next time this happens you just nuke the center of the epidemic, harbors and major cities with airports.

The onus falls upon American corporations who coordinate the manufacturing of their products in China, not the American consumer who's left with little to no alternative. You might as well replace the word 'computers' in your post with anti-biotics seeing as 95% of them are imported from China. This is not the fault of the American citizen, but rather the fundamentally flawed, internationalist nature of Capitalism.

China would destroy the world with nukes the second a foreign power has boots on their soil.

So "no".

I'm just waiting for a tungsten rain to wash away the Chinese Plague.

It worked in battlefield 4

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I would unironically support it to protect the endangered animals and big game of Africa for the world to continue enjoying.

China has won not because they have "muh super army", "muh super companies", "muh superior people", but because while americans where being lazy, selling it's industry for quick cash and replacing it with consume the Chinese were working, they were producing everything everyone consume.
Now US has nothing but stocks (or had until last week) and shops, it's over...


Neutron bombs with no warning however sounds good

Thread disinfectant required

wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由].

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Kill as many as possible.
Turn their nation into a nuclear waste dump.


I support military action against the biggest terrorist on the planet.


We don’t have rods. Too much overhead. We have orbital particle beams. Look up beam experiments aboard rocket. Then look up work out of Lawrence Livermore on positronium generation, containment, and acceleration.
Literal antimatter weapons.

as always i just want whatever solution brings the minimal amount of nonsense. and i would never advocate for a war i didnt want to fight. and i dont feel like killing random chinks just because their cities are filthy and their government mean. so lets just work this shit out without any of that. maybe we go to help with china, as in if they cant improve their conditions, we help them, because that is mutually beneficial and more practical as a way of dealing with the problem.

No this wont help us.

Defeatism will be the death of all white Americans. Of course things are shitty now in terms of our economic prowess. Of course things also will be kept shitty under the current regime. America has many, many issues economically, racially, politically, and just about every other thing you can imagine, but to consign ourselves to damnation before our last breath is taken will only seal our fate. If you've already lost hope, there's not much I can say, and I certainly wouldn't blame you, but I can't in good faith take the same course of action.

>t.Yusuf Öztürk

A war is obviously something China wants. Don't let them have that. We should be on the defensive. If the USA strikes first in any way the media will spin it as the u.s. as the aggressor. This is why we have to prevent all or at all costs because obviously the world's been brainwashed. We have to think really creatively with this whole thing and try to prevent war because that's what our enemies want us to do is to go to war. This is how the whole 4D chess thing comes into play. Yas Forums trolls China to the point wear they started reacting to us. Show the world how this tiny social platform known for their shenanigans are now getting under the CCPs skin. It's hilarious to see how a global economy government crumbles now at the sight of am anime girl eating bat soup.

We just strap sheet metal,guns,and surplus recoilless rifles to our cars,and chinese army is BTFO.
Prove me wrong
Pro tiop:you cant

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go first faggot Ill be sitting comfy in my bunker and watch you get nuked

You should fight the ones that destroyed america on first place, the very investors and shareholders you americans worship and protect.

I had a theory awhile back that the whole progressive movement and SJW culture was actually being pushed into the country by the chinese.
Article came out awhile back they were influencing universities and media.

China knew it could lock this down. They know we can't.
They're the ones pushing the stories calling everyone racist for not accepting refugees.
They're pushing transgenderism and feminism.

They've been silently pulling apart our society so it would collapse like dominoes.

Yes, totally. Soulless bugmen have been infiltrating and subverting my country, and they need to be exterminated.

Which is why the media is full defense mode for China and everyone in Hollywood is screaming about Muh Racism if you bring China up with Corona-chan. Whatcha doin', rabbi?

>the media
hmmm makes you wonder who the media works for, eh?

No. We should go to war with Israel instead.

These 2 posters are CCP agents. This is a common tactic where they pretend to have a conversation but it's actually just propaganda and psychological manipulation.

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China aiding evreyone atm so get fucked.
Is Corona worse for Obese?

Fuck optics. China swung first with this bioweapon. Glass them from orbit. If ppl wanna cry let them. If ppl here protest, kill them. Enough of this pussy shit. It’s time for authoritarianism to bring back logical thinking. We are being attacked. We should kill the attackers. Fuck everyone else’s opinion.

In a straight up big dick fight? Not much. Even the Vietnamese took them on and won. Sneaky underhanded shit? Sure, they are, after all, the asiatic form of the Jew.

And I would agree with you whole-heartedly. The inability of previous generations to see the destructive trends, and indeed conclusion, of international capitalism was disastrous for all of us. The Boomers' and previous generations' myopia towards that exact issue is both what has helped weaken our nation and engender disdain in younger generations towards their forebears.

Oh, 100% yeah.

I have definitely considered this before at well.
I thoroughly believe the US, Canada, and Australia are absolutely saturated with Chink spies and assets

Of course I do Rothschild. How about a bank error in my favor now so I can get more beer. Shalom!

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Destroy them. Ban them from the WTO for submission of false data to WHO.

We glass them first,hop over and hit the middle east.Then we take the glass and resources.We stain the glass sell the oil and sell Chinese minerals. Churches will love us,oil companies will love us and tech companies will love us.America will become supreme

This virus is US-made.

You are the one to blame.

Therefore you should be the ones destroyed.

>China aiding evreyone atm so get fucked.
>A country where people don't even help their neighbors and friends is now all of the sudden providing aid to other nations
>that's not suspicious to you

why would i hate china for bringing my goddess into existence? i love corona-chan, and so i do not mind chinese

Honestly I've been waiting for something like this. The greatest generation had WW2, maybe our great purpose will be to exterminate the chinks without mercy.

I'd gladly do this for the good of the world. I'm not even joking. Their time is coming.

You country has give one trillion to investors and other parasites while the common men will need to pay for corona treatment, you're never going to fix anything while you keep blaming China for all problems, focus first on those that really deserve to be removed.

You stupid traitor to your kind kike. If I broke into your home like a nigger, stole your steak knife, and killed your neighbor, who should go to jail? Me for killing your neighbor, or you because you were the owner of the knife?

I support any and all measures to diminish or extirpate the yellow menace.
America will never fall to communism.
Death to Chairman Cheng.

Very suspicious. Good point.

I will refresh my bank account page now. Shalom.

So you hate them cause they were able they've achieved all the totalitarian fantasies that you would like to see take place in your own country

im neither a chink nor a commie. at least you're trying to spot shills though.
>pic related

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>All because of the fucking Chinks who probably did this on purpose.

Dopey cunt.

If the slitty eyed menace did it on purpose they'd have had a vaccine ready to go that they could have sold to 'Merkins for big money.

The news on telly says you’re a Russian agent if you criticise China. (Sky news today circa 5pm) Boris.

Bump. They’ve also been providing labs to make drugs for the cartels to ship in.

I'm being paid by China's ministry of culture to help with panic during the crisis, are you mad?

We all hear about the ridiculous numbers of troops china has,but they suck,crap weapons tanks etc.
We have fancy American tech,and a well trained army.And to compound that,potentially a massive force of civilian volunteers.In short,China has no chance.

Theyre not the ones eating bats and dogs. Fuck them all

This is actual psychological warfare. Learn their tactics and do not fall victim.

Notice how the US flag user is initially anti china(attempt to gain trust among regular users) but is then "shown the light" by the other user.

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>ground invasion
Fucking why? We all have nukes, just end it already.

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100%, we just let them and never think twice about it.
The traditional chinese communities (the original boat people) hate the Communist government and the new chinese populations.

They all drive around in Lexus, BMW, Benz, Lambos, MacLarens... No idea where this money comes from.
It wasn't obvious at first, but I started to realize there's no real benefit to all this social justice. Even the people promoting it are getting burned by it. No normal person seems agree with it, no one watches the shitty progressive movies, no ones clicking the articles.. why do they keep pushing the narrative?
It's because big Chinese money is being used to control media and higher education.

I think this Corona virus was on purpose. They have 1.5 billion people, they can handle the deaths. They own our debt. They own our oil and our production.

We are trapped.

They shut down their cities on got the factories running ASAP. Their currency is fake, so is their economy.

We should drone the Wuhan wet market where the virus came from.

>how do you do fellow Nazis

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They are the ones manufacturing fentynal.

I think they realized Trump was going to win again, so they spread the virus, hit the media and shut down the economy at the same time. They know our healthcare system is going to get overwhelmed.

Everyone changed their tune overnight. Trudeau just blocked all asylum seekers, which contradicts everything he stood for.

I have a feeling intel was shared, and Trump is calling it the Chinese Virus on purpose.

You have expensive "weapons" that were build to improve the profits of certain companies.
Why the "super american army" could not invade vietnam, laos, cambodia, afghanistan,...

people have been warning about the Chinese subversion for decades
it's too late

This is not about making money. This is about killing westerners and weakening western nations.

>orbital beam weapon
>not dropping telephone pole sized rods of tungsten on them like a man
do u EVEN space

Your hopes and futures were taken from you by your sclerotic, incompetent governments who lived in liberal decadent dreamland divorced from reality, not bothering to prepare for crisis, not by China.

chinks are a fascist state, their power comes from our overlords giving it to them.

I'm not blaming solely China, but it would be ludicrously naive to allow a hostile foreign power to continue its monopoly on your industrial base. Did our country voluntarily ship it out? Well our businesses sure as Hell did, and it's been disastrous for anything middle class and lower. Sure, we have internal problems that need fixing. Nobody's denying that, but allowing ourselves to be subject to the whims of another power for the sake of cheap manufacturing is simply egregious.

I would tell you to look up the actual statistics and performance of US troops in those wars, but Winnie the pooh would probably execute your family if you were to gain such curiosity.

We were exposed to a fighting style we had never seen before,but now we will be ready,
Besides we can just strap super cheap recoilless rifles to our automobiles and btfo chinese armor for a fraction of the price of any other anti tank weapon

Its not too late. We know who they are and we know what to do with them.

OMG this is the wrong thing to do. You're going from a spark creates a flame a flame creates a wildfire and wildfire burns the whole world down logic. We we must do now... this is important... we must... *cough* *cough* we must *ahem* it is pivotal and absolutely important beyond everything else *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* we must... urrrghhh.... we must.... *huuuuuuuurrl*

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>your fancy weapons built to fight actual state militaries didn’t help you beat guerilla war fighters
No shit you meme flaggot kys

China didn't intentionally create the virus. It dithered and covered up, but quite frankly, if it had originated in the US we would have done the same damn thing until it became too big to ignore.

You can't do shit to China.

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nuke all their dams

It costs too much to lift such munitions into space and keep them stable in orbit and hidden from other satellites.

>scraps the avro arrow and destroys all the plans
Wait.. what?

i haven't been 'shown the light.' I hate chinks, and I'm explaining exactly why I believe we should embargo China, if not unilaterally blockade them with other Western nations' assistance. Disagreeing while conceding that the opposing side is correct on some issues (e.g. voluntarily exporting our industry to china) is imperative to legitimate, sensible dialogue.

But call me a shill to your hearts' content. Division and calling everyone shills is exactly how one day this country will be fixed.