So it's obviously time to move manufacturing out of China and back to the US...

So it's obviously time to move manufacturing out of China and back to the US. How is China going to react once they're off the gravy train, though? I have a feeling this shit is going to lead to war.

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Other urls found in this thread:

China has a choice to make
Financial death or actual death

They stand no chance in a war with the west. All their equipment is second rate knock offs and they have no experience

China Strong

>In massive debt
>Stock market crash
>Bankrupting companies
>Mass unemployment
>Ongoing pandemic with a 4% death rate

Imagine thinking they even have the money to move out of China right now.
The West is currently falling into the hands of the Chinese. Now that Western nations are economically ruined, the Chinese will own them. The world now relies on the Chinese to stay above water, and they'll happily deliver. It will be like 2008 again, except this time it won't just be financial.

This is it boys, the end times.

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not happening
unironically bluepilled

Why would you go back to manufacturing? Americans won't do hard and dirty jobs anymore.

It's funny to notice China has just brought all the West when dumb investors sold everything on panic.

They will, they just won't do it for 5 dollars a day.

And why would people buy american overpriced shit, due to high wages, corporate greed and too many regulations, when China is selling the same thing for 1/4 the price?

because of Tariff man.


You americans put all your power and wealthy on a the hands of companies that don't care about your people, now it's lost.

And how are US going to force other countries to enforce tarrifs on China? By cutting their access to american minimal services? Most countries would rather have acess to all goods than to have walmart.

Because it may contain a new virus. The world should just quarantine the chinks.

Nice meme flag while identifying yourself as a non american. I hope I get to put the bullet in your head, shill.

That's really funny user, now why someone like me should buy overpriced american products when the Chinese sell better stuff for less?
Do you think you can fight Chinese industry with walmart and starbucks? Maybe 30 ago you had a chance.

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Wumao gonna swarm this thread?

Its funny that Japan was the first nation to have atomic weapons deployed against in warfare, and China will be the second. I hope you don't survive the blastwave and die to to the radiation.

>Chinese sell better stuff


Nice try mutt.
But China is obviously coming out on top of this pandemic, you just wont admit it.
And no amount of blame is gonna stop your capitalist elites and jewish overlords to continue to invest in China, because they are profit driven above all.

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I've brought Chinese machines, they are far better than the overpriced trash Americans sell.
You couldn't face Vietnam or Afghanistan, US armed forces are made to bully far smaller countries and tend to fail on this task, what makes you think US would have a chance against someone that already have beat US in 53?

American workers are going to live in a factory dorm? Bc that's the only way to make iPhones now.

I'm not looking forward to the radioactive fallout we are gonna deal with for 20 years, but the fact that the han chinese bloodline will be eradicated will be well worth it

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>we 1st world
>we manage better than anyone else
>no virus can touch us
>masks and other equipment? heh, no need, we are superior
>blablabla yadda yadda
>fast forward 2 months....SHUT IT DOWN EVERYTHING IS BURNING

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when a nuclear war is your only resolution left, thats when you know you've truly lost

Just stop giving money to investors, shareholders and other parasites, stop allowing landlords and other assholes to raise living costs as high as possible, then americans will be able to produce many things, pay "low" wages and improve people living standard.

The biggest misconception is that China is inevitably the cheapest place to manufacture. There are some products where it's even cheaper to manufacture in the US. China has cheap labor, and that's a big part of the cost, but it's not the only part. It's:

Energy cost
Transportation cost

And a slew of other costs, but these are the big ones.

America actually has the edge on China in energy cost, and if you're manufacturing goods to sell to the American market, actually making them in America would cut down on the transportation cost. The big edge China has is in labor cost. But you can actually cut down on labor cost in America SIGNIFICANTLY if you automate the fuck out of it, which you could do for pretty much 100 percent of manufacturing jobs right now. it would increase energy cost, but be more efficient than labor. What's keeping companies from doing it is the overhead cost of investing in automated systems (much easier and more flexible to just pick up a fuck ton of workers.) But again, the price of automation is falling all the time, while the price of labor was rising in China - even China knew it wasn't going to last forever and was investing in automation because of it.

You want autarky? Give tax breaks or credits to companies to automate labor and produce in the US to cover the overhead costs of automation. You won't get the benefits of a bunch of factory jobs, true. But you will get goods, for cheap, manufactured locally.

>So it's obviously time to move manufacturing out of China and back to the US.
The US is a financial oligarchy. The political decision making is controlled by self-serving investors and CEOs. It's obvious that they don't give a fuck about you,or America. What are you going to do, start a revolution? I don't think so.

Anyway, how do you imagine "moving" manufacturing? You can't put a factory on a ship and sail it to the US. You can't even order to shut down the factory. The only thing a nation could do, though, is put sanctions, tariffs and embargoes, and it may go either way, as it did.

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>America actually has the edge on China in energy cost

>China 0.08 kw/h
>USA 0.13 kw/h

>if we kill our enemies, they win
Do you really think Chinese communism or even Stalinism are good ideologies?

>Do you really think Chinese communism or even Stalinism are good ideologies?
I donno, is your version of democracy good for you? If being a jewish puppet war machine good?

Also i said nuclear war, if you can subdue China with conventional means thats killing your enemy. But right now, you are literally Russia tier, all you have is nuclear threat, a threat to your enemies but also to yourself.

Is that the plan? You rather go out with a bang than being NO.2?

Do you really think the Generals, the corporate bosses and the Establishment will permit or even consider offensive nuclear strikes that you desire in your autistic rage?

They're already restarting production again, faggots.


>Do you really think Chinese communism or even Stalinism are good ideologies?
China has:
>They are dealing well with the epidemic
>Their economy grow 6% on a bad year while US grow 2% on a good year
>The common Chinese men can get a house, degree or medical aid without taking a loan
>They have all the industry in the world, while US and Europe have only market scams and shops.

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hahahahahhahah do you actually believe this? coronavirus hit china during the Chinese new year while the government suppressed people who talked about it openly and now we are supposed to believe they had better numbers than Italy? get real chink

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I didn't say large scale democracy was good. Some socialism can be good, just not the ones practiced by those that I mentioned. The goal of socialism should be to responsibly relieve the burden of the proletariat, not to sustain or increase it for the benefit of the ruling class.

I'm a utilitarian. We should guard our nuclear capability and be prepared to use it if that's what is right, to relieve suffering, destroy evil and protect our people.

I hadn't advocated for any unnecessary nuclear strikes. The powers that be might very well encounter a situation where they would find a nuclear strike to be preferable to an alternative that hampers their goals. We already used two to scare the Russians, prevent American deaths and end a war whose prolonging was seen as detrimental, so the precedent has already been set.

Spin spin spin.

Does not matter what they think or do.

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China will go back to its status quo within the decade(think warring states period), Its growth is completely due to the old bretton woods order.

If you need some conspiracy about all involving China is lying to be right, you're probably wrong.

The goal of any just government should be to improve its people's quality of life. This can not be measured by GDP growth rate alone. America has already developed its industry, while China is still modernizing with the help of other countries, so it's reasonable that they would have a higher rate of change in GDP.

How the fuck did my ID get all jumbled up

>How is China going to react once they're off the gravy train, though? I have a feeling this shit is going to lead to war.
Who cares how China reacts? They have no force projection capability.
They have a million man army that can't even invade Hong Kong.
Let them drift into being an irrelevant backwater again, just like what has always happened before.

By being a phonefag. Kys loser.

>The goal of any just government should be to improve its people's quality of life
That's why the Chinese are living better each year, with better wages, less working hours (some places are planning to implement 6 hours a day limits), better services and protections against invaders and diseases.
>America has already developed its industry, while China is still modernizing with the help of other countries, so it's reasonable that they would have a higher rate of change in GDP.
American had industry, once upon a time.

It will go to India or Mexico or some other shithole

Fuckoff faggot, your ID sucks balls just like you

Fuck off, wumao.

its not a conspiracy its common sense. go ahead be a shill chink we are going to trash your economy for spreading this wuflu

>time to move manufacturing out of China
And into India.

they knew this was coming decades ago and neither china nor us want war so it will be a slow enough pullback for china to default to their plan b in time to avoid collapse. i think china will, also like the us, become increasingly its own customer.


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Can you imagine having many decent jobs?
Can you imagine having cheap houses?
Can you imagine having cheap healthycare?
Can you imagine being sure about the future and feeling safe?
Can you imagine working little hours on a blue collar job and being well paid for it?
This used to be U.S.A. decades ago, this is China today and this will be America tomorrow with the help of the Chinese people.
Why you Americans want to much to make other suffer, the people of China are to help you get back what is yours by right, you should blame your regime.

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no India is a bunch of fuckheads, I say eastern Europe.

Don't waste your time with some slope-headed wumao fuckwit.

Ban chinks, sign now

What is this nigger-tier shilling? Do better retard, this low energy shit doesn't entertain me.

China is caught between Civil War and a War of Aggression. They either let the people realize exactly how many are dead by removing the restrictions or they build up a enemy to attack the second the infection is "over".

China is already reporting it's a virus from the US. Expect them to attack. Likely Taiwan, Hong Kong, North Korea or India are the first targets. They will likely want to drag America into an Asian Land war, so my bet is India.

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Yes the manufacturing. But every politician who ever voted to sell our jobs away to a communist regime should be forced to resign. And yes, most of them are still in the Capitol from decades ago. The ones who no longer serve but did this to America should have their names stripped from history and be forever labeled traitors to America.

You posted this thread yesterday. In any case it just means better times for me.

>you should blame your regime.
why? your regime is the one at fault. We build you up to a first world economy and you still act like third worlders. You cant even handle basic hygiene practices, it is time we remove our goodwill and let your economy flounder.

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>How is China going to react once they're off the gravy train
they won't be off it for long, they are simply waiting until US is ultimate disarray right now to attack and they will win

our people are cucked

nah I like to rile them up

OK move industrial economy back to NA (Mind you highly automated like Tesla) and watch socialism take over... lol you fucking idiots never actually think into the future do you? Or you just gonna bend over and let corporate hacks fuck you in the ass?

If liberalism is responsible for what America has become in recent years, and the same applies for China with communism, it is obvious which is superior.

Because while your people need support, your government does whatever it can to protect a few investors.
>Quarantine could be done a month before, but that would hurt your owners.
>Healthcare could be made free during the disease, but your government instead made you pay for exams and gave one trillion to safe a few investors.
>Your government could have kept jobs on US, but short term profits for investors is more important, so you sold all your industry.
It's almost like your regime doesn't care about you, as soon the disease on Europe is over the people of China will send help to the people of US, if you regime allow.

>Chinese sell better stuff
Even the Chinese don't buy "Made in China". Seriously, they buy Japanese ballpoint pens. They buy baby formula in Australia and Europe. Because it's better to scam or cheat than to make something worth buying.

No, I didn't. Fuck off.

I know you Koreans have a mortal hatred for the Chinese (and other Koreans from north, and Japanese, and basically all people) but this is not excuse to lie.

>and watch socialism take over
Make it the national variety and I'm in

>t:too young to remember 9/11

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A lot can change in 20 years. And the blind hatred of "the enemy" and mindless obedience to the government that occurred after 9/11 was cucked, no way around it.

Won't happen. Liberal democracy will always prevail.