The BBC Hoax

>Stumble upon semi-famous 4/10 nigger on tiktok
>females always commenting how hot he is
>decide to make tinder profile using his pics
>buy gold. buy boosts
>10 likes after two days
>not a single attractive white girl swiped right

Reminder that unless they are rich or famous, NOBODY LIKES NIGGERS!

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Doesn't even provide evidence of this story. Cope more whitecel, we all know you got thousands of likes and are SEETHING

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>these are future mothers and their kids will see this

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These whores need to be dumped in the middle of the Congo.

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Women do that, they call 1/10s beautiful just to make them feel better. But I doubt your story is true OP, white women love the BBC.


Can you post what kind of women liked his pics?

their lives are already chronically unhappy. these women yearn for attention thinking it will validate them, but the quest for social media happiness is fruitless. but instead of just showing their tits, they're going to give birth to some half-breed criminal and will perpetuate misery in their lives, their homes, their families and their communities. they are broken women and they'll likely continue to fuck their own lives up to hell.

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The trick to liberals is to get them so mad that they forget their own bullshit angle and accidentally let slip their real opinions.
So "white women just LOVE bbc!" suddenly becomes "white women are so fucking racist for only wanting to date white guys!" when you start talking statistics etc.

Taking our best women I see

Ape cope

after years of compiling niggers can still only post the same 10 race traitors

everytime i see this, I slowly lose respect for the white race

They won’t mind fucking blacks for a few times though.

Eww look at those feet

>Reminder that unless they are rich or famous, NOBODY LIKES NIGGERS!

Truth. This has been studied over and over.

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Most of those white tix toc whores would run for their lives or scream if a nigger approached them irl.

Guys I don’t think it’s a hoax

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She lookin a lil cute

100% of white women posting about "BBC" online are literal whores.

Chad tier coomers

LMFAO 11cm r u kidding me

Women who like niggers tend to be whores.
Niggers have no problem with simping for whores.

I don't even think they're girls. Just another attempt to subvert our society. Could be as simple as Jews or as complex as Quatar. What's more funny is the kids pretending to be gay everywhere. Whoever pulled that off lol well done. Getting teenage males to larp as a faggot is a glorious achievement

I would fuck her

Why would any white girl opt to let 8.25-11.125 bbc in them and lest ass on camera than settle down with you and start a family, Yas Forums?

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White girls use niggers to virtue signal. If they hang out with a nigger, tell a nigger they think he's hot, or in any way benevolently interact with a nigger, they feel they are doing their part to end racism


>It's another slide thread episode
>Women are attracted to status, power, and wealth!

Well, niggers stink. If women like niggers, they must like stinky things.

>tfw Lansky gets infected with the virus

Digits confirm

Since OP is a liar and won't post any proof.
Anyone want to see actual results of me larping as a nigger?

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yo. I'm not white but damn those women UGLY. No wonder you chase them.


sure bong

that's an obvious trans
he would fuck you

Not true.

Im a 29 year old black man living in the Netherlands with a normal income.

I've had over 60 sexual partners of whom 90% were white. Alot of em are gorgeous and have all the choice in the world when it comes to choosing sexual partners.

We actually became a fetish in the west because the populairity of hiphop culture.

Its very VERY easy for us to lay with all different types of females right now.

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blacks are ruining their rep for being racist towards chinks. so IDK about that senpai

We've known this for years. pic related

Kikes love bestiality. The sick dessert rats get off to defilement, feces, and every perversion you can think of. A great way to stay mindful of reality is to meditate and do yoga.

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She has weird toes.

Yes good point. Remain completely, almost ludicrously calm. State and restate the uncomfortable truth. Wait for liberal to become mentally unhinged.

Reminder that tiktok is a racemixing propaganda financed by chinks in order to destroy the west.

The fetish exists outside of hip hop culture and always will. It's why as a whitey I can fuck 95% of nonwhite women. "Exotic" is a relative term.

>Fellow White here

Tired of you cucks using Canadian proxies.

What does this has to do with the fact that I as a black man havea very easy time getting all types of women in bed?

Women don't care about rep.
They want to be dicked down.

The black male is conquered self-hating faggot.

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Me too, I'm a good looking med man and I attract a lot of girls from all races. Don't feel special, women nowadays are easy.

Sure, So its not true that non-black women only find rich and powerfull black men attractive.

Lots of my black friends and peers date or have dated whites continuously all their lives.

They are a scary bunch.


how can anyone not see that this is photoshopped?

I'm not sure which is more pathetic, larping like this or actually spending money on your BBC humiliation fetish.

I'm white and I also have a very easy time getting all types of women into bed. I think the whole point of the cope is that, given equal status on the chad scale, almost all women stay in their race.

It's evident Yas Forums never leaves their house. The amount of white girls going after black guys is astounding.

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why are you all so obsessed with us lol

I swear I know number 11. She is in fact a coal burning single mom whore.

Their kids won't mind because they'll be...

Transport to Camden is cheaper. They'd never fuck you anyway so learn to bottom.

The point OP is making is that white women in reallity dont go for normal status black men.

Thats clearly false.

Im not sure where you got your subject from but your argument is heavily missplaced.


i-is that techlead

I always wondered what these kinds of women hope to gain by posing with niggers like this.

Is that true?

To weed out annoying white incel orbiters.

>presuming the free internet still exists in 10 years

Popularity on Instagram.

This is now a coomer thread

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Ya, had to revisit OP's post. He's clearly a retard. Idk why people care so much about group trends when it's all about the individual. And I highly doubt you're an average black dude pulling "a lot" of gorgeous women who can pick anyone they want.


but ring true and plausible for me.

That's a jew

They’re being paid

Money, held by a Jew off camera, and smoothed by the hope that nobody they know will ever see the photos.

Imagine being an average dumb nigger with a small dick. Why isn’t the auicide rate higher?

Well, im considered handsome and im 6,3.
So, mabye slightly above average.

But Im not rich or anything close to that.

How is this still on the first page

Jannies do something for once in your life and clean this shit up

You do realize after society is reduced to city states the niggers and the nigger lovers will not be tolerated and thrown out the city gates and that night as they are starving in the wilderness the sheboons with kill all the mud sharks by smashing their heads with large rocks