What the fuck was his problem?

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The government

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Nothing. The Feds got what was coming to them. The only regrettable thing is he killed children. This post is clearly satire.

Kids died at Waco

molested as a child, clearly autistic, easily manipulated. Sad pathetic loser who should be forgotten.

I guess two wrongs make a right.

Fed detected.

Is that Linus tech tips?

War is hell

Children don't stay children, if they will grow up to harm us its perfectly justified to end their lives.
Shut the fuck up you ignorant bitch.

>What the fuck was his problem?
He dindu nuffin.

McVeigh was a fed retard.


Waco, Ruby Ridge. Feds kill kids and Christians.

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Anti white government.

That’s what the feds tell us

Nothing Wayne Gretzky was the best!

Straight mad lad.

Kids were there so no one would blow them up. He called their bluff.

just a mentally ill fuckwad

this and the civilian casualties he saw in the first gulf war

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Virgin rage. Many such cases.

he did a good job but should have worked on his blast positioning.


Too red-pilled in a too blue-pilled world.
Went nuts.

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Here's a trivia question for you.
Tim McVeigh was at the Waco Branch Davidian site selling bumper stickers.
Does anyone recall what the bumper stickers said?

ask him...hes still alive.

I thought he was executed. I could be wrong.

>Timothy McVeigh toured gun shows for two years showing people the picture of Lon Horiuchi
>Lon Horiuchi was brought up on criminal charges but was let off on a technicality (not declared innocent)
>It is likely Lon Horiuchi fired his rifle numerous times at Waco when he could only have been blindly firing from is position (indiscriminate)
>Lon Horiuchi took running pot-shots at Randy Weaver and missed, but shot Vicki Weaver in the fact, through a door (blind pot shots)

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What did he do wrong?

Big ol' jerk

typical deep state...

Tim was completely right about the hypocrisy of how collateral damage is propagandized depending on whether your team is the perpetrator or the victim.

No I can't remember but I did know.
I'm not advocating killing Government Agents, I believe in the Rule of Law.

If the Government fails to enforce its own Law against itself, what should they expect to happen?

He got caught instead of remaining at large to generate fear and paranoia and hold the sword of Damocles over the heads of glowfags for the rest of time.

He was a spook

Sorry I misspelled that *He IS a spook

"Is your religion government approved?"

They real question is why 1st infantry division 1st battalion 16th infantry regiment had a problem. The bomb was built at ft Riley and everyone convicted for that was from that unit.

My unit.

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Nothing of Value was lost

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He did a great job considering his resources. That's what threw a scare into the Feds: his competence.
If you read accounts of his Defense and statements, he reminds you of Osama bin Laden outlining the irreconcilable differences between groups.
I'm not a mudslime or domestic terrorist, but the statements of these men make perfect sense

St. Tarrant is another one. The Great Replacement is factual. There are some madnesses in it, like OBL's missives. But it lays down perfectly the fundamental conflict between Globalism and The West.

Coronachan may help sort all of this out, one way or the other.

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That was before he met Dre and released The Slim Shady EP.

Basically, by wanting to be a bad-ass and have his gun in reach under his front seat (where his shoulder holster strap was showing when the cop pulled him over for a minor traffic infraction), he gave himself away.

He got caught

There's plenty of value that was lost, you Spook well-poisoner.
That was the point. If the Feds set up a system in which they can't be touched, if they physically protect themselves, and if they prevent any legal recourse, then a grievance severe enough will have to be addressed against their Families, Receptionists, and Janitors.

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From what I remember it was actually the fact that he took the licence plates off his getaway car that attracted attention from the cops.

He was still young enough to believe in the Running Gunfight, that got him caught.
His plan and execution were remarkably competent, though.
It's lucky for this country he did get caught. If the Feds had to go around busting Militias in their investigation, history would be very different.

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You were his problem, you spastic, government loving fuckwad.

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This thread is filled with glowies spreading misinformation

serial number filed off on a pistol while driving with no tags

he is a Hero, unironically.


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He was a patriot in a period of unpatriotic degeneracy that has only gotten worse.

Instead of bitching about him, you asshole, you should say a prayer for him.

I went to a school with James and gave him a copy of Wolfenstein 3d which he became obsessed with playing

He was great.

That's actually a minor infraction that you can lie your way out of. Having no plates AND a weapon concealed under your seat is a little harder.
The feds busting up militias started in 1993. This actually put the brakes on Reno a bit (although more militias started voluntarily complying with Reno/Clinton)

What's this?

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His father was a dickhead and was a huge racist. Jim was a jerk as well and was known as a bully and was always on the fringe of trouble

This was at Susquehanna Community High School, Jim's high school

Greenhouse. Or a dope ass aquaponic farm.

Ruby Ridge and Waco. He wasn't wrong you know.

Shhhh they think hes in prison dont blow his cover

>The feds busting up militias started in 1993
This is a lot different than Feds on the warpath with no-knock warrants, videographed play-by-play on TV.
McVeigh afforded them some luxury by making militias seem bad, so people didn't want to watch.
When the Feds inevitably served a No-knock on the wrong house, or shot up some more kids,
>history would have been different

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There is a video somewhere of him selling the stickers. I know I saw it once.

>Jim was a jerk as well and was known as a bully and was always on the fringe of trouble
That described half the males on Planet Earth.

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Found it

He was set up. OKC bombing impossible with that truck bomb in an open atmosphere. C4 charges were placed by glowies to get rid of Clinton evidence.

First post, most succinct post.


Why would you fall for this glownigger bait? They put every one of you on a list. Are you really that retarded?

My bad I thought that was James Burmeister. I haven't seen a pic in yearsnytimes.com/1997/02/28/us/ex-gi-at-fort-bragg-is-convicted-in-killing-of-2-blacks.html

>history would have been different
It would have, but I'm not sure it's a good thing that it wasn't.

Spooky games

Why'd Sgt. Terrance Yeakey kill himself by slashing his forearms 11 times, his own throat twice, and then crawled a mile into a field after climbing a fence only to shoot himself?


And who was John Doe #2?

Clearly a Turner Diaries autistic fanboi.

I’ve been on the list since the 2004

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>his problem
He got pulled over on his way out of town? I mean otherwise, in his mind, no problem at all, right?

Nigger the feds have known I hate the government for years.

Is there somewhere thats not a blatant honeypot? Half the posts here are data collection. Scary

This. I recall a incredibly convenient and probably fixed shot of that fireman carrying that baby in Oklahoma. In separate circumstances the body would be covered but it should be assumed that they were seeking emotional reaction among the public. It was a privilege those dozen or so children at waco, burned to a crisp certainly didnt get nor bombings in the middle east unless for the times to garner sympathy for another wave of refugees.

Wasn’t Alex Jones at Waco too ..