I was clinically dead and the brought back to life.
Ask me anything
Nobody gives a shit.
>and the brought back to life
the what brought you back to life, speak man
was it jews
Greentext, fag. I want to know your story
If you're browsing Yas Forums, you're still dead.
so your heart stopped? or how long? do you remember anything?
what do you see if you close your eyes
It stopped from heart attack over drug overdose.
It's like you're half awake when you're alive and when you die you suddenly become awake and feel connected to everything.
>drug overdose
were those uh conciousness influencing drugs?
Did you see the black empty void of nothingness?
Like falling into a dreamless sleep? There is no God,this I've witnessed. ANSWER ME, CONFIM WHAT I MYSELF HAVE WITNESSED!!
huh interesting... also checked.
I had a NDE but I don't think my heart stopped, but it was pretty bad full on septic shock and taken into surgery, my intestines got ripped from having years of Crohn's and scar tissue.
I don't remember anything like what you describe but I was quite more calm and happy for maybe at least a year after that, and maybe I'm more grateful now than I was before. Maybe not, I dunno. Humbled a bit. Maybe not, its been a few years now, I've grown complacent.
so what makes anything you saw afterwards anywhere near legit
It's more of a warm state that you never wanna leave.
how much nigger dick is there in heaven?
I could hear what the doctors were saying the paddles while I was dead.
did you confirm it with doctors afterwards
I kinda had the opposite of you, my heart was going like 200 to 240 beats per minute and they put me into surgery, I definitely got somewhat lucky, they also almost missed/misdiagnosed it I was in the emergency room for almost 12 hours before crashing and suddenly going into surgery, almost sent home a number of times but luckily both of my parents were there and did not let the doctors send me home (they could tell I was fading hours before I crashed)
it was like hearing them from far far away and then boom you're back to life. Death isn't bad.
Did you soil yourself?
What were your symptoms before your heart attack/arrest, and were you already in the hospital? What’s your prognosis now?
I had a friend drive me there after I started feeling a difficulty breathing.
hey wanna hear a cool story?
so I had the septic shock and they had to detach my intestines and I got a temporary ostomy. Anyway like... 2 weeks maybe after that surgery, I had to take a dump. that last meal or two before having surgery was still in my colon the whole time they did the surgery on it, because of the pain meds it stayed in there a whole two weeks. Luckily it was an easy stool to pass and it was like, of course black probably from dried blood.
BUt yea I)t ook a shit while my intestines were disconnected it was a very weird feeling. thank God the ostomy was temporary I really don't want a colostomy bag again even as a NEET or incel whatever, ostomy is still a terrible thing.
What was wrong with you?
duh just die from a coke OD and it may as well be legit
how did having colostomy bag feel
dead inside at least
I think I said it earlier, years of Crohn's disease, fibrosis of terminal ileum eventually leads to loss of elasticiy plus the narrowing in intestlines leading to partial obstructions.... maybe a full obstruction that perforated, it wasn't a huge perforation but it did cause stage 4 full on septic shock took about 12 hours from the time of the tear (minor car accident seat belt pressure) to the time of septic shock because I was on prednisone at the time (which masks and delays sepsis right? or maybe masks and quickens?)
Oh, sounds like Volupia.
best thing to feel when you descend into nonexistence
1-Did you done any other drugs?
If so, can you describe the difference of "warmness" of each one?
Same. Enjoying the brain damage? I'm not.
It's more like existing at all times and dimensions. Can't find words to describe it better.
I hated it but I was lucky that they got rid of it and I have a scar around my belly button. Technically ileostomy because its started at the end of the small intestine. My colon was like "tied off" at the top end and the bottom end anus basically didn't poop for 6 months, except for that one post-surgey bowel movement which might have been the most blissful and scary of my life, it was kind of a perfect turd hard to explain.
Having had crohn's I really appreciate a solid non-smelling healthy looking bowel movement and this one happened to go through the near death experience with me
it was also a very dehydrated turd, I should have put it in a jar it would have reminded me to be a better person.
what happened to your brain?
You didn't die you just entered a state of unconsciousness.
If you died you would be dead, no stimuli just pure nothingness.
sounds like you were in that ole astral body. neat.
tell me what you've experienced, apparently there are lots of long term effects but I'm probably obvious.
lots of people say they have a post-sepsis depression along with the minor or major organ failure but I didn't really have any of that... I dunno maybe I'm just lucky? Good luck sometimes to balance out the bad? I dunno how it works man.
you need to die first and you will understand. 30 seconds in real life feel like hours when you're dead.
>240 beats per minute
Holy fuck
Sounds kinda like shrooms, but amped up
so the ostomy itself kinda sucks it has a weird pain that turns into a non pain but its an annoyance. as long as you bandage/secure the bag properly with the right use of paste it is fine but if you don't do it right it can be harssh on the skin aroudn the stoma or the stoma inflammed itself.
I'd say a bag is easier than all the crohns systemic shit but crohns unlike colitis doesn' tjust disappear with the colon, so its not a cure its just management of complications.
I was talking about you dying, the feeling of warmth is something to calm you as you go out of this world
Have you taken psychedelics? That’s unironically what it feels like to trip on mushrooms if you have the right kind of trip. Hard to describe if you’ve never experienced it
>Have you taken psychedelics?
Are you kidding me? A brain without oxygen takes damage. I was gone for a long time. Everything is disjointed and reality blends together with fantasy all the time.
Your heart stopping is not death user.
Brain Death is dead.
And the closest thing to experiencing brain death is to inhale a shit ton of air duster since it kills your brain cells.
It’s like all the sounds stop working and they mix together until it’s just a frequency wave (whowowowowowowowowowow)
I got some bad news user. I don’t think that was heaven you experienced. Must’ve been something else.
So my fear of death and anxiety surrounding it is pointless because it's actually sweet?
I can handle that
I’m pretty sure you just had a shitload of DHT released in your brain and you didn’t know you were actually still alive and not fully dead yet.
>Everything is disjointed and reality blends together with fantasy all the time.
that's interesting. How long were you dead?
Did you know everything that happened to you whole you were alive? I ask, be cause I banged my wife’s sister while ahe was preggo. A couple times. Its going to be a strange thing to face when we both die. Awwwwkward...
yea I looked over my records later, having some medical literacy, it was quite emotional for me to think about how my parents didn't take shit from the emergency department doctors that failed to notice a perforation in the intestines, failed to visualize it properly etc etc.
I almost died as a baby and was in the ICU for 3 months, and I'm on only son and only grandson, on both sides of my family... so I think both my parents are pretty damn protective over me, like especailly from the infant illness it was really rare and extreme and something too sensitive for me to disucss here as it is on the select agent list (aka something of a bioweapon, but not Lyme disease.. you could figure it out if you look up clostridia that cause disease in infants via spores that germinate the intestines)
most of the cases are in california... starts with a B, you can figure it out the army helped california develp an anti-toxin i thnk it has saved california like hundreds of millions or billions in $$$ just in their infants not getting this expensive disease)
also they used to call it SIDS until they figured out it was a neurotoxin.... similar to tetanus but blocks acetylcholine instead of triggering it...
I think it’s more that. How can your brain process informations if you are dead?
Maybe it’s the brain turning into that state (releasing full DMT as proven) and make you feel that way. If you ever try this drug you should feel exactly the same
Is no fap real or a meme?
OP wasn’t dead.
You are not “dead” until your brain turns off. His heart stopped. He could still hear the nurses. If there is an afterlife, he did not go there.
Thinking consciousness resides solely in physical reality
I want to apply for a reaper position when Im dead...seems like a decent gig.
btw everyone in this thread should know I don't do cocaine, I'm not a nigger like OP I am 1000x more interesting and have had a much more rare and intense and spooky experience.
that is kinda how I feel but I don't want to tell him what I don't know for sure.
also I think you mean DMT not DHT, DHT is like testosterone or something heh right?
"A long time" is good enough for me. I don't even know any of the hospital staff. I had passed out from drinking, people couldn't wake me up, my heart apparently stopped and the next thing I remember is waking up at home in bed. Not even hung over. I had no idea what had happened. People I spoke to looked at me as if I was a ghost and they eventually told me that I'd died.
And no. There was no other side. Just nothing.
sounds comfy.
Yes, the dark void is comforting, like falling into a comfortable sleep after a restless day. Don't fret, just leave your troubles behind as you slowly sink into the dark void.
Did you see any nigga guacamole in heaven?
Is Notis Sfakianakis white?
DMT trip?
I don't know how to explain what happened to you but everything damaged, psyche or physical, has a means and strategy to confer survival this involves "walling off" things whether that is tuberculosis and granulomas (a ring of immune cells to blockade and starve the bacterial infection) or your brain walling off, going catatonic or to some non-catatonic state you simply do not remember... I have not experienced what you say but remember that kids who are abused basically just wall it off and you were abusing yourself and went through hell.
Also something something God is "source" like a signal coming to an antenna (you) and perhaps, you either lost the signal, or the signal took 100% control in the time you remember.
this is somewhat a metaphor but science still cannot explain the stuff metaphysics does attempt to explain.
Yeah I meant DMT. DHT is what makes you go bald
Okay, this is gonna sound like a really odd, specific question, but ever since it happened have you by any chance avoided looking into mirrors if you don't have to, because you sometimes see...things, in them?
also if you were a long term severe alcoholic they may have just had you in a medically induced comatose state like on lots of drugs to quick detox and then they sent you home before the amnesia worn off.
I mean its not all brain damage fyi some of it is just, spooky stuff or the strongest pain meds.
hey read what I said here to see why I'm way fucking cooler than OP medically speaking I can tell any doctor what rare disease I had and they're suddenly all interested and shit...)
did you go towards the light or fall away from it?
What is this? 420chan hour? I drank myself to death. Nothing to remember. Reality is nothing but a blur because my brain is fucked. Sure, it can be fun but I'm dangerous around people, everything feels like a goofy hallucination all of the time and I barely remember anything. Gets worse and worse with age. You want mystic experiences? I've got those. Lots and lots. But they don't mean anything. Hollow fantasies merging with reality and they always lead me somewhere. I find SOMETHING. Just a constant walking dream. But it's empty. Better to stay dead.
Wonder if that feeling of all connected was the DMT flooding your Brain? Happens at death
you've scared me fin user.
how old were you when it happend.
how old are you now?
I've heard that before on psychedelics. I thought that was more like the vibrational heartbeat of the universe, or like the reverberation of the Big Bang, the echoes of God's Word speaking the universe into existence
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