Wasn't this a softball question? Why did Trump get so riled up over that? It's not like it was a loaded question or an insulting one.
Trump gets mad at reporter asking 'what do you say to Americans who are scared right now?'
Other urls found in this thread:
"Gas all chinks" is still a week away. But the public is 100% ready for it.
The nigger wouldn't stop being so negative about everything. He was being a naggy little bitch so he got smacked.
Blablah Trump this Blah blah Trump that, shut the fuck up, the situation is serious, but you probably are a "just the flu" retard.
>but you probably are a "just the flu" retard.
Anyone who ever said it's 'just a flu' is a moron. Where did you get that from my post?
It's a negative situation. Do you want to be like China and just bullshit the public saying all is well when it's not?
>Trump gets mad
He's a demented old fool. Thousands will die if he's not removed from office soon.
>retarded trumpniggers & boomerniggers being retarded
Ikr. He was literally served with the best question for a public speaker. All he had to do was talk about what he was gonna do, how people shouldn't be afraid, etc. It was kinda weird
>The nigger wouldn't stop being so negative about everything.
Well aren't you the little Pollyanna? Come back in two weeks and let us know how that worked out.
It was expected. Trump was born with a golde spoon in his rectum. He cannot compute the suffering of the common joe.
He felt attacked by the question because money can’t un-check insecurity on your personality list.
This is the same man whose team on fox kept calling covid-19 a hoax literally a week ago cus the “hoax” was to keep trump from winning 2020 elections.
Honestly I’m glad we’re in 2020 and every bastard out there has a smartphone to watch how dumb and pathetic the president of the amerimuttistan is. 10/10 would watch his meltdown again
Because it had no reporting function besides virtue signaling that "orange man truly is bad"
based trump putting that piece of shit in his place.
MSM is extremely irresponsible with the way they report on this stuff. Trump is smarter than these little MSM worms and he has the balls to say what needs to be said.
despite your digits you are a moron
trump literally said after he called him a bad reporter that people want hope
motherfucker this reporter just gave you the question of a lifetime to deliver hope 2 seconds ago and you couldnt even get that right
>It's not like it was a loaded question
You're not serious, right? The reporter was concern trolling and the president called him on it.
>How dare you try to be optimistic and 'spin' a positive message Mr. Trump...
I really wish all MSM 'journalists' were tortured to death.
Like everything they ask its a trap. If he says dont be scared. The media would say that he is dismissing the fears of americans. If he says that they should be scared then the media would say a real leader should calm the public not rile them up.
It was fucking stupid.
They're scared because the media is scaring them you fucking moron.
I mean. cmon. you can't possibly be that fucking stupid unless you're a bot.
Trump was right, that dude was trying to fearmonger
>It's not like it was a loaded question or an insulting one.
Bullshit. Kys
>wash your hands
simple as
Because Trump is a big fat pussy
Yes, he's painted as the bad guy no matter what he does.
Zzzzzz...move on shitblue
Pivot to the next topic this one isnt working
Right after the reporter was being a faggot and accusing the president of being "overly optimistic" and instilling people with "false hope"
>All he had to do
Sure, retard.
>All he had to do was talk about what he was gonna do, how people shouldn't be afraid, etc. It was kinda weird
This is what I don't get. It's like he's hearing a different question to what the guy asked.
Also all the comments on the video are retarded. Acting like this is some amazingly based thing. There have been times in the past when Trump has shouted at reporters who are actually being shitty but I don't see how this is one of those times.
He literally asked him: what do you say to concerned Burgers?
Did he not anticipate someone would ask him that very same question?
People are well aware of how serious it is and what the projections are. We don't need faggot reporters constantly throwing cold water on potentially good news all the time. Each of you pick one of my balls to suck.
thats a reptile my dude
show flag, kike
You made the same thread before, kys Peter.
My guess is he just assumed which media outlets will try to rile him up/ask gotcha questions so he preemptively lashed out then proceeded with the regular answer he should have given in the first place
>despite your digits
This is how we know you are soft.
>Is it possible that your impulse to put a positive spin on things may be giving Americans a false sense of hope, and misrepresenting the preparedness right now
This jouralist scum is totally the good guy, orange. man. bad.
hes right tho
sensationalists need a rope
>It's not like it was a loaded question
this "softball" shit must be the new marching orders from shareblue
>Because it had no reporting function besides virtue signaling that "orange man truly is bad"
That's the opposite of what it is...
He got given a perfect softball question to tell the public about all the measures they're taking and reassure them that they're on top of it.
The fact that he got so upset over that is fucking weird.
> We don't need faggot reporters constantly throwing cold water on potentially good news all the time
A lot of people are aware of it being serious, and a lot of them are scared too, so he's not wrong when he says that is he? Trump had a golden opportunity to elaborate at length on how great he's doing if he wanted to there to avert the 'cold water'.
I'm saying that the weird reaction from Trump is something that seems to speak volumes, or maybe he entirely misheard it.
>It's not like it was a loaded question
How's it a loaded question?
The whole country is being lockdown and infected with chink flu while the economy crashes
What is there to be positive about
Unfortunately, it's now obvious that Trump doesn't do well under high pressure situations. This is like punching your wife because she burnt dinner, a level only reached by men who aren't in control where at work so they take it out on relatively innocuous people and situations.
t.former Trump supporter
It's still just a fucking flu. I remain convinced we are only experiencing sample bias, because influenza is largely untested and not tracked. This is 911 part two, and here comes the save Israel Act.
>millions of Americans will die this year of COVID-19
>economy grinding to a halt
"Why you so negative, bro?"
What a faggot question asking about people being scared of the virus.
This has NEVER happened in the history of the country!
This is what's wrong with politics
Faggots like you want beauty pageant platitudes
>Alexander: Is it possible that your impulse to put a positive spin on things may be giving Americans a false sense of hope, and misrepresenting the preparedness right now
>Trump: No, I don’t think so. I don’t think so. No, I don’t think so.
>Alexander: So what do you say — I’ll just follow up. So what do you say Americans who are scared, though? I guess — nearly 200 dead; 14,000 who are sick; millions, as you witnessed, who are scared right now, What do you say Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?
>Trump: I say that you are a terrible reporter. That’s what I say. Go ahead. I think it’s a very nasty question, and I think it’s a very bad signal that you are putting out to the American people. The American people are looking for answers, and they’re looking for hope, and you’re doing sensationalism. And the same with NBC and Concast. I don’t call it “Comcast,” I call it “Concast.” Let me just tell — [for] whom you work. Let me just tell you something. That’s really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism. Let’s see if it works. It might, and it might not. I happen to feel good about it. But who knows? I have been right a lot. Let’s see what happens. John? — You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
kys it was a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' set up gotcha question. go fuck yourself and eat a bullet.
>The reporter was concern trolling and the president called him on it.
It's not 'concern trolling' because concern trolling would be where someone's faking concern to try to force a response. He isn't wrong to say a lot of Americans are scared so it isn't concern trolling.
Get that hothead out of here, put Pence in charge.
He kept goading him about spreading "false hope" when there's actual potential with the medicine he was talking about. He wouldn't let it go so he got smacked in the mouth. I don't understand what's so difficult about this.
Is that really so much worse than these the_donald types who literally see Trump as godsent?
That is not what the reporter asked.
That's not the part that makes me go huh. It was a lame question. He was obviously looking for a soundbite. The part that I was like huh about is when he said we have nothing to loose. That implies we're already dead in the water.
I'd literally beat your dumb ass into a coma if I could.
>it was a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' set up gotcha question. go fuck yourself and eat a bullet.
>Sperging out for no reason
Go cry elsewhere if you can't handle a discussion newfriend.
It isn't a damned if you do damned if you don't thing because the obvious answer would be to elaborate on the efforts the Trump administration is doing to fight corona. That is, after all, what the press conference is specifically about in the first place.
meaning there are no other realistic options available right now for treatment
I can't wait for the day that we get to start killing faggots like you
>Wasn't this a softball question?
This wasn't a softball question, this was an easily twistable question that Pete is known to throw out. Trump is upset this guy is still playing this game when there's more on the table.
Trump's standard answer from now on should just be "It's over. We're doomed. Go home to your families and pray for the best."
People actually believe Trump is a well spoken intelligent individual, and the media just quotes him out of context to look crazy. So they see any question you ask him as "loaded" They believe the only way the public should interact or communicate with their President is by reading tweets. Nothing else.
Because it was asked in a way to spin it as orange man bad, there was no good answer because it was directed as an attack.
It would be like me asking why you like rape so much... how do you even answer that?
The inferior American ego keeps them from admitting when they're scared. Must keep up the cowboy larp at all times, or someone might notice you're compensating.
>here comes the deflection that proves my point
Reporter was Concern trolling. Acting in bad faith just to get "outrage clicks"
Do you need a safe space or something?
>, there was no good answer
>It would be like me asking why you like rape so much.
To make it like that it'd have to be more like 'Trump, you've done a shit job, why have you done such a shit job?'. If that's what he'd done then yeah it would be a bad question.
The media have a responsibilty to report the news without bias. Their level of failure to do so is truly alarming. I don't think some subreddit has anything to do with this.
You fucking retard he could have gone on and talk about anything he wanted
The inferior American ego keeps them from admitting when they're scared, which must be always considering they can't go to Walmart without bringing their emotional support gat. Must keep up the cowboy larp at all times, or someone might notice you're compensating.
>here comes the deflection that proves my point
Combined with an outburst... white hats may have taken a major loss.
>this "softball" shit must be the new marching orders from shareblue
This, 10 threads with it all at once.
Trump is a Whitney faggot who can’t deal with softball questions.
>Wasn't this a softball question? Why did Trump get so riled up over that?
Because it's yet another dumbass, loaded question from some waste-of-space, establishment media stooge. Because there's approximately 330 million people living in the USA & as fuckhead fake news faggot reminds us, 200 [truly insignificant] deaths so far from coronachan. A statement to which 45 quite rightly shows disdain, rolling his eyes in disgust.
Wouldn't you?
Trump doesn't know what the fuck to do. The country was on auto pilot for 3 years. He was lucky nothing happened until now. Now the plane ran smack into the side of a mountain and Trump is in the woods with no clue. "It might work it might now" "what do you have to lose"? He has no solution but to desperately cling to hand-wave type solutions, just hoping its miraculously blows over. One of his plans is to dock a ship in NYC. "Big white ship with the red cross." This is retard level shit.
Trump never had any vision for the country other than boosting his own ego. He bragged about the stock market but has zero long term economic version or goals. Now hes run the country into the ground, the economy is decimated, and he has no clue what is going on. He is loosing it, I doubt he'll finish his term at this ran. He'll either have a stroke, resign, or die of corona which would be fitting.
And here we have a classic case of shills attempting to keep the conversation going even though an user called out the bait early in the thread.
Reminder that the media is more dangerous than the actual virus, unless you're in China, in which case you are fucked.
Fuck off, Britbong.
>>millions of Americans will die this year of COVID-
when shtf, don't forget about the journalists
Guy just reads what he's told to read. If the jews hand him a script that says Americans took over British airports in 1776, he'll read it. As long as he gets his money.
Just call him Trump you transplant
It’s a normal question. Trump just whined about it because he’s fucking retarded. This was a question a child could answer
You are ass ravaged. I'm so glad you coastal media fags are quarantined in your cuck pods
Nigger, the entire discussion before the question was posed was an entire spiel about how they were doing different treatments and the efficacy of a new drug and their hopes with it.
>One of his plans is to dock a ship in NYC. "Big white ship with the red cross." This is retard level shit.
What's the problem with this idea? I thought it was a pretty smart Idea to have a floating hospital.
But it’s literally “just a flu”. I’m sorry your nana may finally pass, but it was going to happen one of these days. She lived a full life. Let her go.
bolt-ons? that swine ain't got real ones, we can all see that!
Okay so what is inaccurate about asking the president a question??
Also doesnt want his supporters getting overconfident thinking its nothing and shit getting more out of hand than already is.
You want people paranoid to some extent since its more likely theyll respond to fear with self preservation than they will from being asked to be cautious but instilled with a cant happen to me mindset
>The nigger wouldn't stop being so negative about everything.
t. 4channer
Nothing. I never said it was.
We are doing better than China, Iran and Italy and also we didn't even start this mess. China did.
What is Xi doing to fix the mess he made and letting it spread all over the world instead of being honest with the world
Fucking right. Hate those fuckers.
>bolt-on balls
is this something you learn about in tranny college?
Trump says VT is lying about US Army origin of CV19 in Wuhan, we say he is “Full of Shit”
In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world. The US team did so badly that they were called “Onions Sauce Soldiers” by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of the US team.
He's already disgusting and old. The man's losing his mind. I don't know how much more pressure this kike puppet can take before he kneels over and dies, along with Biden and Bernie.
You mean repeat all the measures and steps his team just said they were taking? Repeat what he said about the efforts of the American people? Was this reporter not paying attention to a single word that trumps team said. The whole goddamn press conference is an update for scared Americans. Wtf should he have said? Dr Fauci doesn’t even fucking know everything about this disease. No one does. The media is actually autistic.
It wasn't meant to be a question. It was meant to INSTRUCT Americans what they should be feeling. A classic manipulation tactic.
I think they used to call it Delphi method or some shit.
>It's not like it's a loaded question.
Fear is the only political platform liberals can imagine. How sad.
Correct. This is three different problems combining.
1. The decadent principal of “no price is too high to pay”
2. Testing bias aka “Be careful what you test for, you will find it”
3. Last boomer hurrah with the biggest pop culture meme “outbreak” ever
Trump is a terrible person, that's all there is to it.
He was pissed about what the reporter said before that.
Library here.
If he'd left it alone after saying, "What do you have to say to all the people scared at home?", it would've been fine. Instead, Alexander started rattling off numbers, and Trump let that nigger have it.
He should'a had security take him away.
Yes, because its up the China to tell Trump how to protect the US.
You Trump apologists cucks would defend him probable even after a family member died of corona.
Hope your grandma can get to the big white ship in time, I'm sure it will save her.
I'd be pissed to. The press are the ones who have been riling up all this fear and panic buying these past few months. And this fucker had the audacity to stare him down and mockingly ask what ya gonna do about it!?!? Fuck these niggers
Whaaaaaaat? The news is misreporting and a shill is trying to concern troll on Yas Forums about it?
How weird!
Fucking WOW. My video player crashed buffering at this exact moment and Jesus do you see the look of absolute contempt on Pence's face? It's almost like he's got a look of "he's right there. He's standing right there. I could put a dagger through his heart right now and become the president America needs and deserves at this very moment"
>What is Xi doing to fix the mess he made and letting it spread all over the world instead of being honest with the world
He's doing way more than us. China has been sending aid, supplies and experts out to countries like Italy this entire time.
*Libtard, not library.
And this nigger is correct.
Get the fuck out of here with your meme flag
China could have closed it's borders way earlier. Btw Karl Marx was a faggot jew
Stress hurts the immune system. Being positive is about owning your shit in the present and moving forward the best you can. Faggots and pussies are negative because they lack a spine. All that negative shit is doing, and HAS DONE, is create unnecessary panic and unnecessary stress. Sure, some stress is warranted, but that doesnt mean to go full retard.
>I call it Concast
My sides are in orbit
>Starts virus by eating bats
>oh muh most honourable communist party so kind so wise much help to those that we’ve sickened
Trump is so based.
when the fuck will they give us a definite answer to the direct payments to to taxpayers? they scared everyone out of a job and now suddenly they are very vague about it.
This. Trump was elected because of these kinds of based reactions.
You Trump cucks just eat those toddler level puns up.
>reporter get bitched out for fearmongering
>only report on a small clip that shills their narrative
and you propagandist wonder why 70% of americans don't believe in news media
It's pussies like you who make hard times worse. Fucking kill yourself right now if it's hopeless. If you're not gonna kill yourself, then it can't be that bad.
Impeachment didn't work. None of their earlier games have worked. This pandemic is their last hope for destroying Trump and they're not going to let the opportunity slip.