China has exonerated doctor Li Wenliang who was officially reprimanded for warning about the coronavirus outbreak and...

China has exonerated doctor Li Wenliang who was officially reprimanded for warning about the coronavirus outbreak and later died of the disease

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cool, and all he had to do was die. BASED China

I don't respect China as a country and I pity Chinese people who have to live there.

They are not free men. Nor will they ever be.

Flee and give your mind and allegiance to Europe or America, and at the very least, you will die with your sons and daughters knowing freedom, and knowing how much it costs.

>Page not found

When will China apologize for their inept action allowing this disease to basically destroy civilization?

What is China doing to prevent this in the future?

What reparations can we expect from China?

Until these questions are answered satisfactorily China should be shunned and cut off from civilized nations.

You could have been born Chinese

This was news like 2 months ago.

Good luck frens

What can we do to save China from their government? I don’t know anymore.

His middle name was “Page”

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atleast they are free from degeneracy. What does the man need in his life the most? Safety, money, space for his hobbies, some genuine belief that he and his country has a bright future. China can provide that for its citizens. Maybe they don't have political discussions, but if you want to play politics in China - you can always join your local communist party branch and try to improve the life of your local community.

Chink is a slave race. Even if CPC is done, they will start to worship the next guy who rule them

The guy that died then was miraculously alive then dead again? Fucking chink liars.

They don't have to apollogize - the desiese could have started anywhere. they still eat bats in Indonesia, Palau, Malasia, Papua-New guenea, and a bunch of other countries.

fuck, here

Great now learn to cook food to a temperature that kills bacteria and viruses. Don't cry about it either and lol pay back anyone who sues you over this shit and we have a great start.

Chinese communist party has more than 100 million members - you can't "save" China without genociding part of their population and they don't need your help in "saving" them. Under communists they live now better than ever before.

are you chinese?

>you can't "save" China without genociding part of their population
The purpose of the action would not be to save China. It would be to save the rest of the world from China.

Who is this guy's target audience? Boomers 40 years older than him?

>sacrifice yourself trying to warn the world about the virus
>government only gives in and says sorry after you're a corpse, and only because people were protesting

A tad late, but I guess that’s cool?

nah, we actually need to save the West from itself, from the elites that rule the West and guide it to the path of misery and poverty

Join China in saving the West by showing the world that there is another way. Americans were assured of their complete dominance after the fall of USSR. One idiot even wrote an essay called "The end of History". Now we see that there is no end to history, the West has not won, and its not the best model of governance. Americans are afraid of China, trying to demonize it constantly. If you think that China is so horrible - why do anything about it? Just relax, China will collapse on itself soon. Isn't what you've been saying for years? There is no need for action, Chinese can't succed, they can't be a threat, they will just disappear one day, without you doing anything. The West is so mighty, so smart, so progressive - they can't loose to this country run by communists.

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It started in China.

The more China attempts to save face, the more face it loses.

Kill all Chinese

some random mutation and first transmission on the micro level happened inside the body of a person without his consent or intent and it happens to be that this man was in China - how is this the responsibility of China as a governent? They can't control everything that happens on microbial level, no one can. As well as we know - some furry fucking dog in the ass in USA tomorrow can contract some deadly virus and spread it during the furry convention. Will this be the fault of US government?

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Region lock china now.

"Now that youre dead, we forgive you"

>Propaganda slogans

we have home quarantined CIA here.

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You had your chance but you decided to turn nippon into a bunch of irradiated cucks instead.

He did a stream on his deathbed where he began to criticize the CCP. A second later his stream was cut off
I saw it with my own eyeballs
Now I can't find it
No one can find it
Does anyone have the fucking video?
I need to redpill some people on chinks

I was meaning in the fact they suddenly say "Yeah he didnt do anything wrong" after the guy passed away

Its like giving a purple heart to a soldier that had half his head blown off a week ago

You really do not understand the west at all, do you?

That sucks man. This good man tried to warn the world of his govt's chinkery, and winds up dead because of it. The lot of you fags would never pay such a sacrifice. RIP China bro, you were too good for your country and your gov't

Well, atleast they tried - they fired local government of Wuhan that did this to him and didn't listen. There is nuance inside China - Xi doesn't make all the decisions himself, there are a lot of low level officials who could do bad things and good things and they could be rewarded, or punished. By rewarding the dead doctor, they show everyone that they need to improve their system and not repeat it as a mistake again. Chinese can actually learn from their mistakes, instead of repeating them 1000 times like idiots. After this incident they created new channels for doctors to report suspicious cases of desieses to prevent future incidents like this, they banned wild animal hunting for consumption and trade of wild animals for consumption. Meaning - no more hunting anything other than a few animals in the white list. If they catch you hunting or transporting unlicensed animals and they suspect you going to sell them or eat them - heavy punishment.

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Oh well that's OK then. China you are completely forgiven. We love you China.

give it a few years and Im sure theyll go right back to it

I dont' understand the west? Talk about idiots not understanding China better - in the post above i outlined why they did it and the goal is completelly domestic but idiots like think think thaty everything Chinese do is to please the western man. They don't really give a fuck about what you think, and nor should they. Western people think everything revolves around them, thats what i understand.

Ricenigger please just STFU

China could've not ignore the outbreak and shut down travel. This didn't have to make it outside of China, hell it shouldn't even have made it out of Hubei.

China needs to pay reparations
China needs to stop eating every fucking thing. this is twice in less then 20 years China has caused a global virus that killed 1000s
China needs to get rid of the CCP for good.


That's nice considering that they murdered him and have lied about every number and event. All Chinese stats on cv should just be reported as 'FABRICATED'

>murdered him
what? he died in the hospital after being sustained on ecmo as long as they could and became a national hero


Okey groomer.

>implying they didn't inject him with the virus as punishment for destroying any plausible deniability

China knows what they did.

Made In China.

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>implying as the person who first discovered the virus in patients and didn't know about the ways it can infect, he couldn't possible catch it in the firs row

It started in chinese wet market, china lied and covered it up.

Free from degeneracy? Their degeneracy is on full display in public in front of everyone. What the fuck planet do you live on? All the real chinaman were killed or moved to other places and all that's left are self absorbed retards in China. Just like how jews had all the real Slavs starved to death in Russia and all that's left are squatting liver lip descendants of lazy bottom tier farmers like you.

Chinese apologist. Doesn't matter if your chinkglow or not, you're shilling is obvious. Chinese tried to cover this up, not Italy.

you’re not getting that social score increase, zhao

I'm sure he's really happy about that. Oh wait...

Not Chinese, local government in Wuhan did this. And they already punished and will never have any positions in government. Case closed.

No one is going to pay you reparations, niggers. Not untill you pay reparations to victims of all the wars America started.

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>Flee and give your mind and allegiance to Europe or America
How about no.

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all that and yet they snack on bats

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making excuses for filthy heathens
get the cross

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oh, a christcuck cracked. How unexpected. Love thy neighbour, faggot, or burn in hell. Thats wat your own dummy religion teaches you.

>tfw this is real