What will happen to the United States when Whites become a minority and Hispanics outnumber Whites?

What will happen to the United States when Whites become a minority and Hispanics outnumber Whites?

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That should be a question for liberal whites since they let it happen

the original united states dies


Hopefully the Spanish form a succession movement and allow the English to retain some sort of separate state and then we let them have the niggity nogs as slaves as a gift. I think this is what they're expecting as well.

will slowly descend into a barely functionly spic shithole like the rest of them

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Latinos have stopped growing as demographic. Asians are the new hotness.

We will gradually shift towards a LatAm-style economy and a LatAm-style government. So it'll be a 24/7/365 disaster if you aren't one of the elites.

I think a day of the rope would be in order. What say you?

It'll never happen. Latinos will be removed or exterminated before they take possession of the United States.

Whites are already a minority if you count the illegals, and you may as well because 98% of them aren’t going anywhere and will get a path to legal residency as soon as the next Dem president takes office

It will be a long slow decline to Brazilian levels of civic cohesion, crime, and capability for international force projection

>Latinos have stopped growing as demographic.

Totally wrong

Lynchings will begin.

All individual rights GONE. Because dey rayciss. Permanent underclass with zero social mobility. Unchecked power mad ruling class that will rape and kill anyone they want. Eventual collapse of everything. And whites will be blamed for it.

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We will all return to 0!

failed state like mexico.

That's a lot of tough talk from people that let them grow to this number in the first place

It's already happened in California. Whites are the minority. It became such a problem for marxists/commies that they had to invent a newspeak doublethink term called Majority Minority.


Imagine losing your couple of hundred year old country to sub humans without them firing a single shot.

They play the slaves, right?

I’ve seen the exact same post on Yas Forums like 6 or 7 years ago
You guys need to understand nothing will happen if you don’t act
Shitposting here won’t change things one bit

Hispanics won't outnumber whites.
When they say that whites will be a minority they mean relative to ALL non-whites combined.
Whites will still be the most populous single group.
It is however a problem and is rapidly changing.
But yeah by the end of the century the United States will be some 80 IQ banana republic.
What could have been a great nation was successfully subverted and destroyed.

Havent been here in a while. This still being shilled on a hourly basis? Pathetic.

High School I attended was about 40% Nth Gen Mexicans, at least on paper.

Once you were 15 1/2 years old you could legally drop out.

There were zero Mexicans in the higher tier math and science classes.

yes, all the cotton picking slaves in medieval europe

See: Mexico.

Never going to happen. I'm a 35 yr old, hispanic virgin.

What have conservatives conserved?

Totally right

this is why 'conservative' and 'right-wing' are no longer synonymous

The constitution will be destroyed and the US will become a socialist dictatorship

Look at California except malibu and beverly

Let me guess, giving the middle finger to el stupido gringos who write her welfare cheques?

Better peppers

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Fewer white niggers

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There won't be another majority, hispanics will succumb to the soi like whites

why don't redditors mock the mexicans here who don't know spanish

CHECKS, Engligger

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Checked and that should be a question nobody has to answer, user

like Brazil the mutts will say they are white
and the cycle continues

The Mexicans might be our last chance at fighting the government... White people aren’t doing anything but complaining

literally nothing will change, most billionaires are white and thus mexicans will just be average americans.


It's already happened
Look at the demographics by age group
The "old white generation* is the last of its kind, when they die it all comes crashing down

realistically? the ones who've been here, established themselves and see themselves as americans will be the ones who inherent the country. they will be opposed to the gibs of poor spic immigrants and the racial tension we see now would be between all the different spic countries. but one thing is for certain, spics hate niggers even more than whites do.

They're not breeding these days.

>Jews and Catholics, since they let it happen


Medieval Europe was 100% white.

siestas for all .

Wouldn't they be "los estupidos anglos", non-linguist? You're not an expert. So STFU

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it will just look like every other spic shithole in south america
>1 post by this id

all fields

ORLY? So the Moors, Saracens, Arabs, Carthaginians, etc., were WHITEBAGGERS?

See now the cause and effect of Brexit!

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Without latinas, manlets would never get laid.

See Mexico and South America


it will be a shithole like mexico
world power will have transferred to Europe or Asia by that time

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Whites will stop worrying about being called racist and still completely control the economy.

That's all revisionist history don't believe any of it. Everyone in Medieval Europe was 100% pure Bavarian phenotype and resembled in appearance what we would today call a Chad or Stacey.

1. Hispanic isn't a race. Why you imbeciles keep thinking it is, is beyond me. Stop.

2. It will become worse. Much worse.

Better times. That's what. People the actually give a fuck about their family and care about their own heritage.

>white mexican detected
This guy gets it.

Boomer removal China virus will make the process faster.

> (OP)
>See: Mexico.

wrong. imagine Mexico without the USA propping it up.

More like Bangladesh, without the strict Muslim society and ancient traditions and stability and sense of civic duty that brings.

So even worse ?

We should be importing Nordic men to bleach the Hispanics. Spain should have kept fucking the mestizos until they were 99.99999% white. Faggots stopped in the late 1800s(?).

Which explains the Medieval art of Southern Europe and North Africa? Oh, I daresay they're better sources than your sarcastic arse! Don't mislead the rubes and stupes! They don't get it!

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Im a 28 year old white male in Southern California

Should I even bother trying to get a white gf? Or go fully mestizo gf like the rest of my cuck brothers?


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Why is she wearing panty hose on the beach?