All white men are fucking rapists who can’t get with the times. You can’t do that shit anymore.
Crackers are canceled
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Korea would be right to get rid of them them just like we should get rid of the 13% responsible for 50%
GOD I wish I was a Korean woman
can't do shit eh? looks like they can still cuck AZN gamma males
Blacks are literally little more than chimps and thus basically a separate species.
Those are rookie numbers.
All of them are Americans or Brits, not white men. Americans and Brits are a shame for white race.
The only women in Korea that have an idea of what rape is are those that associate with foreigners. It mostly just goes unreported in Korea, it and Japan are basically the worst developed countries to be a woman in
Yup. Kill the whities in chink land raping dirty chinks, and lets kill all shit skins globally
Bitch needs to learn it's not rape if it's yellow
But they can. See? Like 1% rape all the time
wow it's almost like being a minority in any community turns you into a fucking nigger.
33 = bullshit
Based af.
Kill them off.
This just prove that white men have bigger cocks. They probably all orgasmed from it.
>All white men are fucking rapists who can’t get with the times. You can’t do that shit anymore.
maybe they are instigating the rapes who are commited by koreans.
you know, when you slay yellow pussy and there's no pussy left for the locals, they have to rape.
Asian boys belong to BLACK MEN, Asian girls to BLACK WOMEN
All hail BMAB
their women fuck whites to feel a natural orgasm that doesn't involve heavy machinery and then they lie and pretend they were raped so their families don't feel shame that they little girls are white cock beggars
> Korea
> Rape
Pick one and only one.
Korean pussy is rightful aryan clay
So Korea, only country I have been to where grandparents sell their granddaughters on the street for sex. Yes I have seen this in multiple cities.
Been to Korean cities of Oman, Pusan, and soeul. Sea of pussy.
Shut the fuck up, you paper asshole.
Mfw OP is a chink paid for his lies.
Korea is made for rape, first the japs, then the chinese and russians, then the americans. build for foreigner cock
This is bullshit statistic with no source.
This, it's only lefty boomers anyway
Imagine being such a low IQ mongrel like OP that you actually talk about white rapist, while belong to some mongrel low standing people who are known all over the world for being useless and rape the most.
Imagine being that dumb.
Total rapes in Korea : 100
Lets end this thread
The OP link has zero source whatsoever
OP is an asian incel, ricecel, who can't cope with WMAF
>Be Korean village hoe
>Flirt with American G.I.
>Tell him “I suck you long time”
>Suck American G.I. long time
>Complain to US embassy
Why would an American ever rape a gook when they sell their ass for a pack of cigarettes.
Bullshit made up statistic reported by bug people who control what their people say. Yup totally no way that’s being boosted and fabricated.
Seriously though, what the fuck is going on in Korea?
Part of it is that the age of consent in Korea is 12 and there's no "position of authority" prohibition.
How many of them are from the US Armed Forces?
just imagine if we were niggers
imagine not being a proud rapist
It says "white", user
Seething pedo Boomer sexpat. Have a list of niggers like you to kill once the end finally comes.
Yellow niggers
A lot of white people in Korea are of the USAF
This isn't the 50s lel, no one is selling their ass for cigarettes now days.
I clearly need to visit Korea.
>whities in chink land raping dirty chinks
britbongs for some reason are moving to RoK, as well as Canadians and kangaroos. It's not only us who are the major whites in Korea though, and considering the USFK* actually isn't completely white, you can guess what's in return
Where is this article OP?
>white men 33%
Niggers responsible for the other 67%?!?!
convicting foreigners of stuff is good for extortion and press
how can one user be so based
Most in the Army are black
oh hey this thread again, forget your German flag or is this a different hapa incel in the US?
I endorse this course of action.
A Korean woman cannot be raped by a White man.
This. It gives them a way of pretending to solve the issue without dealing with head on.
SK had a huge trafficking ring bust back in 2017 that was basically brushed under the rug.
Same goes for the Daughter of Medalia(?) cult back in 2017.
This is correct
*with it head on.
*(The trafficking ring was 2018)
I really need to figure out where to find these white hungry asian girls.
easiest for you would be Canada
Ban porn; get raped. Very simple.
Gee, it's almost like most of the white men in Korea are hispanic US soldiers, the rapiest of all people.
>Ignoring the pedo white en*lish teachers.
SOMEBODY has to do the raping, korean men arent stepping up
Every single dancing monkey english teacher needs to neck themselves.
Yes. Obviously.
Stop racemixing
Can I have Blackpink, pls?
Have you ever been around them? It's not exclusive to Korea, all over Asia sexpat faggot English teachers are a leach on society. They are usually pedo losers that want an easy in to fuck little girls since Asians are super shitty about reporting sexual assault.
You sound like a fucking mexican.
op is trying to make us hate koreans
probably hired to do so. theres a lot of that right now. i dont appreciate being told when to hate people, i can do that on my own thanks.
So no evidence, let me guess, white teacher took your gf? Flash news, your females hate you.