Brit/pol/ - Slag Edition


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First for are Mozza

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Armed police officers had to close the pubs in Carlisle lmao

A proud Black British holiday

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18 months without pubs, taking bets on when the rioting will start.

why couldn't the death rate at least have been 20%!??! Now they're talking about a fucking cure, I'M SICK OF NOTHING BURGERS

Phwoarrr Moaty well had that one

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reminder that the (((WHO))) claimed that SARS had a CFR of 4% while that outbreak was going on and it ended up much higher than that. so much for their 3.4% estimate for this pandemic.

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something massive just flew over my house (not memeing) just north of london, sounded like a huge trumpet for a few minutes but i couldnt see anything
anyone else hear it?

the CFR is 29% if you ignore china's fake numbers.

If that’s a slag then slag me up

Stop adopting Americanisms you loose prick.

The real death rate will end up being 20%.

Whos up for chinning some chinks when this lockdown is over then fellas

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Why are Brits so disgustingly vile and selfish?

Here are some examples of their pathetic behavior today:

You're so fucking stupid it actually hurts me to read your posts.

Corona has manifested

I just raised my head in our pub tonight and argued with a few normies about how communist China is responsible.

Landlord backed me up and gave me a free pint on the way out, told him to save it for tomorrow but the time is now to flee if you need to.

Personally I'm forming the South-Cheshire Militia, the police have lost control tonight seen some Twitter of a plastic rozzer getting pushed over in Crewe.

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It's the rapture I have seen several large frogs tonight

show flag cunt

>everything cancelled
>lockdown incoming
>army preparing
>muh nothingburger

shut up

good, why would you want it to be more you little mong

why are brits so weak and emotional?

>vid is full of niggers and pakis in a post-national alienated hellhole.

Oy m8 iss a nuffin eel pie innit den

>11% CFR with china's bullshit dragging it down, 29% without those numbers
>china potentially has 14 million+ dead by now, going by newly revealed data

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Its the guardian.

Kill yourself.

Hope youre going alright britbros, getting mixed news and pol larp threads don't help about the situation over there.

Just done in the gym, pissed I'm gonna have to cut this steroid cycle short af but I understand why gyms have to shut


Your parents wish they didnt adopt you tripneet

We're not all Cockney.

People have also been avoiding the shopping limits by simply reentering the supermarket and shopping again three or four times in a row

What will happen to Deano and the lads post-Corona? Kind of curious what their lifestyle and economic habits will be like.

things are pretty calm with the virus but people are going mental panic buying and there are also supply chain issues

Good fuckin job lads you poms need a diet.

Trumpet nouise user please post it

What do you need pubs for? Just get some herd immunity down ya lad.

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London is fucked as usual, but the rest of the country seems ok. I'm getting out of here because I can.

It's not the bad, the riot footage being posted on outer/pol/ is all reuploaded from 2011 with fake titles and the thread of soldiers on horses in London was from some parade
Only issues is certain things haven't been in shops for over a week and normies are annoyed about pubs/clubs/bars/restaurants

No pubs? holy shit you lads going to be ok?

>bawww I can't get my fresh veg in
Fuck off. I work in social care looking after the poor bastards being told to self isolate with changing guidance every fucking day.
Here's what are NHS is doing for us-
>They're contacting wholesalers and buying out gloves, facemasks and aprons for stock piling and aren't sharing shit
>They're demanding we give them bi-hourly updates on self isolating and staffing
>They're putting out updated guidance daily and demanding our contingency plans are updated daily
>Every single NHS worker has priority for childcare regardless of their position, over our frontline workers
"Our" NHS? Don't be fucking stupid.

Pubs should sell pints of other people's spit so that everyone can get herd immune.

what does this face say?

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Deano estate militias will be formed, already goading my lot.

I'm going to be like Bane but hand our bog roll and nappies to the benevolent.

Are gyms shutting?

The newsreader nearly cried tonight after boris address and drone footage of london at rush hour looking like 28 days later before it gets going

All groceries can be ordered online. I don’t understand the lines around the block shit.



Yeah as of midnight they're all shut
Went at 9 and maxed deadlifts then did a ton of upper body volume

He who panics first panics best.

>All groceries can be ordered online
You think logistics is an infinte realm?

They're out of stock or on 10 day delays. Even then, items are limited when it comes to multibuys.

>the Herd is rising

I wish I lived in Bongland. I would slaghunt every night.

amazon at least are not delivering food, they claim to have stock but when you go to select a date for deliveries there are none available for months
i'm sure this doesn't apply for all parts of the UK though

He was better yesterday. I know his 12 week thing was a lie but I need that lie to put a lid on the panic pot

The supermarket near me made me actually cry when i got home on Tuesday. Fuck that ever again

Regardless of what you think as a social worker, we NHS workers on the frontline have it the hardest because we're actually dealing with critically ill patients.

>t. Paramedic who just returned form a 3 day shift sleeping in the depot

Oh please
Just get whatever you need NOW

No more limited than brick & mortar shops

That sucks, still easy to order here


no, why are you asking?

Stop sending your sick kids to school you cunts

>hyde Park, september 2020
>the cure failed
>the death rate wasn't 1%.

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This. We call it a nothing butty.

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went to buy a bottle Russian Standard and bunch of pot noodles. Nowt fucking left.

I hope panic stockers die brutally from bandit raids to be fucking fair

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"Shit's fucked up real bad lads"

At stage will you start killing the boomers that have no chance?

whats the nation on the bottom? denmark?

Are your surgical masks out of date too?

Cause im genuinely worried for the bongs!

tfw no paki gf

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it's England you dumb fucking moron

The bars here in Dallas, Texas have been closed for a week. I’m fookin losing my mind

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Once this is all over, hoarders need to be rounded up and shot/gassed/hung/thrown off cliffs.

This shit would never fly in the past, your community would ostracise you for selfish behaviour. But because our degenerate 21st century society awards so much anonymity and rewards endless self serving behaviours at the expense of others, we see the worst people free to do as they please.

>not The National Front Disco
Very disappointed

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Did chest earlier today, so i suppose i at least got that in. And i guess the negative moods will come back without grug brain placated by lifting heavy objects

Yes north Denmark

Mate the virus has only just started in the States, it will make Italy look like a pantomime when it grips you guys.

Outside of wogs and pakis raiding everything and buying more shit than they actually need, it's mostly calm for now. I fully expect some chimpouts to happen in some of the major cities at some point, though.

That's a skank

That particular female would NEVER in any way EVER consider dating or fucking me. I might as well just kill myself.

why aren't we seeing that many "recoveries" from this virus? most of the "recoveries" so far have been from china's bullshit data. you'd think that the number of "mild" infections would lead to a massive number of full recoveries, but it isn't happening.

just don't even believe it's real lads.

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Did you try to order anything on Amazon recently related to health?
>one day before delivery
>we're sorry blah blah no stock
The same thing will happen



Morrisons on a friday night was pretty comfy desu.

Managed to get all me cans straight off the pallet.

Still no bog roll though.

We got an issue mate?

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How will you fight if the local bobbies have binned all your butterknives?

2020 has been a very bizarre year so far lads I wouldn't be surprised if aliens made first contact or something to help with the virus.

I want to annihalate thot in op's vagina

I feel sorry for any person who lives next door to party animals. Those party animals are gonna be plenty animalistic in their homes. Their poor neighbors.

NHS nurse here.

Here's whats going round our hospital (North Scotland)
>Don't treat anyone over 70 for anything other than the fever, prioritise the 30-50 age range
>Convert office space in to wards and send the older sick people there as quarantine
>Admin workers being trained in cleansing
>Auxiliary nurses doing shit they shouldn't do
>PPE being used across entire wards, not just rooms, ie, they're telling us to not worry about cross contamination in wards as "it'll probably run it's course in the ward anyway"
Shits getting weird bros.

Quite friendly with my bobbies and local rozzer, they will join us as we shoot with us.

they'll probably tell us the holocaust was made up in a few weeks when this hits peak mental

didn't see that coming

Shit a shed just flew over my coronavirus

That's not a slag. That's a spice monkey.

Social care is under the NHS here, user. We're being treated as outsiders and, fucking spoiler lad, if we can't effectively keep sick people safe in their homes from this thing, their next available stop is your local hospital.

>aliens are anti semitic?
>why are the chosen people endlessly persecuted so?

What ethnicity is she

Sorry you are an unprepared lazy fucker!

Check your surgical masks fren, some hospitals have been sent ones out of date

i dont give a fuck about the NHS or it's narcisstic staff that demand to be treated special for a job they themself signed up for. simple as.

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Oh also
The reported number in the north of Scotland is suppressed. We have 20+ cases in our hospital alone, yet the region total is currently 4 I believe. I don't know why the board are hiding this, it will get out eventually. I imagine the other major hospitals are in the same boat.

Im not worried.

If you haven't already purchased a squat rack, 400lbs of olympic plates and an olympic bar and an articulated chair/ bench with a leg bicep/quad extension and all the dumbells you'll need, and are waiting amid a mad crush for delivery for a week now, WAYSA?

Why are the usual pozzed-out knobheads like Sadiq Khan trying to suck up to China so hard?

>Ohhhh, their response has been heroic!
>Ohhhhh, don't call it a Chinese virus, that's racist!

Seriously, fuck China, and fuck anyone who defends that commie shithole. Tell those pricks to stop causing global pandemics every 5 minutes.

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Neither am I, but I'm posting anti-Chin propaganda every day as they are the ones that caused this.

>That particular female would NEVER in any way EVER consider dating or fucking me

You poor fool, nothing is easier than a hindu club slut. They ask ME out and I refuse. I flat out inform them I'm a racist when it comes to dating.

that's pretty fucked up desu

I was buying all the bog roll! Leave me alone


can you claim UC if you get sacked?


I wanted to know what happened



Everythings okay here so far.
We seen where England was and we're about 3 weeks behind up here, we've been buying extra from our suppliers.

ah fuck got nuked lads

God what is it about slags.

Just something about trashy, easy pussy makes me look past the average looks and shit tons of makeup and just makes me wanna fuck the shit outta them.

Also kek at eddie getting B& lol it's a bitter-sweet kek for me

Lol Eddie got banned from twitch, I WANTED TO SEE THE ENDING

Baby cakes, you just don't know (know)


Armoured cars and tanks and guns came to take away our pubs
But every man must stand behind the bloke behind the bar
In the little streets of England
In dark of early night
British police came marauding
Wrecking little pubs with scorn
Hear the sobs of crying patrons
Dragging pints from their hands
Watch the scene as helpless women
Watch the wine fall from their hands
Not for them a judge or jury or indeed a crime at all
Being patrons means they're guilty
So they're guilty one and all

Round the world the truth will echo
Johnson's men are here again
England's name again is sullied
In the eyes of drinking men
Proudly march behind our landlord
Proudly March behind our lads
We will have them free to serve us
Build a free house once again

On the people drink together
Proudly drinking on your way
Never drop or never spill
Till the pubs come here to stay

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B& on a cliffhanger

The issue is massive demand, not supply. If people weren't chimping out and stockpiling everything there would be plenty of food for everyone. Suppliers are churning out as much as they can.

Howd it end

10/10 in the UK

I'm laughing but crying at the same time


state of the prudes at twitch

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