Striker is finished

Striker is finished.

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Enoch destroyed that douchebag!

When is this debate supposed to happen?


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His head is grotesque

9,30pm ET, so in 1.5 hours

Striker is not a great debater, and he has a retarded take on China, but otherwise he's right, so I think he'll do well


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Few posters on Yas Forums are as pathetic as ironic destiny fans.

what is his china take?

Sure thing

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As long as Striker can decipher Destiny's mile a minute speech patterns and can stand getting pressed a little, he'll be fine

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kys, texas is not rare

Destiny about to dismantle this kike.


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What is the topic(s)?

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This. Destiny played dumb the entire time, ceded the legitimacy of White people defending their interests (he just coped by saying that by banding together on racial lines, we're "missing out on cool people" lmao), and just overall said laughable things like
>politicians aren't bought off
>just amend the constitution bro (re: SC having the 'final say')
Destiny's fans treated it as a massive BTFO when Mike didn't bother arguing about the Supreme Court having the 'final say', but that's completely disingenuous. Yeah, technically we can amend the Constitution to deal with judicial activism, but that's the's a very difficult process. It's obviously WAY easier to get 5 votes on the court than it is to get an amendment ratified by 38(?) states, etc.
I like Striker's debates most of the time. The only thing that I think he should work on is avoiding arguments that come off as anti-intellectual. It's not that he's wrong per se, but it comes off very conspiratorial. I remember his debate with CV where he had a long argument about Greeks/homosexuality and he was talking about how leftist scholars are reading faggot shit into it.
Another example was his debate with that 12 year old communist kid who kept citing studies about tranny shit (IIRC) which Striker kept dismissing. It's not that I think he's wrong, it's just a bad look to constantly deny studies without having a specific reason as to why.
Basically, I just hope he hammers home the JQ the entire time because that is where he is strongest (and where Destiny is clearly the weakest -- there's no pre-approved neoliberal talking points). One thing that Mike kept letting him get away with was acknowledging the existence of societal problems, but failing to point out that they're caused (in large part) by the policies that Destiny supports.

Debates are for fags.

He's got a hard on for China just because they're totalitarian
(if he was Chinese, given his position, he would have been disappeared into a camp a long time ago)

It’s gonna be a bunch of baloney until the JQ is brought up and striker needs to be absolutely blockheadedly stubborn about staying on that topic. Don’t let this dude weasel out of it. This is what the people want

someone post the compilation of JLP talking mad shit about blacks for over 4 minutes

when is the stream happening?

>He's got a hard on for China just because they're totalitarian

striker has no chill and tends to make a poor impression in these situations because of it
thats my optinon thanks for reading

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everything is racism!

you're the one with boomer conservative priors so it's your takes, not striker's that are retarded

Imagine unironically being a fan of desTINY

I like him

t. chinese boomer

Destiny is awesome! A million times better than these dumb LARPing retards striker and Mike "the Kike" Enoch.

Get it guys?
He's desTINY because he's a manlet.
Just like half of this board.

where? Destiny's channel? I don't see an announcement for it.

Can I debate this guy?

can anyone get me invite to ralph discord?

I wish someone would pull the plug on Tiny’s internet access while he loses custody of his kids.


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Notice how Destiny is not eager to debate people like Ryan Faulk or Sean Last and continues to go after the cartoonish figures who do not thoroughly ground their views in science.

>tfw internet too slow to watch on dlive
feels bad.

Ryan Faulk doesn't do debates IIRC, he doesn't see them as useful.

>Striker already losing
>Destiny laughing at him

Yea he stopped because he's not good at them but the point is that Destiny never offers or challenges them in the first place.

I can't believe people pay to listen to Striker, guy is horrible

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omg why is striker start with these topics

>debating about music

what a stupid fucking debate lmao

Not muh Strikerino!!

Destiny is literally autistic


y did he think this was a good opening shot

Strike brought up music first

Striker's dumbass is getting annihilated right out the gate

How long until Striker spergs out because he realizes hes losing?

Mike stalemated it but striker is a fucking retard. Thank you nick for saving us from the TRS ghetto.

Jesus christ this striker guy is fucking retarded. I'm going to fall asleep to tyler1's stream instead.

Striker got fucked on the music topic

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>Thank you nick for saving us from the TRS ghetto.

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Destiny the king of gishgallop and sperging calling anyone for gishgalloping

>Striker starting with music
What a fucking idiot, says everything about the rest of the conversation

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so far this has to be the stupidest fucking debate I've ever heard, seriously


this is actually bad

it's usually a meme but striker is losing hard to destiny right now

even mike went in like a smart conversational guy, but he's totally strawmanning tiny and saying retarded things about music he can't prove and a lot of racially conscious whites would say is retarded

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catboys are high culture you just dont understand it yet

Holy fuck, just get off music already, this is a losing fight

>bro, it's the current year. hip hop > classical music
what was that retard smoking when he said that?
a nigger grunting in a microphone is better than mozart because he sells more tickets?
this is the problem.

Striker gishgalloped outta the music topic like a madman, understandably because he has no idea.

how many threads do we need of you faggots sucking off your e-celebs?
not politics, not current events, not news.
fucking jannies suck.

Lol what happened. Idec what striker said/if he "lost", the guy is funny asf.

striker opened a debate about europe and america have a distinct european connection/identity and he's trying to use music to prove that

Do people really spend their free time watching nerds debate? You know there's tons of free porn and funny videos of fat people falling down on the internet right?

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Post last night's Jazz and Jesse payfriends!

Why is every american that debates in favor of white people so retarded and off putting, like if I was a normie this retard would put me off right wing ideologies in a heartbeat, fucking hell mutts ruin everything.

mm i love controlled intellectualism
yes give me soundbytes, give me the pwns! I want my opinions validated! Just avoid difficult topics like jews and the future of the white race.

They just approach it autistically

Destiny destroyed Nick to the point in which Nick had to rely on "muh god" to argue his points, that's not to say that Striker isn't a bigger retard though.
The only e-celeb who holds far-right views to win against Destiny thus far is Ryan Faulk, it's pathetic and demonstrates that e-celeb worship is and always will be cancer. It's shocking that anyone still watches videos made by these losers anymore.

I'm just waiting for Striker to spaz out live and lose all credibility.

Destiny knows hes a retard and is toying with him now.

Link and, what is he doing with his hand, pic related?

This so much!

>Destiny destroyed Nick
lmfao Nick is a catboy closet homo and still did a better job than Destiny.

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Lmao, Nick recked Destiny
Remember when Destiny tried to make fun of Nick for being irrelevant while he has less views now?

Wants to be called "Sir"

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And his hand?

i heard striker chuckle a little after he said that so i think he was joking. i dont think it was an embarrassment chuckle either

be more confident in yourselves. so much insecurity and big ego. i can smell the estrogen exuding from your fucking prostates.

Yeah after he cried because of a little banter.

Exactly also why so fucking emotional? Be a bit more level headed and try to attack arguments not make up a fucking straw man and attack it, its so fucking dumb. Even if u "lose" the argument it doesnt matter as long as u pull out more people on ur side, acting like an autistic dipshit is just doing the opposite of that, thats what debates are at the end of the day, a tool to pull people on ur side, its not like debates ever change the actual debaters opinion.

>thats what debates are at the end of the day, a tool to pull people on ur side, its not like debates ever change the actual debaters opinion.

lmao at this idea in the 21st century post-2008 and radicalization between right and left, it's just two autists seeing who can wreck the other now

>it does not matter who runs banks

>destiny defending banks

this destiny nigger is starting to chimp out

Hi Bibble

>bringing up the kikes this early
Striker already lost. E-celebs are so fucking retarded


How do you not grow at all in 4 years

so is this striker guy a commie leftist or right wing?
hes going down the blame the jews path but that doesn't mean anything these days, thanks labour

i don't get how that works, i can always watch 1080p60fps on youtube no problem but sometimes on other sites like dlive even 480 can buffer constantly

>Eric Striker (naziboi)

Is this wrong though? Debates never actually change the opinion of the debaters, but depending on how u present urself infront of an audience of say 10-20k people then u definitely can bring people to ur side, and thats what u should be aiming the audience not trying to get in a shouting match with Destiny.