Netflix and YouTube REDUCES video resolution as Coronavirus hits the web

OH NO NO NO! First stores with empty shelves and now potato quality streaming. So, tell me again how is Capitalism superior again?

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The fact you watch netflix even with shitty quality.

>sperging like a 18-25 year fucktard about "capitalism" in 2020

I noticed this today when I was trying to fap to taylor swift in 4k. Video in question, looks like 1080

>b-b-butt...E'JURA FRUUUUUU!!

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Tudi master race

You wont need internet where we are heading niggers

This. You can't download TP.

What the fuck? Why? Server load? Bandwidth fuckery?

Self archive using Youtube-DL
Shame they won't just do away with Captcha first to reduce overhead.

Just imagine a socialist scenario:
>Thank you for buying fiber internet. We are going to redistribute your bandwidth to those who can't afford such high speeds. It's for the greater good!

further, there are people illegally stealing the internet who are simply in search of a better connection and we need to make sure those people are safe. the internet they came from was super slow, like cricket.

That sounds scary Ivan. Elaborate, please. Where are we heading??

People are mooching off of others’ internet
Get a VPN or get fucked


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As if I'm going to watch anything other than King of the Hill in 480p.

where we are heading there is no need for internet anymore

holy shit my dick is hard

because you use yt,
use hooktube

Just change the video quality to "High" in Profile settings on the web rather than the default "Auto", retards. Had no problems streaming on my 1Gbps cable.

>cuts bandwidth on their streaming service
my god we saved the world from gorona

they are probably going on about retarded shit like that internally, because the key is to pretend they are doing something, for then being able to talk about it and present them selves as caring people....


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Do you really need to stream some stupid fucking show in 4K right now while everyone on the planet is at home panicking trying to get their mind off this shit by also watching netflix trying to not catch this stupid cold?

Blame Netflix for trying to get everyone to stream while datacenters are taking a massive hit.

Selfish fucks, you should be happy your ON DEMAND content is even 480p.

Fucking World Wars have gone by any people didn't even have VHS or a TV to tell them what was going on let alone distract them with mindless entertainment.

Sorry, polandbro
it's overhyped and rather gay

This exactly, I won't even respond to meme flags unless they say something meaningful.
Also to big to fail IS NOT capitalism we live under cronyism.

I got one freezer with an entire cow.

Another freezer full of frozen vegetables, frozen pizzas, flour, milk, popsicles, frozen rolls, frozen bread dough, frozen soups and 10 gallons of vodka.

I also have over 200 cans of vegetables and fruits.

Tons of canned meat (tuna, chicken, spam)

I have 12 chickens

A few gallons of moonshine.

Multiple industrial shelves full of canned stuff from the garden (spaghetti sauce, pickles, salsa etc)

50 pound of flour, probably 70 pounds of rice.

And a bunch of other shit.

All you city fucks are going to die. Once spring hits, I can ration my stuff for about 18 months and work on being self sustaining on my 20 acres in a few weeks when spring starts.

Mid-Westerners will inherit the earth.

Low quality is better than constant buffering. They made the right choice. Proud of them for actually taking care of an issue like this in such a proactive manner.

Which socialist countries developed internet streaming platforms?

I totally regret getting rid of my chickens a year ago. I would have so many fucking eggs right now.

Hopefully they’ll reduce thier resolution down to 1 pixel per mile. In the name of humanity.

I have a neighbor with a few dwarf cows that produce about a 1/2 gallon a day. If shit is hitting the fan, I'll go buy one or trade half my chickens.

12 chickens lay a fuck ton of eggs.

Being self-reliant is surprisingly easy if you're not a lazy neet fuck or an innercity bugman.

No one cares lard ass

I didn't know there were normalfags here. Don't worry, your Soros approved propaganda will tell you to hate white people in 320p

Funny flip side... some shooters on Xbox list all the internet nodes pings and speeds... the game picks best mode and locks you in for that session... I’m on east coast so 100% it’s pick nodes near dc. During the Mormon earthquake my games kept picking Utah nodes (never seen that) did the government go full throttle on Utah nodes? Did the Chinese attack the mega government data center? Is there a throttle on nodes? Why did the Utah nodes go nuclear fast? It made for a great game on my side... but why did those nodes speed up so much


Capitalism has colour tv, with sound.

This is kinda random but..
>"He has also been drinking with people[in russia] with people who are born in Greenland, which each year travels between Russia and Greenland.
>Every winter they transport the treasure over the ice to the duke of Russia, who is their protector.
>The ice is there both winter and summer, and in the summer the travel take about 1 month".

so this is from 1556. A bong trader reaches Kholmogory with his trading ships for the first time, there seems to be some drama with hansa traders trying to prevent him doing. Any ways this is claimed in him being question by authorities here.

Do you by chance have any idea of a register I can check to so if this also appears in any journals from that time in Kholmogory. Duke there is probably not the right translation.

I just came across this and it's weird

Attached: Khomogory.png (901x666, 118.69K)

doh I ment this for your flag

As we speak, crack teams of scientists are working day and night to super-mutate covid-19 to reach mega-pandemic proportions and unleash it on humanity for the second-wave infection come winter

you're heading to a crematorium!

Fucking bullshit. What the fuck am I paying for? At the very least they better downgrade everyone to the standard package price for as long as this lasts

>YouTube REDUCES video resolution
So, no 4K?

Nah, they're doing it because they don't want their servers to break down due to the massive influx of normies watching Netflix, that's the only thing stopping their stocks from tanking like the rest of the NYSE

they would deal with this normally on a sunday or holiday or whatever. so it's just to go say
>oy vey look at us, we're helping fight the virus

Faggot. 0.02% fatality rate once you factor in all the untested infected that recovered with no symptoms.

Enjoy your NWO microchip

>Believing people in Communist countries could afford a device to stream on after working 12 hours in the gulag... Even if the country COULD put the infrastructure in place

-capitalism: a lot of food during prosperity
None during times like this
Communism: no food either way
That’s how
You chinks do know how to survive, canibalism is a part of your history and culture

Who is going to do the graphic design for your website? Without urbanites, you'll have to do it yourself and you don't know anything about asymmetrical balance or color theory. You'll be sorry when every on the farm laughs at your homepage.

Chinese connectivity is huge though. So's their ecommerce. Google 'singles day'. Never heard any complaints about their lockdown. Maybe they can help us? Someone get Huawei on the phone.

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Who gives a fuck?
Get outside , climb a hill , go fishing , be a fucking man.

Interesting observations like this shouldn’t go unnoticed

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I have a rifle and a full mag. Thank you for your (perpetual) service.

Cronyism is just when capitalists get so powerful they buy out the government to give them advantages and cement them as monopolies.

>Lenin and Marx predicted this buy the way
Your not offering anything to the table when you say “it’s not real capitalism, it’s cronyism” yeah that’s because cronyism is the natural result of capitalism.

No not muh heckin Jewish programeenos!

based and urbanopilled


>So, tell me again how is Capitalism superior again?
Creating YouTube and Netflix in the first place.

Bugmen still have a free market though don't they? Cheap labour makes them competitive on the global stage. I m pretty sure free enterprise is alive and well there and that doctors get paid more than street sweepers

I just assumed they were opening flood gates for earth quake sensors... but I doubt they use any bandwidth at all. Something weird happened, but I’m no network nerd, just an Xbox ping cheater

what about 3d printing toilet paper

Let me clarify, I’m a fast ping cheater... not a slow lag ping cheater.

Lag cheaters are the worst

>First stores with empty shelves and now potato quality streaming.

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People don't need the internet to find out news. This is bogus shit.

Is this affecting rest of the world too? I heard EU's industry commissioner requested this for us.

I can accept limiting free time internet to support people who work and study, but for fucks sake, if countries are going to spend billlions to support Africa at least get us a proper internet first.

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efharisto poli

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>tfw data hoarder with a backlog far longer than 18 months

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imma reduce my subscription to zero

How is this much cope even possible anymore???