Pretty sure I got it, anons. AMA

>43 yr old
>non smoker
>father of 4
>not feeling so fucking good man

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its over

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>>father of 4
>>browses Yas Forums

shitty LARP desu

Noticed any changes in smell or taste?


Any prexisting conditions? Any problems breathing, fever or watery deposits?

You have chinks and mudslimes in Norway?!?!

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up here there is another flu that's happening rn

we thought we got the corona one, but it wasn't. sounded kinda similar too

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>holed up at home in greater Copenhagen with wife n kids
>working from home
>prepper so dont go out too much at all this entire week
>gotta buy milk unfortunately
>get a slight cold
>maybe from one of the kids
>sneezy, runny nose, real head job
>goes away one day, comes back worse
>starts to go away
>turns into a dry cough
>wake up today with a UTI and a headache
>sleep half the day
>have a massive splitting headache now
>tfw i am on codeine and my head is splitting wide open
>this is day 3 of noticing symptoms

no fever to speak of, but i definitely dont feel well and this is not the run-of-the-mill kind of shit i usually have when coming down with a cold

not feeling super optimistic here, bros

Where do you live senpai

ive got 3. pol is my go-to place. fuck you.

if you get fever you can call the hotline and become part of the corona club

I was drinking tea yesterday and complained to my wife that it was real sour. She gave me a strange look.
>tea was mint and honey

I have, is just the same loss of taste and smell you usually get when you have a flu

drink lots of water. headache commonly is from dehybration.;

that codeine better not have any nsaids mixed with it or you gonna die dane

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Too many

mucinex mucinex mucinex

>hurrr its 2007 and only my fellow NEETs can browse the chans hurrrr

>not ensuring the survival of your race
lurkmoar, faggot

Anyone who isn't feeling good right now think that they might have the virus.

You'll live.

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ive been drinking liberal amounts of water all day thanks to the UTI which seems to have cleared up already.
ok this is news to me, whats up. also its pure codeine, cough suppresant prescription
codeine is even more effective

Get a bunch of red bell peppers and eat them for vitamin c. Vitamin c supplement would work as well, but kind of shitty. Also try garlic and ginger maybe. Not much else you can do I guess.

You mean URI
UTI doesn't happen in men unless you're a boomer or got cath'd for urine

Anybody who thinks this is going to cure you is in for a real treat. I make all my own meals fresh and this is not the kind of thing that stops viruses or nobody would be getting sick ever in countries like hungary. Made a real nice curry with eggplant, onion, peppers, and pork cheeks today. Lots of garlic and ginger.
>tfw getting hungry better go up my dosage

UTI. Woke up, felt like I had to piss real bad all day every five minutes, could only dribble. Not the usual thing for me and it seems to have cleared up more or less but man today sucked.

Like I said, my body feels off bigtime. Whatever I have, its not the usual ticket.

I'm not saying it is going to cure you. Boosting the immune system as much as possible could make the difference between developing medium symptoms or developing severe symptoms where you have to be kept alive with a ventilator though.

btw the other kind that's around, got it last.. wait about 2 weeks ago now. It's over.

It sounded a lot like the other though.
headache, and for some reason tooth ache as extension I guess, sore in throat in mornings and coughed a bit then. Just tired and off. Not a big deal.

Tested negative for corona. Got it through kids in daycare, they always get everything there is of disease which I am sure you know very well lol

anyways reading corona symphtoms it sounded very much like it, but wasn't

I died of corona but live again.

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Get malaria medicine, schweppes, d and c vitamins. Gogo

Not true, guys can get UTIs it usually happens when you fuck a woman with a yeast infection lol

thanks user, i hope you are right.
>tfw my poor wife couldnt even ask me to sleep on the couch
but Yas Forums is on the couch, so i manned up and told her i was gonna crash over there.

I find it amazing that the Danish guberment has decided not to test people for the fucking virus and giving people who live nearby a heads up

friend is a doctor and a Yas Forumstard, think ill get him to prescribe me the malaria meds

UTI isn’t a symptom. You have a UTI you retarded idiot.

cum in a glass of cranberry juice. UTI cleared right up. Thank me later.

Poor account since one of each would be too many. But I feel you man

I think sleep is more important than any other factors. Personally the only time I ever get sick is when I get run down from lack of sleep. And when I do get sick often ill sleep for like 16 hours and wake up well.

No one here has children

I think sleep is more important than any other factors. Personally the only time I ever get sick is when I get run down from lack of sleep. And when I do get sick often ill sleep for like 16 hours and wake up well.

welcome, newfren.

You don't? Imagine being gay.

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it's all so tiresome

or my immune system is out of fucking whack. considering i havent had sex in over a year (baby), the UTI is a strange coincidence on top of the migraine (which i also do not get typically) and head+chest cold

Was it worth it making fun of the Chinese flag?

>non smoker

I’ve got 3, all hate me, I’ve never seen my Italian son even once and I’ve never had so much as a verbal ‘happy birthday dad’ from any of them. I started young too so they are older than some of the worst of you. I knocked up my step sister, twice.

Fuck yes.
Do you know why that is?
Because without this Yas Forums is just reddit with the n-word.
RPing the default chan user as a white forever virgin NEET was the great equalizer in debate. If you have anything else it had better be worth it or you would be encouraged to kys.

Now faggots flex and LARP about status they don't have like women showing off to eachother with nothing to say. Tits or GTFO nu/pol/

Reddits culture 5 years ago is what Yas Forums is now.
Reddit is basically old tumblr now.
Tumblr is basically almost dead.

Meet me on the shshnk my fellow hankhill faggots. What are yall doing out here still?

Eat some mushrooms. Beta glucans wipe out viruses.

>he thinks it's all 14 year old boys here

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>>maybe from one of the kids
Nothing maybe about it.
>not feeling super optimistic here, bros
Just don't get pneumonia, so don't just lie in bed. My 71year old mum smokes like a chimney and survived it.

You can't clean a sponge, by just holding it under the tap, you need to squeeze it too, and the heart also needs muscle movements to move blood everywhere.

LMAO - You know that old dude is sad as fuck

Start taking a lot of Vitamin C. Take 6+ grams per day, spread out as much as possible.

Get some Liposomal Vit C if you can, from LivOn Labs. That stuff gets directly into your cells.

Heroin? Which drug did you use.

What are you symptoms?

It will feel like regular flu. Fever chills coughing for several days then gradually better.

hang in there bro

>ok this is news to me, whats up. also its pure codeine, cough suppresant prescription
You'll most likely not need anything. I prepped 100 pills of paracetamol, paracetamol syrup for kids and nothing was needed. The 14 days of low energy was the worst, and that is still not 100%.

God, my first post was 16 years ago.

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First it was whiz, In a pin, then crack and smack speedballed. I just have a snort now and then these days and I am a bit of an occasional sex addict, gets ridiculous sometimes, oh and I smoke bud at night every night if I’m in. I’m a Pretty typical /pol success I suspect.

just buy more toilet paper you retard

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>living in Copenhagen
>not wearing a fucking gas mask after first case was confirmed
>especially not wearing a fucking gas mask after 2nd case was confirmed to having coughed all over CPH for 10 days before going to the doctor

You honestly deserve it, you fucking normie.

>Start taking a lot of Vitamin C.
He doesn't really need to do anything but light exercise, but lots of Vitamin C is anyway not dangerous.

Yas Forums is a pro-family board retard


>havent had sex in over a year (baby)

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>boomer removed

i prepped months ago and havent been in the city proper since last year. i would like to live in a big house in the countryside, but im not exactly a millionaire mores the pity.

basically i only go to shop because four kids eat a METRIC FUCKTON of food every day and without my own dairy farm, well basically im fucked and will have to go to the shop no matter where I live.

honestly, you need to take what amounts to 30 oranges a day (3000mg) to get a noticeable effect during a flu.

Second one on the way: worried about situations in hospitals - since birth is within this month.
People live happy lives user, and you will too. Sta paraat mijn zuiderbroeder. Na de chaos groot-Nederland.

>"prep" for months
>still have to go to the shop
>didn't bother getting masks for himself and his family
sure thing brormand

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>4 kids
>hey baby wanna have sex we could go for 5 kids
its amazing how well sleep deprivation works as a birth control

>I caught a cold
Eat some chicken soup moron.

Two huwhite children fuck you

46yo boomer here. go back to congo fag

i have nitrile gloves, tyvec suits, and a proflo full-face powered respirator with 2 years of p100 filters in my house, thanks to my job. buuuut without setting up a proper decon room its all kind of pointless, and when i heard many people are asymptomatic spreaders for up to two weeks, well really what is the fucking point trying to avoid something this contageous if you cant fully isolate. might as well catch it before the hospitals go tits up and hope you get some immunity.

anyhow, im sure you did a lot from your 1 room dorm

>i havent had sex in over a year (baby)
i fucked my wife moment she came back from hospital you autocuck

>all kind of pointless
>can eliminate 90% of infection vectors by simply wearing a filter mask in public

I get not going the last mile with a full suit and everything, 'cause that's simply diminishing returns, but don't come and try to tell me the sole reason you're not wearing that fucking mask in public is because you're a scared little normie like everyone else, who'd rather infect himself and his entire family than risk looking strange in front of strangers.

You deserve everything you get.

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The asshole doesn't count.

>doesnt know how a proflo powered respirator works
>thinks a mask is 95% of vectors

children and wife asymptomatic?