F to Mexico

Mexico wtf

I mean, normal people already took precautions and the three northern states of Nuevo León, Tamapulipas and Coahuila already formed an alliance in order to coordinate against Covid.

But the federal government is making retarded decisions, particuraly the excecutive power, this shit went so far that a Supreme court justice had to pull a decree ordering the president to take actions.

When the president got questioned on the protocol for the virus HE LITERALLY PULLS A SCAPULAR AND A 4 LEAF TRVOR AND SAYS
>this is al we need against the crisis

While this happens and business give workers vacations for them to stay at home in quarantine you would normally think that people would stay at home taking the pertinent measures... NO, MEXICANS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CHEAP FLIGHT PRICES AND GO ON VACATION TO ACAPULCO, CANCUN, PLAYA DEL CARMEN AND LA PAZ.

Not to mention, Mexican public health system is absolute garbage and within a couple of weeks shit's gonna hit the fan so hard it'll spill to the rest of the world.

I am looking foward to see what's next


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Exactly what I expected from them

I’m telling you, this was a custom made bioweapon that was built to kneecap China’s enemies and competitors

Has the virus mutated yet that so it can spread from spic to whites. if not who cares

My fucking tia just visited from fucking Seattle and she's coofing all over the goddamn place, I don't even know how they let her cross the border, arrghhhh!!!! I fucking hate this anons, I don't want to die!

I am telling you, when the crisis is over AMLO's head will be in a spike


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This is exactly what it was. Their backs were up against the wall and they were being exposed for the paper tiger they are. Their economy was in shambles and out of desperation they produced this virus to bring everyone down to their level.

We have 164 cases in less than a week

Wouldn't be a shame that some cough on him?
In minecraft of course

Just what in the fuck is wrong with this retard?
Dear lord

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>The president has a moral force, not a contagious force

T. Lopez-Gatell

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This is what I got from OP:
>Mexican stupidity.
>Why are Mexican Mexican?
Blanquitos should never have let the Indios have any sort of power or numbers.
Nice to have known you user. Via con Dios.

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Don't worry. If it gets really bad, just blame white people like the rest of the non white world does.

I have relatives in WA, they tell me Seattle streets are empty

Oh no no no. AMLO is not getting away that easy

AMLO is a literal mouthbreathing retard, you spics really fucked up with this one.

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>built to kneecap China’s enemies and competitors
how? China needs the worlds buying power. Without us they will fall economically, and fall hard. Tiananmen square was nothing.

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Fucking boomers man, they and chairos (mexleft) are the ones that put him in charge

si ya sabemos que el que se atreva a contradecirlo se queda sin trabajo, es normal que este wey quiera cuidarse el pellejo.

Fuck you user

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>A fat wife
>Carne Asada
>A big fucking truck I don't need
>Mocoso kids
100% Mexicano

trump closing the border will help us not get many cases from the US. Companies being proactive and sending people home will also help. I cant' work from home. AMLO seems senile.

How can I prepare?

food, mask, cleaning products, anything you can afford extra, some type of weapon

OP is a retard. Mexican health system is better than the USA. Worker health care in the US is equivalent to basic bitch government welfare health insurance in Mexico.

thanks bro, I'm buying puts

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Actually a lot of gen X and millennials were shitpostings so hard about AMLO back in the day.

Being mad your healthcare system is shit.
You healthcare system is expensive, and not efficient. The only reason to go to the USA for Health care is to get top of line experiment type shit.Your doctors are pussies that won't treat you cause it might fuck their stats.

>Mexican health system is better than the USA

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Not worth a (You)

>paying 300 dollars for blood tests
>waiting days for results
>paying 200 for a doctor to look at them say it fine or wrong.
v. paying 30 bucks getting it within 6 hours.

Please Esteban
My vet has a cleaner office than most hospitals I have seen in Mehico

Mexico is a country that was conquered through fucking plagues, you think some gay ass chink flu is going to scare Mexicans?
Tesito de hierva Buena y un vuelve a la vida

You vet is also a crook. how much do you get charged a bath how much does he charge you for antibiotics faggot


Hot sauce

it was pretty good but jews "privatized" healthcare, which means, it's now running to make profit for jewish bankers


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I have absolute no respect for anyone who believes in this catholic chicken shit voodoo.
Fuck that puto

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Most people can't afford to take time off of work. If the president forced them the country would really be fucked because they wouldn't be able to pay their debts. Coppel would come calling and they would go bankrupt just like every other business like that. We just have to ride it out, but yeah I agree that going to the beach is stupid. Hopefully Corona chan takes out most of the idiots. Hopefully my in-laws too.
>but not pic related.

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Trump supports Amlo, they met back in 2005 when Rudolph Giuliani was invited to make a plan for México City security, being Amlo the City Major. Long life to Donald Trump and Andrés Manuel, some of the few true Jesus followers. Admit it, whitexicans are actually fucking jews preying on true whites, half blood and indigenous in this country. Fuck jews, again.

Press J to jump for joy!

This is why it's great to be from a rich country. I don't bat an eye at paying $300 for my dog's antibiotics because I can afford that. It's more than a monthly salary in Mexico!

You forgot the almighty vitamin C fueled Orange juice that all Mexicans drinks in the morning and that we have lemon juice and chili in everything, vitamins all day. Even nigger taco eaters have lots of veggies in their salsas.

privatization is not bad. the problem is in USA there is no competition except big hospitals. Everyone is sucking a big hospital cock. In Mexico you pick a doctor. He tell how much it costs You can pick which ever fucking hospital you want he will tell how much they will charge to rent the operation room. You got choice In the USA you are fucked by insurance cause of astronomical costs.
just because your rich doesn't mean you should pay 300 for a 20 dollar thing user.
I pay my vet 5 bucks an injection, it last 4 days. FUCK PILLS.

My dog gets better healthcare than 90% of your country paco, and I know this because my fiancee is mexican and I've been in an IMSS hospital before. Perrocaca right in the hallway, they let fucking street animals walk right in.

IMSS is basic bitch hospital equivalent to most working American health insurance network user.

False, we do not have dog shit on the floor of even our worst hospital. You have never seen these palaces dedicated to medical science, they are nicer than most cathedrals there.

Fuck off user, I been to an American hospital with American Insurance, I rather trust my life with Mexican doctor any day over an American one.

It’s in every country the same bullshit Alfredo.
They want to spread it and get the people sick.
I don’t know why.

There was a shit ton of people coughing at the airport when I flew back from the US last week. Shit was hilarious.

It doesn't seem to be spreading much south of the 30th parallel

AMLO has enough neurons to barely speech, how he could lead a nation in a situation like COVID-19?

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Hey frens, let's drink and bitch about AMLO aye?

Where mah niggas at?

Its not better, its accesible. But with the INSABI reforms started this January you can be sure a lot of people will die because our healthcare system will be saturated, i even bet a lot of those deaths wont be corona related but being sick in the worst time posible

Who the hell are you and why are yo over exaggerating?

One thing for sure is you clearly dislike the president.

ahh what a trip
I love it and yet hate many elements,
the healthcare is dirt cheap and quite good. I have experience in Sinaloa, Baja and Sur, Chihuahua and Sonora states. the people are warm and not highly intelligent because of the Amerindian influence.

wrong user, American Doctors won't give you shit without tests, they will not give modern medicine cause of side effects, that people in the USA sue for. They rather wait and see.

oh shit we got us a mexican standoff

Detente enemigo, que el corazon de Jesus esta conmigo.

AMLO focusing on the poor (I don't say they don't need attention, but they need OPPORTUNITIES not handouts) while having a personal war on the private sector is what sinking this country. But go ahead and tell me gasoline got cheap because AMLO said so and not the arabs and russians drowning each other with oil. Also how is the MXP against the USD?

probably just another hysterical /cvg/-tard

the Borolas shill force is strong even here

>>this is al we need against the crisis
He said that's what HE needs to get through the crisis. He's insane but not that insane.

Por este pinchi virus capaz y termino mudándome a un ranchito :(
>t. probinsiano