'Lost' Actor Blasts Trump After Catching Coronavirus: 'I Didn't Get it From China'


>During a lengthy outburst Instagram video in which he announced his positive COVID-19 test, Kim said:

>“Yes, I'm Asian. And yes, I have coronavirus. But I did not get it from China; I got in America, in New York City. And despite what certain political leaders want to call it, I don’t consider the place where it’s from as important as the people who are sick and dying. If I did, I would call this thing the New York virus, but that would be silly, right?”

>"People have been asking me why I’ve been silent in the face of the blatant acts of racism against Asian people during this outbreak. The truth is there have been so many it’s been too heartbreaking to comment on all of them."

>"#coronavirus doesn’t care what race, gender, religion or sexuality we are. Ironically, it knows better than we do a lesson I wish we could all learn, once and for all: that we are all human. We are all one."

According to a USA Today fact-check, the virus did originate in China:

>“The consensus among researchers studying the spread of the virus pinpoints COVID-19’s likely origin to a ‘wet market,’ or live animal market, in Wuhan, China,” the report said.

>“Though experts have not ruled out the possibility that the pathogen could have been brought to the market by an already infected person, there is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 originated outside the country.”


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But the virus originated there?

>I don’t consider the place where it’s from as important

Fuck you rice nigger

Is LOST a good show to watch? Currently on season 6 of Stargate SG1 and it's the only show that actually captivates me to watch it more.

Did he get it months after it originated in China? While in Hollywood getting assblasted by his faggot hollwood Jew crew? Then who cares stfu chink.

It came from Chi-NA.......

You literally did though you dumb Hollywood zipperhead

Did they find him?

OK Ching Chong

Interesting for the first few episodes, then goes to shit.

>i didn't get my chinese takeout from china so it's not chinese takeout
libs are so retarded, and they choose to be retarded

>I didn’t get it from China
Are these people retarded. EVERYBODY who has it got it from China. It’s a Chinese virus.

saw some episodes with my folks, from what i heard though it was a shitty ending and is terrible

>catch coofs in liberal shithole
>blame drumpf

>If I did, I would call this thing the New York virus, but that would be silly, right?”
...but it started in Wuhan, China

>I didn't get it in china haha
>I got it in new York city which is only a Chinese satellite state

lmfao he is a chink

Negative. It is just garbage. Maybe try Stargate: Atlantis.

yes you gooks brought it to america and what are you even doing here anyway?

>buys tee shirt in new york city
>t shirt made in china
I didnt get this t shirt from china.

>virus originates from bat-eating chinks in China or
>virus originates from Wuhan biolab that fucks with various strains of Coronavirus
>I didn't get it from China tho

It's great, also Evangeline Lilly is a literal goddess.

How the fuck does he think it arrived in America?

that's waycis

anybody have that clip where that reported asks trump why he keeps calling it the chinese virus and he says
>because it came from CHY-NA

Yeah but where does he think the virus came from to New York? because it wasn't there until a Chinese traveller carrying it brought it there.

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Also you know he got it from his gook social circle. All these butthurt asians think they can play the race card like niggers fuck off.

I loved it from season 2 to maybe 4 or 5 then didn't finish the last season and have no desire to. It reminds me of "the 100" in a way. First season slow, second and third good, then downhill for the 100.

Lost started out ok bit turned to shit, horrible ending. If you're watching SG-1 STOP NOW and look up proper viewing order with Stargate Atlantis. The later seasons intertwined as they both aired st the same time.

did anyone else think it was fucked up that Jin decided to live under the sea with Sun when they had a little girl


why should anyone give a shit

get on all fours, dancing monkey, and do a trick for me on tv

Why are chinks so bad at handling banter lmao

Starts off fucking great, eventually turns into a dumpster fire. Last season is cancer personified. Fuck Abrams and Lindelof.

What a dumb chink.

Yeah he did. Just 4-5 handshakes away from it. If China never had it, nobody would have it now.

The dumpster fire is part of the fun though.

>'I Didn't Get it From China'
Yes you did, indirectly.

Well I did not knew that, thank you so much user will do! So Stargate SG1 later seasons start to intertwine with SG Atlantis ? At what point exactly?

>All these butthurt asians think they can play the race card like niggers fuck off.

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I want these people to die with their gaslighting bullshit

Literally every normal person doesn't give a shit about Trump calling it Chinese virus. Fake outrage like this has unironicly caused more people to vote for Trump.

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It's pretty good, user

>I didn't get it from China
no duh, you stupid insect. it came from china

I remember how they described their writing process of Lost as "making it up as you go along"

Chinese are the niggers of East Asians

> usa gets infected from chinese people
> actor gets virus in USA
> not china's fault
Insectoid logic.
Hope he falls in an escalator before he infects anyone else

Chang Who-flu ?

>Got it from a Chinese person in New York

He looks happy in that pic. Like he just ate a screaming boiled dog and a batsoup

Almost makes me glad that in Great Depression II none of this stuff will matter. The political opinions of actors, the moronic media hype machine, the vacuous outrage peddlers.. it will all feel like a strange and distant dream from which we awoke and thought of no more.

Sure, buddy. He tested positive fo HIV

This. Hilarious

>yes, i'm Asian
Why does he consider the place where he's from as important?

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Great show. Watch Stargate Atlantis too. It's fucking awesome.

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why do white nationalists/nazis?

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Good until mid season 3, then turns to dogshit. Shame about that too, had interesting lore/aesthetic

i didnt get this chinese food from china, either

>1 post by this ID

The Chinese brought it over though

you don't just catch german measles from german people

>During a lengthy outburst Instagram video
why did I know he was going to do something like this as soon as he claimed he got sick

Asians have more ACE-2 receptors, they catch it earlier and symptoms earlier also. Whites have less, takes more time to spread, but once you have symptoms it's harder to erradicate.

Not anymore... but the first ones did.

Atlantis started airing at the same time SG-1 season 8 started
If you've seen SG-1 season 7, you're good to go for Atlantis

nope, this guy's asymptomatic

>missing the point entirely
Fuck off bruce

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>I’ve been silent in the face of the blatant acts of racism against Asian people during this outbreak. The truth is there have been so many it’s been too heartbreaking to comment on all of them."
>blatant acts of racism
name one you fucking gook fuck

So he's saying he got it from American birthplace and not Chinese birthplace.

None of these god damn people have the virus. They act for a living. This is their job. Bullshitting you day in and day out and you gobble it up.

>been too heartbreaking
liberal leftists say this for everything.

>But I did not get it from China; I got in America, in New York City
And where did New York City get it from?

>I have a chinese daughter.
>I didn't get her from china!

Ya.. but he's not a chink, he's a gook. Irrelevant.

I liked this guy in Lost. Too bad he turned out to be such a bitch.

Goddamn animals.

Season 1 was cool. Season 2- the end reminds me of Seasons 7 and 8 of Game of Thrones. Waste of time

*Angry insect noises*

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Yes you did. Travelers coming over from China brought it here.

>I don’t consider the place where it’s from as important as the people who are sick

And thats why i'm posting a video of me ranting about how a certain leader mentions the place it is from.

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How the fuck is he Asian if he's in New York?! Pretty silly if you ask me.

But where did the virus come form Jin. The utters? I think not. JYNA

>I didn't get the virus is China!
>I got it in China town after eating bat soup!

It just goes to show you how these subhumans will continue their savage practices wherever they are.

He supports his home country more than the country he's currently occupying. Same with all nu-immigrants

>I didn't catch it where it originated from, so don't label it a virus that came from it orgin! ORNG MAN BAA!

Liked him on lost. Shame he's such a fag in real life.

can you answer the question?

thats exactly Trumps point

Will he die?

Who is this chink and what is lost?

>no, this can't be "chinese" food, I bought it in New York!

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>"I got it from spiked adrenochrome!"
We know. Die like your friends.

Rice niggers, stay away from the chinks


Watch up until Charlie writes "Not Pennys boat". Then skip to the movie scene in Band of Brothers episode 2 when Luz says "godapenneh?" because the rest of Lost is shit and you are better off blending it into Band of Brothers because its one of the best shows of all time.
