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You can stay the fuck out of Texas you plague rat.
Why? I'm white and voted for Trump.
I would only move to Texas if I could buy a gigantic house in a place that isn't too hot.
I'm not autistic enough to know much about even half of the United States
why would you consider moving to north dakota?
why would your burn orgeon?
what makes montana different from idaho and wyoming?
what makes south carolina different from MS and AL?
why the fuck is WV green?
what's up with the gray?
your map makes little sense
Yep, confirmed Californians are fucking retarded. Go down with the ship you cockroach.
>wants to move to Texas
>to somewhere that isn’t too hot
Literal retard
>Willingly wanting to move to WV
Californians proving once again they're retards
Because faggots like you would raise gender fluid hipster commie kids that would vote blue. Stay the fuck outta my state nigger, unless you enjoy getting your tail and headlights kicked in and "go back to your liberal shithole" spraypainted on your car.
Now get the rest of you fucking rats to stop moving to AZ you fucking pissant
Stay the fuck out of Colorado, there's more than enough of you assholes here. And don't give me that "I voted for Trump" shit, your whole map gives away the lie. If you were a real person it would be basically the opposite of what you picked, stay in your socialist hell hole and deal with the problems you cause instead of bringing them here.
>why would you consider moving to north dakota?
Close proximity to Canada, cheap real estate, and cold weather. Probably wouldn't tho.
>why would your burn orgeon?
My parents temporarily moved to Medford, Oregon before I moved out and I fucking hated it there. Hot, not on the ocean, it sucked.
>what makes montana different from idaho and wyoming?
Montana has a lot of sweet nature and forests that might be fun to be near. Idaho does too but it gets a bad rep from me because of the movie Napoleon Dynamite. If I could change one thing about this map it would probably change Wyoming to green.
>what makes south carolina different from MS and AL?
>why the fuck is WV green?
It's a comfy place
>what's up with the gray?
Look at the boxes on the side, retard.
>tfw cali fag doesn't like my state
Good stay out
Stay the out of Texas dude. We already have enough of you bringing that shitty Metropolitan attitude here. As if we are wasting your time having to talk to us.
Eat shit and be homeless somewhere else Fag nigger.
Bruh I'm from a town in Northern Cali of 1400 people lmao
Good, stay out.
PS: We might be nice to you when you're here, that's southern hospitality.
But we fucking hate your guts. The way you fags think and move.
Fuck off, Pennsylvania's full.
And all 1400 of your are shit.
I wanna move to Pittsburgh
>black California
>blue Washington
Fuck off we're full
I'll go anywhere in Dixie and Greater dixie. Also this is any true Kentuckians results.
no idea why a faggot would want to move, you should have painted all but california red
based south american
2nded except i live in florida
Missouri here, outside stl and kc it's a pol dream, based gun laws, castle doctrine/stand your ground in effect, most sjws keep to themselves because of the barrage of abuse they would get hurled at them, and the nature is awesome for outdoors shit if you're into that
Fun fact: Until 2015, registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans in the state of Oklahoma, sometimes by up to 100,000 or more. Now, there's over a million republicans and less than 700,000 democrats.
>You abandoned them and they flipped
yeah, you'd rather hang out with juan huh? YeeHaw! I sure do love them mexicans.
Stay out of AZ please. We don't need libtards here.
Californians are better than you. We live in your heads rent-free. We are better looking and have better weed.
>I'm White
Move to Israel, Schlomo.
It appears our superiority has lead to some controversy.
Liberal faggot
You live in an 500 SQFT loft with two dudes and a couple. and each of you pay 700 bucks a month for it.
Go swallow cum to pay for it, fag.
Your entire map should be red you disease
Based and Texas Pilled.
Oh man. I was born in Medford Oregon and the place has turned into a shithole over the past 10 or so years. Summer is hot and the geography surrounding the valley traps all of the heat and pollution in, so you're basically breathing in hot smoke anytime you go outside. The winters are mild temperature wise , but the sun rarely comes out and everything is always wet/damp. The shitty weather and all of the cali fags moving into the valley turned the place into a hippy and drug infested hellhole.
Oregon red lol fuck you Commiefornian
Thanks for not coming to my state. You should definitely stay in Cali. Also kill yourself.
Stay the fuck out of Texas, Californian roach.
Arizona is great fuck you kike beat gun laws in the fucking nation
As an Alaskan i echo everything said her; fuck off califag. Colorado bro, you can visit anytime.
>Arizona is great
Fuck you I'm not tryna die of heat stroke
>I'm white and voted for Trump.
pic rel is you
This. Stay the fuck out.
Imagine being stupid enough to give the glow niggers a list of where you life and probably locations you would flee too.
jesus fucking christ this place turned retarded in the last 10 years.
everyone that bumps this thread should be ashamed.
What do you have against Oregon?
Shut the fuck up you damn moron. We're posting from computers, if they want this info on us they'll have it you fucking tard. Kill yourself.
Disgusting nigger from commiefornia talking shit about NC?
>implying glow niggers dont already have a 30gb file on everything about you
Gotta love internet badasses from Tehas, how's the 85% spic population treating you?
>Why? I'm white and voted for Trump.
bullshit if you were you'd have marked TN as a place to move you lying LIBERAL FUCK.
>dad was a marine col.
>no homeland, moved 22 times in 25 years
>i consider myself from the high desert in commiefornia because that's where i spent the longest
>tfw no friends for at least 12 years and now incapable of giving enough of a fuck to even try to be social depsite living myself for years now
VT/NH is a great area if you are smart about how you do your taxes.
NH has no income or sales tax, but terrible property tax.
VT is middle of the road for property tax, but pretty bad sales and income tax. Also has lower crime and IMO is just a little bit nicer overall.
If you can get your income taxed in NH and buy your shit in NH, while living in VT, it's the best of both worlds.